Diaconia and Interreligious Cooperation in Switzerland
:1. Introduction1
2. Theoretical Approach
2.1. Religious Landscape of Switzerland
2.2. Cultural Coherence of Helping Actions
2.3. Diaconal Spiritual Care
2.4. From Intercultural Communication to Transcultural Practice
3. First Practical Experience
3.1. First Imam as Chaplain at Zurich University Hospital
1. Religious beliefs are part of the foundation of society.
2. Religious communities contribute to public peace.
3. Religious symbols visible in the public sphere are subject to the state’s legal system.
4. The state legal system applies to all religious communities.
5. The state legal order of Switzerland and the Canton of Zurich is determined by a democratic-liberal culture.
6. The recognition under public law of the Protestant Reformed Church, the Roman Catholic Church of the Canton of Zurich, the Christian Catholic Church, and the two Jewish communities has been established.
From my point of view, four aspects of this political initiative are worth highlighting for interreligious cooperation. The initiative proceeds from pragmatic solutions.7. Clear foundations must be created with regard to the religious communities that are not recognized under constitutional law.7
“It (diversity, add. CS) is an opportunity for every citizen because everyone is given the chance to participate in society. So, it is also for me, with all my backgrounds that I bring and that make me a personality, a recognition. Muslim, Imam, chaplain, Swiss, Bosnian, Toggenburg, Zurich, son, grandson, uncle, husband, father, friend, and now army chaplain. Behind each of these designations, there is always a human being. Because only the human being manages to be so many things in one person”
3.2. Muslim Spiritual Care in Asylum Centers in Switzerland
- Muslim spiritual care is a “supplement” to the spiritual care offered by the national churches.
- Muslim chaplains are a valuable resource: their services are gladly used by asylum seekers; the staff appreciates their religious, cultural, and linguistic competencies; the Christian chaplains welcome their presence.
- The cooperation with Christian chaplains is positive.
- The costs of CHF 450,000/year will be included in the proposal for the revision of the Asylum Law.
“Meanwhile, the Muslim chaplaincy in the canton of Zurich is available to public institutions with a team of 17 chaplains 365 days during 24 h. The number of spiritual care missions in various Zurich institutions has been growing steadily since the founding of the association. In 2020, despite numerous corona-related restrictions, a total of 216 such missions were carried out. Since the corona crisis, the association has offered internet and telephone spiritual care. In 2020, for the first time, 25 spiritual care conversations were conducted via e-mail and 80 spiritual care conversations via telephone. Within the framework of asylum spiritual care, a total of 1202 spiritual care conversations took place in 2020”
3.3. Multifaith Spiritual Care in the Swiss Armed Forces
4. Four Diaconal Threads of Interreligious Cooperation
- Diaconia and interfaith cooperation lead due to the intercultural transformations to the participation of pastoral and diaconal workers of different religions.
- Diaconia and interreligious cooperation leads to the bridging function of pastors and diaconal workers and is thus part of peacebuilding and conflict prevention.
- Diaconia and interreligious cooperation results in a changed professional self-understanding of pastoral and diaconal workers.
- Diaconia and inter-religious cooperation, in its cultural coherence, generate common values in its diaconal mission.
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | I thank my research assistant, Ph.D. student Isabelle Knobel, for editing in translating the text. |
2 | All quotes in this article were translated from German into English by the author. |
3 | Switzerland is divided into different regions called Cantons. The churches are organized within these Cantons. |
4 | Available online: www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/de/home/statistiken/bevoelkerung/sprachen-religionen/religionen.html (accessed on 19 February 2023). And bfs.admin.ch. Available online: https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/de/home/statistiken/bevoelkerung/sprachen-religionen/religionen.assetdetail.23985049.html (accessed on 16 February 2023). |
5 | If one takes a look at the figures of the census since 1850, this transformation of the Swiss religious landscape, which can hardly be overestimated, becomes even more obvious: cf: bfs.admin.ch. Available online: https://www.census1850.bfs.admin.ch/de/religionslandschaft.html (accessed on 16 February 2023). |
6 | For an overview of these Christian reasonings, see (Rüegger and Sigrist 2014). |
7 | Also summarized online: https://www.zh.ch/de/sport-kultur/religion.html (accessed on 19 February 2023). |
8 | To obtain further information on those two: https://swissvotes.ch/vote/547.00 (minaret initiative, accessed on 19 February 2023) and https://www.humanrights.ch/de/ipf/menschenrechte/religion/kopftuchverbot-oeffentlichen-schulen (headscarf debate in Switzerland, accessed on 19 February 2023). |
9 | This can be read in (QuaMS 2021, p. 23). |
10 | On the legal situation of religious communities, see (Reber 2020, p. 73). |
11 | See Article 8 of the “Directives on advice, guidance, and support for the Army Chaplaincy, the Armed Forces Psychological-Pedagogical Service and the Armed Forces Social Service”. |
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Sigrist, C. Diaconia and Interreligious Cooperation in Switzerland. Religions 2023, 14, 1046. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel14081046
Sigrist C. Diaconia and Interreligious Cooperation in Switzerland. Religions. 2023; 14(8):1046. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel14081046
Chicago/Turabian StyleSigrist, Christoph. 2023. "Diaconia and Interreligious Cooperation in Switzerland" Religions 14, no. 8: 1046. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel14081046
APA StyleSigrist, C. (2023). Diaconia and Interreligious Cooperation in Switzerland. Religions, 14(8), 1046. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel14081046