Encountering the Other. André Scrima’s Hermeneutics of Spiritual Hospitality †
:1. Introduction
2. Hospitality—A Hermeneutic Category
3. Jerusalem’s Vocation for Hospitality
“The Jerusalemite equivoque mostly lies—I have often recalled—in the political-religious compulsions of exclusive rule over a city signifying a universality of another order. Is a city open or closed? Hospitable or inhospitable? Based on the whole Abrahamic tradition, it becomes quite clear that the answer relies on the welcoming, in the space of the earthly city, of the Jerusalem that is to come”.
4. Hospitality and Resilience in Lebanon
5. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
1 | Scrima’s writings were rediscovered mostly in manuscript form or as scattered across publications from Romania, France, Italy, Germany, Lebanon, the USA etc. A Romanian edition in several volumes was published between 2000–2011 and coordinated by Anca Manolescu at Humanitas Publishing House (Bucharest). |
2 | The text can also be found in the “André Scrima” Archives at New Europe College, neither dated nor signed, but corresponds perfectly to the themes of Scrima’s courses. It was published in 2004 in Romanian translation (Scrima 2004, pp. 161–88) and in 2005 in French, co-signed by Fr Augustin Dupré la Tour (Scrima 2005a). |
3 | Claude Geffré’s contribution was published in 2005 in Romanian and 2019 in French: see Geffré 2019. He noticed for the first time, as far as I know, an affinity between Louis Massignon’s approach to Islam and Scrima’s theological views (Geffré 2019, p. 143). See also Monge 2008 who cited and integrated Scrima’s views in his “Epilogue” on Jerusalem (pp. 600–6) but did not identify the author of the article; Tofan (2019, pp. 100–12). |
4 | Manolescu (2005a, 2005b, 2006–2007), especially Manolescu (2005a, pp. 192–98). Anca Manolescu prefers to define Scrima’s view on hospitality as a “metaphysical” one (see Manolescu 2005b, pp. 50–52), focusing on the spiritual traditions as “possibilities of the unique Infinity”. I consider that the eschatological perspective on the three Monotheisms, explicitly mentioned in Scrima’s texts, should be complementarily emphasized because of its Christological and pneumatological significance. |
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6 | See, for example, several contributions available before the 70s and that might influence Scrima’s approach: Marty (1939); Daniélou (1953, chp. IV); Moubarac (1958); Kritzeck (1965); Martin-Achard (1969). |
7 | On hospitality in Massignon, see Massignon (1987); Laboulaye (1987); Pénicaud (2020, pp. 24–27); for a philosophical reading of the relationship between hospitality and substitution, see Leroux (2020, pp. 119–33). |
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10 | For a comparative analysis of the Christian and Muslim uses of hospitality, see Siddiqui (2015): “If the structural context implicit in the devotional vocabulary of Christianity is different than that of Islam, the practical obligation to show care and hospitality remains the same. I would contend that offering hospitality as a way of imitating the divine, as well as being obedient to God, is embedded in the rich vocabulary of charity, generosity, mercy and compassion which permeates the entire Qur’ān and is found in so many of the hadīths.” (pp. 124–25) |
11 | “J’ai moi-même bénéficié, comme hôte, du droit d’asile qui, chez les Arabes, est sacré. J’ai été sauvé par mes amis arabes, à Bagdad. C’est au moment où je me trouvais en prison que j ’ai recommencé à croire à la fois en Dieu et en l’amitié des hommes, de ces musulmans pour qui j ’étais un étranger mais qui m’avaient sauvé au péril de leur vie, par le droit d’hospitalité. Voilà une véritable expression de charité pour l’autre, c’est-à-dire de respect de l’homme au nom de ce qu’il y a de sacré en lui et de ce qu’il y a de divin au-dessus de tous les hommes” (Massignon [1959] 2009e, p. 57). See also Massignon ([1949] 2009a, p. 723; [1952] 2009b, p. 787; [1961] 2009f, p. 34). |
12 | “Hallaj le disait: Comprendre quelque chose d’autre ce n’est pas s’annexer la chose, c’est se transférer par un décentrement au centre même de l’autre; c’est comme dans le système de Copernic, quand on l’a substitué au système de Ptolémée; nous nous croyions le centre du monde sur la terre, il a fait un décentrement. L’essence du Langage doit être une espèce de décentrement, nous ne pouvons nous faire comprendre qu’en entrant dans le système de l’autre, comme disait Péguy: Celui qui aime entre dans la dépendance de celui qui est aimé. Le Christ est venu pour servir.” (Massignon 1969, p. 631). See Rocalve (1993, pp. 99–109); Krokus (2017, pp. 19–30); Pénicaud (2020, pp. 194–99). |
13 | A perspective inspired by the study of Islam and shared by Massignon. |
14 | As origin and telos of eschatologically oriented history, Jerusalem had—for fr. Scrima’s ecumenical activity—the evidence of an epiphany, thanks to the event of the first meeting, in 1964, between Patriarch Athenagoras and Pope Paul VI, in the organization of which Scrima was a direct participant. Jerusalem has remained a topic of theological reflection both for the ecclesiology of communion, as rightly noted by Claude Geffré (2019, p. 144), and within the wider horizon of the three Monotheisms, from the perspective of Christianity’s pneumatological nomadism. |
15 | The presuppositions and possible political significations of this view on Jerusalem’s hospitality are not our theme here, but are discernible in some of Scrima’s articles (partially republished in Nashabé and Dupré la Tour 2005), as noted by Tofan (2021, pp. 126–32). Here, too, despite their different individual experiences, Scrima’s and Louis Massignon’s views are convergent to a certain extent. See Pénicaud (2020, pp. 342–54). The most distinctive for Scrima’s approach is the pneumatological dimension of hospitality. |
16 | See the works published mostly in Greek by Anastasios Yannoulatos. |
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Tătaru-Cazaban, B. Encountering the Other. André Scrima’s Hermeneutics of Spiritual Hospitality. Religions 2022, 13, 671. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13080671
Tătaru-Cazaban B. Encountering the Other. André Scrima’s Hermeneutics of Spiritual Hospitality. Religions. 2022; 13(8):671. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13080671
Chicago/Turabian StyleTătaru-Cazaban, Bogdan. 2022. "Encountering the Other. André Scrima’s Hermeneutics of Spiritual Hospitality" Religions 13, no. 8: 671. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13080671
APA StyleTătaru-Cazaban, B. (2022). Encountering the Other. André Scrima’s Hermeneutics of Spiritual Hospitality. Religions, 13(8), 671. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13080671