Acculturation and Intercultural Learning of Missionaries, Their Families, and the Role of Women in the Christian Mission—A Review of Literature from 1954 to 2010
:1. Introduction
2. Material and Method
3. Results
3.1. Success Criteria and Effectiveness of Missionaries
3.1.1. Aptitude Testing in the Context of the Christian Mission
3.1.2. The Success Criterion of Adaptation
3.1.3. Critical Life Events, Premature Termination of Missionary Placements, and Retirement of Missionaries and Their Families
3.1.4. Correspondence to the Ideal “Missionary Personality” as a Criterion of Success
3.1.5. The Success Criteria of Efficiency and Ability to Cope with Psychological Pressure: The Influence of “Spiritual” and “Organisational Commitment” and Expectations
3.1.6. Role Orientations of Missionaries’ Wives and Psychological Well-Being within the Marriage Partnership as a Criterion of Success
3.2. Women’s Mission Work and the Emancipation of Women
4. Acculturation and Learning in the Christian Mission
4.1. Acculturation and Learning during Periods of Residence Abroad
4.2. Acculturation of Missionaries and Their Families during Missionary Postings Overseas
4.3. Acculturation Stress: Identification of Stress Factors among Missionaries
- Confrontation: Women were subject to more marked stress in social conflicts, and stress appeared more strongly in a limited milieu.
- Intercultural communication: Direct communication with members of the host culture was experienced as stressful.
- Maintaining social relations: More than half the missionaries cited this as a source of stress, especially when they had to negotiate arrangements for help and support, e.g., in interdenominational groups.
- Excessive workloads: Reduce stress and maintain productivity as excessive workloads can negatively affect the quality of work, personal life, and health.
- Organising the workflow: Defining goals, prioritising tasks, and utilising tools and resources for efficient time and self-management is crucial in mission practices.
4.4. Reintegration of Missionaries and Their Families
5. Discussion and Direction of Future Research
6. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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2 | In this context, “cultural contact” means coming together and meeting different cultures. However, the definition of how this event, which sets the process of acculturation in motion, may be understood as unclear and far from unanimous: for instance, whether it depends on the directness, duration, and intensity of the encounter or the deficits in the repertoire of exchange can be traced back to these and is consequently experienced as stressful (Berry and Sam 1996; Ward et al. 2001). |
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Arnold, M. Acculturation and Intercultural Learning of Missionaries, Their Families, and the Role of Women in the Christian Mission—A Review of Literature from 1954 to 2010. Religions 2023, 14, 383.
Arnold M. Acculturation and Intercultural Learning of Missionaries, Their Families, and the Role of Women in the Christian Mission—A Review of Literature from 1954 to 2010. Religions. 2023; 14(3):383.
Chicago/Turabian StyleArnold, Maik. 2023. "Acculturation and Intercultural Learning of Missionaries, Their Families, and the Role of Women in the Christian Mission—A Review of Literature from 1954 to 2010" Religions 14, no. 3: 383.
APA StyleArnold, M. (2023). Acculturation and Intercultural Learning of Missionaries, Their Families, and the Role of Women in the Christian Mission—A Review of Literature from 1954 to 2010. Religions, 14(3), 383.