Contesting ‘Truth’: A Late Ottoman Response to Protestant Missionary Writings
:1. Introduction
2. Relations Between the Ottoman Empire and Missionaries in the 19th Century
3. Reception of Missionary Religious Printings and Writings Against the Qur’an and Islam in the Ottoman Empire
3.1. CMS Missionary Karl Gottlieb Pfander in İstanbul
3.2. Mizan ul-haqq (The Balance of Truth)
4. Harputlu İshak Hoca’s Responses to Missionary Writings
4.1. Şemsü’l-hakîkat (The Sun of Truth)
4.2. Ziyâü’l-kulûb (The Light of Hearts)
5. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | The state’s reaction to these conversions was capital punishment (Gümüş 2017, p. 137). For the details of the counterarguments regarding the executions of Muslim converts both in Ottoman circles and missionary groups, see (Gümüş 2017, pp. 136–39, 148). |
2 | For the state’s different reaction to the missionary-related incidents in the countryside, Şahin explains, “Similar cases required different methods in the countryside. As far as rural subjects were concerned, Ottoman ministers showed little or no tolerance of missionary activities and public disorder”. See (Şahin 2018, pp. 32–33). |
3 | For a detailed and thorough historical account of the encounters and correspondences between Pfander and the circle of Indian Muslim scholars, see (Powell 1993, pp. 163–91). |
4 | Powell argues that “Pfander’s linguistic skills, which are clearly shown in his books in Persian and Urdu, marks a new era in Christian missionary apologetics for Muslims”. She also considers Pfander’s use of Shi’i sources and being influenced by their discourse as a significant difference on Pfander’s part because missionaries were simply not aware of or interested in the division between Sunnis and Shi’is. Powell interestingly notes that Pfander realised through his missionary experience in India that polemicising the internal controversies of Islam as the one between Sunnis and Shi’is is a winning strategy. See (Powell 1993, p. 148). |
5 | As Whittingham notes, Pfander is not interested in theological arguments when refuting the Qur’an as it is not a true revelation. See (Whittingham 2012, pp. 4–5). |
6 | Here, Pfander quotes a few Qur’anic verses to underpin his argument and further discusses the narrative about the Prophet’s moon-splitting miracles in detail. Then, he presents his objections to these reports. See (Pfander 1866, Mizan ul-haqq, pp. 107–9). |
7 | The character of Pfander’s missionary discourse, on the other hand, is noticeably “orientalist”, as Powell aptly puts it (Powell 1993, p. 144). For Pfander’s remarks on the Muslim society he encountered during his missions in different Muslim lands, see (Powell 1993, pp. 151–54). |
8 | Ottoman scholars swiftly responded to missionary anti-Islamic literature with polemical works. For bibliographic info see (M. Aydın 1998; F. Aydın 2003). |
9 | Huzur dersleri were first initiated in 1738 and conducted under the supervision of the leading ulama until the last huzur dersi in Ramadan 1924. See (İpşirli 1998). See also (Mardin 1966). |
10 | For the details of Harputlu’s works, see (Demirpolat 2003, pp. 400–9). |
11 | According to the CMI 1864 report, Persian copies of Mizan ul-haqq arrived in İstanbul before the Crimean War, i.e., before 1853, to be distributed in İzmir, but were held up at customs. Thanks to the intervention of an American missionary named Dr. Schhauffler, they eventually received the book box but did not obtain the books. Although the book has not yet been published in Turkish, it appears on the list published by the Turks as ‘controversial’. This explains why and how Harputlu presumably obtained a Persian copy of Mizan ul-haqq sometime after 1853. See (The Church Missionary Intelligencer (CMI) 1864, p. 222). |
12 | For Takvimhane-i Âmire, see (Sarıyıldız 2019). |
13 | See (Pfander 1861). |
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Yücedoğru, Z. Contesting ‘Truth’: A Late Ottoman Response to Protestant Missionary Writings. Religions 2024, 15, 1282.
Yücedoğru Z. Contesting ‘Truth’: A Late Ottoman Response to Protestant Missionary Writings. Religions. 2024; 15(10):1282.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYücedoğru, Zeynep. 2024. "Contesting ‘Truth’: A Late Ottoman Response to Protestant Missionary Writings" Religions 15, no. 10: 1282.
APA StyleYücedoğru, Z. (2024). Contesting ‘Truth’: A Late Ottoman Response to Protestant Missionary Writings. Religions, 15(10), 1282.