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Rank-Based Multivariate Sarmanov for Modeling Dependence between Loss Reserves

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Risks 2023, 11(11), 187;
Submission received: 21 August 2023 / Revised: 10 October 2023 / Accepted: 21 October 2023 / Published: 26 October 2023
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Applied Financial and Actuarial Risk Analytics)


The interdependence between multiple lines of business has an important impact on determining loss reserves and risk capital, which are crucial for the solvency of a property and casualty (P&C) insurance company. In this work, we introduce the two-stage inference method using the Sarmanov family of multivariate distributions to the actuarial literature. In fact, we study rank-based methods using the Sarmanov distribution to adequately estimate the loss reserves and properly capture the dependence between lines of business. An inadequate choice of the dependence structure may negatively impact the estimation of the marginals and, hence, the reserve. Thus, we propose a two-stage inference strategy in this research to address this, while taking advantage of the flexibility of the Sarmanov distribution. We show that this strategy leads to a more robust estimation, and better captures the dependence between the risks. We also show that it generates smaller risk capital and a better diversification benefit. We extend the model to the multivariate case with more than two lines of business. To illustrate and validate our methods, we use three different sets of real data from both a major US property–casualty insurer and a large Canadian insurance company.

1. Introduction

Insurance companies have an inverted production cycle, where they receive the premium (product price) before knowing the cost (claims). As a result, insurers must estimate these costs and set aside sufficient funds to meet their commitments to policyholders and claimants, creating what is known as reserves. Traditional reserving methods often assume independence among portfolio risk components. However, practical experience shows that risks are frequently interconnected, and this interdependence, represented by correlations between various lines of business, plays a crucial role in determining the overall portfolio reserve.
Dependence modeling plays a pivotal role within the insurance industry and the broader field of risk analysis. It is essential to comprehend the relationships among various variables or events. Dependence modeling serves as a valuable tool for quantifying and characterizing these relationships, ultimately enhancing the precision of risk assessments by accounting for dependencies that can either magnify or mitigate risks.
Furthermore, it facilitates superior portfolio diversification by offering insights into asset inter-dependencies, thereby reducing overall portfolio risk. Consequently, investors and financial institutions rely on dependence modeling to evaluate the risks associated with portfolios comprising multiple assets or financial instruments.
In domains such as financial markets, there exists a category of infrequent yet highly impacting events known as “tail events”, which significantly influence risk. Dependence modeling is instrumental in identifying these tail dependencies, a critical aspect of managing and mitigating tail risks.
Insurance companies harness dependence modeling to establish premium rates and effectively manage their risk exposure. Through an understanding of the correlations between different events or claims, insurers can accurately price policies and allocate capital to adequately cover potential losses.
Lastly, dependence modeling is of paramount importance in the realm of regulation and stress testing. Stress tests are conducted to assess the performance of a system or portfolio under adverse conditions. Dependence modeling is indispensable for crafting realistic stress scenarios that consider the intricate interplay between various risk factors.
In the context of loss reserving, understanding dependencies aids in predicting the necessary risk capital, which serves as a buffer for property and casualty (P&C) insurers against potential losses stemming from extreme and adverse events.
To calculate loss reserves, we utilize aggregated data, referred to as loss triangles. In these triangles, rows represent accident years, while columns represent development periods. The lower section of the triangle, which we aim to predict, represents future (unpaid) claims.
There are two main approaches used to capture the dependencies between different loss triangles. The first one focuses on distribution-free multivariate reserving methods. For example, Braun (2004) showed the effectiveness of the multivariate chain-ladder method using simulated data, demonstrating an increased estimation accuracy of the prediction error when accounting for the correlation between loss triangles. Merz and Wüthrich (2008) also studied the prediction error of a modified multivariate chain-ladder model proposed by Schmidt (2006) and incorporated a dependence structure into their model.
The other main approach for modeling dependence between business lines employs parametric methods, based on various distributional families. One commonly used method for parametric loss reserving is the copula model. For example, a Gaussian copula is used by Brehm (2002) to model the joint distribution of unpaid losses. De Jong (2012) used a Gaussian copula correlation matrix to model the dependence between lines of business. Shi et al. (2012) used multivariate Gaussian copula to capture correlation due to accounting years using loss triangles, while Merz et al. (2013) allowed the correlation matrix to vary over time and produced a more accurate depiction of dependence. Abdallah et al. (2015) used hierarchical Archimedean copulas to model dependence within and between lines of business. More recently, Shi (2017) conducted an analysis of multiple inter-company loss triangles using the Bayesian hierarchical model. Avanzi et al. (2016) introduced a multivariate Tweedie approach to capture cell-wise dependence in loss reserving, while Araiza Iturria et al. (2021) presented a stochastic model aimed at capturing dependencies between loss triangles. In their work, they opted for a Tweedie-distributed double-generalized linear model to represent the marginal distribution. Lally and Hartman (2018) used hierarchical Bayesian Gaussian process regression to estimate loss reserves across a spectrum of product lines. Additionally, Badounas and Pitselis (2020) explored the use of the quantile regression technique in the context of loss reserves.
Bootstrapping is also another popular parametric approach used for loss reserving, which involves resampling historical data to simulate and generate new (synthetic) datasets, also called pseudo-responses. Kirschner et al. (2002) proposed a synchronized bootstrap, which aimed to estimate the prediction error of a multivariate dependence model. Taylor and McGuire (2007) modified their approach to account for the additional complexity introduced by the generalized linear model framework. Shi and Frees (2011) used Frank and Gaussian copula to model the dependence between lines of business and introduced a parametric bootstrapping method to estimate the prediction error.
The contribution of this work to the actuarial literature in general, and to loss reserving in particular, is twofold. Firstly, this work introduces rank-based methods to the Sarmanov Family of distributions. This family is considered a richer and more flexible class of distributions for modeling dependence between risks, thanks to its flexible structure that nicely joins the marginals.
Second, we suggest direct pairwise dependence modeling for both bivariate and trivariate loss reserving analyses, using a rank-based Sarmanov for multivariate distributions applied to more than two lines of business.
Sarmanov’s multivariate distribution, as described in Sarmanov’s seminal work by Sarmanov (1966), has garnered significant attention in various corners of the actuarial literature. This distribution is noted for its tractability, its ability to accommodate a large array of flexible dependence structures, and for linking different marginal distributions. This adaptability has recently led to heightened interest across multiple realms of actuarial research.
Within the domain of rate-making, it has proven invaluable for in-depth severity analysis, as exemplified by the works of Hernández-Bastida and Fernández-Sánchez (2012) and Bahraoui et al. (2015). Additionally, it has been employed for frequency analysis, as seen in the studies by Abdallah et al. (2016a) and Bolancé and Vernic (2019). Notably, it has been instrumental in exploring the dependence between frequency and severity, as evidenced in the research by Vernic et al. (2022).
In the context of reserving, Sarmanov’s distribution has been effectively utilized, as highlighted by Abdallah et al. (2016b). This application enabled the capture of dependencies between two lines of business through the incorporation of random effects. Sarmanov’s distribution has also emerged as a valuable tool in analyzing ruin theory probabilities, as demonstrated by its application in studies conducted by Yang and Yuen (2016), Guo et al. (2017), and more recently, Chen et al. (2023).
Some of the referenced studies have demonstrated that, in comparison to alternative distributions like copulas, the Sarmanov family of distributions offers a superior fit to actual insurance data. For example, Bolancé and Vernic (2019) emphasize some disadvantages of the copula approach (e.g., elliptical) compared with the Sarmanov distributions. Moreover, Bahraoui et al. (2015) showed that the bivariate Sarmanov is more flexible than copulas in modeling dependence. Additionally, the correlation coefficients of Sarmanov’s family of distributions have wider ranges; see Bahraoui et al. (2015) and Lee (1996) for more details. Bolancé et al. (2020) proposed a Sarmanov method with beta marginals and put it in use for motor insurance pricing.
The adaptability and extensive utility of Sarmanov’s multivariate distribution have positioned it as a cornerstone in contemporary actuarial research. Its ability to navigate complex dependence structures has fostered a deeper understanding of dependencies and risk assessment in various segments of the insurance landscape.
In this paper, we specifically employ the Sarmanov distribution as we transition from the one-stage inference technique, where we simultaneously estimate both the marginals and the dependence parameters, to a two-stage inference modeling approach. Indeed, altering the dependence structure can result in distinct parameter estimations for the marginals, potentially leading to a different total reserve estimation. As a consequence, this method has the undesired effect of violating the linearity property of the mean. Therefore, we suggest employing a two-stage inference approach, commonly known as the rank-based method, utilizing the Sarmanov family of multivariate distributions. In the initial step, we fit generalized linear models (GLMs) to the individual marginals, establishing fixed parameters for the marginals and reserve estimations. Subsequently, we establish connections between the dependencies of these GLMs using the rank-based method, employing bivariate and trivariate Sarmanov distributions. It is worth noting that a similar approach has previously been explored using copula models. For example, Genest and Nešlehová (2014) discussed the rank-based methods for copula estimation, while Côté et al. (2016) introduced the rank-based methods for loss reserving, using nested Archimedean copulas, and a copula-based risk aggregation model.
The statistical properties of rank-based methods, including the consistency and asymptotic normality of estimators, were previously established by Genest et al. (1995). They conducted a comprehensive examination of a semi-parametric approach for estimating dependence parameters within a family of multivariate distributions. In this study, we showcase the practical applications of these methods and extend their utility to the multivariate Sarmanov distribution family. In essence, our research demonstrates that the proposed method more effectively captures the dependencies among lines of business (LOBs) and yields lower risk capital estimates compared to traditional one-stage inference models.
Section 2 provides an overview of loss triangle modeling, introducing notations and presenting a concise overview of the Sarmanov distribution. Section 3 introduces the rank-based method to the Sarmanov family of multivariate distributions. For illustration and validation, Section 4 applies the model to seven LOBs from different datasets, sourced from a major US and a large Canadian property–casualty insurer. In Section 5, we analyze the implications for risk capital and demonstrate the advantages of our methods in terms of diversification benefits. Section 6 concludes the paper.

