Public Funds as a Source of Financing Revalorization of Sacral Historical Monuments: The Example of Poland
:1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Review
- (a)
- places where religious practices are held;
- (b)
- prayer;
- (c)
- meditation (Moon and Somers 2023);
- (d)
- pilgrimage;
- (e)
- healing.
“Is God indeed to dwell on earth? If the heavens and the highest heavens cannot contain you, how much less this house which I have built! Regard kindly the prayer and petition of your servant, LORD, my God, and listen to the cry of supplication which I, your servant, utter before you this day. May your eyes be open night and day toward this house, the place of which you said, My name shall be there; listen to the prayer your servant makes toward this place. Listen to the petition of your servant and of your people Israel which they offer toward this place. Listen, from the place of your enthronement, heaven, listen and forgive. If someone sins in some way against a neighbor and is required to take an oath sanctioned by a curse, and comes and takes the oath before your altar in this house, listen in heaven; act and judge your servants. Condemn the wicked, requiting their ways; acquit the just, rewarding their justice. When your people Israel are defeated by an enemy because they sinned against you, and then they return to you, praise your name, pray to you, and entreat you in this house, listen in heaven and forgive the sin of your people Israel, and bring them back to the land you gave their ancestors”.1 Kgs, 8: 27–34 (The New American Bible 2012)
- the preparation of technical and conservation expertise;
- the preparation of conservation documentation;
- the execution of a construction project in accordance with the provisions of the construction law;
- safeguarding and preserving the substance of the monument;
- the structural stabilization of the components of the monument or their reconstruction to the extent necessary for the preservation of the monument;
- the revitalization or completion of architectural plasters and cladding or their complete reconstruction, taking into account the characteristic colours of the monument;
- the revalorization or complete reconstruction of windows, including door frames and shutters, exterior doors, roof trusses, roofing, gutters and drain pipes;
- the modernization of electrical installations in wooden monuments or monuments that have original wooden components and accessories;
- the purchase of conservation and construction materials, necessary for the execution of works and works on the monument entered in the register.
3. Methodology
4. Results
4.1. Sacral Historical Monuments in Poland—A Statistical Approach
4.2. Potential Public Sources of Financing for the Revalorization of Sacral Monuments in Poland
- (1)
- constitute a resource of cultural goods registered in the register of monuments, which have significant (due to their historical, scientific or artistic value) significance for the heritage and cultural development of a given nation (Article 6(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland creates conditions for the dissemination and equal access to cultural goods, which are the source of the identity of the Polish nation, its survival and development), and their care and protection is:
- (a)
- the task of the State (Article 73 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland—everyone is guaranteed freedom of artistic creation, scientific research and the publication of its results, freedom of teaching, as well as freedom to use cultural goods),
- (b)
- the tasks of local government units at individual levels (Act 1990, Art. 7(1)(9); Act 1998a, Art. 4(1)(7); Act 1998b, Art. 14(1)(3)),
- (2)
- perform important functions—from the point of view of the development of the individual, society, territory and economy,
- (1)
- at the central level:
- (a)
- collected in the state budget,
- (b)
- remaining in the special purpose funds account:
- National Fund for the Protection of Monuments;
- Church Fund.
- (2)
- at the local government level—collected in the budgets of municipalities, powiats and voivodships.
- (a)
- the voivodship conservator of monuments (with regard to funds from the state budget in the part of which the voivodship is in charge).
