Modifier Adaptation for Real-Time Optimization—Methods and Applications
:1. Introduction
- The most intuitive strategy is to use process measurements to improve the model. This is the main idea behind the “two-step” approach [2,3,4,5]. Here, deviations between predicted and measured outputs are used to update the model parameters, and new inputs are computed on the basis of the updated model. The whole procedure is repeated until convergence is reached, whereby it is hoped that the computed model-based optimal inputs will be optimal for the plant. The requirements for this to happen are referred to as the model-adequacy conditions [6]. Unfortunately, the model-adequacy conditions are difficult to both achieve and verify.
- This difficulty of converging to the plant optimum motivated the development of a modified two-step approach, referred to as Integrated System Optimization and Parameter Estimation (ISOPE) [7,8,9,10]. ISOPE requires both output measurements and estimates of the gradients of the plant outputs with respect to the inputs. These gradients allow computing the plant cost gradient that is used to modify the cost function of the optimization problem. The use of gradients is justified by the nature of the necessary conditions of optimality (NCO) that include both constraints and sensitivity conditions [11]. By incorporating estimates of the plant gradients in the model, the goal is to enforce NCO matching between the model and the plant, thereby making the modified model a likely candidate to solve the plant optimization problem. With ISOPE, process measurements are incorporated at two levels, namely, the model parameters are updated on the basis of output measurements, and the cost function is modified by the addition of an input-affine term that is based on estimated plant gradients.Note that RTO can rely on a fixed process model if measurement-based adaptation of the cost and constraint functions is implemented. For instance, this is the philosophy of Constraint Adaptation (CA), wherein the measured plant constraints are used to shift the predicted constraints in the model-based optimization problem, without any modification of the model parameters [12,13]. This is also the main idea in Modifier Adaptation (MA) that uses measurements of the plant constraints and estimates of plant gradients to modify the cost and constraint functions in the model-based optimization problem without updating the model parameters [14,15]. Input-affine corrections allow matching the first-order NCO upon convergence. The advantage of MA, which is the focus of this article, lies in its proven ability to converge to the plant optimum despite structural plant-model mismatch.
- Finally, the third way of incorporating process measurements in the optimization framework consists in directly updating the inputs in a control-inspired manner. There are various ways of doing this. With Extremum-Seeking Control (ESC), dither signals are added to the inputs such that an estimate of the plant cost gradient is obtained online using output measurements [16]. In the unconstrained case, gradient control is directly applied to drive the plant cost gradient to zero. Similarly, NCO tracking uses output measurements to estimate the plant NCO, which are then enforced via dedicated control algorithms [17,18]. Furthermore, Neighboring-Extremal Control (NEC) combines a variational analysis of the model at hand with output measurements to enforce the plant NCO [19]. Finally, Self-Optimizing Control (SOC) uses the sensitivity between the uncertain model parameters and the measured outputs to generate linear combinations of the outputs that are locally insensitive to the model parameters, and which can thus be kept constant at their nominal values to reject the effect of uncertainty [20].
2. Problem Formulation
2.1. Steady-State Optimization Problem
2.2. Necessary Conditions of Optimality
3. ISOPE: Two Decades of New Ideas
3.1. ISOPE Algorithm
3.2. Dealing with Process-Dependent Constraints
3.3. ISOPE with Model Shift
4. Modifier Adaptation: Enforcing Plant Optimality
4.1. Basic MA Scheme
4.1.1. Modification of Cost and Constraint Functions
4.1.2. KKT Matching Upon Convergence
4.1.3. Model Adequacy
- i
- If is positive definite, then the process model is adequate for use in the MA scheme.
- ii
- If is not positive semi-definite, then the process model is inadequate for use in the MA scheme.
- iii
- If is positive semi-definite and singular, then the second-order conditions are not conclusive with respect to model adequacy.
4.1.4. Similarity with ISOPE
4.2. Alternative Modifications
4.2.1. Modification of Output Variables
4.2.2. Modification of Lagrangian Gradients
4.2.3. Directional MA
4.2.4. Second-Order MA
- A1
- Numerical feasibility: For all , Problem (35) is feasible and has a unique minimizer.
- A2
- Plant and model functions: The plant and model cost and constraint functions are all twice continuously differentiable on .
- i
- satisfies the KKT conditions of the plant, and
- ii
- the cost and constraint gradients and Hessians of the modified Problem (35) match those of the plant at .
- iii
- is a strict local minimum of .
4.3. Convergence Conditions
4.3.1. RTO Considered as Fixed-Point Iterations
4.3.2. Similarity with Trust-Region Methods
- A3
- Plant boundedness: The plant objective is lower-bounded on . Furthermore, its Hessian is bounded from above on .