2. Preliminary

2.1. Modeling and Reserves

In this research, we use the generalized linear model (GLM) to model the marginals for each LOB (see De Jong and Heller 2008 and McCullagh and Nelder 1989 for a full review). GLMs provide the flexibility to choose the most adequate distribution for each LOB and perform a regression analysis that captures linear and non-linear relationships between the response and predictor variables.
In our case, the response variable is the incremental loss, while the accident year (rows) and development period (columns) are the predictor variables or covariates.
In fact, in a loss triangle, the row represents the year when an accident occurred, while the column represents each year that has passed (lag) since the accident happened. We use i and j to indicate the accident year and development period, respectively. Let { 1 , , L } represent the LOB, then we denote X i j ( ) as the incremental payment for the i th accident year and the j th development period. Also, let p i ( ) be the premium for the th LOB and i th accident year. As earned premiums vary by accident year, and to take into account the volume of each LOB, we work with standardized payments, Y i j ( ) , such as
Y i j ( ) = X i j ( l ) / p i ( ) .
Y i j ( ) is called the incremental loss ratio, and it is a key performance metric used to measure the profitability of a P&C insurance company.
In order to fit the GLM, we perform the same procedure used by Abdallah et al. (2016b). Let s i ( ) be the effect of the accident year and t j ( ) be the effect of the development period, i , j { 1 , 2 , , n } , then the systematic component for the th LOB can be written as:
η i j ( ) = u ( ) + s i ( ) + t j ( ) ,
where u ( ) is the intercept; for parameter identification, we set s i ( ) and t j ( ) to 0 for i , j = 1 .
Throughout the remainder of this paper and in our empirical illustration, we use both log-normal and gamma distributions for the different marginals and LOBs. More details about the fit and model selection are provided in Section 4.
When the log-normal distribution is assumed for the marginals, and to ease calculations, the incremental loss ratios is denoted by Z i j ( ) instead of Y i j ( ) , i.e., Z i j ( ) LN ( a i j ( ) , b ( ) ) , and then we use the change of variables Y i j ( ) = log ( Z i j ( ) ) N ( a i j ( ) , b ( ) ) . We consider
a i j ( ) = η i j ( ) ,
with the location (log-scale) parameter a i j ( ) and shape parameter (standard deviation) b ( ) . As for the Gamma distribution, we have Y i j ( ) G ( α ( ) , τ i j ( ) ) and use the exponential link to ensure positive means
τ i j ( ) = e x p ( η i j ( ) ) / α ( ) ,
where the non-zero α ( ) is the shape parameter and τ i j ( ) is the scale parameter. For parameter estimation, We use the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), which is often favored over other classical estimation methods for its efficiency and asymptotic properties, as well as for the consistency and invariance of the estimators. Furthermore, MLE naturally gives rise to likelihood ratio tests, which serve as potent tools for conducting hypothesis tests and making informed decisions in model selection. These tests assist us in evaluating whether one model significantly outperforms another in our empirical illustration.
With the estimated parameters, the total reserve can be obtained as follows:
= 1 L i = 1 n j = 1 n p i ( ) E ( y i j ( ) ) ,
where E ( y i j ( ) ) is the projected unpaid loss ratio. More specifically, for log-normal distribution, we have
E ( y i j ( ) ) = e x p [ a i j ( ) + ( b ( ) ) 2 2 ] ,
while for the gamma distribution, we have
E ( y i j ( ) ) = τ i j ( ) α ( ) .

2.2. Sarmanov Distribution

Sarmanov (1966) introduced Sarmanov’s bivariate distribution to the literature, and Cohen (1984) suggested a more general form of bivariate Sarmanov in physics. A multivariate version was proposed by Lee (1996), who found applications in the medical area. As Sarmanov’s distribution has a flexible structure, it attracted the attention of a wide range of applied studies. Johnson and Kott (1975) introduced the multivariate Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern (FGM) distribution, while Tank and Gebizlioglu (2004) proposed the Sarmanov class with FGM distribution properties for dependent risks. A bivariate Sarmanov model was used by Schweidel et al. (2008) to capture the relationship between a customer’s waiting time and the actual service duration. Miravete (2009) used the Sarmanov model to compare the tariff plans between two related cellular telephone companies, and Danaher and Smith (2011) discussed some applications of Sarmanov to marketing. Bairamov et al. (2011) introduced a class of bivariate distributions, which generalizes the Sarmanov class.
In the insurance field, Sarmanov distributions have been used for pricing, reserving, and evaluating ruin probabilities. Detailed contributions to actuarial science were presented earlier in Section 1.
In this paper, we use the Sarmanov distribution to capture the pairwise dependence between two or more LOBs, in a loss-reserving context, which is presented in this section. We introduce the rank-based methods to the Sarmanov distribution, which is described in the next section.

2.2.1. Bivariate Sarmanov Distribution

In the case of two LOBs ( L = 2 ), with Y i j ( ) denoting the incremental loss ratios from each LOB ( { 1 , 2 } ), let f ( ) be the univariate probability density function, and ψ ( ) ( y i j ( ) ) be non-constant functions, such that
ψ ( ) ( t ) f ( ) ( t ) d t = 0 .
Then the probability density function of the bivariate Sarmanov distribution is defined by
f S ( y i j ( 1 ) , y i j ( 2 ) ) = f ( 1 ) y i j ( 1 ) f ( 2 ) y i j ( 2 ) 1 + ω 1 , 2 ψ ( 1 ) ( y i j ( 1 ) ) ψ ( 2 ) ( y i j ( 2 ) ) ,
with the mixing function:
ψ ( ) ( y i j ( ) ) = e x p ( y i j ( ) ) L ( ) ( 1 ) ,
as proposed in Corollary 2 by Lee (1996), where L ( ) is the Laplace transform of f ( ) , evaluated at 1. In (2), ω 1 , 2 is the dependence parameter between LOBs 1 and 2.
When the marginal distribution follows a Gamma distribution, i.e., Y i j ( ) G ( α ( ) , τ i j ( ) ) , then the mixing function is expressed as follows:
ψ ( ) ( y i j ( ) ) = e x p ( y i j ( ) ) ( 1 + τ i j ( ) ) α ( ) , = 1 , 2 .
When the marginal distribution follows a log-normal distribution, as mentioned in Section 2.1, we have Y i j ( ) = log ( Z i j ( ) ) N ( a i j ( ) , b ( ) ) . Consequently, the mixing function can be obtained as follows:
ψ ( ) ( y i j ( ) ) = e x p ( y i j ( ) ) e x p a i j ( ) + ( b ( ) ) 2 2 , = 1 , 2 .
The variable ω 1 , 2 in (2) should be a real number that requires the constraint
1 + ω 1 , 2 ψ ( 1 ) ( y i j ( 1 ) ) ψ ( 2 ) ( y i j ( 2 ) ) 0 ,
for all y i j ( 1 ) , y i j ( 2 ) .
For convenience, from now on, we denote a i j ( ) as a , b ( ) as b , α ( ) as α , and τ i j ( ) as τ .
As shown by Abdallah et al. (2016b), the bounds of the dependence parameter ω 1 , 2 of the Sarmanov bivariate distribution, in the case of normal and gamma marginals for LOBs 1 and 2, respectively, are obtained as follows
1 b 1 e x p ( a 1 + b 1 2 / 2 ) α 2 τ 2 ( 1 + τ 2 ) α 2 1 ω 1 , 2 1 b 1 e x p ( a 1 + b 1 2 / 2 ) α 2 τ 2 ( 1 + τ 2 ) α 2 1 .
Similarly, if the two LOBs both follow gamma distribution, then ω 1 , 2 is bounded as follows
1 α 1 τ 1 ( 1 + τ 1 ) α 1 1 α 2 τ 2 ( 1 + τ 2 ) α 2 1 ω 1 , 2 1 α 1 τ 1 ( 1 + τ 1 ) α 1 1 α 2 τ 2 ( 1 + τ 2 ) α 2 1 .
The proof of these results directly follows from Theorem 2 by Lee (1996).

2.2.2. Trivariate Sarmanov Distribution

The Sarmanov distribution can easily be generalized to the trivariate case thanks to its flexible structure. In this section, we introduce the Sarmanov distribution to capture dependence between more than two LOBs to the loss reserving literature. As such, we now work with three LOBs, with Y i j ( ) , { 1 , 2 , 3 } . The probability density function is then given as follows
f S ( y i j ( 1 ) , y i j ( 2 ) , y i j ( 3 ) ) = f ( 1 ) ( y i j ( 1 ) ) f ( 2 ) ( y i j ( 2 ) ) f ( 3 ) ( y i j ( 3 ) ) × ( 1 + ω 1 , 2 ψ ( 1 ) ( y i j ( 1 ) ) ψ ( 2 ) ( y i j ( 2 ) ) + ω 1 , 3 ψ ( 1 ) ( y i j ( 1 ) ) ψ ( 3 ) ( y i j ( 3 ) ) + ω 2 , 3 ψ ( 2 ) ( y i j ( 2 ) ) ψ ( 3 ) ( y i j ( 3 ) ) + ω 1 , 2 , 3 ψ ( 1 ) ( y i j ( 1 ) ) ψ ( 2 ) ( y i j ( 2 ) ) ψ ( 3 ) ( y i j ( 3 ) ) ) ,
which is proposed by Theorem 4 by Lee (1996).
Additionally, as proposed by Drouet Mari and Kotz (2001) and mentioned by Ratovomirija et al. (2017), it is often assumed that ω 1 , , L = 0 for 3 . Therefore, (4) is simplified to
f S ( y i j ( 1 ) , y i j ( 2 ) , y i j ( 3 ) ) = f ( 1 ) ( y i j ( 1 ) ) f ( 2 ) ( y i j ( 2 ) ) f ( 3 ) ( y i j ( 3 ) ) × ( 1 + ω 1 , 2 ψ ( 1 ) ( y i j ( 1 ) ) ψ ( 2 ) ( y i j ( 2 ) ) + ω 1 , 3 ψ ( 1 ) ( y i j ( 1 ) ) ψ ( 3 ) ( y i j ( 3 ) ) + ω 2 , 3 ψ ( 2 ) ( y i j ( 2 ) ) ψ ( 3 ) ( y i j ( 3 ) ) ) .
The mixing function ψ ( ) ( y i j ( ) ) is the same as (3). The dependence parameters ω 1 , 2 , ω 1 , 3 , and ω 2 , 3 in (5) should be real numbers that require the following condition:
1 + ω 1 , 2 ψ ( 1 ) ( y i j ( 1 ) ) ψ ( 2 ) ( y i j ( 2 ) ) + ω 1 , 3 ψ ( 1 ) ( y i j ( 1 ) ) ψ ( 3 ) ( y i j ( 3 ) ) + ω 2 , 3 ψ ( 2 ) ( y i j ( 2 ) ) ψ ( 3 ) ( y i j ( 3 ) ) 0 ,
as shown by Ratovomirija et al. (2017). Also, Bolancé and Vernic (2019) showed that each bivariate case condition still needs to be applied. As such, we add the following restrictions for trivariate distribution:
1 + ω c , d ψ ( c ) ( y i j ( c ) ) ψ ( d ) ( y i j ( d ) ) 0 , 1 c < d 3 .

2.3. One-Stage Inference for the Dependence Structure

For the bivariate case, the one-stage inference method estimates the two marginals and the dependence parameter ω 1 , 2 simultaneously using maximum likelihood estimation. The log-likelihood of the bivariate Sarmanov distribution is given as follows:
L = i = 1 n j = 1 n + 1 i log ( f ( 1 ) ( y i j ( 1 ) ) f ( 2 ) ( y i j ( 2 ) ) ) + i = 1 n j = 1 n + 1 i log h ( y i j ( 1 ) , y i j ( 2 ) ; ω 1 , 2 ) ,
h ( y i j ( 1 ) , y i j ( 2 ) ; ω 1 , 2 ) = 1 + ω 1 , 2 ψ ( 1 ) ( y i j ( 1 ) ) ψ ( 2 ) ( y i j ( 2 ) )
is the probability density function of the Sarmanov distribution dependence component.
Similarly, the one-stage inference method for trivariate Sarmanov distribution can be performed using the following log-likelihood function
L = i = 1 n j = 1 n + 1 i log f ( 1 ) ( y i j ( 1 ) ) f ( 2 ) ( y i j ( 2 ) ) f ( 3 ) ( y i j ( 3 ) ) + i = 1 n j = 1 n + 1 i log h ( y i j ( 1 ) , y i j ( 2 ) , y i j ( 3 ) ; ω ) ,
h ( y i j ( 1 ) , y i j ( 2 ) , y i j ( 3 ) ; ω ) = 1 + ω 1 , 2 ψ ( 1 ) ( y i j ( 1 ) ) ψ ( 2 ) ( y i j ( 2 ) ) + ω 1 , 3 ψ ( 1 ) ( y i j ( 1 ) ) ψ ( 3 ) ( y i j ( 3 ) ) + ω 2 , 3 ψ ( 2 ) ( y i j ( 2 ) ) ψ ( 3 ) ( y i j ( 3 ) ) ,
is the probability density function of the Sarmanov distribution dependence component and ω = ( ω 1 , 2 , ω 1 , 3 , ω 2 , 3 ) .
Again, from the trivariate log-likelihood function above, we estimate the dependence parameters ω and the marginal parameters, simultaneously.

