1. Introduction
The evolution of the Islamic call necessitates an awareness of technological advancements, ensuring that its message is accessible and relatable to people so it does not appear outdated. In today’s digital age, the Islamic call can be conveyed through numerous channels. It is no longer restricted to religious gatherings or Islamic observances, nor does it have to be confined to mosques or places of worship. Social media plays a crucial role in contemporary preaching, especially given the increasing reliance of society on these platforms. Nowadays, the Islamic call can effectively be communicated through social media channels, focusing on various social platforms (
Muhammad Aqeel 2022). By utilizing modern technology, such as social media, the reach of the Islamic call can expand to a broader global audience, as users of these platforms come from diverse backgrounds. In today’s world, social media has emerged as the most powerful platform for disseminating Islamic call messages, largely due to widespread internet accessibility in homes. As a result, traditional media like television and radio have seen a decline in their influence, with more individuals turning to the Internet for both information and entertainment. The growing number of users on platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram has made them popular channels to promote Islam (
Ibrahim and Riyadi 2023). These platforms serve as convenient means for social media users to engage with Islamic call content, often preferring them over attending lectures or large gatherings. This trend highlights the importance of utilizing these media effectively to reach a wider audience (
Setiawan et al. 2022). The community’s inclination towards social media represents a significant opportunity for preachers to convey their Islamic call, making it a vital avenue to explore fostering connections and sharing teachings with the public. Thus, it is crucial for those involved in the Islamic call to embrace social media as an essential tool in their outreach efforts. Women who primarily engage in household chores can still make significant contributions to preaching. They hold considerable opportunities in this area. For instance, they can educate other women to follow Islamic teachings, and in today’s technological age, women have additional avenues to spread their message. They can utilize various social media platforms to reach out and communicate their views effectively (
Akhyar and Ningsih 2023). In the context of their role in the Islamic call, it is essential for modern women to be tech-savvy and knowledgeable, allowing them to transcend the stereotype of being solely confined to the domestic sphere as dependent beings. Instead, they can assert their presence in the field of the Islamic call by offering diverse and engaging content tailored to a wider audience. The Islamic call has evolved greatly, continuously innovating its approaches, tools, and materials to align with contemporary needs and the preferences of its audience. Today, women enjoy equal rights in the field of the Islamic call, and any disparities that exist usually relate to varying levels of participation and influence (
Uyuni et al. 2023). Moreover, these Muslim women influencers engage in preaching activities within Western nations that uphold liberal religious regulations, and their efforts in preaching are not consistently overseen by male scholars.
The rise of social media has encouraged Muslim women in the United States and Europe to utilize these platforms as a means to share Islamic teachings with other women. Throughout our observations, we noted their success in expanding their audience.
Given this trend, this article aims not only to showcase prominent Muslim women bloggers in the United States and Europe but also to investigate the themes of their sermons and their methods for delivering religious messages. We analyze the distinctions between the approaches used by them and their male counterparts, the distinctions between Western female bloggers and preachers from the Islamic world, the trends they establish in religious propaganda, their impact within the religious community, and their roles in influencing the identities and perspectives of Muslim women in the West. We also highlight the distinctions between hijabi and non-hijab bloggers. Through this exploration, we seek to show the transformation of Islamic messaging and the vital contributions made by Western Muslim female bloggers. Our study also highlights the crucial part that Muslim women play in fostering the Islamic faith in today’s digital landscape. We pay particular attention to the factors that have led to the swift rise of female bloggers across various online platforms.
Our hypothesis is as follows: “Our research posits that the rise of social media has created new avenues for female bloggers, who traditionally faced numerous restrictions in sharing their religious messages with a worldwide audience. This shift allows them to influence the landscape of religious conversation as they incorporate their distinctive perspectives, which reflect elements of feminism”.
3. Discussion and Results
In the contemporary landscape of Islam, Muslim female bloggers are emerging as influential voices, challenging traditional norms and redefining the space of the religious discourse. These women, equipped with profound knowledge and scholarly training, are not only breaking barriers but also inspiring generations. By addressing pressing societal issues, they invoke a blend of faith and feminism, pushing for a narrative that harmonizes spirituality with modernity. Their sermons often emphasize the importance of education, empowerment, and active participation in community life. They draw upon rich Islamic teachings, highlighting the contributions of historical female figures in Islam, and advocate for a reinterpretation of texts that allow for a more inclusive understanding of the faith. In doing so, they foster an environment where women’s voices are not only heard but celebrated (
Rozehnal 2022).
