Crocus pallidus (Iridaceae)—A Neglected Species for the Bulgarian Flora and Critical Taxon in the Balkans
:1. Introduction
2. Results
2.1. Description Based on Bulgarian Materials
2.2. Distribution
2.3. Phenology and Habitats
2.4. Leaf Anatomy
2.5. ITS Sequences
3. Discussion
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Examined Specimens
- Crocus pallidus:
- Crocus thracicus (photo scans):
4.2. Anatomical Investigations
4.3. Molecular Methods
4.4. Phylogenetic Analyses
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Species | NCBI Genbank Accession Number | Authors | Country | Voucher Specimen |
C. adamii | HE663958 | DH, SM, TR, HK, FB | Armenia | GAT 7161 -! |
C. adamii | HE663964 | DH, SM, TR, HK, FB | Armenia | B 10 0355320 |
C. adamioides | LT222361 | DH, HK, EP, LP | Turkey | GAT 7136 -! |
C. adamioides | MN955426 | SN, EA, KS, TR | Bulgaria | SOA 062625 -! |
C. aerius | HE663995 | DH, SM, TR, HK, FB | Turkey | GAT 7178 -! |
C. albocoronatus | HE664017 | DH, SM, TR, HK, FB | GAT 7477 -! | |
C. aleppicus | HE801175 | DH, SM, TR, HK, FB | Jordan | IABH 18357 |
C. alexandri | LT222362 | DH, HK, EP, LP | Serbia | GAT 23024 -! |
C. ancyrensis | LM993461 | DH, LP, HK, TK, TC, VR, NR, MJ, FB | Turkey | GAT 29387 -! |
C. babadagnensis | LT222363 | DH, HK, EP, LP | GAT 7185 | |
C. biflorus | LT222365 | DH, HK, EP, LP | Italy | GAT25812 -! |
C. boryi | HE801127 | DH, SM, TR, HK, FB | cult. | GAT 7209 -! |
C. chrysanthus | OM368594 | SN, EA, KS, TR | Bulgaria | SOA 062596 -! |
C. chrysanthus | HE663982 | DH, SM, TR, HK, FB | Turkey | GAT 7138 -! |
C. cf. chrysanthus | HE664009 | DH, SM, TR, HK, FB | Turkey | GAT 7449 -! |
C. danfordiae | HE663992 | DH, SM, TR, HK, FB | Turkey | GAT 7123 -! |
C. danubensis | LM993453 | DH, LP, HK, TK, TC, VR, NR, MJ, FB | Serbia | GAT 23019 -! |
C. fleischeri | HE663983 | DH, SM, TR, HK, FB | Turkey | GAT 7139 -! |
C. kerndorffiorum | HE801159 | DH, SM, TR, HK, FB | Turkey | K 00802496 -! |
C. laevigatus | HE801166 | DH, SM, TR, HK, FB | cult. | GAT 7224 -! |
C. leucostylosus | HE663973 | DH, SM, TR, HK, FB | Turkey | GAT 7471 -! |
C. micranthus | LM993438 | DH, LP, HK, TK, TC, VR, NR, MJ, FB | Turkey | GAT 25831 -! |
C. minutus | HE664005 | DH, SM, TR, HK, FB | Turkey | GAT 7470 -! |
C. pallidus | MW775330 | SN, EA, KS, TR | Bulgaria | SOA 062797 -! |
C. pallidus | MW775331 | SN, EA, KS, TR | Bulgaria | SOA 062791 -! |
C. pestalozzae | HE801141 | DH, SM, TR, HK, FB | Turkey | GAT 7261 -! |
C. pseudonubigena | HE663969 | DH, SM, TR, HK, FB | Turkey | GAT 7452 -! |
C. pulchricolor | HE664018 | DH, SM, TR, HK, FB | Turkey | GAT 7188 -! |
C. punctatus | HE663991 | DH, SM, TR, HK, FB | Turkey | GAT 7155 -! |
C. randjeloviciorum | MF766260 | DH, HK, IR, EP | Serbia | GAT 23042 -! |
C. reticulatus | LM993448 | DH, LP, HK, TK, TC, VR, NR, J, FB | Russia | GAT 23082 -! |
C. rhodensis | LT222368 | DH, HK, EP, LP | Greece | GAT s/n |
C. tournefortii | HE801123 | DH, SM, TR, HK, FB | Greece | GAT 7202 -! |
C. variegatus | LM993466 | DH, LP, HK, TK, TC, VR, NR, MJ, FB | GAT 7264 | |
C. veneris | HE801063 | DH, SM, TR, HK, FB | cult. | GAT 7201 -! |
C. weldenii | HE801149 | DH, SM, TR, FB | cult. | GAT 7392 -! |
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C. pallidus | C. weldenii | C thracicus | |
Corm | 13.5–25 mm | 13–19.7 mm | 10–12 mm |
Plant height | (8)10–20 cm | 8–17 cm | 7.35–12 mm |
Teeth of the basal rings | Irregular | Regular/Irregular | Irregular |
Count of leaves | 3–5 | 3–5 | 3–4(–5) |
Leaf width | 0.84–2.3 mm | max 1 mm | 0.75–1.3 mm |
Ribs on the abaxial leaf surface | Missing or vaguely visible | 1–2, clearly visible | Missing |
Color of the perigone tube | White, rarely violet | White, often violet | White, rarely violet near the apex |