3. Rank-Based Sarmanov

3.1. Rank-Based Method and Risk Analysis

Rank-based methods offer numerous advantages over one-step inference techniques in statistical analysis. They exhibit exceptional resilience to outliers and extreme data values, minimizing the impact of data anomalies, which is a valuable trait when handling atypical data. Additionally, rank-based methods operate with fewer strict distributional assumptions or without them altogether. This versatility enables their effective application even when dealing with complex or undisclosed data distributions.
Furthermore, rank-based methods reduce the need for rigid model assumptions, granting greater flexibility to model intricate data relationships accurately. In multivariate analysis, rank-based methods shine by adeptly capturing dependencies between variables, especially in scenarios where these dependencies are nonlinear or non-monotonic.
In the context of risk analysis, where financial data can be influenced by outliers and extreme events, rank-based methods maintain their robustness. Their reduced sensitivity to extreme values makes them a robust choice for capturing the overall risk profile of portfolios and investments. Moreover, when constructing risk models, rank-based methods ease the burden of strict model assumptions, allowing for adaptability to various risk scenarios. In risk simulations and stress testing, rank-based methods prove invaluable for generating scenarios and evaluating the repercussions of extreme events, essential for effective risk management and capital allocation. The accessible and explicable nature of rank-based methods also facilitates comprehension by risk analysts and decision-makers, empowering them to make well-informed and timely decisions based on the results.
Also, risk analysis often deals with financial data that can be influenced by outliers and extreme events. Rank-based methods are less sensitive to extreme values, making them more robust at capturing the overall risk profile of a portfolio or investment. Risk models often involve assumptions about asset returns and correlations. Rank-based methods reduce the need for strict model assumptions, providing flexibility to adapt to different risk scenarios. Assessing tail risk, such as extreme losses, is a critical aspect of risk analysis. Rank-based methods are particularly effective at estimating tail risk measures, like value-at-risk (VaR) and tail value-at-risk (TVaR). In risk simulations and stress testing, rank-based methods are valuable for generating scenarios and assessing the impact of extreme events, which are essential for risk management and capital allocation. Rank-based methods often result in transparent and interpretive risk assessments, making it easier for risk analysts and decision-makers to understand the results and take appropriate actions. The risk capital implications are examined in Section 5.
In this section, we will leverage another crucial advantage of the rank-based method in risk analysis, specifically in the context of estimating reserves: its robustness in total reserve estimation. In fact, when using the one-stage inference method described in the previous section, the total reserve estimate in the presence of dependence does not equate to the sum of the marginal reserves estimated assuming independence. This is an aftereffect of the simultaneous estimation of the marginal and dependence parameters. An inadequate choice of the marginals may have an undesirable effect on the estimation of the dependence structure, and vice versa. Therefore, as mentioned in Section 2.1, once we estimate the parameters from the independence model, the total reserve can be calculated as follows
= 1 L i = 1 n j = 1 n p i ( ) E [ y i j ( ) ] .
However, in the one-stage inference, the marginal parameters in the presence of dependence may change, and deviate from those obtained with the independence model. This violates the linear property of the mean, as
E [ = 1 L i = 1 n j = 1 n y i j ( ) ]
produced using the dependence model does not equal the total reserve
= 1 L i = 1 n j = 1 n E [ y i j ( ) ]
obtained with independence.
This paper addresses this inferential issue using the Sarmanov family of multivariate distributions. Thus, we propose using an alternative two-stage inference strategy, in which generalized linear models (GLMs) are first fitted to the marginals; in that way, we can fix the estimates of the reserves. In the second step, standardized residuals from those models are linked through a Sarmanov distribution to estimate the dependence structure using rank-based methods. This rank-based general approach has already been used in the copula modeling literature, we refer the reader to Genest and Favre (2007) or Genest and Nešlehová (2014) for a full review. However, to our knowledge, these techniques have never been applied to the Sarmanov family of multivariate distributions.
Therefore, we present a more robust estimation approach employing rank-based methods. We compare its outcomes with those of the one-stage inference strategy and evaluate its influence on both dependence estimation and risk capital analyses.

3.2. Rank-Based Method for Multivariate Sarmanov Distribution

As described above, using rank-based methods requires a two-stage inference method. First, we estimate the parameters of the marginals by maximizing the following log-likelihood of the marginals for the bivariate case
L m a r g i n a l s = = 1 2 i = 1 n j = 1 n + 1 i log f ( ) ( y i j ( ) ) .
Next, we use the rank of residuals R i j to estimate the dependence parameter, separately. The residuals of both log-normal and gamma distributions are expressed as follows, respectively,
r i j ( ) = log ( y i j ( ) ) a i j ( ) b ( ) ,
r i j ( ) = y i j ( ) τ i j ( ) .
Starting from the residuals, we obtain the following rank of residuals
R i j ( ) = 1 55 + 1 i = 1 10 j = 1 11 i 1 ( r i j ( ) r i j ( ) ) ,
with 1 ( A ) denoting the indicator function.
Consequently, the rank-based estimate ω ^ 1 , 2 of the Sarmanov dependence parameter ω 1 , 2 can be obtained from the loss-triangle data by maximizing the pseudo-log-likelihood:
L ( ω 1 , 2 ) = i = 1 n j = 1 n + 1 i log h ( R i j ( 1 ) , R i j ( 2 ) ; ω 1 , 2 ) ,
h ( R i j ( 1 ) , R i j ( 2 ) ; ω 1 , 2 ) = ( 1 + ω 1 , 2 ψ ( 1 ) ( R i j ( 1 ) ) ψ ( 2 ) ( R i j ( 2 ) ) ) ,
ψ ( ) ( R i j ( ) ) = e x p ( R i j ( ) ) L ( ) ( 1 ) .
Therefore, the bound of the parameter ω 1 , 2 becomes
1 + ω 1 , 2 ψ ( 1 ) ( R i j ( 1 ) ) ψ ( 2 ) ( R i j ( 2 ) ) 0 .
Similarly, for the trivariate rank-based Sarmanov distribution, we first use the maximum likelihood estimation for the parameters of the marginal
L m a r g i n a l s = = 1 3 i = 1 n j = 1 n + 1 i log f ( ) ( y i j ( ) ) .
Then, we calculate the rank of residuals as described earlier, and then optimize the following pseudo-likelihood of the trivariate Sarmanov distribution to obtain the estimation of ω = ( ω 1 , 2 , ω 1 , 3 , ω 2 , 3 )
L ( ω ) = i = 1 n j = 1 n + 1 i log h ( R i j ( 1 ) , R i j ( 2 ) , R i j ( 3 ) ; ω ) ,
h ( R i j ( 1 ) , R i j ( 2 ) , R i j ( 3 ) ; ω ) = 1 + ω 1 , 2 ψ ( 1 ) ( R i j ( 1 ) ) ψ ( 2 ) ( R i j ( 2 ) ) + ω 1 , 3 ψ ( 1 ) ( R i j ( 1 ) ) ψ ( 3 ) ( R i j ( 3 ) ) + ω 2 , 3 ψ ( 2 ) ( R i j ( 2 ) ) ψ ( 3 ) ( R i j ( 3 ) ) .
The mixing function for the trivariate case is the same as in (10).
Additionally, the bounds of the ω , for each ω c , d , 1 c < d 3 , need to satisfy the following constraints
1 + ω 1 , 2 ψ ( 1 ) ( R i j ( 1 ) ) ψ ( 2 ) ( R i j ( 2 ) ) + ω 1 , 3 ψ ( 1 ) ( R i j ( 1 ) ) ψ ( 3 ) ( R i j ( 3 ) ) + ω 2 , 3 ψ ( 2 ) ( R i j ( 2 ) ) ψ ( 3 ) ( R i j ( 3 ) ) > = 0 ,
1 + ω c , d ψ ( c ) ( R i j ( c ) ) ψ ( d ) ( R i j ( d ) ) 0 , 1 c < d 3 .

4. Empirical Analysis for Models Estimation

4.1. Data

To calibrate and validate our methods, we implement the models proposed in the previous sections with two sets of real data. For illustration, the model is first applied to two LOBs from a major US property–casualty insurer, and then to five LOBs from a large Canadian insurer.

4.1.1. US Schedule P Data

The first dataset comes from Schedule P of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) database, and was already used in the actuarial literature; see, e.g., Shi and Frees (2011) and Abdallah et al. (2016b). It consists of two loss triangles, from both personal and commercial automobile LOBs, respectively.
The NAIC is an organization created and governed by the head of insurance regulators from the whole US. It was created in 1871 to be used as a forum for information exchange and is one of the largest insurance regulatory databases. Schedule P presents losses and aggregated claims over a 10-year period, which can be arranged into loss triangles. It also provides the unpaid losses and premiums earned for all LOBs.
Each triangle contains data for accident years 1988–1997 and ten development years. The loss triangles of this dataset can be found in Appendix A, in Table A1 and Table A2.
Shi and Frees (2011) assumed that the personal auto line follows a log-normal distribution and the commercial auto line follows a gamma distribution. The authors used visual and statistical tests to demonstrate the model fit for the marginals. We work with their conclusion and use the same distributions for each LOB.
Having changed the parametrization, we re-performed the Akaike information criterion (AIC) (see Akaike 1974) and the Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) goodness-of-fit test (see Berger and Zhou 2014) for the residuals of the personal auto line with the log-normal distribution, and the commercial auto line with the gamma distribution (log link). If the p-value for the KS test is bigger than the significance level, there is not enough evidence that the data do not come from the given distribution. In fact, Table A3 in Appendix A shows that there is no strong evidence against stating that the personal auto line follows a log-normal distribution and the commercial auto line follows a gamma distribution with a log link, although the fit of the commercial auto is borderline.
As a preliminary assessment of the dependence between the two LOBs, we use Kendall’s τ . As shown by Genest et al. (2011), the formula used to calculate Kendall’s τ for multiple datasets, such as residuals of multiple LOBs, is given below
τ L , m = 1 2 L 1 1 1 + 2 L m ( m 1 ) ( i , j ) ( i , j ) 1 r i j ( 1 ) r i j ( 1 ) , , r i j ( L ) r i j ( L ) ,
where L is the number of datasets (LOBs) and m is the data number (loss ratios) in each set.
To investigate the dependence between LOBs, we use Kendall’s τ coefficient instead of the correlation coefficient throughout the remainder of this paper. This choice is particularly pertinent in the context of loss triangles because Kendall’s τ coefficient effectively isolates and eliminates the influences of the accident year and/or development year effects. Indeed, Kendall’s τ is a correlation measure based on ranks, evaluating the degree of association between variables by considering the order of their values rather than their specific numerical values. Furthermore, Kendall’s τ offers a more robust assessment of association, as it is less susceptible to the influence of outliers when compared to certain other correlation coefficients, such as Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Finally, it is worth noting that Kendall’s τ is scale-insensitive, which proves advantageous in our illustration as we compare data and LOBs with varying volumes.
Kendall’s τ between personal and commercial auto lines is presented in Table 1, which shows a negative dependence between the two LOBs.
The results imply that the negative correlation between personal and commercial auto lines should not be dismissed, and the Sarmanov distribution can effectively account for this negative correlation, which is further demonstrated in the upcoming section. This carries significant implications from a risk management standpoint, as elaborated upon in Section 5.

