Interculturalizing Religious Education—Mission Completed?
:1. Introduction
2. Confessional RE in the Context of German State Schools
2.1. Christian Education in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era
2.2. Religious Education in the Modern Era
2.3. Religious Education in the Weimar Republic
2.4. Religious Education during and after the Second World War
2.5. Religious Education in the 1960s until Present
2.6. Special Arrangements in Berlin and Bremen
3. Cooperative RE with Ecumenical and Multireligious Teams
3.1. Juridical Perspective on Turning Denominational RE into Cooperative RE
3.2. Ecumenical RE
3.3. RE for All 1.0 and RE for All 2.0
3.4. Confessional RE Revisited
4. Intercultural Learning
4.1. Interculturalizing Education in Germany
4.2. Interculturalizing RE from the Perspective of Intercultural Theology
4.3. Inner Christian Diversity as a Topic of ICT
4.4. Impact of the Other
5. Intrareligious Plurality within Confessional RE
5.1. Christian Plurality within Confessional RE
5.2. German Practical Theologians in the Field of RE Refer to the Global South
5.3. Interdenominational Plurality within Curricula for Confessional RE
5.4. Intracultural Plurality According to Staff of Confessional RE
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | In the 20th century, Church Tax is approximately 9% of the income taxation. |
2 | In the 21st century, this compensation is still paid—on top of the church taxes to both Catholic and Lutheran Churches. |
3 | Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, D1/78; (accessed on 22 March 2022). |
4 | BVerwG, Urt. V. 32.2.2005.-6 C 2.04. |
5 | Hence, in several federal states, the Turkish governed DITIB communities in Germany are not allowed to carry out Islamic RE in German public schools (Bauer 2019, p. 99). |
6 | If there is proof of shortage of RE teachers, a person with an equivalent degree can teach parttime for a permit of one school year that can be prolonged if necessary. In this case, there is no vocatio but a restricted church permission to teach RE that year. |
7 | In most Lutheran Regional Churches (Landeskirchen) members of certain denominations of the Working Group for Christian Churches ACK can receive the vocation. In Lower Saxony, teachers who are members of the reformed, Methodist, or independent Lutheran Church or the Moravian Congregation can teach RE if they have the vocatio of the Lutheran Church of Hannover. Moreover, in exceptional cases, teachers from other free churches can teach with a certificate of non-objection of the Lutheran Church of Hannover after hearing of the application. Some RE teachers in Germany enter a double church membership to obtain the vocatio. E.g., next to the membership of a congregation that does not belong to an ACK Church, they decide to stay within their non-ACK congregation but also become a member of the Lutheran Church. As not all migrant churches are on the ACK-list, this is a regular option to be granted the vocatio. |
8 | Teachers at public schools that were given the status of civil servant—including most of the religious educators—normally have the competence and qualification to teach not only RE, but also a second or a third subject. Hence, if they decline to teach RE anymore, they might still teach the other subjects. |
9 | Gemeinsame Vokationsordnung, §3, Abs. 2. |
10 | Codex Iuris Canonici 1983 Can. 804 §2. |
11 | Grundsatzurteil BVerfGe 74, 244 (252). |
12 | BVerfGe 74, 244 (252). |
13 | For instance: Mennonite RE and RE of the reform movement Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. |
14 | Currently, approximately 75% of Muslims living in Germany follow Sunni Islam. |
15 | The pupil will receive a ‘guest status’ upon application. One plausible reason is that RE of his/her own religious community does not take place, because lack of the respective confessional teachers or confessional pupils. If the application is granted by the ‘host’ religious community, its mono confessional RE with this ‘guest’ does not become a cooperative RE (see Section 1). |
16 | BVerfGE 74, 244. |
17 | Section 7 (1) HmbSG. |
18 | |
19 | Mr Arthur also teaches an interdisciplinary subject at a reform pedagogical secondary school. This also is a parttime position. |
20 | Self-statement of Peter Arthur on 30 March 2022. |
21 | This RE teacher chose his own pseudonym. |
22 | Self-statement of Paul Adeyemi on 29 April 2022. |
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Zonne-Gätjens, E. Interculturalizing Religious Education—Mission Completed? Religions 2022, 13, 653.
Zonne-Gätjens E. Interculturalizing Religious Education—Mission Completed? Religions. 2022; 13(7):653.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZonne-Gätjens, Erna. 2022. "Interculturalizing Religious Education—Mission Completed?" Religions 13, no. 7: 653.
APA StyleZonne-Gätjens, E. (2022). Interculturalizing Religious Education—Mission Completed? Religions, 13(7), 653.