Generalized Unitarity Method for Unstable Particles
:1. Introduction
2. Loop Amplitudes and the Unitarity Method
3. Unitarity Method for Unstable Particles
3.1. Possible Issues with Unstable Particles
3.2. When the Unitarity Method Works for Unstable Particles
3.3. Lee–Wick Theories
3.4. When the Unitarity Method Does Not Seem to Work for Unstable Particles
4. Examples of the Use of the Unitarity Method for Unstable Particles
4.1. Normal Unstable Particles
4.2. Lee–Wick QED
4.3. Non-Local Theories
5. Summary
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Quick Review of the Spinor-Helicity Formalism
1 | The terminology “unstable propagator” is actually a misnomer because what we mean by “unstable” is that the particle associated with this propagator. However, as the reader can easily check, this parlance is employed in the specialized literature. Therefore for brevity we will stick with this terminology. Henceforth, the expression “unstable propagator” will be understood as “propagator associated with an unstable particle/state”. |
2 | |
3 | For a nice discussion of some additional subtleties that can be encountered in this situation, see Ref. [42] and references cited therein. |
4 | Incidentally, this implies that the expansion (4) is also valid in the NWA as and the full energy dependence of the self-energy does not need to be taken into account. |
5 | Recall this is the narrow-width approximation we are using, not a fixed-width scheme, which is known to introduce gauge dependence. Indeed, fixed-width schemes are known to violate SU(2) × U(1) Ward identities—see for instance the discussion in Ref. [91]. Perhaps, in order to avoid further confusion, a better terminology for the narrow-width approximation would be “zero-width approximation”, as first suggested by John F. Donoghue in a private communication with the author, because after all it comes from taking the width to zero. |
6 | We recall that a four-scalar interaction is also possible in scalar QED and this interaction provides independent gauge-invariant data. As a consequence, the amplitude calculated with the BCFW recursion relation is the one associated with choosing the scalar self-coupling constant to be proportional to . For more details regarding this issue in scalar QED—which is independent of the addition of the non-local interaction—see Ref. [51]. |
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Menezes, G. Generalized Unitarity Method for Unstable Particles. Universe 2023, 9, 28.
Menezes G. Generalized Unitarity Method for Unstable Particles. Universe. 2023; 9(1):28.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMenezes, Gabriel. 2023. "Generalized Unitarity Method for Unstable Particles" Universe 9, no. 1: 28.
APA StyleMenezes, G. (2023). Generalized Unitarity Method for Unstable Particles. Universe, 9(1), 28.