Color of outer perigone segments | White or sprayed in violet | White | White or sprayed in violet |
Size of perigone segments (out/in) | 19–33 × 6–11/15–26 × 5–12 mm | 19–37 × 4.8–12.8 | 17–24 × 6–9/14.6–23 × 5.7–8.7 mm |
Perigone throat | Glabrous, white | Yellow | Glabrous, white |
Filaments | 3.8–13.7 mm | 8–16 mm | 10–13.5 mm |
Anthers | 8–16 mm, yellow, with blackish basal lobes, or entirely black edge | yellow, without blackish lobes | 7.3–11.8 mm, yellow, with blackish basal lobes. |
Capsule | Ellipsoid; 15–21 mm long; 4.3–7.4 mm wide. | Ellipsoid, about 14 mm long | |
Seeds | 2.2–3.4 × 1.5–2.1 mm, with convex caruncle | 2.5 mm in diameter, with convex caruncle | |
Distribution | Bulgaria (Eastern parts), North Macedonia, Serbia. | Italy, Albania, Serbia. | Turkey in Europe (Thrakia) |
Elevation | 30–190 m | 100–750 m | 45–170 m |
Flowering period | February–March | February–March |
Population * | 062791 Kamen Bryag | 062797 Pomorie Narrow | 063064 Roudnik |
Section width, µm | 1701–2224 1927.6 ± 133 | 955–1722 1210.9 ± 193 | 910–2017 1432.6 ± 327.9 |
Section height, µm | 709–807 761.1 ± 39.8 | 356–664 481.8 ± 89.2 | 480–633 562.8 ± 54.8 |
Arm width, µm | 657–973 830.1 ± 96.3 | 385–696 547.2 ± 91.1 | 455–1071 703.4 ± 146.6 |
White stripe to leaf width ratio, % | 15.1–21 17.4 ± 2 | 12.7–28.8 20 ± 4.2 | 14.9–19.3 16.64 ±1.5 |
Vascular bundles, count | 23–25 23.8 ± 1 | 13–15 13.8 ± 1 | 15–17 15.5 ± 0.3 |
Vascular bundles, height, μm | 25.9–177 81.7 ± 45.3 | 27.5–187 95.6 ± 45.8 | 33.2–190 104.6 ± 50.1 |
Vascular bundles, width, μm | 17.9–103 59.2 ± 24.6 | 22.9–141 73.2 ±36.5 | 23.9–127 74 ± 29.8 |
Vascular tissues in the bundles, % | 22.2–50.7 37.3 ± 8.2 | 7–61 19.9 ±9.3 | 4.1–30.8 19.4 ± 7.7 |
Palisade tissue: thickness, μm | 13.7–77 44 ± 14.5 | 38–80 56.8 ± 8.8 | 25.1–75 57.9 ± 11.2 |
Spongy tissue-thickness, μm | 25–91 48 ± 16.6 | 43–104 61.6 ± 13.8 | 33.8–65 46.3 ± 9.7 |
White stripe, µm | 287–407 341 ± 49.2 | 150–295 241.1 ± 44.5 | 247–305 276.9 ± 22.8 |
Adaxial epidermal cell: length, µm | 173–290 236 ± 47.3 | 98–431 237.2 ± 61.7 | 155–473 286.2 ± 66.8 |
Adaxial epidermal cell: height, µm | 15–23.8 18.5 ± 1.96 | 11–22.6 17.83 ± 2.56 | 6.7–21 15.3 ± 3 |
Adaxial epidermal cell: width, µm | 10.4–23.1 17.5 ± 2.93 | 11.5–20.8 16.45 ± 2.4 | 9.8–23.5 16.8 ± 3 |
Palisade cell: height, µm | 13.8–36.4 26.4 ± 4.25 | 21.3–40.7 32.1 ± 6.49 | 17.2–41.3 30.3 ± 5.3 |
Palisade cell: width, µm | 8.8–21.2 13.9 ± 2.47 | 9.6–18.6 13.53 ± 2.46 | 8.9–17.5 12.7 ± 2 |
Spongy cell: height, µm | 14.4–29.6 21.4 ± 3.14 | 19.1–25.1 22.36 ± 2.07 | 13.9–28.6 20.7 ± 4.1 |
Spongy cell: width, µm | 8.3–23.1 14.7 ± 3.39 | 13.7–17.9 15.74 ± 1.57 | 7.4–21.5 14.2 ± 2.6 |
Abaxial epidermal cell: height, µm | 11.2–24.3 19.6 ± 2.92 | 15–28 18.2 ± 3.33 | 7.7–18.1 13.5 ± 2.7 |
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Raycheva, T.; Stoyanov, K.; Naimov, S.; Apostolova-Kuzova, E.; Marinov, Y. Crocus pallidus (Iridaceae)—A Neglected Species for the Bulgarian Flora and Critical Taxon in the Balkans. Plants 2022, 11, 686.
Raycheva T, Stoyanov K, Naimov S, Apostolova-Kuzova E, Marinov Y. Crocus pallidus (Iridaceae)—A Neglected Species for the Bulgarian Flora and Critical Taxon in the Balkans. Plants. 2022; 11(5):686.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRaycheva, Tsvetanka, Kiril Stoyanov, Samir Naimov, Elena Apostolova-Kuzova, and Yulian Marinov. 2022. "Crocus pallidus (Iridaceae)—A Neglected Species for the Bulgarian Flora and Critical Taxon in the Balkans" Plants 11, no. 5: 686.
APA StyleRaycheva, T., Stoyanov, K., Naimov, S., Apostolova-Kuzova, E., & Marinov, Y. (2022). Crocus pallidus (Iridaceae)—A Neglected Species for the Bulgarian Flora and Critical Taxon in the Balkans. Plants, 11(5), 686.