A Survey of the Japanese Influence on Buddhist Education in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period (1895–1945)
:1. Introduction 1
2. The Historical Backdrop
2.1. Establishment of the South Seas Buddhist Association (SSBA)
2.2. Period of Further Integration
3. Sōtō Activities in Taiwan
3.1. The Precept-Conferral Ceremony
3.2. The Taiwan Buddhist Middle School
4. Rinzai Activities in Taiwan
4.1. Kaiyuan Temple, Tainan
4.2. The Zhennan Buddhist Middle School
4.3. Buddhist Colleges in Southern Taiwan
4.4. Tōkai Gisei’s Contribution
5. Pure Land Buddhist Activities in Taiwan
5.1. A Chaplaincy Scheme
5.2. The Aboriginal Area
6. Taiwanese Monks and Nuns in Japan
7. Taiwanese Nuns
7.1. SSBA Lectures and the Xinzhu Temple
- (1)
- 1924 (Taishō 13): the Taipei Branch of Honganji.
- (2)
- 1925 (Taishō 14): the Yishantang 一善堂of Xiangshan, Xinzhu.
- (3)
- 1928 (Shōwa 3): the Mituo Chan Temple, Tainan.
7.2. Master Jueli
7.3. Female Education in Southern Taiwan
8. Concluding Remarks
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | The author thanks peer reviewers for their perceptive comments and Robban Toleno for his English editing suggestions. Meanwhile, special thanks go to He Yansheng and Yen Wei-Hung for their informative knowledge of Japanese scholarship. |
2 | For instance, see Julia Huang’s case study of the Ciji Foundation, a unique NGO under the charismatic female leadership of Venerable Zhengyan 證嚴法師. (Huang 2009). Also, Richard Madsen has argued for a highly positive correlation between the development of a democratic scheme and major Taiwanese Buddhist associations, including Dharma Drum Mountain 法鼓山, Foguang Shan, Ciji, etc. (Madsen 2007). |
3 | Furthermore, scholars, such as Paul Katz, Philip Clart, Julian Pas, Christian Jochim, Barbara Reed, André Laliberté, Murray Rubinstein, Zhang Xun 張珣, and Li Fengmao 李豐懋, have discussed various aspects of the interaction between social-political situations and Taiwanese religions. See (Clart and Jones 2003). |
4 | For a balanced, general historical survey, see (Jones 1999). |
5 | The Zhaijiao, literally “vegetarian religions,” referring to a type of popular religion among lay people originating in late imperial China. For an early historical background of this lay religion, see (De Groot 1903–1904; Tsukamoto 1949). For the later development in Taiwan, see (Jiang and Wang 1994). |
6 | See Nanying fojiao, Vol. 8, No. 6 (1930). The contents of Nanying fojiao in this article are all taken from the Taiwanese Buddhist Digital Database. (http://buddhism.lib.ntu.edu.tw/museum/TAIWAN/) |
7 | Furthermore, on this Japanese monk’s activity in the famous Longshan Temple, see (Kan 2013). |
8 | For Nukariya Kaiten’s impact on Taiwanese Buddhists, see (Shi 2008, pp. 529–48; Ōno 2009, pp. 101–13). |
9 | This Buddhist Middle School was turned into an ordinary high school in 1935, and was renamed Private Taibei Senior High School in 1947, which it remains to the present day. |
10 | See (Jiang 1996). Cf. (Wang 1999b, pp. 279–92). |
11 | Details will be discussed at the fourth section of this paper. |
12 | See (Matsukane 1999). |
13 | Cf. (Shi 2008, pp. 415–27). |
14 | Some hold that this institute was built by Mizusawa Eitai 水澤永泰 in Zhanghua. See Taiwan jiaoyu yan’gezhi (Xu 2010, p. 998). |
