Unbelief and Inquisition in Early Modern Italy: The Case of Flaminio Fabrizi
:1. Introduction
2. Siena, 1587–1588
3. Rome, 1588–1591
4. Conclusions: An Isolated Case?
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | The process has been reported more or less briefly in several studies: (Di Simplicio 2005, pp. 72–74; Prosperi 2005, p. 28; Lavenia 2010; Frajese 2016). |
2 | For the critique of religion through the figure of Momus, I will only quote (McClure 2018). |
3 | By indifferentism is meant here of course the opinion that differences of religion are of little importance. |
4 | For an overview see at least (Copenhaver 2015; Del Soldato 2020). |
5 | See the introduction by Vittoria Perrone Compagni in (Pomponazzi 2011). |
6 | In the extensive bibliography on the fortune of the writings of the philosopher from Mantua, I will limit myself to mentioning (Zanier 1975; Maclean 2005; Sgarbi 2010; Regnicoli 2011). |
7 | |
8 | On religious dissent in 16th century Siena see at least (Pirri 1963; Marchetti 1970, 1975; Szczucki 2001; Adorni Braccesi 2003; McClure 2010; Lo Re 2014). |
9 | “Quando Mosè passò il Mar Rosso con il populo d’Isdrael non fu per miracolo, ma fu per il fluxo et refluxo del mare delle sei hore, che naturalmente fluisce et refluisce”, Trial Amerighi, 693r-v. |
10 | On the debate about Noah’s ark see (Browne 2003), which, however, focuses mainly on the 17th century. |
11 | Trial Amerighi, 735v–762v, interrogations of 23 and 24 February, 3 and 4 March 1588. |
12 | In the early modern age, this inverted image of the afterlife had a tradition going back to a dream attributed to Machiavelli and reported by the unorthodox Anton Francesco Doni in a letter published in 1544, but also to the Pasquino of the Italian exile Celio Secondo Curione. See firstly (Sasso 1988, III, pp. 211–94, IV, pp. 325–60) and above all (Terracciano 2016). |
13 | Agrippa’s fortune among the Italian heterodox of the 16th century still awaits a comprehensive reconstruction. But see recent studies by Simonetta Adorni Braccesi (at least Adorni Braccesi 2011). On the ‘libertine’ language of De nobilitate atque praecellentia foeminei sexus see also (Wirth 2003; Perrone Compagni 2006). |
14 | On the Arab-derived theories that made religious changes depend on the influence of the stars and on Cardano’s horoscope of Christ, reported in some paragraphs of the commentary on Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos (II, 5–9), see (Cardano 2002a; Ernst 1991, pp. 191–219). |
15 | In a census of Jewish residents in Siena in 1580, the names of a “Salomone da Tivoli” and a “Guglielmo medico” appear, men with whom Fabrizi may have been in contact: (Turrini 2008, pp. 26, 30–31). |
16 | The text of the bull in (Eymericus 1587), Litterae apostolicae, pp. 142–44. The Pope also denounced the danger that the practice of astrological and divinatory sciences would threaten religion and lead to unbelief (periculo erroris et infidelitatis). On the importance of this document see at least (Romeo 1990; Zambelli 1996, p. 175; Prosperi 1996, pp. 336–67). |
17 | Trial Amerighi, 763r–778v, interrogations of 7, 8, 9 March 1588. |
18 | For magic and astrology in Siena see (Bussagli 1991; Ceppari Ridolfi 1999; Turrini 2003). In the same years as the trial analysed here, a series of enquiries by the Inquisition of Siena highlighted the extent to which astrological knowledge and practice were widespread in the city; furthermore, Fabrizi’s name also appeared in other trials, such as the contemporary one of Lazzaro Zefferini: (Tedesco 2021). |
19 | The authors cited by Amerighi and Fabrizi, in addition to Paracelsus and Cardano, include Julius Firmicus Maternus; Oronce Finé (his works were published in Italian in 1587); Francesco Giuntini; Christoph Clavius; Pietro d’Abano; Johann Schöner; Johannes Garceus; Patrizio Tricasso; and Giovanni Antonio Magini. For the fortune of his nativities see (Casali 2003). Some of the texts Fabrizi claimed to have read (but perhaps only heard of) were included in the Index of Forbidden Books. |
20 | Trial Fabrizi, cc. 706r–762v, interrogations of 4 May–14 June 1588. |
21 | Trial Amerighi, 854r–858v, 860r–863r. |
22 | Trial Fabrizi, 763r–777v. |
23 | See the autobiography: (Cardano 2002b). For the history of its edition cf. (Kristeller 1979; Maclean 1994; Cerbu 1999). |
24 | |
25 | ACDF, Decreta Sancti Officij 1588, 344r; 1589, 66r. |
26 | ACDF, Decreta Sancti Officij 1589, 169v–170r. |
27 | ACDF, Decreta Sancti Officij 1589, 173r, 18 October. |
28 | ACDF, Decreta Sancti Officij 1589, 193v–195r. |
29 | ACDF, Decreta Sancti Officij 1589, 205r. |
