Impact of Two Resuscitation Sequences on Alveolar Ventilation during the First Minute of Simulated Pediatric Cardiac Arrest: Randomized Cross-Over Trial
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Design and Sequence
2.1.1. Participant Recruitment and Consent
2.1.2. Randomization and Concealment of Allocation
2.1.3. Manikin and Equipment
2.1.4. Resuscitation Scenario
2.1.5. Blinding
2.2. Outcomes
- The total number of ventilations;
- The proportion of ventilations within (30–70 mL), above (>70 mL), and below (<30 mL) the target volume (according to the manikin’s manufacturer);
- The alveolar ventilation obtained without taking ventilation volumes over 70 mL into account (for this analysis, all ventilations were individually capped at 45 mL);
- The proportion of adequate chest compression depth according to the manikin’s size (≥4.3 cm, corresponding to one-third of the height of the manikin’s chest, i.e., 13 cm);
- The proportion of chest compressions within (100–120 compressions per minute, cpm), above (>120 cpm), and below (<100 cpm) the target rate;
- The chest compression fraction (CCF);
- The proportion of compressions with adequate chest recoil.
2.3. Data Extraction, and Availability
2.4. Sample size
2.5. Bias Minimization and Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Primary Outcome
3.2. Secondary Outcomes
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Characteristic | Participants (N = 28) |
Gender (n, %) | |
Man | 19 (68%) |
Woman | 9 (32%) |
Age (years, median, [Q1;Q3]) | 32 [27;45] |
Profession (n, %) | |
Paramedic | 27 (96%) |
Physician | 1 (4%) |
Years since graduation (median, [Q1;Q3]) | 7 [2;17] |
Years of prehospital experience (median, [Q1;Q3]) 1 | 13 [2;18] |
Time elapsed since last pediatric resuscitation in the field (n, %) 2 | |
Less than 6 months ago | 0 (0%) |
6–12 months ago | 3 (11%) |
12–24 months ago | 6 (21%) |
More than 24 months ago | 7 (25%) |
No prior pediatric resuscitation in the field | 12 (43%) |
Time elapsed since last simulated pediatric resuscitation (n, %) 2 | |
Less than 6 months ago | 13 (46%) |
6–12 months ago | 8 (29%) |
12–24 months ago | 3 (11%) |
More than 24 months ago | 4 (14%) |
No prior simulated pediatric resuscitation | 0 (0%) |
Specific post-graduate pediatric course followed (yes, n, %) | 17 (61%) |
Outcome | ERC Approach | AHA Approach | Difference |
Number of ventilations | 13 [12;15] | 10 [8;10] | 3.5 [3;5] |
Ventilation’s volume | 54 mL [37;61] | 52 mL [43;63] | −1 mL [−6;3] |
Proportions of ventilations | |||
- Below target (<30 mL) | 4% [0;23] | 0% [0;11] | 0% [−2;7] |
- In target (30–70 mL) | 76% [65;82] | 75% [52;100] | 2% [−9;10] |
- Above target (>70 mL) | 3% [0;24] | 0% [0;31] | 0% [−3;0] |
Alveolar ventilation with ventilation capped at 70 mL | 365 mL [203;445] | 271 mL [138;353] | 78 mL [33;117] |
Compressions’ depth | 32 mm [28;34] | 32 mm [30;35] | −1 mm [−2;1] |
Proportions of compressions with adequate depth | |||
- According to the manikin’s size (≥4.3 cm) | 0% | 0% | 0% |
- According to the ≥3 cm target | 91% [17;100] | 89% [36;99] | 0% [−15;3] |
Compression rate | 109 cpm [103;114] | 110 cpm [104;114] | −1 cpm [−3;1] |
Proportions of compression rate | |||
- Below target (<100 cpm) | 0% [0;20] | 3% [0;13] | 0% [−2;2] |
- In-target (100–120 cpm) | 91% [57;98] | 90% [55;96] | 1% [−5;6] |
- Above target (>120 cpm) | 1% [0;7] | 0% [0;9] | 0% [−1;1] |
CCF | 57% [54;64] | 66% [59;68] | −7% [−11;−2] |
Proportion of compressions with adequate chest recoil | 93% [42;100] | 76% [34;92] | 6% [−8;20] |
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Suppan, L.; Jampen, L.; Siebert, J.N.; Zünd, S.; Stuby, L.; Ozainne, F. Impact of Two Resuscitation Sequences on Alveolar Ventilation during the First Minute of Simulated Pediatric Cardiac Arrest: Randomized Cross-Over Trial. Healthcare 2022, 10, 2451.
Suppan L, Jampen L, Siebert JN, Zünd S, Stuby L, Ozainne F. Impact of Two Resuscitation Sequences on Alveolar Ventilation during the First Minute of Simulated Pediatric Cardiac Arrest: Randomized Cross-Over Trial. Healthcare. 2022; 10(12):2451.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSuppan, Laurent, Laurent Jampen, Johan N. Siebert, Samuel Zünd, Loric Stuby, and Florian Ozainne. 2022. "Impact of Two Resuscitation Sequences on Alveolar Ventilation during the First Minute of Simulated Pediatric Cardiac Arrest: Randomized Cross-Over Trial" Healthcare 10, no. 12: 2451.
APA StyleSuppan, L., Jampen, L., Siebert, J. N., Zünd, S., Stuby, L., & Ozainne, F. (2022). Impact of Two Resuscitation Sequences on Alveolar Ventilation during the First Minute of Simulated Pediatric Cardiac Arrest: Randomized Cross-Over Trial. Healthcare, 10(12), 2451.