15 | It was formerly the Tainan Xuetang 台南學堂, renamed Taiwan Business College (Taiwan shangye xueyuan 台灣商業學院) by Ishibashi Eku 石橋慧空 in 1924, and was turned into an ordinary private college. It was reformed in 1950 after the Japanese government left Taiwan and later became the Nanying Vocational School. |
16 | Regarding the Japanese chaplaincy in the aboriginal area, see (Fan 1999, pp. 253–79). The following part of the current paper concerning Japanese Buddhism in the aboriginal area largely consults Fan’s work. For further information of the historical background, see (Kan 2011, pp. 102–14). |
17 | The Xilai’an Temple Incident stirred up political debates and identity conflicts; on this issue, see (Jiang 1999, pp. 245–59; Wang and Li 1999, pp. 29–67). |
18 | For a further study on Wang Zhaolin, see (Kan 2014b). |
19 | Ōno Ikuko has a detailed study on the Taiwanese students at Komazawa University, see (Ōno 2009). |
20 | Nanying fojiao Vol. 14, No. 12 (1936), p. 46. |
21 | The Yishantang was originally a Zhaitang, aka. a branch of the Zhaijiao religion. After meeting Master Jueli, the lay female owner Jueming 覺明 converted to Buddhism and then renamed it as Yitong Temple 一同寺. |
22 | Nanying fojiao, Vol. 3, No. 4 (1925). Also see a discussion on the significance of this event in (Su 2015, p. 41). |
23 | This information was conveyed from an oral conversation with Ven. Xinghong 性宏, the current abbot of Yuantong Chan Temple on November 22, 2019. |
24 | Nanying fojiao Vol. 18, No. 8 (1940), p. 33. |
Common era | Japanese Calendar | Organisation | City/County | |
1 | 1919 | Taishō 10 | Sōtō’s Taiwan Buddhist Middle School | Taipei |
2 | 1919 | Taishō 10 | Kaiyuan Temple 開元寺 | Tainan |
3 | 1920 | Taishō 11 | Shenzhaitang 慎齋堂 | Taizhong (Taichung) |
4 | 1920 | Taishō 11 | Sōtō’s Taiwan Buddhist Middle School | Taipei |
5 | 1921 | Taishō 12 | Yuanshan Linji Temple 臨濟寺 | Taipei |
6 | 1921 | Taishō 12 | Guanyin Practice Hall | Miaoli, Xinzhu |
7 | 1922 | Taishō 13 | Branch of Banqiao Centre | Taipei |
8 | 1926 | Shōwa 1 | Yuanguang Temple 圓光寺 | Zhongli, Xinzhu |
9 | 1927 | Shōwa 2 | Shitoushan Shitoudong 獅頭山獅頭洞 | Xinzhu |
10 | 1929 | Shōwa 4 | Daxianyan 大仙巖 | Jiayi |
11 | 1930 | Shōwa 5 | Guanyinshan Lingyun Temple 凌雲寺 | Taipei |
12 | 1932 | Shōwa 7 | Kaiyuan Temple | Tainan |
13 | 1932 | Shōwa 7 | Yuemeishan Lingquan Temple 靈泉寺 | Taipei |
14 | 1934 | Shōwa 9 | Neiwei Longquan Chan Temple 龍泉禪寺 | Gaoxiong (Kaohsiung) |
15 | 1934 | Shōwa 9 | Mituo Chan Temple 彌陀禪寺 | Tainan |
16 | 1936 | Shōwa 11 | Dongshan Chan Temple 東山禪寺 | Pingdong |
Year | Year | Preceptor | Precepts Conferral |
1913 | Taishō 2 | Mt. Gu Yongquansi Vinaya Master Chuanfang | Five precepts and three homages (wujie sanguiyi 五戒三皈依) |
1917 | Taishō 6 | Master Chuanfang | Five precepts and three homages |
1919 | Taishō 8 | Baizan Genshū of the Myōshinji sect (still under the name of Master Chuanfang) | The first conferral of fourfold-assembly precepts in Taiwan |
Year | Year (Japanese) | Institute Name in English | Chinese Name |
1930 | Shōwa 5 | Daxianyan Buddhist Specialised College | Daxianyan Fojiao zhuanxiu xueyuan 大仙岩佛教專修學院 |
1934 | Shōwa 9 | Buddhist Specialised Centre | Fojiao zhuanxiu daochang 佛教專修道場 |
1937 | Shōwa 12 | Rinzai Priest Training Centre | Linji zongjiaoshi yangchengsuo 臨濟宗教師養成所 |
