The Constellation of Agents: An Often Overlooked Aspect in the Comparison of Deuteronomy and Ancient Near Eastern Treaties
:1. Introduction
2. Comparing Deuteronomy and Ancient Near Eastern Treaties
3. The Constellation of Agents
- Θε]ὸς ἀγαθός.τά]δε ὤμοσαν τοὶ Ἰτάνιοι πά[ν-τες] Δία Δικταῖον καὶ Ἥραν καὶ θ-εο]ὺς τοὺς ἐν Δίκται καὶ Ἀθαν-
- 5
- α]ίαν Πολιάδα καὶ θεοὺς ὅσσο[ι-ς] ἐν Ἀθαναίαι θύεται πάνταςκ]αὶ Δία Ἀγοραῖον καὶ Ἀπόλλω-ν]α Πύθιον καθ’ ἱερῶν νεοκαύ-τ]ων· πόλιν τὰν Ἰτανίων οὐ πρ[ο-
- 10
- δ]ωσέω …
- τοῖς δ’ ε[ὐ-ορκέοσι καὶ κατέχουσι τὸν [ὅρ-
- 40
- κο]ν τέκνων ὄνασ[ι]ν γίνεσθ[αικ]αὶ γᾶν ἔνκαρπο[ν] φ[έρ]ειν καὶ [πρ-ό]βατα εὐθην[εῖ]ν κα[ὶ ἄλλ]α πολ[λ-ὰ καὶ ἀγαθὰ [γίνε]σθαι [κα]ὶ αὐτῶ[ικ]αὶ τοῖς τέκνο[ις,] τοῖς δὲ ἐπιορκέ-
- 45
- ο]σι μήτε γᾶν φέρειν μήτε τέκν-ω]ν ὄνασιν γίνεσθαι μήτε πρό-βα]τα εὐθηνεῖν, ἐξόλλυσθαι δὲκα]κῶς κακοὺς καὶ αὐτοὺς καὶ γ-εν]εὰν αὐτῶν.
4. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Further developing insights first expounded in chap. IV.2 of (Krause 2020), an earlier draft of this article was presented at the 2020 SBL Virtual Annual Meeting. |
2 | Unless one is willing to considerably stretch the meaning of the word, as does, e.g., (Levinson 2020b, p. 42), when describing the particular form given to the “covenantal relationship” in Deuteronomy as “a national treaty between god and people.” |
3 | Most recently, see the review article of (Morrow 2021). |
4 | To list but the four most influential contributions, see (Mendenhall 1955) and (Baltzer 1960), both building on (Korošec 1931), then (McCarthy 1978) and (Weinfeld 1972). |
5 | See the rich editorial introductions in both issues. |
6 | Standard edition in (Parpola and Watanabe 1988). |
7 | Such approaches have been reinforced by the recent work on translating Akkadian texts into Northwest Semitic by (Crouch and Hutton 2019), who offer a theoretical introduction as well as a thorough case study of one particularly instructive example, the Tell Fekheriyeh inscription. Using the latter as the benchmark for other purported instances of Akkadian–Northwest Semitic translations, including the alleged translation from EST in Deuteronomy 28, they arrive at a profoundly skeptical evaluation of that hypothesis. |
8 | See now especially (Otto 2016, pp. 1201–72) and, responding to criticism, (Otto 2016, pp. 1222–26). |
9 | On Deut 13, see also (Levinson and Stackert 2012), among others. |
10 | On the importance of this find, see (Steymans 2013), among others. |
11 | See (Weinfeld 1990). From the more recent discussion, see, e.g., (Weeks 2004; Beckman 2006; Koch 2006; Christiansen and Devecchi 2013), among others. |
12 | For the controversy over interpreting EST as either vassal treaties or loyalty oaths, see (Otto 2000, pp. 15–32; Koch 2008, pp. 78–97), each with bibliography. |
13 | For this definition, see (McCarthy 1978, p. 11). For the distinction between preemptive and punitive use of curse material, see (Pomponio 1990). |
14 | All translations of EST are taken from (Parpola and Watanabe 1988). |
15 | It is still useful to consult the seminal reconstructions in (McCarthy 1978; Weinfeld 1972). |
16 | Throughout this article, biblical translations follow the New Revised Standard Version with modifications. |
17 | On this point, see, e.g., (Nelson 2002, p. 327). |
18 | As for Deuteronomy 28, the key questions of the original unity (or diachronic profile) and provenance of the material remain far from settled. See, e.g., the discussion in (Edenburg and Müller 2019a, pp. 81–83), with further references, and the contributions by (Pakkala 2019; Morrow 2019; and Steymans 2019). These issues are particularly pressing if one wishes to clarify the precise genetic relationship of Deuteronomy and EST. |
19 | For an influential interpretation of such ארור-type curses in terms of their alleged self-efficacy, see (Hempel 1925) and especially (Gevirtz 1961) and (Schottroff 1969). |