The advent of digital technologies has transformed community engagement practices, enabling the continuation of traditions even amid events such as the COVID-19 pandemic (
Campbell 2024). In the context of Islam, social media play a diverse and impactful role, affecting education, the interpretation of sacred texts, and the overall community interaction. Social media platforms have become vital for sharing Islamic teachings, as they provide wider access to religious content and encourage participation (
Abusharif 2023). Social media platforms have diversified the discourse surrounding religion, which was before primarily led by academic scholars (
Nurdin and Godal 2023).
The Internet and its many related applications provide Muslim women with unprecedented opportunities to exercise their preaching activities, amplify their messages, and widen their outreach in the political, social, cultural, and religious domains simultaneously (
Khamis 2022). Moreover, social media has become a powerful platform for these preachers, enabling them to reach a global audience. Through webinars, online classes, and social activism, they challenge stereotypes and provide a robust counter-narrative to mainstream perceptions of Muslim women. As they continue to rise in prominence, Muslim female preachers represent a transformative force, embodying the essence of a progressive and dynamic Islam. Their contributions are vital in shaping a more equitable and understanding environment for Muslim women (
Bano and Kalmbach 2011).
Prior research shows that female preachers generally speak about different topics than men (
Nielsen 2021). The religious experts claim that female ministers concentrate solely on matters pertaining to women in their preaching efforts (
Al-Rasheed 2013).
Kloos and Künkler (
2016) concluded that Muslims largely still prefer male authorities. These prevailing arguments in Islamic studies suggest the expectation that female preachers will be less popular than men and that they will exclusively serve female audiences. However, female preachers play a unique role: they engage new audiences online that male preachers cannot reach (
Cascino 2021). This idea predicts that women will receive more involvement from a more diversified audience of both men and women and that this engagement will be beneficial.
To begin with, Muslim women face limitations in their ability to regularly participate in mosque sermons in contrast to men, who have daily access to such teachings and lessons. Additionally, the rise of social media has played a significant role in addressing this issue by vastly increasing the options available for religious instruction aimed at women. This development has notably shifted the landscape in favor of female religious leaders, suggesting that they may achieve similar levels of influence as their male peers in the near future. However, one constant remains: both male and female religious leaders are united in their pursuit of a shared objective: to grow the community of Islam adherents (
Minesaki 2012).
Social media is instrumental in this process, creating an environment suitable for the dissemination of information and facilitating the emergence of a new generation of “stars” in the religious domain. The rise of Muslim female preachers on social media, who serve as “religious influencers” to their followers, is a significant trend deserving of comprehensive scholarly examination (
Patel 2022).
The key finding of our research is the identification of potential risks associated with women’s online preaching. These include the possibility of neglecting traditional viewpoints and encountering opposition from conservative factions. However, this path also opens the doors for new and diverse religious sermons among the Muslim community in the West. We believe that the knowledge obtained from our study will enhance the understanding of the dynamics at play in religious dialogues within today’s digital environment. Ultimately, our research reveals that the dynamics of digital religious interactions are complex and evolving. By embracing the challenges and opportunities presented by women’s online preaching, faith communities can work towards a more equitable and open discourse. The insights gained from this study will serve as a valuable resource for those striving to navigate the shifting tides of religious engagement in the digital age.
This approach is inappropriate in countries where Islam does not dominate, like the US and European countries, as there is no single predominant Islamic theological school there. For example, the Shafi school is the principal Islamic school in Malaysia (
Harun et al. 2024); as a result, all religious activities, including sermons, must reflect the officially sanctioned interpretations of that school. Additionally, in Islamic countries, religious practices are significantly regulated by law and closely monitored by government authorities. Only individuals who receive authorization from the established religious leadership in these nations are permitted to deliver sermons. In essence, every Muslim-majority country has its own recognized clergy tasked with overseeing religious matters related to the state (
Millie 2023).
During participant selection for the study, we noted a rising trend deserving further analysis. We discovered Muslim female bloggers known as non-hijabis. Muslim women who choose not to wear the hijab are prominent advocates for Islam and achieve significant accomplishments in the online Islamic call. During our research, their number of followers rose exponentially, which is a unique phenomenon to be examined thoroughly. Our research indicates that non-hijabis effectively utilize social media platforms to share their views and teachings of Islam. Their approaches encompass a wide range of techniques, including personal stories, inspiring quotes, educational content, and interactive conversations. This suggests that outward symbols like the hijab do not necessarily define an individual’s commitment to their faith or their role in promoting religious values. The emergence of such figures could promote a more progressive interpretation of Islam, potentially transforming the modern understanding of this religion. Additionally, our research highlights that non-hijabis often represent a new generation of Muslim women who aspire to bridge religious beliefs with contemporary life, demonstrating that Islamic identity can take many forms.
