A Review on Motor Imagery with Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation: Bridging Motor and Cognitive Welfare for Patient Rehabilitation
:1. Introduction
2. Review Selection and Criteria
3. Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) and Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS)
3.1. Working Principles and Mechanisms
3.2. Implications on Neurophysiology
3.3. Potential Adverse Effects
3.4. Motor Imagery-Related tACS Studies
4. Cognition in Rehabilitation
4.1. Working Memory-Related tACS Studies
Working Memory-Related Studies | ||||
Study | Subjects and Design | Experimental Task | Stimulation Montage and Parameters | Outcome |
Alekseichuk et al. (2016) [46] | 47 healthy adults (22 males, 25 females) | 2-back visual-spatial match-to-sample test | Active electrodes: central electrode over AF3 (10–10 system), the other 4 were equally spaced at 6 cm from AF3. 1 mA (peak-to-peak), 10 min (including 10 s ramp-up and ramp-down periods), 0.6 mA peak-to-baseline. Sham stimulation 1:30 s and then turned off. Sham stimulation 2:80 Hz at a lower intensity (0.2 mA peak-to-baseline). | θ and θ-γ frequency coupling improve working memory performance. High γ power (80 Hz γ bursts) coupled over the peak, but not the trough, of θ improves working memory. Optimal γ frequencies for improved performance are in the range of 80 to 100 Hz. |
de Lara et al. (2018) [47] | 72 healthy adults (36 males, 36 females). Between-group design. | Paired-associative learning task using word-pairs | Active electrode at T7 and return electrodes at FPz and T8 (10–20 system). 1 mA (peak-to-baseline), 10 min (including a 10 s ramp-up and 10 s ramp-down). Sham stimulation: 10 s ramp-up, current delivered for 30 s, 10 s ramp-down. | γ bursts coupled to the troughs of θ-tACS resulted in behavioral impairment in memory performance. γ bursts coupled to the peaks of θ-tACS or superimposed over the whole θ-tACS waveform resulted in no significant behavioral effects. |
Thompson et al. (2021) [48] | 51 healthy adults (21 males, 30 females). Within-subject design. | Visual retro-cue task | Active electrodes over P3 and P4 (10–20 system). 1.5 mA (20 s ramp-up and ramp-down 20 s), 20 min. Sham stimulation: 20 s. | Parietal γ-tACS resulted in significant improvement in recall precision only during invalid cue trials and only for high-baseline performers (assessed using a multi-level mixed model). |
Tseng et al. (2016) [49] | 20 healthy adults (12 males, 8 females). Within-subject design. | Change detection task | Active electrodes at CP1 and T5 (10–20 system). 1.5 mA (peak-to-peak), 20 min (switched off in last 2 blocks). Sham stimulation: only for 30 s. | γ-tACS improved task performance only for shape-color binding trials in low-performers (based on d’ index from hit and false alarm rates). Improved performance lasted throughout the last 2 blocks (final 20 min offline session). |
Lang et al. (2019) [51] | 59 healthy adults. Between-group design. | Visual associative memory task (designed in-house): Face and Scene Task (FAST) | Active electrodes at FP1, P2, P3, PO7, P10; anode at P10. 2 mA (peak-to-baseline), 10 min (30 s ramp-up and ramp-down). Sham stimulation: 30 s ramp-up to 2 mA, 30 s ramp-down to 0.06 mA for 9 min. | θ-tACS improved visual associative memory performance (based on correct hits and # errors). θ-tACS facilitated reduction in false memory and forgetting (based on # errors). Results suggest that tACS is more effective than tDCS. |
Röhner et al. (2018) [52] | 30 healthy adults (15 males, 15 females). Within-subject design. | 2-back visual letter task | Active electrodes placed over F3 and P3 (10–20 system). 1 mA, 15 min (including a 15 s ramp-up and 15 s ramp-down). Sham stimulation: 1 min tDCS. | Offline effect of θ-tACS on RTs showed significant improvement in performance (not observed in anodal tDCS condition). |
Abellaneda-Pérez et al. (2020) [54] | 44 healthy adults (22 males, 20 females). Between-group design. | Verbal n-back task | Active electrode over F3 and return electrode over FP2 (10–10 system). 2 mA (peak-to-peak), 20 min (15 s ramp-up and ramp-down). Sham stimulation: terminated after 30 s of delivery. | θ-tACS effects suggested to be driven by online brain activity changes during stimulation, but not post-stimulation. Enhanced brain activity was found in θ-tACS group in frontal, parietal and thalamic areas during lowest working memory load, and in right frontal areas during highest working memory load. |