4.1.2. Canadian Insurer Data 1

The second dataset comes from a large P&C Canadian insurer and was also already used in the actuarial literature, see Côté et al. (2016). It consists of two LOBs of an auto insurance product ( = A u t o ) and a home insurance product ( = H o m e ) in all provinces combined. The data are in Appendix B and a descriptive summary of the two LOBs is presented in Table 2 below.
The auto LOB provides bodily injury (BI) coverage in Western Canada. BI coverage offers compensation to policyholders who are injured or killed in automobile accidents caused by uninsured vehicle owners or unidentified vehicles. Western Canada includes the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia, as well as the Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut.
The Home LOB encompasses the company’s nationwide personal and commercial home insurance offerings. Liability insurance within this LOB safeguards policyholders against legal liabilities arising from injuries or damage caused to others.
Côté et al. (2016) showed that both LOBs follow a gamma distribution using the AIC and KS goodness-of-fit test. The results are reproduced in Table A7 in Appendix B.
For the exploratory dependence analysis, we work with Kendall’s τ , for the reasons mentioned earlier. The results are presented in Table 3 and show a positive dependence between these LOBs.
The fact that the two LOBs are positively correlated is partly due to exogenous common factors, such as inflation and interest rates. Furthermore, strategic decisions can impact several lines within the insurance product, e.g., the acceleration of payments on all lines of the auto insurance sector could induce some positive dependence across the whole portfolio.

4.1.3. Canadian Insurer Data 2

The third dataset is also sourced from a prominent Canadian property and casualty (P&C) insurer and has been previously utilized in actuarial research, see Côté et al. (2016). We focus on the three automobile insurance LOBs from the province of Ontario and apply both the bivariate and trivariate Sarmanov models. The three LOBs consist of Ontario bodily injuries ( = B I ), Ontario accident benefits excluding disability income ( = A B ), and Ontario accident benefits with disability income ( = D I ). The data are in Appendix C and a descriptive summary of the three LOBs is presented in Table 4 below.
BI coverage is described earlier; the accident benefits (AB) coverage provides compensation for injury or death involved in a vehicle collision, regardless of fault, if you, your passengers, or pedestrians are injured or killed due to the accident. Disability income provides compensation if the accident results in a disability and the insured is not able to work at their regular employment anymore.
The three LOBs again follow a gamma distribution, which we showed using the AIC and KS goodness-of-fit test. The results are provided in Table A12 in Appendix C.
For the preliminary investigation of dependence, we work with Kendall’s τ , which are presented in Table 5 and show positive dependence between these LOBs.
The positive correlation among the three LOBs can be attributed to shared strategic decisions, external factors discussed in relation to the dependence between auto and home LOBs mentioned earlier, as well as legislative changes within the province of Ontario. Moreover, when we delve into the granular level, the positive relationship between Ontario’s AB and BI can be elucidated by the frequent occurrence of the same accidents triggering claims in both coverage types.

4.2. One-Stage Inference Analysis

4.2.1. US Schedule P Data Calibration

As a starting point, we use the one-stage estimation method in this section, to estimate the ω dependence parameter for the bivariate Sarmanov model for the personal and commercial auto lines from the US Schedule P data. The results are shown in Table 6.
As elucidated in Section 3 of Lee (1996), the sign of the ω dependence parameter for Sarmanov distribution is contingent upon the interdependence observed between the LOBs. Notably, Kendall’s τ in Table 1 signifies negative dependence between personal and commercial LOBs. Consequently, Table 6 presents a negative dependence parameter ω for the bivariate Sarmanov distribution of these two LOBs, which is corroborated by the negative dependence identified using Kendall’s τ .
We use several inference tests to check the significance of the dependence parameter. From the AIC result in Table 7, we can see that it shows that the bivariate Sarmanov model using a one-stage inference method for personal and commercial auto lines is better than the independent case. The smaller AIC is presented in bold. We also use the likelihood-ratio test (see Woolf 1957) to check whether the ω dependence parameter is significant.
In Table 8, we see that the p-value is lower than 0.05, which indicates that we can reject the null (independence) hypothesis at a 5% level. This agrees with the AIC result and shows that the ω dependence parameter of the bivariate Sarmanov model is significant and this model captures the dependence between personal and commercial LOBs.
After obtaining the estimated parameters for one-stage inference for personal and commercial LOBs, we use them to calculate the estimated total reserve as denoted in (1), and the results are detailed in Table 9.
Notably, Table 9 reveals that the total reserve computed using the one-stage inference method departs from the independent case, violating the linearity property of the mean, as discussed in Section 3.1. From a practical perspective, this also represents an undesirable outcome, as it means that the reserve of one LOB is influenced by the reserve of another.

4.2.2. Canadian Insurer Data 1 Calibration

We now use the second dataset, which consists of the auto and home pair LOBs, described in the previous section, to calibrate the bivariate Sarmanov model with a one-stage inference strategy. Table 10 presents the ω dependence parameter estimation for this pair of LOBs.
As discussed in Section 4.1.2, the home and auto LOBs are positively dependent. This positive relationship is corroborated by the estimated positive value of the ω dependence parameter within Table 10 for the bivariate Sarmanov model.
Once more, we employ both the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and the likelihood-ratio test (LRT) as the initial tools to evaluate the presence of statistically significant dependence within these pairs.
The AIC results presented in Table 11 indicate that the independence model outperforms the one-stage inference bivariate model for the auto and home pair, as evidenced by its lower AIC value, which is shown in bold. This observation is further substantiated by the LRT results, as demonstrated in Table 12, which reveal that, for the auto and home pair, the null hypothesis of independence cannot be rejected at the 5% significance level. Consequently, we conclude that the bivariate Sarmanov model with one-stage inference falls short in capturing the dependence between the auto and home LOBs.
Similarly, following the estimation of parameters for the one-stage inference method for home and auto LOBs, we apply these estimates to compute the expected total reserve, as outlined in (1). The resulting insights are presented in Table 13.
Analogous to the previous analysis in Section 4.2.1, Table 13 a deviation in the total reserve determined using the one-stage inference method compared to the independent case, thereby contradicting the linearity property of the mean and industry best practices.

4.2.3. Canadian Insurer Data 2 Calibration

We now use the third dataset, from a large Canadian insurer, to calibrate both bivariate and trivariate Sarmanov models with a one-stage inference approach. Table 14 presents the ω dependence parameter estimation for the BI and AB, BI and DI, and AB and DI LOB pairs described in the previous section.
In Table 14, the ω dependence parameters of all three pairs agree with Kendall’s τ statistics in Section 4.1.3, showing positive dependencies for each pair of LOBs.
Again, we use the AIC as well as the likelihood-ratio test (LRT) to first assess whether there is any significant dependence between these pairs.
The AIC results in Table 15 show that the bivariate Sarmanov model with the one-inference method for the BI and AB pair provides a better fit than the independence case. However, the results for the BI and DI, and AB and DI pairs show that the independence model has a smaller AIC than the one-stage inference bivariate model. We indicate the smaller AICs in bold. These findings are confirmed with the LRT.
Table 16 shows that, for the BI and AB pair, the null (independence) hypothesis is rejected at the 5% level, but cannot be rejected for BI and DI and AB and DI. We then conclude that the bivariate Sarmanov model with one-stage inference only captures the dependence between the BI and AB LOBs.
For the trivariate case, we use the three LOBs—BI, AB, and DI—from the Canadian insurer dataset. We first need to estimate the dependence parameters ω 1 , 2 , ω 1 , 3 , and ω 2 , 3 from (5), using the one-stage inference method. We then maximize the log-likelihood function presented in (6). The results are shown in Table 17.
Table 17 reveals that not all of the dependence parameters exhibit positive values, which contradicts the initial findings from the dependence analysis presented in Table 5. This suggests that the obtained dependence parameters may not be statistically significant. Therefore, we proceed with the likelihood-ratio test (LRT) to evaluate the significance of these parameters.
Table 18 validates that the three dependence parameters lack statistical significance, with p-values exceeding 10% for each of them.
Additionally, we use the AIC and LRT to check if the model is significant.
The results from Table 19 show that the trivariate Sarmanov model using the one-stage inference method is not better than the independence model for lines BI, AB, and DI, i.e., it does not show significant dependence for the LOB triplet (BI, AB, and DI). The smaller AIC is highlighted in bold. This finding is also confirmed by the likelihood-ratio test in Table 20.
Therefore, we conclude from the results above that the Sarmanov one-stage inference model fails to capture the dependence among the triplet BI, AB, and DI.
Once we obtain the estimated parameters, we use them to compute the predicted total reserve, expressed in (1), and the results are reported in Table 21.
As the dependence parameter of the bivariate Sarmanov for the BI and DI and AB and DI pairs, as well as the trivariate Sarmanov for the triplet BI, AB, and DI, are not significant, their corresponding total estimated reserve aligns closely with the independence case. However, when the dependence becomes significant, as with the bivariate Sarmanov for the BI and AB pairs, the corresponding total reserve deviates more from the reserve obtained in the independence case.

4.3. Rank-Based Method Analysis

For the rank-based method, we first use Kendall’s test to check whether there is any significant dependence between the residuals of the different LOBs.
The calculation of Kendall’s τ has already been presented in (13). Under the null hypothesis of multivariate independence, the mean of τ L , m is 0, and its sample variance can be calculated as follows:
V a r ( τ L , m ) = m ( 2 2 L + 1 + 2 L + 1 4 3 L ) + 3 L ( 2 L + 6 ) 2 L + 2 ( 2 L + 1 ) 3 L ( 2 L 1 1 ) 2 m ( m 1 ) ,
and the distribution of τ L , m is assumed to be asymptotically Gaussian. As Kendall’s test uses the chi-square test to determine the p-value, the latter is expressed as
p = 2 1 c d f n o r m a l | τ L , m / V a r ( τ L , m ) | .
Next, we report the results for both datasets in the two following subsections, respectively.

4.3.1. US Schedule P Data Calibration

Here, we first start by checking the dependence between the residuals of the personal and commercial auto line from the US Schedule P data.
Based on the p-value of Kendall’s test presented in Table 22, we conclude that the null hypothesis of independence is rejected at the 10% level. Therefore, we can say that there exists a significant (but small) negative dependence between the two LOBs. In the case of negative association, it is preferred to work with the anti-ranks (negative of rank of residuals) for the second LOB when estimating ω 1 , 2 , as suggested by Côté et al. (2016). Thus, we optimize the following pseudo-likelihood function:
L = i = 1 n j = 1 n + 1 i l o g h ( R i j ( 1 ) , R i j ( 2 ) , ω 1 , 2 ) .
This allows us to obtain the estimated ω 1 , 2 in Table 23.
The sign of the estimated ω dependence parameter in Table 23 also confirms the negative dependency between personal and commercial LOBs.
When we work with rank-based methods and pseudo-likelihood functions, the diagnostic tools for dependence significance that were used with the one-stage inference methods, such as AIC and LRT, cannot be used anymore. However, bootstrapping can be used to check whether a parameter is significant, as pointed out by Côté et al. (2016). If we simulate and estimate the parameter 5000 times, then we can check if the 95 % confidence interval of the 5000 estimation includes 0. If it does not include 0, then the estimated parameter is significant.
We use the bootstrapping method to check whether the ω dependence parameter is significant. We simulate dependent loss triangles from the estimated ω using the rank-based bivariate Sarmanov and re-estimate the corresponding dependence parameter ω from each simulated pair of loss triangles. The simulation and bootstrapping procedures are illustrated thoroughly in the next section.
Figure 1 shows the approximate distribution of the ω based on 5000 bootstrap replicates.
The blue line in Figure 1 represents the 95 % confidence interval for the parameter and we can see that the confidence interval does not include 0. This indicates that the estimation of ω P , C is significant in the bivariate Sarmanov model using the rank-based method for personal and commercial auto lines.