4.3. Public Funds Earmarked for the Revalorization of Sacral Historical Monuments in Poland in the Years 2017–2022
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Voivodship/Region | Residential | Military | Civilian | Sacral | Others | Total |
Dolnośląskie | 3976 | 192 | 1671 | 1672 | 1465 | 8976 |
Kujawsko-Pomorskie | 1218 | 182 | 866 | 606 | 765 | 3637 |
Lubelskie | 1258 | 297 | 654 | 1060 | 1120 | 4389 |
Lubuskie | 2851 | 152 | 557 | 635 | 489 | 4684 |
Łódzkie | 1168 | 75 | 469 | 611 | 641 | 2964 |
Małopolskie | 2727 | 425 | 881 | 1046 | 1332 | 6411 |
Mazowieckie | 3149 | 374 | 1389 | 1312 | 1855 | 8079 |
Opolskie | 1615 | 124 | 483 | 578 | 567 | 3367 |
Podkarpackie | 1945 | 385 | 752 | 1216 | 1004 | 5302 |
Podlaskie | 785 | 239 | 396 | 718 | 313 | 2451 |
Pomorskie | 1502 | 198 | 813 | 597 | 658 | 3768 |
Śląskie | 2432 | 131 | 848 | 626 | 671 | 4708 |
Świętokrzyskie | 537 | 162 | 275 | 561 | 431 | 1966 |
Warmińsko-Mazurskie | 3034 | 301 | 1069 | 1084 | 985 | 6473 |
Wielkopolskie | 2888 | 186 | 1676 | 1510 | 1684 | 7944 |
Zachodniopomorskie | 954 | 75 | 768 | 1259 | 1357 | 4413 |
Total | 32,039 | 3498 | 13,567 | 15,091 | 15,337 | 79,532 |
Year | Executed Expenditure from the State Budget | Share of Expenditure on Subsidies and Grants in Chapter 92120 | Expenditure from Voivodship Budgets on Subventions and Subsidies in Chapter 92120 (PLN Thousands) | Joint Pool of RESOURCES from the Central Level for Subventions and Subsidies in Chapter 92120 (PLN Thousands) | |||
Section 921—In Total (PLN Thousands) | Section 921—Subventions and Subsidies (PLN Thousands) | Chapter 92120—Subventions and Subsidies (PLN Thousands) | In joint Expenditure in Section 921 (%) | In Expenditure in Section 921 on Subventions and Subsidies (%) | |||
2017 | 3,331,937 | 2,615,830 | 115,195 | 3.46 | 4.40 | 32,685 | 147,880 |
2018 | 1,885,191 | 1,434,056 | 139,908 | 7.42 | 9.76 | 66,548 | 206,456 |
2019 | 2,542,976 | 1,766,198 | 142,160 | 5.59 | 8.05 | 57,352 | 199,512 |
2020 | 4,559,883 | 2,729,079 | 141,395 | 3.10 | 5.18 | 51,724 | 193,119 |
2021 | 4,691,419 | 2,854,563 | 169,808 | 3.62 | 5.95 | 55,231 | 225,039 |
2022 | 5,144,206 | 2,958,667 | 107,000 | 2.08 | 3.62 | 77,892 | 184,892 |
Voivodship (Region) | Expenditure from Chapter 92120 (PLN Thousands) | Share of the Conservationists of Monuments Expenditure in the Joint Pool of Expenditures by Conservation Officers Spent on the Protection and Care of Historical Monuments (%) |
Dolnośląskie | 8894.7 | 11.42 |
Kujawsko-Pomorskie | 1497.0 | 1.92 |
Lubelskie | 0.0 | 0.00 |
Lubuskie | 769.6 | 0.99 |
Łódzkie | 1493.9 | 1.92 |
Małopolskie | 9997.2 | 12.83 |
Mazowieckie | 18,938.8 | 24.31 |
Opolskie | 9262.3 | 11.89 |
Podkarpackie | 9837.4 | 12.69 |
Podlaskie | 7366.0 | 9.46 |
Pomorskie | 0.0 | 0.00 |
Śląskie | 0.0 | 0.00 |
Świętokrzyskie | 2109.8 | 2.71 |
Warmińsko-Mazurskie | 4440.0 | 5.70 |
Wielkopolskie | 2259.2 | 2.90 |
Zachodniopomorskie | 1026.5 | 1.32 |
Total | 77,892.4 | 100.00 |
