Wormhole Restrictions from Quantum Energy Inequalities
:1. Introduction
2. Pointwise Energy Conditions
2.1. Brief Overview
2.2. Example: The Klein–Gordon Field
3. Quantum Energy Inequalities
3.1. Algebraic Quantization
- In the algebraic approach, the fields are smeared with a smooth function and are elements of an algebra obeying properties that include the field equation and canonical commutation relations.
- The states are linear maps from the algebra to the field of complex numbers, while the two-point function is a bilinear map between the space of two functions and the field of complex numbers.
- In quantum field theory, products of fields—for example, the two-point function—are divergent when one tries to naively compute their expectation values. But an important aspect of the process is the choice of states: Hadamard states have a known singularity structure. Thus, it is sufficient to subtract these singularities from the two-point function to the correct order. The Hadamard parametrix is a bidistribution that includes all the singularities up to order k.
- The renormalization proceeds using point spliting: the classical stress tensor is written as an operator acting on two different points . After we have subtracted the singularities, we act on the two-point function with the point split operator , and we have a smooth object at coincident limit:
- This, up to renormalization ambiguities, corresponds to the —the object used instead of the classical stress tensor in QEIs.
- LinearityThe map is complex linear;
- Hermiticity;
- Field Equation;
- Canonical Commutation Relations.
3.2. Overview of Quantum Energy Inequalities
3.3. Null Quantum Energy Inequalities
3.4. ANEC
- Violations of the ANEC on chronal null geodesics.
- Violations of the non-self consistent ANEC, meaning that it does not satisfy the (classical or semiclassical) Einstein equation.
- Violations of the order of Planck scale.
4. Wormhole Basics
4.1. Description and History
4.2. Violations of Energy Conditions
5. Restrictions to ‘Short’ Wormholes
5.1. A Wormhole as a Time Machine
5.2. Timelike QEI Constraints
5.3. Causality Violations and the Achronal ANEC
6. Restrictions to Long Wormholes
6.1. The Wormhole of Maldacena, Milekhin, and Popov
6.2. SNEC
6.3. DSNEC
6.4. Two-Dimensional Bound
7. Discussion
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | A ‘short’ wormhole can be modified to act as a time machine, as discussed in Section 5.1. |
2 | In the sense that only terms of first order in curvature were considered. |
3 | This argument is possible to be extendable to asymptotically AdS manifolds, but this point requires further consideration. |
4 | The expression differs slightly from Ref. [48] due to the different definition of the Gaussian. |
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Condition | Physical Form | Geometric Form | Perfect Fluid |
WEC | and | ||
SEC | and | ||
Right Mouth | Left Mouth |
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Kontou, E.-A. Wormhole Restrictions from Quantum Energy Inequalities. Universe 2024, 10, 291. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe10070291
Kontou E-A. Wormhole Restrictions from Quantum Energy Inequalities. Universe. 2024; 10(7):291. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe10070291
Chicago/Turabian StyleKontou, Eleni-Alexandra. 2024. "Wormhole Restrictions from Quantum Energy Inequalities" Universe 10, no. 7: 291. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe10070291
APA StyleKontou, E.-A. (2024). Wormhole Restrictions from Quantum Energy Inequalities. Universe, 10(7), 291. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe10070291