4.3.2. Canadian Insurer Data 1 Calibration

Now, we perform the same procedure for the first dataset from the Canadian insurer, which consists of auto and home LOBs. Table 24 presents Kendall’s τ test between the two LOBs.
As depicted in Table 24, a positive dependence exists between the two LOBs. In fact, the p-value obtained from Kendall’s test underscores a robust dependency between these two lines of business.
Once more, we use the Sarmanov bivariate model and apply (7) and (8) for the gamma–gamma case to calculate the rank of residuals, which we subsequently insert into (9) to estimate the dependence parameter, denoted as ω . The outcome of the ω estimation through the rank-based method for the auto and home LOBs is presented in Table 25.
The estimated ω in Table 25 agrees with Kendall’s τ test above, showing positive dependencies between auto and home LOBs.
Once again, we can employ the bootstrapping method to assess the significance of the ω values. To achieve this, in a similar manner, we simulate synthetic (dependent) loss triangles using the dependence parameters acquired from Table 25 through the bivariate rank-based Sarmanov model. Subsequently, we re-estimate the new ω values for each iteration; the results are presented in Figure 2.
In Figure 2, the blue lines represent the 95 % confidence interval. It is evident from the figure that the blue lines do not encompass the value 0 for the parameters. This indicates that the estimation of ω values holds significance in the bivariate Sarmanov model when employing the rank-based method for the auto and home LOBs.

4.3.3. Canadian Insurer Data 2 Calibration

Now, we perform the same procedure for the BI, AB, and DI LOBs from the other Canadian insurer dataset. Table 26 presents Kendall’s τ tests for all three LOBs.
Table 26 shows that the three LOBs are positively correlated. The p-value of Kendall’s test shows that there is a strong dependence between the three lines together.
We first consider the bivariate dependence between the BI and AB, BI and DI, and AB and DI pairs, and we examine the trivariate case afterward.
In the bivariate model, we use (7) and (8) in the gamma–gamma case to compute the rank of residuals that we plug in (9) to estimate the omega dependence parameter. Table 27 presents the result of the ω estimation using a rank-based method for the following pairs: BI and AB, BI and DI, and AB and DI.
The estimated ω in Table 27 also shows that there are positive dependencies between each pair of LOBs.
Again, we can use the bootstrapping method to check the significance of the ω . As such, similarly, we simulate the synthetic (dependent) loss triangles using the dependence parameters obtained in Table 27 with the bivariate rank-based Sarmanov and re-estimate the new ω ’s each time.
Similarly, Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure 5 present the omega estimates of the bootstrap result, where the blue lines denote the 95 % confidence interval, and we can see from the figure that the blue lines do not include 0 for the parameters. This means that the ω estimation is significant in the bivariate Sarmanov model using the rank-based method for the BI and AB, BI and DI, and AB and DI pairs. These figures give some indications that the distribution of the estimated parameters may not be normal, this could be because of the bounds while estimating the ω .
For the trivariate case, we estimate the three dependence parameters ω 1 , 2 , ω 1 , 3 , and ω 2 , 3 , from (12) after calculating the rank of residuals using (11) and (8). The estimated ω s are presented in Table 28.
As shown in Table 26, Kendall’s test shows that the three LOBs are positively dependent on each other, which is confirmed by the signs of the estimated dependence parameter ω in Table 28. We again use the bootstrapping method to check the significance of the three dependence parameters.
The estimated omegas of bootstrap results are presented in Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8.
From Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8, we can conclude that the dependence parameters are all significant for the trivariate Sarmanov distribution using the rank-based method, as the 95 % confidence interval (blue lines) does not include 0 for each figure. Interestingly, this trivariate dependence was not captured with the classical one-stage inference method.

4.4. Models Estimation Summary

Table 29 displays a summary of the comparison between the Sarmanov rank-based model and the classical one-stage inference model for all seven LOBs, considering both bivariate and trivariate cases. The results clearly demonstrate that the rank-based method more effectively captures the dependencies among the LOBs. This enhanced understanding of dependencies leads to a more comprehensive risk capital analysis and greater diversification benefits, which are elaborated in the following section.

5. Risk Capital Implications

In addition to reserves, companies also need to set aside additional funds as a buffer in case of potential losses caused by adverse scenarios or extreme events; it is called risk capital. It represents the amount of money that the companies can lose without causing significant harm to the financial situation. In practice, companies calculate their risk capital by summing up the risk capital of each LOB separately. This is called the “Silo” method; it was introduced by Ajne (1994). However, this method implicitly assumes that risks are perfectly correlated, and does not allow any forms of diversification.
Therefore, we address this issue by using a dependence model through the Sarmanov family of multivariate distributions, with both the one-stage inference and rank-based methods. This section then examines and compares both approaches and assesses their impacts on the risk capital and diversification benefits.
In order to calculate the risk capital, risk measures, such as the value-at-risk ( V a R ) and tail value-at-risk ( T V a R ), are used. V a R k is calculated as the 100 ( 1 k ) percentile of the loss distribution, where k ( 0 , 1 ) is the risk tolerance.
T V a R is the expected loss, given that the loss is greater than the V a R level. Namely, we have
T V a R k ( S ) = E [ S | S > V a R k ( S ) ] ,
where S is the total unpaid loss for the portfolio.
In our case, we use the T V a R , which is a coherent risk measure, unlike the V a R for which the sub-additive property is, in general, not guaranteed. The capital allocation approach determines the share of the risk capital to be allocated to each LOB. It was first introduced by Tasche (1999) and is summarized by Bargès et al. (2009).

5.1. Simulation Procedure

To calculate the risk capital, we need a predictive distribution of reserves, which can be obtained by simulation, as these distributions cannot be obtained explicitly.
The simulation algorithm is the same for both one-stage inference and rank-based methods. In fact, to generate realizations from the Sarmanov distribution, we use the inversion method, based on the conditional cumulative distribution function, as described by Pelican and Vernic (2013). The simulation method has the following steps for both the bivariate and trivariate cases:
  • Generate y i j ( 1 ) from the marginal distribution of the first LOB: Y i j ( 1 ) G ( α 1 , τ 1 ) or Y i j ( 1 ) LN ( a 1 , b 1 ) .
  • Generate y i j ( 2 ) from the conditional cumulative distribution function F Y i j ( 2 ) | Y i j ( 1 ) of a random variable ( Y i j ( 2 ) | Y i j ( 1 ) = y i j ( 1 ) ) , as below:
    F Y i j ( 2 ) | Y i j ( 1 ) ( y ) = F y + ω 1 , 2 ψ ( 1 ) ( y i j ( 1 ) ) y f ( 2 ) y i j ( 2 ) ψ ( 2 ) ( y i j ( 2 ) ) d y i j ( 2 ) .
For the trivariate Sarmanov, the simulation procedure continues as follows:
  • Generate y i j ( 3 ) from the conditional cumulative distribution function F Y i j ( 3 ) | Y i j ( 1 ) , Y i j ( 2 ) of a random variable ( Y i j ( 3 ) | Y i j ( 1 ) = y i j ( 1 ) , Y i j ( 2 ) = y i j ( 2 ) ) , expressed as below:
    F Y i j ( 3 ) | Y i j ( 1 ) , Y i j ( 2 ) ( y ) = F ( y ) + ω 1 , 3 ψ ( 1 ) ( y i j ( 1 ) ) y f ( y i j ( 3 ) ) ψ ( 3 ) ( y i j ( 3 ) ) d y i j ( 3 ) 1 + ω 1 , 2 ψ ( 1 ) ( y i j ( 1 ) ) ψ ( 2 ) ( y i j ( 2 ) ) + ω 2 , 3 ψ ( 2 ) ( y i j ( 2 ) ) y f ( y i j ( 3 ) ) ψ ( 3 ) ( y i j ( 3 ) ) d y i j ( 3 ) 1 + ω 1 , 2 ψ ( 1 ) ( y i j ( 1 ) ) ψ ( 2 ) ( y i j ( 2 ) ) .
Once we estimate the parameters from both the one-stage inference and rank-based methods, as described in Section 2.3 and Section 3, we simulate the 45 observations of the lower part of the triangle y i , j ( ) , with 2 i 10 , and i j 10 , using the simulation procedure described above. Then we calculate the reserve and estimate the risk measure from the simulated lower part of the triangle, as follows.
For each simulation and LOB , we compute the total unpaid loss:
X ( ) = i = 1 n j = 1 n + 1 i p i ( ) y i j ( )
as well as S = X ( ) , the total unpaid loss for the whole portfolio. Here, the T V a R -based capital allocation is used and can be written as
T V a R ^ k ( X ( ) ; S ) = 1 N ( 1 k ) j = 1 N X j ( ) 1 ( S j > V a R ^ k ( S ) ) + F N ( V a R ^ k ( S ) ) k 1 n i = 1 N 1 ( S i = V a R ^ k ( S ) ) j = 1 N X j ( ) 1 ( S j = V a R ^ k ( S ) ) ,
where F N is the empirical cumulative distribution function of S and N is the number of simulations. The total T V a R -based capital allocation can be written as
T V a R ^ k ( S ) = 1 1 k 1 N j = 1 N S j 1 ( S j > V a R ^ k ( S ) ) + V a R ^ k ( S ) F N ( V a R ^ k ( S ) ) k .
The risk capital is defined as the difference between the risk measure and the value of liability (see, e.g., Dhaene et al. 2006). To replicate what is usually being done in practice, the risk measure is used at a high-risk tolerance, say 99%, while the value of liability (reserve) is usually assumed to be equal to the risk measure, but at a lower risk tolerance, generally between 60% and 80%, according to the risk appetite. Here, we set the risk tolerance at 60% for the reserve in our risk capital analysis. Mathematically, the risk capital associated with a risk R, noted by R C ( R ) , is then calculated as follows:
R C ( R ) = T V a R 99 % ( R ) T V a R 60 % ( R ) .
We then compute the gain of the dependence model compared to the silo method below:
G a i n = R C S i l o ( R ) R C S a r m a n o v ( R ) / R C S i l o ( R ) .
First, we apply the aforementioned procedures to the personal and commercial auto LOBs utilizing data from the US Schedule P. We compute the T V a R k for various risk thresholds, where k { 60 % , 90 % , 95 % , 99 % } . Subsequently, we determine the risk capital and gains using the rank-based method and proceed to compare them against both the silo and one-stage inference methods. The results of these comparisons, based on 50,000 simulations, are presented in Table 30. We present the lowest T V a R , risk capital and highest gain for each risk level in bold.
Unsurprisingly, both one-stage inference and rank-based Sarmanov methods provide lower risk measures and risk capital than the silo method. This confirms and highlights the importance of the diversification benefit when modeling dependence between these two negatively dependent LOBs.
Significantly, it is evident from Table 30 that the rank-based method surpasses the one-stage inference method in terms of gain when compared to the Silo method. Specifically, we note a reduced risk measure and an increased gain for the Sarmanov rank-based method. This highlights that the diversification benefit achieved through the rank-based method is greater than that attained with the one-stage inference method.
Subsequently, we reevaluate the implications of risk capital using two other datasets from the Canadian insurer data. The initial dataset includes the auto and home LOBs, and we proceed to compare the risk capital obtained through the rank-based Sarmanov method against that obtained via the traditional one-stage inference approach.
Table 31 demonstrates and corroborates that the bivariate Sarmanov model, when utilizing the rank-based method, yields lower risk measures and greater risk capital gains in comparison to both the silo and one-stage inference methods. This observation is further substantiated in the subsequent section through the application of bootstrapping. The lowest T V a R , risk capital and highest gain for every risk level are indicated in bold below.
For the second dataset from the Canadian Insurer, we compare the risk capital for the bivariate case with the following pairs: BI and AB, BI and DI, and AB and DI, as well as for the trivariate case with the triplet BI, AB, and DI. Here, only models with significant dependence shown in Section 4 are illustrated.
Table 32 demonstrates and validates that the bivariate Sarmanov model, employing the rank-based method, yields lower risk capital and higher gains when contrasted with both the silo and one-stage inference methods. The lowest risk capital and highest gain of the total of three LOBs are highlighted in bold.
In the trivariate scenario, we observe that the risk capital allocations are lower than in the bivariate case. Furthermore, the gains are higher, underscoring the additional risk diversification potential enabled by the rank-based trivariate Sarmanov method in the presence of multivariate dependence.

