Current and Future Potentials of Liberation Pedagogies: A Discussion of Paulo Freire’s, Augusto Boal’s, and Johannes A. van der Ven’s Approaches
:1. Introduction
2. History and Context: Liberation Theology and Education
3. Liberation Pedagogies: Three Different Approaches
3.1. Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed
3.2. Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed
3.3. Johannes A. van der Ven’s Approach of Liberation Catechesis
4. Current Potentials: Discussion of the Approaches
- Fewer exams and more freedom to work on topics in a self-determined way;
- Fewer curricular requirements and more forms of extracurricular education beyond formal courses;
- The advocacy for subjects that enable a reflexive reference to reality and open up self-critical perspectives;
- The resistance to the economic logic of optimization and exploitation.
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Agnatology is a scientific discipline that has recently been developed (mainly in the U.S.) to examine the political and economic conditions of scientific research. In short, agnatology means a critical examination of the production of scientific knowledge and especially ignorance. |
2 | The “Jewish Teaching House” is a model of lifelong learning that goes back to the philosopher Franz Rosenzweig. Such educational programs offer religious education and an examination of Jewish writings and traditions. |
3 | The term “post-Fordist” refers to a shift away from the Fordist model of production and society. The core of this model, named after the entrepreneur Henry Ford, was the rationalization of production (Taylorism), which led to standardized products. This caused a strong division of labor in hierarchical structures and standardized work activities and consumer goods. In contrast, a post-Fordist dispositif is about individuality, freedom, and creativity, or the ability to innovate and autonomy, which are required in a project-based economy. |
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Herbst, J.-H. Current and Future Potentials of Liberation Pedagogies: A Discussion of Paulo Freire’s, Augusto Boal’s, and Johannes A. van der Ven’s Approaches. Religions 2023, 14, 145.
Herbst J-H. Current and Future Potentials of Liberation Pedagogies: A Discussion of Paulo Freire’s, Augusto Boal’s, and Johannes A. van der Ven’s Approaches. Religions. 2023; 14(2):145.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHerbst, Jan-Hendrik. 2023. "Current and Future Potentials of Liberation Pedagogies: A Discussion of Paulo Freire’s, Augusto Boal’s, and Johannes A. van der Ven’s Approaches" Religions 14, no. 2: 145.
APA StyleHerbst, J. -H. (2023). Current and Future Potentials of Liberation Pedagogies: A Discussion of Paulo Freire’s, Augusto Boal’s, and Johannes A. van der Ven’s Approaches. Religions, 14(2), 145.