The major challenge we encountered during our research involved selecting notable female Islamic bloggers. When writing an article on this topic within the context of Muslim-majority countries, it is vital to take into account various elements such as geographical factors, ties to the nation’s recognized religious authorities, and the ability to gather public feedback. In this context, we would like to emphasize that the notion of online religious authority has undergone considerable transformation with the rise of new media, and this dynamic is characterized by diverse outcomes. Digital platforms have given rise to “religious digital creatives” who gain influence through their communication skills rather than traditional religious training (
Campbell 2023). Online media foster a variety of religious narratives, complicating the public discourse and further leading to their division into units (
Adeni 2024). Traditional religious authorities should adapt to the online environment, and online authority does not necessarily replace traditional religious authorities (
Lubis 2023). Online religious authority refers to the influence and control exerted by religious authorities through social media platforms. It complements traditional authority, allowing for broader discussions and the dissemination of religious knowledge in the digital era (
Kuswana and Pauzian 2023). For instance, in Malaysia, it is important to recognize that Muslim female preachers adhere to the Shafi madhhab, which is in accordance with the country’s official religious beliefs (
Harun et al. 2024). Furthermore, within the Muslim community, female preachers can be divided into two categories: those affiliated with formal clergy and those operating independently. Official preachers are those employed by state religious entities, while unofficial preachers lack this affiliation (
Stjernholm and Özdalga 2020). However, these distinctions do not apply to Western nations, where identifying prominent female preachers is notably more difficult. To simplify our approach, we decided to set aside the previously mentioned criteria and pursue the following alternative methods for selection.
Language: English. As the primary language for international communication, English is often the top choice among many bloggers for developing their content.
Geography: The US and Europe. English is predominantly spoken in these two regions.
Number of subscribers and social media interaction (Instagram). For our research, we utilized observational analysis as one of our approaches. Over the span of six months, we tracked changes (both upward and downward) in subscriber numbers, paying special attention to those accounts that exhibited steady growth.
Ongoing preaching activity in social networks. We chose exclusively those Muslim women bloggers who consistently shared content on their social media profiles.
The dominance of American individuals featured on the list can be linked to their connections with religious groups (as they mention on their personal profiles): Rania Awaad collaborates with the Rahman Foundation, Haifaa Younis founded the Jannah Institute, Ieasha Prime leads the Horaya Academy, and Tamara Gray is associated with the online organization Rabata. On the other hand, Soundous Boualam and Nicole Marie do not claim any affiliations with religious organizations. This difference indicates that the involvement with various institutions boosts the blogger’s prominence and allows them to reach a wider audience. Among the listed women, only Haifaa Younis and Rania Awaad specify that they have undergone Islamic education. During the observation period, Soundous Boualam and Nicole Marie demonstrated impressive growth, with their follower numbers rising substantially. Notably, Soundous Boualam’s Instagram audience increased from 111,000 to 262,000 in just six months.
Rania Awaad, Haifaa Younis, Ieasha Prime, and Tamara Gray exemplify how faith-based activists can bolster their standing and exert influence by actively participating in community and educational initiatives. Their roles in the religious field engage those seeking spiritual guidance and learning experiences, thereby greatly impacting their followers. Each of these women underscores the importance of context and personal relationships in crafting a distinct brand image. They illustrate that success on social media can be achieved through a variety of strategies, either by partnering with religious organizations or developing an independent character. For instance, Rania Awaad, who holds degrees in Islamic theology and psychiatry, emphasizes the importance of spirituality in tackling mental health concerns. She aids individuals in navigating psychological challenges linked to their faith. For example, one of her followers shared: “Your program helped me tackle my emotional crisis after I began wearing the hijab”. Similarly, Nicole Marie has positioned herself as the “voice of converts”, shedding light on the challenges faced by European converts to Islam. Her audience appreciates her for addressing these issues.