5.2. Bootstrap Procedure

The results from the simulation procedure section above do not incorporate parameter uncertainty, as the model is assumed to be correct. As such, a parametric bootstrap can be used in order to quantify estimation error and tackle potential model over-fitting. Therefore, in order to calculate the predictive distribution of reserves and risk capital, we also use the bootstrapping method to generate sample data and estimate the parameters. We use the same bootstrap algorithm as Taylor and McGuire (2007), which is also shown in work by Shi and Frees (2011) and Abdallah et al. (2016b). The following are the steps included in the bootstrapping method for bivariate or multivariate cases after estimating parameters using the methods described in Section 2.3 and Section 3.
  • Simulate 55 pseudo-responses y i , j ( ) , ( 1 i 10 , 1 j 11 i ) from the Sarmanov model using the estimated parameters ω , α 1 , τ 1 , , α , τ , a 1 , b 1 ,…, a , b , with 2 .
  • Estimate the parameters ω , α 1 , τ 1 , , α , τ , a 1 , b 1 , , a , b from the new simulated (synthetic) data y i , j ( ) , based on the different models.
  • Simulate the lower part (45 observations) of the triangle y i , j ( ) , where 2 j 10 and 12 j i 10 , using the new estimated parameters ω , α 1 , τ 1 , , α , τ , a 1 , b 1 , , a , b obtained above.
  • Calculate the reserve and estimate the risk measures from the simulated lower part of the triangle.
We apply the bootstrap method to the three datasets. We first use the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test to check whether the simulation procedure produces adequate datasets (i.e., loss triangles), as shown in Table 33. We observe that the null hypothesis is not rejected for all models, i.e., there is not enough evidence that the simulated data do not come from the same distribution of the original loss data for each LOB.
For the personal and commercial auto lines based on the US Schedule P Data, Table 34 displays the T V a R k , k { 60 % , 90 % , 95 % , 99 % } , as well as the corresponding risk capital estimates and gains obtained through 5000 bootstrap simulations. As the bootstrap is more computationally intensive, a reduced number of simulations is used for this section. The lowest T V a R , risk capital and highest gain for each risk level are given in bold below.
The findings presented in Table 34 corroborate the results obtained through simulations. Specifically, they demonstrate that, once again, the bivariate Sarmanov model employing the rank-based method yields lower risk measures compared to both the silo and one-stage inference methods. This reaffirms the conclusion that rank-based methods consistently outperform both models when applied to the personal and commercial auto LOBs from the US Schedule P dataset.
We next implement the bootstrap method on the Canadian Insurer Data 1, with the results presented in Table 35. The lowest T V a R , risk capital and highest gain for each risk level are written in bold. These results reaffirm the conclusions drawn in Section 5.1, specifically that the bivariate Sarmanov distribution using the rank-based method consistently delivers the lowest risk capital allocations and the highest risk capital gains when compared to the one-stage inference model.
Finally, we apply the bootstrap method to the Canadian Insurer Data 2, and the results are shown in Table 36. We highlighted the lowest risk capital and highest gain for the total three LOBs in bold. The findings from Section 5.1 are again confirmed, i.e., the trivariate Sarmanov distribution with the rank-based method provides the smallest risk capital allocations and the largest risk capital gain among all models.
It is worth noting that the risk measures obtained through bootstrapping are significantly higher for all models compared to those reported through simulation. This emphasizes the significance of accounting for parameter uncertainty.

6. Summary and Concluding Remarks

In this paper, we introduced rank-based techniques to enhance the modeling of the Sarmanov family of multivariate distributions within the context of loss-reserving. Our findings demonstrate that these rank-based methods not only more effectively capture the inter-dependencies between different LOBs when compared to one-stage inference but also yield superior outcomes in terms of risk capital allocation.
The dependence structure has also been extended to more than two LOBs with the trivariate case, which provides the largest risk capital gains and diversification benefits among all models. We provided comprehensive explanations and descriptions for estimations, reserve calculations, as well as simulation and bootstrap procedures for all the models utilized in this paper.
The methods were calibrated and validated on seven LOBs from real-world data and led to the same conclusions that, namely, the robust rank-based estimation method outperforms the classical one-stage inference approach for both bivariate and trivariate Sarmanov models. Indeed, the rank-based Sarmanov model effectively captures the interdependence among LOBs in cases where the one-stage inference model falls short (see the summary in Table 29). Moreover, as demonstrated in the preceding section, the proposed rank-based Sarmanov model not only yields lower risk measures but also produces a more substantial diversification benefit when compared to the one-stage inference model.
The challenge in aggregate loss reserving lies in dealing with over-parameterization due to the limited dataset available within the loss triangle. Although rank-based methods partially alleviate this problem by fixing the marginal parameters, future research could explore the application of rank-based Sarmanov methods at the micro-level of reserving, where more (detailed) data are accessible.
Furthermore, to enhance the accuracy of residuals, we can also work on improving the fit of the marginal model. In this regard, future investigations may consider utilizing the generalized partial linear model (GPLM), which incorporates both linear and nonlinear components. This approach provides greater flexibility in capturing intricate relationships between the response variable and predictor variables. Such flexibility proves particularly valuable when dealing with non-linear relationships, a common occurrence in real-world datasets (see, for example, He et al. 2005; Yousof and Gad 2015).
The Sarmanov distribution family offers numerous advantages over alternative dependence models, such as copulas. Its flexible structure renders it a promising tool for effectively capturing dependencies among LOBs. This methodology can be readily extended to encompass more than three LOBs, as well as broader risk considerations. Furthermore, its applicability extends beyond LOBs and can be effectively employed in other domains of actuarial science, including the valuation of premiums and the development of pricing strategies.
For industry professionals, this research also carries tangible and pragmatic significance. The rank-based multivariate Sarmanov method offers a more comprehensive understanding of dependence structures and portfolio dynamics. Consequently, it can be a valuable resource for P&C insurance companies, aiding them in meeting the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS 17) regulations while enhancing their solvency risk assessment. This, in turn, will result in positive economic and societal impacts by improving the insurance company’s solvency ratio. Furthermore, the proposed model aligns harmoniously with industry best practices, as it encourages actuaries to avoid adjusting the estimated reserve of one LOB based on another. Instead, it places a strong emphasis on integrating the impact of correlated LOBs into risk management and tail dependence evaluations. This approach aims to harness diversification benefits and provide valuable insights to inform strategic decisions.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, A.A.; Methodology, L.W.; Software, L.W.; Validation, A.A.; Formal analysis, L.W.; Investigation, L.W.; Resources, A.A.; Writing—original draft, L.W.; Writing—review and editing, A.A.; Supervision, A.A.; Funding acquisition, A.A. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research and the APC were funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), [funding reference number 20016011].

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Publicly available datasets were analyzed in this study. These data can be found in Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix C below.


This research was also enabled in part by the support provided by SHARCNET ( (accessed on 19 October 2022) and the Digital Research Alliance of Canada ( (accessed on 19 October 2022).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A. US Schedule P Data

Table A1 and Table A2 present the net earned premiums and the incremental paid losses for accident years 1988–1997, inclusive, for personal and commercial auto lines developed over ten years, from the US Schedule P Data. Table A3 presents the AIC and KS goodness-of-fit test used for determining the distribution of marginals. Table A4 presents the parameters of the GLMs of personal and commercial auto lines for the independence case and one-stage inference bivariate model. The corresponding reserve for each model and LOB are also provided.
Table A1. Incremental paid losses for the personal auto line.
Table A1. Incremental paid losses for the personal auto line.
Table A2. Incremental paid losses for commercial auto line.
Table A2. Incremental paid losses for commercial auto line.
Table A3. Fit statistics and goodness-of-fit test of marginals for personal and commercial auto.
Table A3. Fit statistics and goodness-of-fit test of marginals for personal and commercial auto.
LOBAICp-Value of the
Log-NormalGammaKolmogorov–Smirnov Test
Personal 395 384 0.8732 (Log-normal)
Commercial 214 218 0.0159 (Gamma)
Table A4. Parameter and reserve estimations for the independence and one-stage inference bivariate model for personal and commercial auto.
Table A4. Parameter and reserve estimations for the independence and one-stage inference bivariate model for personal and commercial auto.
ModelIndependenceOne-Stage Inference Bivariate Model
LOB Personal Commercial Personal Commercial
GLMLog-normal Gamma(log) Log-normal Gamma(log)
u ( ) −1.137−1.670−1.113−1.585
Accident Year2−0.033−0.129−0.039−0.196
Dev. Lag2−0.2240.196−0.2480.238
sd or scale0.08910.0930.0899.712
Dependence parameters −4.430

Appendix B. Canadian Insurer Data 1

Table A5 and Table A6 display the incremental paid losses and net earned premiums for accident years 2003–2012, inclusive, for both auto and home lines of business (LOBs) developed over a span of ten years, sourced from the Canadian insurer data. Table A7 presents the AIC and KS goodness-of-fit test, showing that both LOBs follow a gamma distribution. Table A8 presents the parameters of the GLMs of auto and home LOBs for the independence case and one-stage inference bivariate model, as well as the corresponding reserve for each model and LOB.
Table A5. Cumulative paid losses for LOB Auto.
Table A5. Cumulative paid losses for LOB Auto.
AccidentDevelopment Lag (in Months)
20042139707713,15916,43520,41622,59824,17125,03425,714 65,691
200514204888876212,18414,48215,63317,08917,710 55,453
20061510502710,76315,79919,26922,50424,807 54,006
200716935175821612,26316,91820,792 55,425
20082097750910,81015,67319,791 59,100
200920945174806212,389 54,438
2010148747897448 53,483
201118686196 52,978
20122080 57,879
Table A6. Cumulative paid losses for LOB Home.
Table A6. Cumulative paid losses for LOB Home.
AccidentDevelopment Lag (in Months)
20044158995614,86018,02420,39722,06823,31224,55525,137 65,705
2005398910,51915,87720,27423,42826,49530,97431,580 73,879
2006401210,90416,14119,64321,95426,21528,095 91,473
2007432210,81416,08620,18624,15727,222 87,212
2008637914,52419,05824,10828,329 89,455
2009529114,62020,79925,131 90,341
2010494612,95618,007 89,212
2011567415,026 91,606
20125478 99,982
Table A7. Fit statistics and goodness-of-fit test of marginals for auto and home.
Table A7. Fit statistics and goodness-of-fit test of marginals for auto and home.
LOBAICp-Value of the
Log-NormalGammaKolmogorov–Smirnov Test
Auto 323 324 0.397 (Gamma)
Home 259 267 0.019 (Gamma)
Table A8. Parameter and reserve estimations for the independence and one-stage inference bivariate model for auto and home.
Table A8. Parameter and reserve estimations for the independence and one-stage inference bivariate model for auto and home.
ModelIndependenceOne-Stage Inference Bivariate Model
LOB AutoHomeAutoHome
u ( ) −3.501−2.872−3.495−2.889
Accident Year20.0530.1010.0590.112
Dev. Lag20.8150.4200.8080.396
sd or scale24.0468.02125.0878.104
Dependence parameters 256.001