- A4
- Model decrease: For all , there exists a constant and a sequence such that
4.3.3. Use of Convex Models and Convex Upper Bounds
4.4. Extensions
4.4.1. MA Applied to Controlled Plants
- The first approach, labeled “Method UR”, suggests solving the optimization problem for , but computes the modifiers in the space of the setpoints .
- The second approach, labelled “Method UU”, solves the optimization problem for , and computes the modifiers in the space of .
- The third approach, labelled “Method RR”, solves the optimization problem for , and computes the modifiers in the space of . It relies on the construction of model approximations for the controlled plant that are obtained from the model of the open-loop plant.
4.4.2. MA Applied to Dynamic Optimization Problems
4.4.3. Use of Transient Measurements for MA
4.4.4. MA when Part of the Plant is Perfectly Modeled
5. Implementation Aspects
5.1. Gradient Estimation
5.1.1. Steady-State Perturbation Methods
- FDA by perturbing the current RTO point: A straightforward approach consists in perturbing each input individually around the current operating point to get an estimate of the corresponding gradient element. For example, in the forward-finite-differencing (FFD) approach, an estimator of the partial derivative , , at the kth RTO iteration is obtained as
- FDA using past RTO points: The gradients can be estimated by FDA based on the measurements obtained at the current and past RTO points , . This approach is used in dual ISOPE and dual MA methods [7,63,64,65]—the latter methods being discussed in Section 5.3. At the kth RTO iteration, the following matrix can be constructed:
5.1.2. Dynamic Perturbation Methods
5.1.3. Bounds on Gradient Uncertainty
5.2. Computation of Gradient Modifiers
5.2.1. Modifiers from Estimated Gradients
5.2.2. Modifiers from Linear Interpolation or Linear Regression
5.2.3. Nested MA
5.3. Dual MA Schemes
- (a)
- The original dual ISOPE algorithm [7,63] estimates the gradients by FDA according to (50) and introduces a constraint that prevents ill-conditioning in the gradient estimation. At the kth RTO iteration, the matrix
- (b)
- Gao and Engell [14] proposed a MA scheme that (i) estimates the gradients from the current and past operating points according to (50), and (ii) enforces the ill-conditioning duality constraint (72). However, instead of including the duality constraint in the optimization problem, it is used to decide whether an additional input perturbation is needed. This perturbation is obtained by minimizing the condition number subject to the modified constraints. The approach was labeled Iterative Gradient-Modification Optimization (IGMO) [80].
- (c)
- Marchetti et al. [64] considered the dual MA scheme that estimates the gradients from the current and past operating points according to (50). The authors showed that the ill-conditioning bound (71) has no direct relationship with the accuracy of the gradient estimates, and proposed to upper bound the gradient-error norm of the Lagrangian function:
- (d)
- Rodger and Chachuat [67] proposed a dual MA scheme based on modifying the output variables as in Section 4.2.1. The gradients of the output variables are estimated using Broyden’s formula (51). The authors show that, with Broyden’s approach, the MA scheme (28) may fail to reach a plant KKT point upon convergence due to inaccurate gradient estimates and measurement noise. This may happen if the gradient estimates are not updated repeatedly in all input directions and if the step is too small. A duality constraint is proposed for improving the gradient estimates obtained by Broyden’s approach.
- (e)
- Marchetti [65] proposed another dual MA scheme, wherein the gradient modifiers are obtained by linear interpolation according to (64). Using this approach, the modified cost and constraint functions approximate the plant in a larger region. In order to limit the approximation error in the presence of noisy measurements, a duality constraint was introduced that limits the Lagrangian gradient error for at least one point belonging to the simplex with the extreme points . This duality constraint produces larger feasible regions than (75) for the same upper bound , and therefore allows larger input moves and faster convergence.
6. Applications
- About half of the available studies deal with chemical reactors, both continuous and discontinuous. In the case of discontinuous reactors, the decision variables are input profiles, that can be parameterized to generate a larger set of constant input parameters. The optimization is then performed on a run-to-run basis, with each iteration hopefully resulting in improved operation.
- One sees from the list of problems in Table 1 that the Williams-Otto reactor seems to be the benchmark problem for testing MA schemes. The problem is quite challenging due to the presence of significant structural plant model-mismatch. Indeed, the plant is simulated as a 3-reaction system, while the model includes only two reactions with adjustable kinetic parameters. Despite very good model fit (prediction of the simulated concentrations), the RTO techniques that cannot handle structural uncertainty, such as the two-step approach, fail to reach the plant optimum. In contrast, all 6 MA variants converge to the plant optimum. The differentiation factor is then the convergence rate, which is often related to the estimation of plant gradients.