The primary emphasis of our study is on the themes of the sermons delivered by women in positions of religious blogger. Through our content analysis, it became evident that, in addition to traditional themes of faith and worship, these speakers often highlight the roles of women in both familial and societal contexts, as well as uniquely feminine topics (using contraceptives, abortion, jobs for Muslim women in the West, marriage with born and convert Muslim men), which makes their messages more compelling and resonant. Haifaa Younis and Ieasha Prime address timeless issues, including the importance of obedience to God, studying the Quran, and following religious principles. Their teachings play a crucial role in helping many Muslims deepen their understanding of Islamic values and cultivate their spirituality through engagement with the Quran and religious observance. This not only emphasizes individual growth but also a shared commitment to bolstering faith. Tamara Gray, a convert, shares her own experiences and those of others who have embraced Islam, illuminating the motivations that lead women to Islam and highlighting its cross-cultural significance. Her stories demonstrate that Islam is more than a religious identity; it serves as a cultural catalyst that enriches the lives of women. Furthermore, Rania Awaad combines her knowledge in Islamic studies and psychiatry to investigate paths toward spiritual peace and offers insights into female psychology from an Islamic perspective, showing how religious understanding can mitigate anxiety and foster personal development. Nicole Marie focuses her posts on the challenges faced by newly converted Muslim women in Europe, highlighting potential solutions and discussing home education for children. She underscores the importance of reevaluating outdated religious perspectives on women, such as that Islam oppresses women, particularly in Western societies. Soundous Boualam, in her lectures, emphasizes the significant role of women within Islam and advocates for the removal of cultural practices that have permitted male dominance over women. She actively counters prevalent misconceptions about misogyny in Islam, arguing that these views have been perpetuated by a male-centric approach to the Islamic discourse. Non-hijabi female bloggers, asserting their own rights and liberties, are inclined to discuss crucial issues regarding women’s roles, harmonizing Islam and Western values for successful integration, upbringing a new generation of educated Muslims who profit their countries, and breaking down patriarchal views on Islam. They claim that religion is their choice, not a subservience. In doing so, they challenge existing stereotypes and foster a reinterpretation of religious texts, potentially reshaping the perceptions of female identity within a religious framework. Both Nicole Marie and Soundous Boualam exemplify a new wave of Muslim women committed to reevaluating traditional feminine roles in Islam. They criticize outdated mindsets and advocate for acknowledging women’s rights as equal contributors in religious communities. Addressing the issues encountered by newly converted Muslim women, including the integration into European cultures and nurturing children in Islamic values, necessitates a willingness to embrace transformation.
Polygamy, as revealed during our content analysis, is one of the most controversial topics and permanently sparks intense debates in Muslim society. This topic, which stirs deep-seated beliefs and emotions, is interpreted through distinct lenses by Muslim female bloggers compared to their male counterparts. Most of the above-mentioned female bloggers often emphasize the emotional and psychological dimensions of polygamy, advocating for women’s rights and their agency within familial structures. They argue that while polygamy is permissible within Islam, it should not come at the cost of a woman’s dignity or autonomy. With a focus on the ethical implications, they call for a reinterpretation of traditional teachings that often prioritize male desires over female welfare. At the same time, non-hijabis are vocal about their beliefs concerning the relevance of polygamy today. For example, Soundous Boualam argues in her posts that polygamy should be considered historically; it was once necessary due to a shortage of men because of various factors, but it is no longer applicable in modern society. Likewise, another non-hijabi, Nicole Marie, calls for the examination of polygamy in Western cultures that promote feminist values, suggesting that it reinforces the misconception that Islam limits women’s rights. As a result, non-hijabis argue that polygamy is not only outdated but also conflicts with current principles of equality and justice. They believe that discussing this topic in a Western context could lead to misconceptions and distorted views of Islam as the religion that oppresses women.
Another result of our content analysis is the detection of a controversial subject, feminism, which is also viewed by female Muslim bloggers through an exceptional lens that interweaves cultural, spiritual, and social dimensions. Except for Haifaa Younis, all female bloggers call for modern interpretations of gender roles while affirming their faith. They emphasize that Islam, at its core, promotes justice and equity, which can serve as a foundation for advocating women’s rights. By interpreting Quranic verses through a progressive lens, they urge to dismantle patriarchal interpretations that have historically marginalized women’s voices in religious discussions. In many cases, these bloggers are not only challenging gender roles but also addressing broader societal issues such as education, health, and economic participation for women. They advocate for a holistic approach, where spiritual development and social progress go hand in hand. Their sermons often highlight the importance of women’s contributions to their communities, emphasizing that empowerment is not solely an individual pursuit but a collective one that uplifts entire societies.
