Validation of the WHOQOL-BREF Quality of Life Questionnaire in an Urban Sample of Older Adults in a Neighbourhood in Zaragoza (Spain)
:1. Introduction
WHOQOL-BREF Definition and Dimensions
2. Method
2.1. Subjects and Procedures
2.2. Instrument
2.3. Description of Data and Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Factorial Structure
3.2. Internal Consistency
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Universe | Sample | ||||||||
Men | Women | Men | Women | ||||||
Absolute Frequency | Relative Frequency | Absolute Frequency | Relative Frequency | No. of Tests | % Test | No. of Tests | % Test | Total | |
Third Age (60–79) | 1000 | 45% | 1180 | 55% | 106 | 40.3% | 157 | 59.7% | 263 |
Fourth Age (80+) | 195 | 34% | 376 | 66% | 29 | 34.5% | 55 | 65.5% | 84 |
Total | 1195 | 43% | 1556 | 57% | 135 | 38.9% | 212 | 61.1% | 347 |
Variables | Absolute Frequency | Relative Frequency |
Civil status | ||
Single | 11 | 3.2 |
Married/cohabiting | 231 | 66.6 |
Separated/divorced | 6 | 1.7 |
Widow/Widower | 97 | 28.0 |
NS/NA | 2 | 0.5 |
Education | ||
No studies | 61 | 17.6 |
Primary | 180 | 51.9 |
Secondary | 63 | 18.2 |
University | 42 | 12.1 |
NS/NA | 1 | 0.3 |
Area of residence | ||
Viñedo Viejo | 231 | 66.6 |
Fuentes Claras | 24 | 6.9 |
Las Nieves | 82 | 23.6 |
NS/NA | 10 | 2.9 |
Perception of economic level | ||
Problems of budgeting to end of month | 45 | 13.0 |
Usually able to budget to end of month | 120 | 34.6 |
No problem budgeting to end of month | 119 | 34.3 |
Savings | 58 | 16.7 |
NS/NA | 5 | 1.4 |
Medical diagnosis | ||
Yes | 262 | 75.5 |
No | 64 | 18.4 |
NS/NA | 21 | 6.1 |
Domain | Physical Health | Psychological Health | Social Relations | Environment |
Description | ||||
No. of items | 7 | 6 | 3 | 8 |
No. of valid answers | 322 | 322 | 322 | 322 |
Median | 13.7 | 14.0 | 13.3 | 14.0 |
Interquartile range | 4.0 | 3.2 | 4.0 | 3.5 |
Range | 14.9 | 12.3 | 16 | 10 |
Skewness | −0.18 | −0.26 | −0.06 | −0.04 |
Kurtosis | −0.26 | 0.02 | 0.32 | −0.58 |
Minimum | 5.1 | 6.7 | 4.0 | 9.5 |
Maximum | 20.0 | 20.0 | 20.0 | 19.5 |
Items | Corrected Item-Total Correlation |
Physical Health | |
Pain | 0.450 |
Dependence on medication | 0.431 |
Energy for daily life * | 0.724 |
Mobility * | 0.625 |
Sleep and rest | 0.417 |
Daily life activities * | 0.772 |
Capacity for work * | 0.702 |
Psychological Health | |
Positive feelings | 0.559 |
Spirituality, religion | 0.556 |
Thought, learning | 0.322 |
Body image | 0.449 |
Self-confidence * | 0.677 |
Negative feelings | 0.396 |
Social Relationships | |
Personal relationships | 0.511 |
Sexual activity | 0.557 |
Social support ** | 0.283 |
Environment | |
Freedom and safety * | 0.603 |
Physical environment | 0.434 |
Economic resources | 0.458 |
Opportunity for information | 0.578 |
Leisure and rest | 0.457 |
Home | 0.360 |
Healthcare ** | 0.216 |
Transport | 0.380 |
Questionnaire Domains | Internal Consistency (<) |
Physical health | 0.809 |
Psychological Health | 0.722 |
Social Relationships | 0.660 |
Environment | 0.717 |
Total WHOQOL-BREF score | 0.908 |
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Share and Cite
Gil-Lacruz, M.; Cañete-Lairla, M.; Navarro, J.; Montaño-Espinoza, R.; Espinoza-Santander, I.; Osorio-Parraguez, P. Validation of the WHOQOL-BREF Quality of Life Questionnaire in an Urban Sample of Older Adults in a Neighbourhood in Zaragoza (Spain). Healthcare 2022, 10, 2272.
Gil-Lacruz M, Cañete-Lairla M, Navarro J, Montaño-Espinoza R, Espinoza-Santander I, Osorio-Parraguez P. Validation of the WHOQOL-BREF Quality of Life Questionnaire in an Urban Sample of Older Adults in a Neighbourhood in Zaragoza (Spain). Healthcare. 2022; 10(11):2272.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGil-Lacruz, Marta, Miguel Cañete-Lairla, Jorge Navarro, Rosa Montaño-Espinoza, Iris Espinoza-Santander, and Paulina Osorio-Parraguez. 2022. "Validation of the WHOQOL-BREF Quality of Life Questionnaire in an Urban Sample of Older Adults in a Neighbourhood in Zaragoza (Spain)" Healthcare 10, no. 11: 2272.