- Most MA schemes use FDA to estimate gradients. In the case of FFD, one needs to perturb each input successively; this is a time-consuming operation since, at the current operating point, the system must be perturbed times, each time waiting for the plant to reach steady state. Hence, FDA based on past and current operating points is clearly the preferred option. However, to ensure that sufficient excitation is present to compute accurate gradients, the addition of a duality constraint is often necessary. Furthermore, both linear and nonlinear function approximations have been proposed with promising results. An alternative is to use the concept of neighboring extremals (NE), which works well when the uncertainty is of parametric nature (because the NE-based gradient law assumes that the variations are due to parametric uncertainties). Note that two approaches do not use an estimate of the plant gradient: CA uses only zeroth-order modifiers to drive the plant to the active constraints, while nested MA circumvents the computation of plant gradients by solving an additional optimization problem. Note also that IGMO can be classified as dual MA, with the peculiarity that the gradients are estimated via FDA with added perturbations when necessary.
- The typical number of input variables is small (), which seems to be related to the difficulties of gradient estimation. When the number of inputs is much larger, it might be useful to investigate whether it is important to correct the model in all input directions, which is nicely solved using D-MA.
- Two applications, namely, the path-following robot and the power kite, deal with the optimization of dynamic periodic processes. Each period (or multiple periods) is considered as a run, the input profiles are parameterized, and the operation is optimized on a run-to-run basis.
- Five of these case studies have dealt with experimental implementation, four on lab-scale setups and one at the industrial level. There is clearly room for more experimental implementations and, hopefully, also significant potential for improvements ahead!
7. Conclusions
7.1. Open Issues
- i
- plant optimality and feasibility upon convergence,
- ii
- acceptable number of RTO iterations, and
- iii
- plant feasibility throughout the optimization process.
7.2. Final Words
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Problems | MA Variant | Ref. | Gradient Est. | # of Inputs | Remarks |
Williams-Otto CSTR (benchmark for MA) | MA | [64] | FFD | 2 | basic MA algorithm |
dual MA | [64,65] | FDA, lin. approx. | 2 | addition of a constraint on gradient accuracy | |
2nd-order MA | [31] | FFD | 2 | addition of second-order correction terms | |
MAWQA | [36,81] | quad. approx. | 2 | gradient computed via quadratic approximation | |
nested MA | [82] | — | 2 | additional optimization to by-pass gradient calculation | |
various MA | [80] | various | 2 | IGMO, dual MA, nested MA and MAWQA | |
CSTR (with pyrrole reaction) | convex MA | [21] | perfect | 2 | use of convex model |
transient MA | [54] | NE-based | 2 | use of transient measurements for static optimization | |
MAWQA | [83] | quad. approx. | 2 | gradient computed via quadratic approximation | |
Semi-batch reactors | dual, nested MA | [79] | FDA, — | 3 | 4 reactions, run-to-run scheme |
MA | [84] | FDA | 11 | 1 reaction, run-to-run scheme | |
Distillation column | various MA | [85,86] | various | 2 | controlled column, dual, nested, transient measurements |
Batch chromatography | various MA | [14,87] | various | 2 | IGMO, dual MA and MAWQA, run-to-run schemes |
Electro-chromatography | dual MA | [88] | IGMO | 2 | Continuous process |
Chromatographic separation | dual MA | [89] | IGMO | 3 | Continuous multi-column solvent gradient purification |
Sugar and ethanol plant | MA | [56] | FDA | 6 | heat and power system |
Leaching process | MA | FDA | 4 | 4 CSTR in series, industrial implementation | |
Hydroformylation process | MAWQA | [91] | quad. approx. | 4 | reactor and decanter with recycle |
Flotation column | various MA | [92] | FFD, FDA, — | 3 | implemented on lab-scale column |
Three-tank system | MA | [15]; [79] | FFP; FDA, — | 2 | implemented on lab-scale setup |
Solid-oxide fuel cell | CA | [93];[53] | — | 3; 2 | implemented on lab fuel-cell stack |
Parallel compressors | MA | [94] | FFP | 2 & 6 | parallel structure exploited for gradient estimation |
Path-following robot | CA | [95] | — | 700 | periodic operation, enforcing minimum-time motion |
Power kite | D-MA | [28], [96] | FDA | 40 → 2 | periodic operation,implemented on small-scale kite |
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Marchetti, A.G.; François, G.; Faulwasser, T.; Bonvin, D. Modifier Adaptation for Real-Time Optimization—Methods and Applications. Processes 2016, 4, 55.
Marchetti AG, François G, Faulwasser T, Bonvin D. Modifier Adaptation for Real-Time Optimization—Methods and Applications. Processes. 2016; 4(4):55.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMarchetti, Alejandro G., Grégory François, Timm Faulwasser, and Dominique Bonvin. 2016. "Modifier Adaptation for Real-Time Optimization—Methods and Applications" Processes 4, no. 4: 55.
APA StyleMarchetti, A. G., François, G., Faulwasser, T., & Bonvin, D. (2016). Modifier Adaptation for Real-Time Optimization—Methods and Applications. Processes, 4(4), 55.