Thus, Islamic feminism in Western contexts symbolizes a distinctive convergence of cultural identity, faith, and women’s rights activism. This movement aims to reevaluate Islamic scriptures and customs through a feminist lens, thereby contesting both conventional feminist viewpoints in the West and traditional male-centered interpretations within Islam. It advocates for a new reading of Islamic texts that supports women’s rights and dignity (
Sharify-Funk 2023). Scholars like Khaled Abou el Fadl and Ziba Mir Hosseini support women’s rights in the framework of Islamic law, opposing authoritarian readings and fostering a more just comprehension of gender roles (
Chotimah and Agustina 2019). Islamic feminists champion the use of feminist hermeneutics, which strives to reinterpret sacred texts to affirm gender equality and challenge prevailing patriarchal discourses (
Shahin 2020). All these trends demonstrate that feminist concepts are increasingly influencing the Muslim community. Muslim women are beginning to express their views on their rights and societal positions. This transformation is significantly reshaping the dynamics of Muslim society. It’s a reality that we must recognize.
3.1. Preaching Methods
Through our examination of the content and careful observations, we discovered that women in preaching roles employ the preaching methods explained below.
3.1.1. Special Narratives for Western Muslim Women
For instance, when it comes to the Islamic rules on the hijab, the discourse often becomes polarized, with hijabi and non-hijabi bloggers vehemently defending their interpretations. The hijabis emphasize a classical understanding of the hijab as a divine command—a sacred duty mandated by Allah. They argue that donning the hijab transcends the mere fabric; it is a manifestation of faith, identity, and empowerment. For many, it signifies a profound connection to their spirituality and cultural heritage, allowing them to navigate the world with a sense of assurance and purpose. Conversely, non-hijabis present a contrasting narrative. They often frame the hijab as a potential limitation, arguing that true empowerment lies in the freedom of choice. This line of reasoning posits that while the religious text may extol the virtues of modesty, the interpretation and application of such principles should be contextual and flexible, accommodating individual circumstances and beliefs. Thus, the discussion about hijab unfolds within a complex tapestry of interpretations, with each group striving to assert its validity, leading to an intricate dialogue on faith, identity, autonomy, and the evolving nature of religious practice in contemporary society.
3.1.2. Questions and Answers
This approach creates a space for open conversations, enabling women to ask questions related to their faith and spirituality. These interactive formats not only stimulate dialogue but also prompt participants to reflect more deeply on their principles and how to weave them into their daily routines. In the course of our observation, Rania Awaad and Soundous Boualam have effectively showcased the success of this method through their platforms. The impact of their approach is illustrated by a significant rise in subscribers (see
Table 1), indicating a keen interest in the topics presented. For women, these inquiries offer both enlightenment and a nurturing community that strengthens their beliefs. Such partnerships foster a lively environment where every woman can voice her opinions, share personal stories, and gain insights from experienced guides. This is especially relevant in our current era, where numerous spiritual questions linger unanswered. The initiative connects individuals and promotes discussions on vital matters, thus encouraging both personal development and spiritual enrichment.
3.1.3. Convert Stories
Two of the mentioned Muslim female bloggers are converts, as revealed by our research. They frequently share their stories in order to encourage others to follow them. These tales contain personal obstacles, spiritual journeys, and transformations that motivate and engage audiences in Islamic principles. They illustrate how embracing Islamic values like family, equality, and compassion positively influenced their lives. The storytellers provide perspectives on how their faith guided them toward discovering purpose, inner tranquility, and balance in their existence. Their posts often challenge prevalent stereotypes about Muslims and highlight the variety of individual experiences leading to Islam, underscoring that Islam extends beyond being merely a faith; it also represents a comprehensive way of living. For instance, as a white American convert, Tamara Gray now dedicates her life to sharing her experiences and bridging gaps between cultures. Through her lectures and writings, she articulates the challenges and triumphs she faced during her transition to Islam. Another convert, Ieasha Prime, emphasizes the importance of understanding and compassion in her storytelling, encouraging others to embrace their own spiritual journeys, regardless of where they begin. Her narrative resonates particularly with women, as she highlights the empowerment and sense of community she found within her new faith.
3.1.4. Sharing Moments from Their Personal Life
The personal lives of celebrities often pique public curiosity far more than their professional accomplishments. If we draw a parallel between entertainment industry stars and prominent individuals across various sectors, we see a similar trend. Content that reveals snippets of their private lives, such as images and videos, frequently receives much higher engagement than that showcasing their professional activities. By sharing daily moments and feelings, these personalities create a closer bond with their followers (
Dajah 2020). For example, Ieasha Prime sometimes shares photos from her trips, while Tamara Gray posts about her experiences with followers. Likewise, Nicole Marie provides insights into her family life through her shared media. This peek behind the curtain not only makes them more relatable but also strengthens the emotional connection followers have with them.
