Causal Structure in Spin Foams
:1. Introduction
2. Discrete Causal Structure
2.1. Bare Causality
2.2. Time Orientability
2.3. Discrete Bare Causality
2.4. Discrete Time Orientability
3. Causality on the Dual Skeleton
- An arrow from past to future on time-like edges,
- No arrow on space-like edges.
3.1. Dual Causal Set
- Reflexivity: (by convention).
- Anti-symmetry: and imply .
- Transitivity: and imply .
3.2. Causal Wedges
4. Lorentzian Regge Calculus
4.1. Lorentzian Regge Action
4.2. First-Order Regge Calculus
4.3. Causal Structure from Dynamics
5. Causal Path Integral
5.1. General Boundary Formulation
5.2. Regge Path Integral
5.3. Causal Structure of the Boundary
5.4. Causal Amplitude
6. BF Theory
6.1. Discrete BF Theory
- 1.
- a distinguished edge to each face that serves as a starting point in the product;
- 2.
- an orientation to each face that tells the order of the following edges.
- 3.
- a distinguished face to each edge that serves as a starting point in the tensor product;
- 4.
- an orientation of the faces around each edge, which can be thought of as an arrow on the edge (with the right-hand convention to turn around for instance).
6.2. Ponzano–Regge Model
- To each link l, associate a variable that will be summed over;
- The 3jm-Wigner symbol8 is associated with the following nodes:The sign on the node indicates the sense in which the attached links shall be read.
- If an arrow is reversed, replace in the formula above with and multiply by , likeA positive (resp. negative) node with an incoming (resp. outgoing) link corresponds to a counter-alignment of the face and the edge.
- Multiply all factors and sum over all from to (integer steps).
- A flip of a link orientation brings a global factor if the two endpoints carry opposite signs, none otherwise.
- A flip of a node orientation brings an overall factor .
6.3. Causal Ponzano–Regge Model
6.4. BF Theory
- 5.
- at each edge, the surrounding faces are partitioned into two sets of two (there exist three such partitions);
- 6.
- these two sets are ordered (e.g., called left and right).
7. EPRL Model and Its Causal Structure
7.1. Lorentzian EPRL Model
- a starting wedge per each face;
- an orientation per each face;
- an orientation to each wedge, i.e., each wedge w has a source edge and a target edge ;
- a distinguished edge per each vertex v.
7.2. Causal Structures in the EPRL Model
8. Relation to Earlier Proposals
8.1. Livine–Oriti Barrett–Crane Causal Model
8.2. Divergence and Spikes
8.3. Engle’s Proper Vertex
9. Conclusions
- −
- The notion of causality in general relativity encompasses two related but conceptually different notions: bare causality and time orientability.
- −
- There is a natural way to translate these notions to a simplicial complex.
- −
- The causal structure can be implemented on the dual 1-skeleton (edges). It can be seen as the combination of a causal set with a neighborhood relation.
- −
- It can also be encoded on the dual 2-skeleton (wedges) with a degeneracy of 2 that corresponds to a global time-reversal symmetry.
- −
- Starting from the set of all possible wedge orientations, the Lorentzian Regge action determines equations of motion whose solutions fix a proper causal structure.
- −
- The metric propagator can be written as a sum over all possible wedge orientations. By fixing the causal structure from the beginning, one defines a causal metric propagator, similar to the Feynman propagator.
- −
- Discrete BF theory naturally carries an orientation structure on the edges and faces, although it is blind to it in the bulk.
- −
- Discrete BF theory is sensitive to the orientation on the boundary. There are simple rules of crossing symmetry to go from one orientation to another.
- −
- There is a simple way to break the orientation invariance in the bulk, which provides a toy model to study causality in spin foam models (70).
- −
- The EPRL amplitude can be regarded as a sum over all possible configurations of wedge orientations , which provide additional dynamical variables encoding the causal structure. Only a subset of it corresponds to properly causal configurations.
- −
- The causal EPRL vertex shares common traits with the Livine–Oriti causal version of the Barrett–Crane model and with Engle’s proper vertex.
- −
- Whether one should use the causal or the full EPRL amplitude depends on what one wants to compute: a projector on the physical Hilbert space or a causal propagator.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Orientation Invariance of the Ponzano–Regge Model
- Reversing the arrow of a link in-between two positive or two negative nodes amounts to multiplying by .
- Reversing the arrow of a link in-between a positive and a negative link does not change the vertex amplitude.
Appendix B. Causal Barrett–Crane Model
Appendix B.1. Lorentzian Barrett–Crane
Appendix B.2. Livine–Oriti Causal Model
1 | The denomination is ours. Surprisingly, it seems that this notion does not carry a specific name in the literature. It is usually simply called “causality”, but here we need a specific name to be accurate. |
2 | |
3 | We deliberately ignore the null case, which does not seem to shed much light on our investigation. |
4 | A directed graph is given by a set of vertices and a set of ordered pairs of vertices (arrows). It is considered simple if there are no arrows from a vertex to itself. It is considered oriented if there is at most one arrow between any two vertices. |
5 | A directed graph is acyclic if it has no directed cycles, which means, in causal language, no closed time-like curves. If we do assume the presence of directed cycles, then the construction of the poset is still possible but subtler because the anti-symmetry implies the contraction of such cycles, so that more combinatorial information is lost. |
6 | We denote indifferently or when the vertex v is an endpoint of the edge e. |
7 | Given a vertex, the vertex graph associates a node to each edge and a link to each wedge in-between. In graph theory, the word “edge” is usually used instead of “link”. But, we stick to a common convention in loop quantum gravity (see [7]) where “edge” is reserved to the bulk of 2-complexes and “link” is used for the boundary. |
8 | We refer to [51] for an introduction to the mathematical material used in this section. |
9 | More abstractly, it can be regarded as a section of the Hopf bundle. |
10 | Note that, a priori, it is not clear that the restrictions introduced in the two proposals match away from the semi-classical limit. In fact, Engle’s proper vertex introduces a step-function on each wedge, which depends on data on the full 4-simplex, while the step function in (70) is local on the wedge but includes the wedge orientations as additional dynamical variables. |
11 | Note that in [16], the expressions are directly on the triangulation instead of the dual picture. |
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Bianchi, E.; Martin-Dussaud, P. Causal Structure in Spin Foams. Universe 2024, 10, 181.
Bianchi E, Martin-Dussaud P. Causal Structure in Spin Foams. Universe. 2024; 10(4):181.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBianchi, Eugenio, and Pierre Martin-Dussaud. 2024. "Causal Structure in Spin Foams" Universe 10, no. 4: 181.
APA StyleBianchi, E., & Martin-Dussaud, P. (2024). Causal Structure in Spin Foams. Universe, 10(4), 181.