20 | See again (Weinfeld 1990). Such a broad perspective, and in particular the interpretation of Deuteronomy in the light of comparative evidence from the ancient Mediterranean, remains an under-researched field of study. For important forays in this direction, see especially (Hagedorn 2004, cf. Hagedorn 2017, p. 118), with a few additional references in note 6. For a more recent discussion, see also (Oswald 2020). |
21 | On the polis, see (Spyridakis 1970). |
22 | Thanks are due to my colleague and friend, Professor Wolfgang Oswald of Tübingen, for drawing my attention to this example. |
23 | Text according to (Guarducci 1942, vol. 3, 89–90) (reconstructed readings are given in square brackets); cf. (Avilés 2010, p. 181), drawing on (Dittenberger 1915). The translation follows (Austin 2008, p. 207); a German translation is found in (Avilés 2010, p. 182). |
24 | On the interpretation of this and related citizen’s oaths, see (Avilés 2010, pp. 127–31). |
25 | My thanks to Professor Anselm Hagedorn of Osnabrück for helpfully complicating matters in this respect (personal communication, November 2020). |
26 | See the influential study (Latte 1920, pp. 61–88). For a discussion and further references, see (Hagedorn 2005, p. 133). |
27 | See also (Oswald 2022, p. 53) (with regard to another example). It should be noted, however, that an interpetation assuming divine agency must remain tentative in view of the actual wording of the oath. In any case, it raises questions which exceed the scope of the present study. See (Williamson 2013, esp. pp. 123–26). |
28 | In (Avilés 2010, p. 130), it comes as “die Vorstellung der göttlichen Bestrafung des Meineidigen.” |
29 | |
30 | With a look at the attestation in Sefire I A 11–12, (Veijola 2004, p. 103, note 531), points out: “Dort treten der Himmel und die Erde noch als echte Götter auf, während sie im Dtn entmythologisierte Naturelemente sind.” |
31 | Italics in the original. |
32 | For a fuller discussion, see (Krause 2020, pp. 124–25), engaging (Steymans 1999, p. 273) and (Steymans 1995, p. 206). |
33 | See above, note 19. |
34 | For comparative evidence, see (Kitz 2014, p. 195). |
35 | For similar observations, albeit with different interpretations, see (Weippert 1990, p. 168; Steymans 1995, p. 24). |
36 | (Olyan 2008, p. 342) with regard to Deuteronomy 28. |
37 | Looking again for ancient Near Eastern comparative material, the same holds for curses (or rather, according to the above neologism, curse threats) of gods themselves. While in principle they are thought to be immutable, this does not imply “that the deities ever lost the ability to manage their own curses. […] The deities remained completely free to confer a blessing, dismiss the harm, or heal the afflicted individual” (Kitz 2014, p. 137; italics in the original). That is to say, a god uttering a curse threat retains “exclusive authority over the harm, that is, the effect, embedded in the curse he [the example under scrutiny features Enlil] personally utters” (Kitz 2014, p. 137). |
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Krause, J.J. The Constellation of Agents: An Often Overlooked Aspect in the Comparison of Deuteronomy and Ancient Near Eastern Treaties. Religions 2023, 14, 339.
Krause JJ. The Constellation of Agents: An Often Overlooked Aspect in the Comparison of Deuteronomy and Ancient Near Eastern Treaties. Religions. 2023; 14(3):339.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKrause, Joachim J. 2023. "The Constellation of Agents: An Often Overlooked Aspect in the Comparison of Deuteronomy and Ancient Near Eastern Treaties" Religions 14, no. 3: 339.
APA StyleKrause, J. J. (2023). The Constellation of Agents: An Often Overlooked Aspect in the Comparison of Deuteronomy and Ancient Near Eastern Treaties. Religions, 14(3), 339.