3.1.5. Using Their Background
Rania Awaad, using her psychology expertise, explores analogies between Islamic teachings and modern psychotherapy, highlighting how religion and religious activities can contribute to inner tranquility. Her research on women’s psychology demonstrates that Islam not only provides hope and support but can also serve as a foundation for developing healthy relationships and enhancing women’s inner calm. As a branding specialist, Soundous Boualam offers advice for Muslim women looking to establish their personal brands on social media in accordance with Islamic values.
3.1.6. Debunking Myths and Misunderstandings About Islam
Most female bloggers address false notions regarding the role of women in the Islamic faith. They assert that Islam has not only honored women but also expanded their rights and that, instead, the oppression of women’s experience in Muslim-majority nations is often a result of cultural factors rather than religious teachings. These bloggers emphasize that the teachings of Islam advocate for the dignity, respect, and empowerment of women. Moreover, these speakers argue that the issues faced by women in various Muslim-majority nations are deeply intertwined with cultural norms and practices that predate Islam. They emphasize the importance of distinguishing between cultural practices and religious dictates to foster a more accurate understanding of women’s roles in Islam.
3.1.7. Various Interpretations of the Islamic Rules Regarding the Role and Status of Women
In this regard, there is a split between hijabis and non-hijabis: hijabis follow traditional interpretations provided by medieval Islamic scholars, while non-hijabis present their interpretations of religious texts, employing personal reasoning and adapting to contemporary contexts. This divergence reflects deeper philosophical and theological undercurrents within the Islamic discourse. Hijabis often draw upon historical scholarship, emphasizing the importance of adhering to established interpretations that underscore modesty and the communal expectations of women in an Islamic society. Their adherence to tradition is often rooted in a belief that these practices ensure moral integrity and social cohesion, aligning with a broader vision of Islamic values that transcend personal interpretation. In contrast, non-hijabis approach the Quran and hadiths with more contemporary perspectives, advocating for a reinterpretation that aligns with modern rights and personal freedom. This group highlights the importance of context, often arguing that many traditional interpretations stem from patriarchal cultural influences rather than from the texts themselves. They champion women’s rights within Islam, emphasizing the Quranic principles of agency, equality, and justice. This brings questions about authority, interpretation, and evolution of religious practice in an ever-changing world. As both sides engage in discourse, they contribute to the rich tapestry of Islamic thought that reflects the diversity of life experiences among Muslim women globally.
While examining the social media activities of the above-mentioned female bloggers, we noted their consistent interaction with followers on Instagram. Those who did not regularly update their content either stagnated in their follower growth or slowly lost viewer interest. Many experts in social media marketing emphasize that running an online profile is similar to editing a magazine; a content creator must continually generate new ideas, innovate in how they present their material, and develop a distinctive voice (
Adeola et al. 2020). The lack of regularity is a significant factor contributing to why numerous digital religious bloggers lag behind their competitors in the online space.
Moreover, they maintain regular feedback with their audience, as shown by our research. To detect this, we created a specific fake account presenting a female person and submitted religious questions to all the female bloggers mentioned in this article. The time it took for them to reply varied from one to three days. This method highlights their dedication to their preaching activities and their attentiveness to the needs of their community. A fascinating aspect of our study was that many bloggers took the opportunity to continue the discussion by posing additional questions or providing resources for a deeper examination of the topics. This not only illustrates their function as spiritual guides but also emphasizes their role as supporters for numerous women seeking help in their faith journeys.
The extraordinary rise of Soundous Boualam and Nicole Marie highlights the importance of personal branding and online presence in today’s society. Through their impactful communication techniques and engagement with audiences, they have been able to garner attention independently of any religious affiliations. Moreover, their content spans a variety of subjects, including lifestyle, culture, and self-improvement, which enhances their attractiveness to a wide range of viewers. In today’s world, where technology and social media reshape interpersonal connections, establishing a personal brand has become essential, particularly for the younger Generation Z, who are deeply engaged in the digital landscape. A personal brand reflects a person’s unrepeated identity and characteristics, serving as a crucial resource for young people seeking to attain success (
Vasconcelos and Rua 2021).