1939 | Shōwa 14 | Dagangshan Buddhist College | Dagangshan fojiao xueyuan 大岡山佛教學院 |
1940 | Shōwa 15 | South Training Centre of the Taiwan Buddhist Association | Taiwan fojiaohui nanbu lianchengsuo 台灣佛教會南部練成所 |
1. Tainan branch/Zhi’en Temple (1898) | 19. Puzijie branch/Zhengxinshan Gaoming Temple (1923) |
2. Xinzhu branch (1899) | 20. Linluo branch (1925.12) |
3. Danshui branch (1900) | 21. Taipei Branch Preaching Centre (1926.06) |
4. Jilong branch/Mingzhao Temple (1902.02) | 22. Haifenglun branch (1928.07) |
5. Zhanghua branch (1902.11) | 23. Xiluo branch (1930) |
6. Douliu branch (1903.02) | 24. Zhushan branch (1930.06) |
7. Ruifang branch (1904) | 25. Luodong branch (1933) |
8. Jin’guashi Kuangshan branch (1905.6) | 26. Zhudong branch (1936) |
9. Fengshan branch (1906) | 27. Xingang branch (1936) |
10. Taidong branch (1913.10) | 28. Dadu branch (1939.05) |
11. Jiayi branch (1914) | 29. Puyan branch (1940) |
12. Hualian’gang branch (1914.03) | 30. Huwei branch (1940.03) |
13. Taizhong branch (1914.10) | 31. Yaogou branch (1940.03) |
14. Gaoxiong branch (1914.11) | 32. Chishanyan branch (1940.03) |
15. Yuli branch (1916.04) | 33. Baichuan branch (1940.04) |
16. Beigang branch (1916.12) | 34. Nanhe branch (1940.11) |
17. Linsipu branch (1917.12) | 35. Daxi branch (1941.06) |
18. Ahou branch (1918.03) | 36. Deshan branch (1942.11) |
Affiliation in Taiwan | Hosting Institute in Japan | Japanese Supervisor | |
Derong | Lingquan Temple of Mt. Yuemei, Jilong | Sōtōshū daiichi chūgakurin 曹洞宗第一中學林 | Ishikawa Sodō |
Delin | Lingquan Temple of Mt. Yuemei, Jilong | Komazawa University | Nukariya Kaiten |
Zhengfeng (Lin Qiuwu) | Tainan Kaiyuan Temple | Komazawa University | Nukariya Kaiten |
Zhengguang (Gao Zhide) | Tainan Kaiyuan Temple | Komazawa University | Nukariya Kaiten |
Shengguang 勝光 (nun) | Yongxiu jingshe, Xinzhu | Kansai amanogakurin 關西尼學林 | |
Zhengding 正定 (nun) | Yongxiu jingshe, Xinzhu | Kansai amanogakurin | |
Shengguang 聖光 (nun) | Pilu Chan Temple | Kansai amanogakurin | |
Zhengguo 正果 (nun) | Pilu Chan Temple | Kansai amanogakurin | |
Daxian 達賢 (nun) | Yuantong Chan Temple | Kansai amanogakurin | |
Lianzhou 蓮舟 (nun) | Yuantong Chan Temple | Kansai amanogakurin | |
Ruxue 如學 (nun) | Fayun Temple, Dahu | Kansai amanogakurin; Komazawa University | Sawaki Kōdō 沢木興道 |
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Lin, P.-y. A Survey of the Japanese Influence on Buddhist Education in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period (1895–1945). Religions 2020, 11, 61. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel11020061
Lin P-y. A Survey of the Japanese Influence on Buddhist Education in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period (1895–1945). Religions. 2020; 11(2):61. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel11020061
Chicago/Turabian StyleLin, Pei-ying. 2020. "A Survey of the Japanese Influence on Buddhist Education in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period (1895–1945)" Religions 11, no. 2: 61. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel11020061
APA StyleLin, P. -y. (2020). A Survey of the Japanese Influence on Buddhist Education in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period (1895–1945). Religions, 11(2), 61. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel11020061