The Social Mobility and “Hidalguía” of the Villafañe y Guzmán Family Reflect the Intricacies of Social and Colonial Dynamics over Five Centuries
:1. Introduction
1.1. Methodology
1.2. Data Collection and Sources
2. The “Hidalguía” in Castile and America
3. The Social Rise of the Villafañe Family in Castile and America
“(Cross). And then, they testified that Lázaro Garçía de Villafañe is a well-known nobleman from an established lineage, and they declare him as such. (Calderón). Furthermore, they testified that in the service of the aforementioned Lázaro Garçía de Villafañe there are two hired men, one named Juan Martínez and the other Lope Garçía, who are not natives of the said town and are declared to be of uncertain origin. (Calderón). Furthermore, they testified that in the service of the aforementioned Lázaro Garçía de Villafañe there are two hired women, one named Inés and the other Catalina Fernández, the latter of whom, Catalina Fernández, is declared to be of noble birth, while the other is declared to be of uncertain origin due to the unknown identity of her father and grandparents”(ARChV 1677).
“And then, it was further declared that Don Antonio de Villafañe Gabilanes, son of Lázaro García de Villafañe and Doña María de Gabilanes Guzmán, his deceased parents, corregidor of the town of Laguna de Negrillos and its jurisdiction by the excellence of the Count of Benavente and Luna, and Don Isidro de Gabilanes, cleric, absent, all three, and Don Manuel de Villafañe, brother of the aforementioned, absent, are all four recognized as hijosdalgo (noblemen) of known lineage of the Garcías and Ordases, and thus they declared it in agreement”(ARChV 1677).
4. The Dynastic Model of the Villafañe Family
- a.
- Military Service
“And in accordance with the said choice and royal decrees of His Majesty regarding the aforementioned matters, they consider that the said Captain Lázaro de Villafañe is a nobleman, a very distinguished person who has served His Majesty in the kingdoms of Spain in positions and offices of great consideration, from which he has given a very good account. And after entering these provinces in my company, he has continued using the office and position of my lieutenant and captain at war and chief justice of the said city of Todos Santos de la Nueva Rioja and its jurisdiction at his own expense and maintenance without any salary, regularly attending to the occasions that arise in the Royal service. Furthermore, the said Captain Lázaro de Villafañe is lord of the town named Santiago del Molinillo, on the banks of the Órbigo River, kingdom of León”(AGI 1619).
- b.
- Marital alliances
“Captain Lázaro de Villafañe, resident and encomendero of the city of Todos Santos de la Nueva Rioja in the governance of Tucumán: states that having married Doña Augustina Florencio, widow of Captain Valeriano Cornejo, upon whose death she succeeded in the Repartimiento of the towns and factions of Indians and all that was attached to it that he had held and possessed, for having left no children nor other successor, in accordance with a decree provided by the governor of the said province, he renounced the Repartimiento of Indians that he held for two lives and chose the one in which the said wife succeeded him, and by virtue of that land he was given the encomienda for two lives in accordance with the law of succession as is fully documented by the title of the said encomienda that he presents”(AGI 1619).
- c.
- The encomiendas
“From La Rioja on the twenty-third of March of the year one thousand seven hundred, Don Juan de Zamudio, knight of the Order of Santiago, governor and captain general of this province of Tucumán, having reviewed this encomienda enjoyed by Captain Don Martín de Villafañe y Guzmán, and having determined that he enjoys it with just title and right, stated that he acknowledges and validated it as visited, and by its virtue, he may freely enjoy its tributes. He orders and commands the chief and ordinary justices of this said city not to impede it, under penalty of one hundred pesos to the royal treasury. Thus he commanded and signed. Juan de Zamudio. Before me, Don Agustín Corvalán y Castilla, chief scribe of governance”(AHPC 1730).
- d.
- The evolution of the Villafañe family in the eighteenth century
“(Calderón signature). A document in testimony of sale made to Don Baltasar Villafañe, deceased, by Captain Damián de Villafañe, concerning the part of the inheritance he received in this estate of Chumbicha, in two sheets. (Calderón/signature). Another document in favor of the said Don Baltasar, deceased, made by Don Martín de Villafañe regarding the sale of the part of the inheritance he received in this estate of Chumbicha, in one sheet”(AHPC 1739).
“The estate called San Cristobal, which remained after the death of the said deceased, with all buildings, plantations, and a mill along with some instruments annexed to the said mill, duplicated with more. The Potrero that belongs to the said estate, with its length, width, and the entrances and exits that belong to it by right, use, and servitude according to its instruments to which we refer as necessary. We value and appraise all the aforementioned at one thousand three hundred pesos, that is to say, eight hundred (for) the value of the referred estate with all buildings, plantations, and mill with all the lands of length and width that belong to it according to its instruments, excepting the lands given as dowry to Captain Don Joseph de Villafañe with Doña Madalena de Carranza his wife, as evidenced by the said dowry deed, and the remaining five hundred pesos for the total value of the mentioned Potrero”(AHPC 1723).
“Captain Don Joseph de Villafañe y Guzman, as administrator of the feudal encomienda and families of registered Indian men and women, enjoyed and possessed by Doña Juana de Soria y Medrano, my legitimate mother, widow of Maestre de Campo Don Martín de Villafañe y Guzman, recommended by special decrees of our Lord the King…”(AHPC 1730).
“In the city of Cordova on the thirteenth day of the month of November of the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven, before me, the present public and municipal notary, and the witnesses who will be named in due course, appeared in person on one side Don Bartholomé Villafañe, resident, and Doña Cathalina González, his legitimate wife, and on the other, Don Joseph del Busto, whom I affirm I know, and the aforementioned Doña Cathalina requested permission and license from her said husband for this granting, which was granted, and they said that having contracted marriage the said Don Joseph del Busto, according to the order of our Holy Mother Church, with Doña Jossepha Villafañe, legitimate daughter of the already named, they give for the help of the marriage a black female slave named María, aged twelve years, more or less, of whose delivery I attest…”(AAC 1777).
“[…] The neighborhood extends mostly over the north side of the Rio Tercero, and the school can only be in the central part, in the place and house called Don Elpidio’s”
5. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Villafañe, J.H. The Social Mobility and “Hidalguía” of the Villafañe y Guzmán Family Reflect the Intricacies of Social and Colonial Dynamics over Five Centuries. Histories 2024, 4, 293-307.
Villafañe JH. The Social Mobility and “Hidalguía” of the Villafañe y Guzmán Family Reflect the Intricacies of Social and Colonial Dynamics over Five Centuries. Histories. 2024; 4(3):293-307.
Chicago/Turabian StyleVillafañe, Jorge Hugo. 2024. "The Social Mobility and “Hidalguía” of the Villafañe y Guzmán Family Reflect the Intricacies of Social and Colonial Dynamics over Five Centuries" Histories 4, no. 3: 293-307.
APA StyleVillafañe, J. H. (2024). The Social Mobility and “Hidalguía” of the Villafañe y Guzmán Family Reflect the Intricacies of Social and Colonial Dynamics over Five Centuries. Histories, 4(3), 293-307.