In contrast to their counterparts in Muslim nations, the female bloggers studied in this article do not engage in business or product endorsements. In Southeast Asia, however, women in religious roles often integrate their spiritual endeavors with commercial pursuits—they frequently serve as promotional figures for brands aimed at Muslim women and take on ambassadorial roles for various products. This divergence in how female bloggers approach their religious duties across different global regions underscores the cultural and societal frameworks informing their work. In the Southeast Asian context, these female spiritual leaders uniquely blend their preaching with entrepreneurial interests, effectively creating a platform that advances Islamic values and principles within the context of consumer culture. Their influence extends beyond mere inspiration; they are actively reshaping the relationship between religion and commerce, creating innovative models of engagement that resonate with their audiences (
Kloos 2019). Our investigation also reveals that female religious leaders in Western countries adopt “feminist” perspectives on polygamy, which contrasts significantly with the views held by their colleagues in predominantly Muslim nations. The latter group asserts that “Islam allows polygamy and a faithful woman is expected to follow Allah’s commands”. Another notable difference between their counterparts in predominantly Muslim countries is the approach to feminism in their sermons. In these nations, female religious figures often adhere to conventional interpretations of religious teachings regarding women, frequently asserting that “a woman should yield to her husband, as his joy paves her way to paradise”. Discussions about gender equality and women’s rights are commonly framed within the constraints of Islamic principles. Conversely, within Muslim communities in Europe and the US, a transformation in the understanding of women’s roles in religion is becoming more apparent. These women aim to underscore aspects of Islam that support the elevation of women’s positions within society, claiming that the faith is compatible with the ideals of gender equality.
3.1.8. Difference Between Male and Female Preaching Bloggers
To explore the differences between male and female preaching bloggers, we analyzed the sermons they delivered. We selected several notable male preachers from the West based on their follower counts on Instagram: Mohammed Hijab from the UK (@mohammedniyabofficial, 802 thousand followers), Ali Davan from the UK (@alidavan, 324 thousand), Omar Suleiman from the US (@imamomarsuleiman, 3 million), Nouman Ali Khan (@numanalikhan, 729 thousand), and Yasir Qadhi (@yasir.qadhi, 375 thousand). Noteworthy, each of these men possesses academic qualifications in Islamic or religious studies. We conducted a comparison between the male and female bloggers referenced in this article. The analysis revealed distinct contrasts in their preaching styles. Muslim female bloggers generally demonstrate more emotional control in their presentations, while their male counterparts often convey strong feelings, particularly regarding the Day of Judgment, the struggles faced by Muslims worldwide, and various political matters. Male bloggers address a wide range of topics, spanning from religious practices to political issues, whereas female bloggers frequently concentrate on concerns related to women. The key difference, as detected in the course of our investigation, lies in the fact that the male bloggers selected are more involved in offline religious advocacy, engaging in interfaith dialogues, speaking at public events, and traveling abroad at the request of their followers. They actively promote their offline activities on social media, which helps strengthen their connection with their audience and increase their follower numbers.
It is essential to emphasize that we acknowledge the importance of male and female bloggers working in a complementary manner rather than in conflict. Rivalry between them could exacerbate divisions within the faith community. Collaborative efforts can lead to fruitful outcomes. Male and female bloggers should join forces, emphasizing the exclusive elements of their roles that enhance one another (
Sumarni 2020). Men often represent authority and strength, while women bring empathy and compassion to their messages. This diversity in approaches not only cultivates a more unified atmosphere within the religious community but also appeals to individuals with various needs and expectations. Additionally, it is vital to recognize that each gender offers distinct perspectives, enabling them to express spiritual truths through different lenses. Sermons from men may focus on themes of courage and resilience in faith, while women’s messages might emphasize care and support for those in need (
Rausch 2012). Ultimately, combining these two viewpoints enriches the understanding of religious teachings, resulting in a more rounded and intricate depiction.
From the viewpoint of religious sociology, female preaching bloggers play vital, compensatory, communicative, and integrative roles by addressing the needs of female audiences during their sermons (
Sehlikoglu 2018). Whether in the USA or Europe, Muslim women are in search of preaching bloggers who recognize their specific challenges and offer pertinent solutions, taking into account the cultural context of their countries. Our findings indicate that male preachers frequently miss the issues that Muslim women encounter in Western societies. This oversight contributes to the growing appeal of female bloggers discussed in our article. By expanding their range of topics and methods of promoting Islam, female bloggers in Europe and the USA will be able to establish themselves as significant religious authorities in the near future, akin to their male counterparts. A prominent example is Soundous Boualam, who has gained recognition for her active participation in religious events across Belgium and her appearances on Euronews and the BBC, where she was invited to discuss contemporary religious issues.