Appendix C. Canadian Insurer Data 2

Table A9, Table A10 and Table A11 display the net earned premiums and cumulative paid losses for accident years 2003–2012, inclusive, for each LOB (BI, AB, DI) developed over, a maximum of ten years, using data from a large Canadian insurer. To preserve confidentiality, all figures were multiplied by a constant. Table A12 displays the AIC and KS goodness-fit of test results, used to determine the distribution of each marginal. Table A13 displays the parameters of the GLMs of three LOBs for the independence model, one-stage inference bivariate model, and one-stage inference trivariate model, accompanied by the respective reserve for each model and LOB.
Table A9. Cumulative paid losses for the BI LOB.
Table A9. Cumulative paid losses for the BI LOB.
AccidentDevelopment Lag (in Months)
2004116912,78120,55031,54742,80847,38550,25150,97851,272 98,579
2005147810,78825,49934,27943,05749,36052,32952,544 103,062
2006118611,85222,91332,53741,82448,00552,542 108,412
2007173713,88125,52138,03743,68447,755 111,176
2008157112,15327,32941,83251,779 112,050
2009119917,07729,87644,149 112,577
2010126316,07328,249 113,707
201198610,003 126,442
2012683 130,484
Table A10. Cumulative paid losses for LOB AB.
Table A10. Cumulative paid losses for LOB AB.
AccidentDevelopment Lag (in Months)
2004688316,52524,79629,26332,61933,38334,81535,56935,612 111,467
2005793322,06732,80138,02844,27444,94846,50746,665 107,241
2006705218,16625,58931,97636,09238,72039,914 105,687
200710,46323,98231,62136,03938,07041,260 105,923
2008969728,87841,67847,13550,788 111,487
200911,38737,33348,45255,757 113,268
201012,15032,25040,677 121,606
2011534814,357 110,610
20124612 104,304
Table A11. Cumulative paid losses for LOB DI.
Table A11. Cumulative paid losses for LOB DI.
AccidentDevelopment Lag (in Months)
2004207046626690825392869724994210,08610,121 111,467
20052001482573448918982410,27410,93411,155 107,241
2006183349537737952410,98611,26711,579 105,687
20072217557078988885942410,402 105,923
200820765681857710,23712,934 111,487
200920256225902710,945 113,268
2010202458888196 121,606
201113113780 110,610
2012912 104,304
Table A12. Fit statistics and goodness-of-fit test of marginals for BI, AB, and DI.
Table A12. Fit statistics and goodness-of-fit test of marginals for BI, AB, and DI.
LOBAICp-Value of the
Log-NormalGammaKolmogorov–Smirnov Test
Bodily Injury 262 270 0.643 (Gamma)
Accident Benefit 267 276 0.135 (Gamma)
Disability Income 437 444 0.478 (Gamma)
Table A13. Parameter and reserve estimations for the independence and one-stage inference models.
Table A13. Parameter and reserve estimations for the independence and one-stage inference models.
ModelIndependenceBivariate BI and ABBivariate BI and DIBivariate AB and DITrivariate Model
u ( ) 3.628 2.365 4.064 −3.593−2.317−3.605−4.073−2.410−4.035−3.597−2.262−4.086
Accident Year2 0.750 0.413 0.121 −0.768−0.409−0.758−0.163−0.380−0.118−0.839−0.483−0.090
3 0.729 0.196 0.171 −0.771−0.242−0.7240.128−0.1250.157−0.814−0.2880.183
4 0.651 0.112 0.129 −0.627−0.098−0.6590.099−0.0460.143−0.6830.1830.145
5 0.740 0.095 0.092 −0.744−0.123−0.7540.051−0.0390.084−0.805−0.1860.107
6 0.574 0.001 0.396 −0.571−0.010−0.5750.3580.0560.377−0.691−0.1330.398
7 0.574 0.196 0.254 −0.6030.122−0.5570.2230.2250.215−0.6640.0850.265
8 0.658 0.012 0.055 −0.697−0.091−0.6840.0520.0220.060−0.723−0.1470.076
9 1.147 0.628 0.259 −1.168−0.713−1.186−0.295−0.635−0.285−1.168−0.767−0.210
10 1.625 0.754 0.676 −1.675−0.756−1.621−0.649−0.751−0.696−1.694−0.791−0.628
Dev. Lag2 2.061 0.450 0.419 2.0470.4362.0550.4800.4630.3812.1190.4430.440
3 2.065 0.055 0.114 2.064−0.0662.0510.165−0.0350.1072.107−0.0700.120
4 2.018 0.507 0.358 1.994−0.5041.983−0.318−0.505−0.3662.073−0.501−0.312
5 1.818 0.759 0.582 1.778−0.7961.785−0.543−0.758−0.6071.884−0.773−0.545
6 1.297 1.580 1.154 1.243−1.6311.286−1.101−1.582−1.1761.374−1.642−1.143
7 0.772 1.899 1.870 0.729−1.8840.757−1.806−1.902−1.8980.792−1.943−1.863
8 0.493 2.670 2.102 −0.526−2.713−0.510−2.064−2.629−2.131−0.475−2.752−2.150
9 0.429 3.762 3.849 −0.452−3.801−0.453−3.805−3.720−3.862−0.405−3.874−3.849
10 1.358 2.960 6.255 −1.353−3.037−1.418−6.260−2.927−6.313−1.438−3.154−6.190
sd or scale10.6998.03710.07810.7498.41310.75810.1187.9249.97310.2138.23310.143
Dependence parameters ω B I , A B ω B I , D I ω A B , D I ω B I , A B ω B I , D I ω A B , D I


