In Vitro Propagation of Three Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Varieties Using Immature Female Inflorescences
:1. Introduction
2. Results
2.1. Starting Stage
2.2. Maturation Stage
2.3. Multiplication Stage
2.4. Rooting Stage
2.5. Pre-Acclimatization and Acclimatization Stages
3. Discussion
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Plant Materials
4.2. Sterilization and Explants Preparation
4.3. Preparation of Culture Media
4.4. Culture Conditions
4.5. Measurements
4.6. Pre-Acclimatization
4.7. Acclimatization
4.8. Statistical Analysis
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
(SM) | Starting media |
(MM) | Maturation media |
(PM) | Multiplication media |
(RM) | Rooting media |
(2, 4-D) | 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid |
(NAA) | Naphthaleneacetic acid |
(IAA) | Indole-3-acetic acid |
(IBA) | Indole-3-butyric acid |
(Kin) | Kinetin |
(2-iP) | 2-isopentenyladenine |
(BAP or BA) | 6-Benzylaminopurine or benzyl adenine |
(AC) | Activated charcoal |
(MS) | Murashige and Skoog |
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SOV | Df | MS | ||
Callus Induction Frequencies (%) | Number of Days to Initiate Callus | Callus Weight (g) | ||
Replicates | 2 | 75.51 | 3.595 | 0.09834 |
Media | 2 | 4,672.38 ** | 177.099 ** | 8.97575 ** |
Variety | 2 | 5,645.85 ** | 401.173 ** | 2.86402 ** |
Media x variety | 4 | 167.91 | 12.008 | 0.02743 |
Error | 70 | 127.71 | 10.437 | 0.28367 |
Total | 80 | 10,689.36 | 604.312 | 12.249 |
h2b | 82.96% | 81.64% | 47.68% |
SOV | Df | MS | |
Number of Somatic Embryos | Number of Shoots | ||
Replicates | 2 | 14.848 | 12.913 |
Media | 2 | 95.623 ** | 180.803 ** |
Variety | 2 | 110.612 ** | 228.831 ** |
Media x variety | 4 | 0.785 | 7.041 |
Error | 70 | 11.281 | 18.844 |
Total | 80 | 233.149 | 448.432 |
h2b | 43.569% | 52.36% |
SOV | Df | MS | ||
Root Number | Root Length (cm) | Shoot Length (cm) | ||
Replicates | 2 | 0.6204 | 1.9373 | 0.1548 |
Media | 3 | 29.4444 ** | 28.5174 ** | 81.4038 ** |
Variety | 2 | 4.0370 * | 7.6345 ** | 15.2823 ** |
Media x Variety | 6 | 0.1852 | 0.1444 | 1.0430 * |
Error | 94 | 0.7291 | 0.3545 | 0.3796 |
Total | 107 | 35.016 | 38.588 | 98.263 |
h2b | 22.004% | 68.41% | 80.11% |
Medium Name | Medium Composition (1 L) |
Starting media | |
SM1 | 4.4 g MS + 30 g sucrose + 7 g agar + 9 µM 2,4-D + 5.7 µM IAA + 10 µM NAA |
SM2 | 4.4 g MS + 30 g sucrose + 7 g agar + 4.5 µM 2,4-D + 2.85 µM I AA + 5 µM NAA |
SM3 | 4.4 g MS + 30 g sucrose + 7 g agar + 5.7 µM IAA + 5 µM NAA |
Maturation media | |
MM1 | 4.4 g MS + 30 g sucrose + 7 g agar + 4.5 µM 2,4-D + 9.8 µM 2-iP + 1.5 AC |
MM2 | 4.4 g MS + 30 g sucrose + 7 g agar +2.25 µM 2,4-D + 4.9 µM 2-iP + 1.5 AC |
MM3 | 4.4 g MS + 30 g sucrose + 7 g agar + 1.125 µM 2,4-D + 2.45 µM 2-iP + 1.5 AC |
Multiplication media | |
PM1 | 4.4 g MS + 30 g sucrose + 7 g agar + 4.4 µM BA + 9.8 µM 2-iP |
PM2 | 4.4 g MS + 30 g sucrose + 7 g agar + 2.2 µM BA + 4.6 µM kinetin |
PM3 | 4.4 g MS + 30 g sucrose + 7 g agar + 2.2 µM BA + 4.9 µM 2-iP |
Rooting media | |
RM1 | 3.3 g MS + 30 g sucrose + 6 g agar + 0.5 µM NAA + 1.25 µM IBA + 3 g AC |
RM2 | 3.3 g MS + 50 g sucrose + 6 g agar + 0.5 µM NAA + 1.25 µM IBA + 3 g AC |
RM3 | 3.3 g MS + 30 g sucrose + 6 g agar + 0.5 µM NAA + 0.5 µM IBA + 3 g AC |
RM4 | 3.3 g MS + 50 g sucrose + 6 g agar + 0.5 µM NAA + 0.5 µM IBA + 3 g AC |
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Abdelghaffar, A.M.; Soliman, S.S.; Ismail, T.A.; Alzohairy, A.M.; Latef, A.A.H.A.; Alharbi, K.; Al-Khayri, J.M.; Aljuwayzi, N.I.M.; El-Moneim, D.A.; Hassanin, A.A. In Vitro Propagation of Three Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Varieties Using Immature Female Inflorescences. Plants 2023, 12, 644.
Abdelghaffar AM, Soliman SS, Ismail TA, Alzohairy AM, Latef AAHA, Alharbi K, Al-Khayri JM, Aljuwayzi NIM, El-Moneim DA, Hassanin AA. In Vitro Propagation of Three Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Varieties Using Immature Female Inflorescences. Plants. 2023; 12(3):644.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAbdelghaffar, Ahmed M., Said. S. Soliman, Tarek A. Ismail, Ahmed M. Alzohairy, Arafat Abdel Hamed Abdel Latef, Khadiga Alharbi, Jameel M. Al-Khayri, Nada Ibrahim M. Aljuwayzi, Diaa Abd El-Moneim, and Abdallah. A. Hassanin. 2023. "In Vitro Propagation of Three Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Varieties Using Immature Female Inflorescences" Plants 12, no. 3: 644.
APA StyleAbdelghaffar, A. M., Soliman, S. S., Ismail, T. A., Alzohairy, A. M., Latef, A. A. H. A., Alharbi, K., Al-Khayri, J. M., Aljuwayzi, N. I. M., El-Moneim, D. A., & Hassanin, A. A. (2023). In Vitro Propagation of Three Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Varieties Using Immature Female Inflorescences. Plants, 12(3), 644.