African Biblical Hermeneutics Considering Ifá Hermeneutic Principles
:1. Introduction
1.1. Biblical Text and Contextual African Hermeneutics: Text and Contexts
L’audace de Dieu, c’est celle-ci: Dieu n’existe pas–comme être, comme l’être des êtres, comme super-être-, Dieu insiste. Dieu a l’audace de n’exister pas, de se contenter de mots, d’un texte, de textes sacrés, dans lesquels quelque chose se fait dire–figurer, narrer, poétiser–dans et sous le nom (de) « Dieu ».
(God’s boldness is this: God does not exist—as being, as being of beings, as super-being—God insists. God has the audacity not to exist, to be content with words, with a text, with sacred texts, in which something is said—figured, narrated, poetized—in and under the name of “God”.)
Il est donc légitime et fondamental, en matière d’interprétation biblique, de réaffirmer la centralité du texte: ‘’le texte d’abord!’’, ce qui est une manière de reprendre le slogan du Sola Scriptura proclamé par les réformateurs protestants au 16e siècle.
(It is therefore legitimate and fundamental, in terms of biblical interpretation, to reaffirm the centrality of the text: “the text first!” which is a way of taking up the slogan of Sola Scriptura proclaimed by Protestant reformers in the 16th century.)
1.2. “Divining Scriptures” and Ifá Sacred Texts’ Contextual Hermeneutics
2. Ifá: Deity and Sacred Stories
2.1. Main Dimensions of Ifá
2.2. Ifá-Ọrunmila or Ifá Religious Dimension
2.3. Ifá as Divination System
2.4. Ifá as Sacred Literature
- The proverbial part
- 2.
- The narrative part.
- The problem of the narrative clients (2):
- Proposed solutions (instructions) by the narrative professional Ifá hermeneuts.
- Obedience vs. non-obedience of the narrative clients (2).
- Positive outcome for the Model character.
- Joyful reactions of the Model character.
- Repetition of a–e.
2.5. Ifá as a Transformative System
3. Brief Hermeneutical Conclusions
3.1. Meaning Groups, Meant Realities, and Meaning Orientations
3.2. Transformation Ifá Stories and Transformative Hermeneutics
4. Ifá Stories’ Hermeneutical Process
4.1. From Unknown to Known Story: The Epistemological Status of the Context
4.2. Some Hermeneutical Conclusions
5. Biblical Hermeneutics Inspired by Ifá Hermeneutics
5.1. Biblical Hermeneutics in Context as Conventional Hermeneutics
5.2. Biblical Hermeneutics as Contextualizing Hermeneutics: Profane and Sacred Proverbs
5.3. Proverbs and Contexts of Utterances: An Example
- (a)
- The Different Contents of the Proverb
- (b)
- The Contexts of Coherent Utterances of the Proverb
6. Biblical Hermeneutics as Contextualizing Hermeneutics: Basic Principles and Steps
- Its canonical family, biblical literary re-readings, or historical realizations (examples for the book of Exodus: Ngwa 2022, pp. 23–24; Acha 2019).
- The family of its past effective realizations, with historical investigations and a critical history of receptions of the biblical text, in a contextual perspective.
- The family of its contemporary effective realizations, with critical investigations of the context, including the hermeneut’s experience, or contemporary exegetical literature.
7. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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I I I I | El Tariqi | Via | Voie | Way | Eji Ogbe (Gbe Meji) |
II II II II | Al Djemaa | Populus | Peuple | People | Oyẹku Meji (Yἐku Meji) |
East (Right) | Light Fire | Positive | Male | 1 OGBE 5 IROSUN 9 OGUNDA 13 OTUA | 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 |
West (Left) | Darkness Water | Negative | Female | 2 OYEKU 6 OWONRIN 10 OSA 14 IRETE | 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 |
North (Head) | Heaven Spirits | Positive | Male | 3 IWORI 7 OBARA 11 IKA 15 OSE | 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 |
South (Feet) | Earth | Negative | Female | 4 ODI 8 OKANRIN 12 OTUURUPON 16 OFUN | 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 |
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Adékambi, M.A. African Biblical Hermeneutics Considering Ifá Hermeneutic Principles. Religions 2023, 14, 1436.
Adékambi MA. African Biblical Hermeneutics Considering Ifá Hermeneutic Principles. Religions. 2023; 14(11):1436.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAdékambi, Moïse Adéniran. 2023. "African Biblical Hermeneutics Considering Ifá Hermeneutic Principles" Religions 14, no. 11: 1436.
APA StyleAdékambi, M. A. (2023). African Biblical Hermeneutics Considering Ifá Hermeneutic Principles. Religions, 14(11), 1436.