30 | ACDF, Decreta Sancti Officij 1590, 358v, 360v. |
31 | ACDF, Decreta Sancti Officij 1590, 394v, 6 February 1591. |
32 | Sentence. |
33 | This charge would suggest that Fabrizi had at least an indirect knowledge of the heretic Simone Porzio’s De conflagratione agri Puteolani (republished in 1551), on which see (Vasoli 2001; Del Soldato 2010). |
34 | Archivio di Stato di Roma, San Giovanni Decollato, 7, reg. 15, 34r-v. The document is reported in (Orano 1904, p. 85). See also (Firpo 1974, p. 322) and footnote. |
35 | See (Firpo 1993, p. 104). Bruno’s lost writings also include an Arca di Noè (Noah’s Ark). The philosopher also mocked the Great Flood and the wonders of Moses in Spaccio della Bestia trionfante (The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast, 1584). On the belief in pre-adamites before the 17th century, on a global scale, in 2019 Thomas Gruber organised an important seminar at Villa I Tatti in Florence. |
36 | See (Amabile 1882, pp. 195, 201, 213). Cf. (Frajese 2002). |
37 | In the 1561 edition, Borri’s treatise on tides included a discourse Della perfettione delle donne, commissioned by Alberico I Cybo Malaspina—the same lineage as Fabrizi’s friend. The text was undoubtedly inspired by De nobilitate atque praecellentia foeminei sexus written by Agrippa von Nettesheim. After 1577, the treatise was reprinted together with a quaestio dedicated to the phenomenon of the periodic flooding of the Nile. In those pages, quotations from Averroes, Alexander of Aphrodisias, Democritus, Hermes Trismegistus, and Theophrastus could not be counted; and when speaking of Egypt, Borri cast doubt on the biblical miracle of the manna. Certain events, one reads, were not miracles, “even though they might appear so to the ignorant” (se bene a chiunque non sà la causa loro, paiono miracoli) (Borri 1587, p. 210). |
38 | Montaigne, Voyage en Italie, 14 July 1580; but see also Essais (I, 26), where is portrayed as a perfect peripatetic philosopher. Borri was so unorthodox that he was the subject of numerous enquiries (Gabriel Naudé is said to have described him as a perfect atheist). In a trial from 1582–1583, the Holy Office accused him of denying the immortality of the soul. Borri was saved by Pope Gregory XIII, who allowed him to return to Pisa, where he continued to teach until 1587. The Sienese tried to enlist him in their University, but something evidently went wrong. For the history of the trials and censorship of Borri’s writings see (Baldini and Spruit 2009, vol. 1, pp. 665–82, 812–54) (see these pages for a bibliography on Borri). |
39 | For France see (Berriot 1978). For Italy (Biasiori, forthcoming). For the cases of Girolamo Garzoni and Alvise Capuano in (Venice Davidson 1992, pp. 58, 74). For Pomponio Rustici, sentenced to be burnt at the stake in Rome in 1587, (Spini 1983, pp. 35–36). In the 17th century, the cases multiplied: for the Siena and Pisa trials against Girolamo Pinelli, a doctor and astrologer who was a pupil of Magini, (Prosperi 2010); for Venice (Barbierato 2012); for Bologna (Ginzburg 1986). |
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Vatican City, Archivio della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede, Città del Vaticano (=ACDF), Inquisizione di Siena, Processi 11, fasc. 15, 690r–869v (=Trial Amerighi); a partial copy, perhaps for defensive purposes, with interrogations from February to May 1588, in Processi 87, cause 1587 1589, 390r–560v.ACDF, Inquisizione di Siena, Processi 16, fasc. 33, 706r–777v, «Copia. Processo contro Flaminio Romano. Confessione. Et l’originale è in Roma per ordine delli Illustrissimi Cardinali» (=Trial Fabrizi).ACDF, Inquisizione di Siena, Processi 2, 413r–417v (=Sentence)ACDF, Decreta Sancti Officij 1588–1590Secondary Sources
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Lavenia, V. Unbelief and Inquisition in Early Modern Italy: The Case of Flaminio Fabrizi. Religions 2023, 14, 618. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel14050618
Lavenia V. Unbelief and Inquisition in Early Modern Italy: The Case of Flaminio Fabrizi. Religions. 2023; 14(5):618. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel14050618
Chicago/Turabian StyleLavenia, Vincenzo. 2023. "Unbelief and Inquisition in Early Modern Italy: The Case of Flaminio Fabrizi" Religions 14, no. 5: 618. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel14050618
APA StyleLavenia, V. (2023). Unbelief and Inquisition in Early Modern Italy: The Case of Flaminio Fabrizi. Religions, 14(5), 618. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel14050618