The work of female bloggers certainly paves the way for increasing the visibility of women in both social and religious contexts. However, with these opportunities come significant obstacles. Often, female bloggers face resistance and bias from their male colleagues. Throughout this research, we have noted many cases where female bloggers have been subjected to derogatory comments and harsh critiques from men, who accuse them of being excessively feministic in their sermons. This is one of the major obstacles that Muslim female bloggers encounter throughout their religious propaganda operations, and they should devise effective strategies to address them. This new phenomenon is mentioned by the “self-proclaimed religious authorities” who preach online, have their own audience, and often face criticism (
Bunt 2018, p. 81).
The rise of online preaching by women introduces a nuanced landscape of theological discourse. Traditional views often position women in subordinate roles within religious contexts, and visibility granted by online platforms challenges these conventions. While some may argue that this shift dilutes the established doctrine, it also creates opportunities for a more inclusive interpretation of faith. To date, Muslim women were often portrayed as the objects of male-dominant religio-cultural systems (
Ewing 2008), but now they challenge the existing patriarchal norms and practices in the Islamic community. Female preaching bloggers can offer fresh perspectives that resonate with diverse audiences, fostering a more comprehensive understanding of spirituality. Conversely, the potential backlash from conservative factions cannot be overlooked. Resistance rooted in deeply held beliefs may manifest in various forms, from social media criticism to organized campaigns against women’s roles in the Islamic call. Such opposition, while troubling, underscores the importance of dialogue and engagement. Rather than retreating in the face of criticism, women participating in online preaching can engage with dissenters to explore common ground, thus promoting healthier conversations within the Islamic communities.
4. Conclusions
After examining the efforts of Muslim female bloggers in both the United States and Europe, we observed that Muslim women in preaching roles address issues pertinent to women and employ a diverse range of strategies to promote Islam, blending both contemporary and traditional methods. Their sermons strive to reinterpret religious messages in light of modern sensitivities, moving away from outdated notions regarding women’s roles. Additionally, they present established interpretations in unique ways, thereby challenging conventional stereotypes and introducing new insights into Quranic narratives and teachings. This method fosters a reevaluation of traditional beliefs and allows for a broader, more inclusive perspective on this religion.
Within the field of religious preaching in social media, a rising group of non-hijabi women is emerging, which can be seen as a response to the conventional views on Islamic femininity. The evolvement of non-hijabi female bloggers opens avenues for exploring their identities and societal roles, subsequently prompting the reinterpretation of Islamic theology. Such an act of defiance contributes to the development of Islamic feminist theology, rooted in ideals of equality and justice, and lays the foundations for new religious movements in the Islamic community. Furthermore, sermons delivered by non-hijabi bloggers, as revealed during our research, encompass a broader array of subjects, frequently incorporating themes such as social justice, women’s rights, and the influence of religion in contemporary society, even tackling sensitive topics considered taboo for Muslim women. This is in stark contrast to the more conventional sermons delivered by men, which generally emphasize the more traditional aspects of religious instruction.
Soundous Boualam serves as a remarkable example of non-hijabi individuals, and her situation is distinct, paving the way for other non-hijabi bloggers. Her successful propaganda activities should be further observed and researched by religious experts based on empirical research and psychological perspectives. Given those facts, it is evident that Soundus Boualam has initiated a novel movement in the promotion of Islam, and in the future, we will witness the rise of “feminized Islam” within Islamic communities in the West.
This initiative creates opportunities for dialogue between traditional and modern interpretations of Islam. It enhances the roles of women while promoting a deeper understanding of Islam as a dynamic and evolving religion, allowing women to take on more active roles. The forward-thinking nature of such modern sermons paves the way for new experiences, enabling the cultivation of more inclusive spaces for all Muslim women living in Europe and the USA.
Our intention is to further investigate the subject of female preaching bloggers, recognizing its increasing significance and new trends emerging within this field. This research aims to shed light not only on the realities surrounding women’s roles in online religious practices but also on the richer social and cultural frameworks that inform their experiences. Female leaders who engage in sharing religious messages via digital channels often encounter distinct challenges and exclusive opportunities that warrant thorough examination. We plan to explore how contemporary technologies are transforming conventional methods of religious preaching and the impact these changes have on women’s roles in shaping new guidelines and standards. The necessity to examine shifts in the perception of women’s roles within religious organizations amidst technological advancements is underscored by current societal realities. The evolution of public attitudes and the rise of new trends in religious propagation may create new opportunities for female bloggers, highlighting the need for more comprehensive academic exploration. This can provide valuable insights into the dynamics of religious interaction in the digital era.