Year | National Fund for the Protection of Heritage Monuments | Church Fund | |||
Investment Subsidies (PLN Thousands) | Subsidies from the State Budget (PLN Thousands) | Expenditure on the Conservation and Revalorization of Sacral Historical Monuments (PLN Thousands) | Share in the Expenditure on the Conservation and Revalorization of Sacral Historical Monuments in Subsidies Allocated from the State Budget (w %) | ||
Plan | Execution | ||||
2017 | 0 | 0 | 158,750.00 | 10,636.40 | 6.70 |
2018 | 2321 | 0 | 179,747.00 | 29,713.00 | 16.53 |
2019 | 389 | 0 | 170,560.00 | 10,161.17 | 5.96 |
2020 | 0 | 0 | 181,818.00 | 10,463.53 | 5.75 |
2021 | 290 | 273 | 193,664.00 | 10,710.50 | 5.53 |
2022 | 88,700 | 83,064 | 192,800.00 | 10,509.00 | 5.45 |
Year | Communes without Towns with Powiat Rights | Towns with Powiat Rights * | ||
Expenditure in Chapter 92120 (PLN Thousands) | Share of Expenditure in Section 921 in the Total Expenditure (%) | Expenditure in Chapter 92120 (PLN Thousands) | Share of Expenditure in Section 921 in the Total Expenditure (%) | |
2017 | 158,922.24 | 3.0 | 153,551.24 | 3.2 |
2018 | 308,699.72 | 3.5 | 213,119.99 | 3.4 |
2019 | 279,008.96 | 3.3 | 212,956.80 | 3.2 |
2020 | 239,974.74 | 2.9 | 168,466.19 | 3.0 |
2021 | 244,768.70 | 2.9 | 184,172.04 | 2.9 |
2022 | 256,847.97 | 3.0 | 248,876.29 | 2.9 |
Voivodship (Region) | Expenditure in Chapter 92120— The Protection and Care of Historical Monuments (PLN Thousands) | Expenditure on the Protection and Care of Historical Monuments in the Budgets of Municipalities and Towns with Powiat Rights in Poland in 2022 (in %) |
Dolnośląskie | 88,857.92 | 17.57 |
Kujawsko-Pomorskie | 21,562.56 | 4.26 |
Lubelskie | 39,389.60 | 7.79 |
Lubuskie | 13,468.54 | 2.66 |
Łódzkie | 17,614.03 | 3.48 |
Małopolskie | 56,568.18 | 11.19 |
Mazowieckie | 58,068.42 | 11.48 |
Opolskie | 10,553.42 | 2.09 |
Podkarpackie | 24,652.87 | 4.87 |
Podlaskie | 10,825.63 | 2.14 |
Pomorskie | 24,990.23 | 4.94 |
Śląskie | 53,508.19 | 10.58 |
Świętokrzyskie | 6810.36 | 1.35 |
Warmińsko-Mazurskie | 16,706.79 | 3.30 |
Wielkopolskie | 30,127.08 | 5.96 |
Zachodniopomorskie | 32,020.44 | 6.33 |
Total | 505,724.27 | 100.00 |
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Kotlińska, J.B.; Kuśpit, J.; Machniak, M. Public Funds as a Source of Financing Revalorization of Sacral Historical Monuments: The Example of Poland. Religions 2024, 15, 567.
Kotlińska JB, Kuśpit J, Machniak M. Public Funds as a Source of Financing Revalorization of Sacral Historical Monuments: The Example of Poland. Religions. 2024; 15(5):567.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKotlińska, Janina Beata, Jarosław Kuśpit, and Mateusz Machniak. 2024. "Public Funds as a Source of Financing Revalorization of Sacral Historical Monuments: The Example of Poland" Religions 15, no. 5: 567.
APA StyleKotlińska, J. B., Kuśpit, J., & Machniak, M. (2024). Public Funds as a Source of Financing Revalorization of Sacral Historical Monuments: The Example of Poland. Religions, 15(5), 567.