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Figure 1. The 5000 ω P , C rank-based bootstrap estimations for bivariate Sarmanov with Pers. and Comm. LOBs.
Figure 1. The 5000 ω P , C rank-based bootstrap estimations for bivariate Sarmanov with Pers. and Comm. LOBs.
Risks 11 00187 g001
Figure 2. The 5000 ω A , H rank-based bootstrap estimations for bivariate Sarmanov with auto and home LOBs.
Figure 2. The 5000 ω A , H rank-based bootstrap estimations for bivariate Sarmanov with auto and home LOBs.
Risks 11 00187 g002
Figure 3. The 5000 ω B I , A B rank-based bootstrap estimations for the bivariate Sarmanov with the BI and AB LOBs.
Figure 3. The 5000 ω B I , A B rank-based bootstrap estimations for the bivariate Sarmanov with the BI and AB LOBs.
Risks 11 00187 g003
Figure 4. The 5000 ω B I , D I rank-based bootstrap estimations for the bivariate Sarmanov with the BI and DI LOBs.
Figure 4. The 5000 ω B I , D I rank-based bootstrap estimations for the bivariate Sarmanov with the BI and DI LOBs.
Risks 11 00187 g004
Figure 5. The 5000 ω A B , D I rank-based bootstrap estimations for the bivariate Sarmanov with the AB and DI LOBs.
Figure 5. The 5000 ω A B , D I rank-based bootstrap estimations for the bivariate Sarmanov with the AB and DI LOBs.
Risks 11 00187 g005
Figure 6. The 5000 ω B I , A B rank-based bootstrap estimations for bivariate Sarmanov with BI, AB, and DI LOBs.
Figure 6. The 5000 ω B I , A B rank-based bootstrap estimations for bivariate Sarmanov with BI, AB, and DI LOBs.
Risks 11 00187 g006
Figure 7. The 5000 ω B I , D I rank-based bootstrap estimations for bivariate Sarmanov with BI, AB, and DI LOBs.
Figure 7. The 5000 ω B I , D I rank-based bootstrap estimations for bivariate Sarmanov with BI, AB, and DI LOBs.
Risks 11 00187 g007
Figure 8. The 5000 ω A B , D I rank-based bootstrap estimations for bivariate Sarmanov with BI, AB, and DI LOBs.
Figure 8. The 5000 ω A B , D I rank-based bootstrap estimations for bivariate Sarmanov with BI, AB, and DI LOBs.
Risks 11 00187 g008
Table 1. Kendall’s τ for personal and commercial auto LOBs.
Table 1. Kendall’s τ for personal and commercial auto LOBs.
LOBsPersonal and Commercial
Kendall’s τ −0.1556
Table 2. Descriptive summary of two LOBs from a Canadian insurance company.
Table 2. Descriptive summary of two LOBs from a Canadian insurance company.
AutoWestAutoBodily injury
Table 3. Kendall’s τ for auto and home LOBs.
Table 3. Kendall’s τ for auto and home LOBs.
LOBsAuto and Home
Kendall’s τ 0.2848
Table 4. Descriptive summary of three LOBs from a Canadian insurance company.
Table 4. Descriptive summary of three LOBs from a Canadian insurance company.
BIOntarioAutoBodily injury
ABOntarioAutoAccident benefits excluding disability income
DIOntarioAutoAccident benefits: disability income only
Table 5. Kendall’s τ for the BI, AB, and DI LOBs.
Table 5. Kendall’s τ for the BI, AB, and DI LOBs.
LOBLine BI and ABLine BI and DIAB and DIBI, AB, and DI
Kendall’s τ 0.24440.20940.20000.2180
Table 6. Estimated omega for the bivariate Sarmanov model with personal and commercial LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
Table 6. Estimated omega for the bivariate Sarmanov model with personal and commercial LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
LOBEstimated OmegaLog-Likelihood
Personal and Commercial−4.4296348.6252
Table 7. AIC for the bivariate Sarmanov model with personal and commercial LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
Table 7. AIC for the bivariate Sarmanov model with personal and commercial LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
Model for Personal and CommercialAIC
Bivariate Sarmanov with one-stage inference−615.2503
Table 8. Significance tests for the bivariate Sarmanov model with personal and commercial LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
Table 8. Significance tests for the bivariate Sarmanov model with personal and commercial LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
Significance TestsLikelihood-Ratio Test
Test statistic 4.0639
Table 9. Reserve calculation of the one-stage inference method vs. independence for personal and commercial LOBs.
Table 9. Reserve calculation of the one-stage inference method vs. independence for personal and commercial LOBs.
Models/ReserveLOB Pers.LOB Comm.Total
Independence Pers. and Comm.6,464,075490,6526,954,727
Bivariate Pers. and Comm.6,465,679513,6226,979,302
Table 10. Estimated omega for the bivariate Sarmanov model with auto and home LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
Table 10. Estimated omega for the bivariate Sarmanov model with auto and home LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
LOBEstimated OmegaLog-Likelihood
Auto and Home256.0006335.3081
Table 11. AIC for the bivariate Sarmanov model with auto and home LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
Table 11. AIC for the bivariate Sarmanov model with auto and home LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
Model for Auto and HomeAIC
Bivariate Sarmanov with one-stage inference−588.6163
Table 12. Significance tests for the bivariate Sarmanov model with auto and home LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
Table 12. Significance tests for the bivariate Sarmanov model with auto and home LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
Significance TestsLikelihood-Ratio Test
Test statistic 0.5078
Table 13. Reserve calculation of the one-stage inference method vs. independence for auto and home LOBs.
Table 13. Reserve calculation of the one-stage inference method vs. independence for auto and home LOBs.
Models/ReserveLOB AutoLOB HomeTotal
Independence Auto and Home78,66598,929177,594
Bivariate Auto and Home77,789101,603179,392
Table 14. Estimated omega for the bivariate Sarmanov model with the BI and AB, BI and DI, and AB and DI LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
Table 14. Estimated omega for the bivariate Sarmanov model with the BI and AB, BI and DI, and AB and DI LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
LOBEstimated OmegaLog-Likelihood
BI and AB436.9040315.1206
BI and DI424.5868397.3058
AB and DI730.9298400.3068
Table 15. AIC for the bivariate Sarmanov model with BI and AB, BI and DI, and AB and DI LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
Table 15. AIC for the bivariate Sarmanov model with BI and AB, BI and DI, and AB and DI LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
BI and ABIndependence−546.3281
Bivariate Sarmanov with one-stage inference−548.2413
BI and DIIndependence−714.1499
Bivariate Sarmanov with one-stage inference−712.6117
AB and DIIndependence−720.1422
Bivariate Sarmanov with one-stage inference−718.6135
Table 16. Significance tests for the bivariate Sarmanov model with BI and AB, BI and DI, AB, and DI LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
Table 16. Significance tests for the bivariate Sarmanov model with BI and AB, BI and DI, AB, and DI LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
LOB/Likelihood-Ratio TestTest Statisticsp-Value
BI and AB3.913140.04791
BI and DI0.466780.49447
AB and DI0.471310.49239
Table 17. Estimated omega for the trivariate Sarmanov model with BI, AB, and DI LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
Table 17. Estimated omega for the trivariate Sarmanov model with BI, AB, and DI LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
Lines BI, AB, and DI ω BI , AB ω BI , DI ω AB , DI
Estimated omega374.7942−110.3272−165.7813
Table 18. Significance test for the trivariate Sarmanov model with the BI, AB, and DI lines using the one-step inference method.
Table 18. Significance test for the trivariate Sarmanov model with the BI, AB, and DI lines using the one-step inference method.
Likelihood-Ratio Test ω BI , AB ω BI , DI ω AB , DI
Test statistic2.2803−0.13513841.061
Table 19. AIC for the trivariate Sarmanov model with BI, AB, and DI LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
Table 19. AIC for the trivariate Sarmanov model with BI, AB, and DI LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
Model for Line BI, AB, and DIAIC
Trivariate Sarmanov with one-stage inference−986.8582
Table 20. Significance tests for the trivariate Sarmanov model with BI, AB, and DI LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
Table 20. Significance tests for the trivariate Sarmanov model with BI, AB, and DI LOBs using the one-stage inference method.
Significance TestsLikelihood-Ratio Test
Test statistic 2.5506
Table 21. Reserve calculation of the one-stage inference method vs. independence for the BI, AB, and DI LOBs.
Table 21. Reserve calculation of the one-stage inference method vs. independence for the BI, AB, and DI LOBs.
Models/ReserveLOB BILOB ABLOB DITotal for 3 Lines
Independence BI, AB, and DI132,91873,22018,288224,426
Bivariate BI and AB129,39771,457(18,288)219,144
Bivariate BI and DI131,148(73,220)18,739223,107
Bivariate AB and DI(132,918)72,14418,123223,185
Trivariate BI, AB, and DI135,06170,85718,752224,671
Table 22. Kendall’s τ for personal and commercial LOBs.
Table 22. Kendall’s τ for personal and commercial LOBs.
LOBPersonal and Commercial Auto Line
Kendall’s τ −0.1556
Kendall’s test p-value0.09355
Table 23. Estimated omega for the bivariate Sarmanov model with personal and commercial LOBs using the rank-based method.
Table 23. Estimated omega for the bivariate Sarmanov model with personal and commercial LOBs using the rank-based method.
LOBEstimated Omega
Personal and Commercial−10.14954
Table 24. Kendall’s τ for auto and home LOBs.
Table 24. Kendall’s τ for auto and home LOBs.
LOBAuto and Home Lines
Kendall’s τ 0.2848
Kendall’s test p-value0.0021
Table 25. Estimated omega for the bivariate Sarmanov model with personal and commercial LOBs using the rank-based method.
Table 25. Estimated omega for the bivariate Sarmanov model with personal and commercial LOBs using the rank-based method.
LOBEstimated Omega
Auto and Home155.115
Table 26. Kendall’s τ for the BI, AB, and DI LOBs.
Table 26. Kendall’s τ for the BI, AB, and DI LOBs.
LOBLine BI and ABLine BI and DILine AB and DILine BI, AB, and DI
Kendall’s τ 0.24440.20940.20000.2180
Kendall’s test p-value0.00840.02400.03114.7064 × 10 5
Table 27. Estimated omega for the bivariate Sarmanov model with the following pairs: BI and AB, BI and DI, AB and DI, using a rank-based method.
Table 27. Estimated omega for the bivariate Sarmanov model with the following pairs: BI and AB, BI and DI, AB and DI, using a rank-based method.
LOBEstimated Omega
BI and AB24.524
BI and DI31.482
AB and DI1374.157
Table 28. Estimated omega for the trivariate Sarmanov model with the triplet BI, AB, and DI using the rank-based method.
Table 28. Estimated omega for the trivariate Sarmanov model with the triplet BI, AB, and DI using the rank-based method.
Lines BI, AB, and DI ω BI , AB ω BI , DI ω AB , DI
Estimated omega25.296230.409261.4528
Table 29. Summary table for the comparison of the one-stage inference method and rank-based method.
Table 29. Summary table for the comparison of the one-stage inference method and rank-based method.
Significance of Models/MethodsOne-Stage Inference MethodRank-Based Method
Bivariate Personal and Commercial
Bivariate Auto and Home×
Bivariate BI and AB
Bivariate BI and DI×
Bivariate AB and DI×
Trivariate BI, AB, and DI×
Table 30. The T V a R and risk capital comparison based on 50,000 simulations for personal and commercial LOBs.
Table 30. The T V a R and risk capital comparison based on 50,000 simulations for personal and commercial LOBs.
Model 60 % 90 % 95 % 99 %
Sarmanov with one-stage inference7,170,1807,335,9217,403,8297,541,347
Sarmanov with rank-based method7,137,7337,297,0207,362,3077,494,715
Risk Capital
Model 60 % 90 % 95 % 99 %
Sarmanov with one-stage inference-165,741233,649371,167
Sarmanov with rank-based method-159,286224,574356,982
Model 60 % 90 % 95 % 99 %
Sarmanov with one-stage inference-14.28%14.48%14.92%
Sarmanov with rank-based method-17.61%17.80%18.17%
Table 31. The T V a R and risk capital comparison based on 50,000 simulations for the auto and home LOBs.
Table 31. The T V a R and risk capital comparison based on 50,000 simulations for the auto and home LOBs.
Model 60 % 90 % 95 % 99 %
Sarmanov with one-stage inference186,983193,446195,984201,120
Sarmanov with rank-based method185,138191,560194,083199,211
Risk Capital
Model 60 % 90 % 95 % 99 %
Sarmanov with one-stage inference-6463900014,136
Sarmanov with rank-based method-6422894514,073
Model 60 % 90 % 95 % 99 %
Sarmanov with one-stage inference-23.16%23.63%24.03%
Sarmanov with rank-based method-23.65%24.10%24.37%
Table 32. The risk capital comparison based on 50,000 simulations for the BI, AB, and DI LOBs.
Table 32. The risk capital comparison based on 50,000 simulations for the BI, AB, and DI LOBs.
ModelLine BILine ABLine DITotalGain
Silo BI and AB16,16311,301-27,464-
Bivariate BI and AB one-stage inference13,4745972-19,44629.19%
Bivariate BI and AB rank-based method13,5495820-19,36929.47%
Silo BI and DI16,163-245518,618-
Bivariate BI and DI rank-based method16,007-40016,40711.88%
Silo AB and DI-11,301245513,756-
Bivariate AB and DI rank-based method-11,07561911,69414.99%
Silo BI, AB, and DI16,16311,301245529,920-
Trivariate BI, AB, and DI rank-based method13,458580024619,50534.81%
Table 33. KS test for simulated vs. original data.
Table 33. KS test for simulated vs. original data.
Model/p-Value 1 st Line 2 nd Line 3 rd Line
Bivariate personal and commercial one-stage inference0.99890.9031-
Bivariate personal and commercial rank-based0.99890.9031-
Bivariate auto and home one-stage inference0.76950.9789-
Bivariate auto and home rank-based0.76950.9789-
Bivariate BI and AB one-stage inference0.90310.9789-
Bivariate BI and AB rank-based0.90310.9789-
Bivariate BI and DI rank-based0.90310.9789-
Bivariate AB and DI rank-based0.97890.9789-
Trivariate BI, AB, and DI rank-based0.90310.97890.9789
Table 34. Comparison of T V a R and risk capital based on 5000 bootstrap samples for the personal and commercial LOBs.
Table 34. Comparison of T V a R and risk capital based on 5000 bootstrap samples for the personal and commercial LOBs.
Model 60 % 90 % 95 % 99 %
Sarmanov with one-stage inference7,392,7657,750,4227,898,5618,208,176
Sarmanov with rank-based method7,357,1547,702,0677,846,9368,138,880
Risk Capital
Model 60 % 90 % 95 % 99 %
Sarmanov with one-stage inference-357,657505,796815,411
Sarmanov with rank-based method-344,914489,782781,727
Model 60 % 90 % 95 % 99 %
Sarmanov with one-stage inference-16.00%15.99%15.26%
Sarmanov with rank-based method-19.00%18.65%18.76%
Table 35. Comparison of T V a R and risk capital based on 5000 bootstrap samples for the auto and home LOBs.
Table 35. Comparison of T V a R and risk capital based on 5000 bootstrap samples for the auto and home LOBs.
Model 60 % 90 % 95 % 99 %
Sarmanov with one-stage inference199,250217,121224,593239,702
Sarmanov with rank-based method197,857215,206222,418235,385
Risk Capital
Model 60 % 90 % 95 % 99 %
Sarmanov with one-stage inference-17,87025,34340,542
Sarmanov with rank-based method-17,34924,56137,528
Model 60 % 90 % 95 % 99 %
Sarmanov with one-stage inference-7.85%7.29%6.24%
Sarmanov with rank-based method-10.54%10.15%13.21%
Table 36. Risk capital comparison based on 5000 bootstrap samples for the BI, AB, and DI LOBs.
Table 36. Risk capital comparison based on 5000 bootstrap samples for the BI, AB, and DI LOBs.
ModelLine BILine ABLine DITotalGain
Silo BI and AB35,47126,899-62,370-
Bivariate BI and AB one-stage inference28,23318,320-46,55325.36%
Bivariate BI and AB rank-based method24,71717,978-42,69531.55%
Silo BI and DI35,471-556341,034-
Bivariate BI and DI rank-based method35,021-71335,73416.30%
Silo AB and DI-26,899556332,462-
Bivariate AB and DI rank-based method-26,515132327,83814.24%
Silo BI, AB, and DI35,47126,899556367,934-
Trivariate BI, AB, and DI rank-based method24,54817,970159144,11035.07%
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MDPI and ACS Style

Abdallah, A.; Wang, L. Rank-Based Multivariate Sarmanov for Modeling Dependence between Loss Reserves. Risks 2023, 11, 187.

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Abdallah A, Wang L. Rank-Based Multivariate Sarmanov for Modeling Dependence between Loss Reserves. Risks. 2023; 11(11):187.

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Abdallah, Anas, and Lan Wang. 2023. "Rank-Based Multivariate Sarmanov for Modeling Dependence between Loss Reserves" Risks 11, no. 11: 187.

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Abdallah, A., & Wang, L. (2023). Rank-Based Multivariate Sarmanov for Modeling Dependence between Loss Reserves. Risks, 11(11), 187.

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