Meng et al. (2021) [55] | 20 healthy adults (8 males, 12 females). Within-subject design. | Visual associative memory task (designed in-house): Face and Scene Task (FAST), perceptual recognition test | Active electrode over P3 (10–20 system). 2 mA (peak-to-peak), 15 min (30 s ramp-up and 30 s ramp-down). Sham stimulation: 50 s. | θ-tACS impaired associative memory performance (based on d’ from hit and false alarm rates). No significant difference between θ-tACS and sham groups for perceptual recognition test. |
Pahor and Jaušovec (2018) [56] | 72 healthy adults (females). Within-subject design. | Change detection tasks, n-back tasks | Pair combination of active electrodes placement over F3, F4, P3, P4 (10–20 system). 1.25 mA to 2 mA stepwise increment over 30 s, 15 min. Sham stimulation: 1 min. | θ-tACS modulates for significant changes in post-stim resting-state EEG amplitude relative to baseline. θ-tACS facilitated small improvements in performance only for certain n-back tasks. θ-tACS resulted in significant ERP amplitude and latency changes in n-back tasks compared to sham. |
Nomura et al. (2019) [57] | 36 healthy adults (8 males, 28 females). Between-group design | Visual word recognition task | Active electrode over F3 (10–20 system). 750 uA (peak-to-baseline), 15 min, 100 cycles fade-in and fade-out. Sham stimulation: 10 s. | γ-tACS applied over the left prefrontal cortex enhances episodic memory (i.e., long term recall) response accuracy without affecting reaction time. |
4.2. Attention-Related tACS Studies
Attention-Related Studies | ||||
Study | Subjects and Design | Experimental Task | Stimulation Montage and Parameters | Outcome |
Kasten et al. (2020) [61] | 20 healthy adults (10 males, 10 females). Crossover within-subject randomized design. | Spatial cue task | 2 pairs of electrodes at O1-P3 and O2-P4 (10–20 system). 1 mA (peak-to-baseline), ~8 min per block. | tACS modulates RTs only in endogenous attention. Right occipital α-tACS increases RTs in both valid and invalid cue trials. γ-tACS contralateral-to-cue modulated RTs more significantly than α-tACS ipsilateral-to-cue as compared to that for γ-tACS: observation only for invalid cue trials. |
Schuhmann et al. (2019) [62] | 36 healthy adults (18 males, 18 females). Within-subject design. | Spatial cue task and Stimulus detection task | P3 (10–20 system). 1 mA (peak-to-peak), >40 min for all tasks. Sham stimulation: 100 cycles, ramped up and down immediately. | Larger leftward bias in RTs during endogenous attention task in tACS group. |
Hopfinger et al. (2016) [63] | 23 healthy adults (9 males, 14 females). Within-subject design. | Spatial cue task | P6 and Cz (10–20 system). 1 mA (peak-to-baseline). Sham stimulation: 30 s (4 s ramp-up, maintained for 22 s, 4 s ramp-down). | Significantly slower RTs in invalid/uncued exogenous trials with α-tACS. Significantly faster RTs in invalid endogenous trials with γ-tACS. |
Klírová et al. (2021) [65] | 20 healthy adults (10 males, 10 females). Crossover design. | Simon task, Stop Signal task, Conner’s Continuous Performance Test 3rd edition (CPT III), Stroop test | FCz and Pz. 1 mA (peak-to-baseline), 30 min (5 s ramp-up and 5 s ramp-down). Sham stimulation: 5 s ramp-up, 30 s, 29 min 30 s rest, 5 s ramp-down. | Only significant effect observed in the Stroop color-word test and Stroop interference scores, with better performance in the individualized stimulation group compared to that of the non-individualized group. However, neither group differed significantly in performance when compared to sham. |
Lehr et al. (2019) [66] | 22 healthy adults (6 males, 16 females). Within-subject design. | Stroop color-word task | AF3, 4 return electrodes at F5, F2, Fp2, AF7 (10–10 system). 1 mA (peak-to-baseline), 20 min (including 10 s ramp-up and ramp-down). Sham stimulation: 30 s; at the beginning and end of the task. | θ-tACS reduced Stroop effect only in trials preceded by congruent trials. |
Rostami et al. (2020) [67] | 13 healthy adults (7 males, 6 females). Within-subject design. | Rapid visual information processing (RVIP) task from CANTAB | Fpz (10–20 system). 1 mA (peak-to-peak), 20 min, (10 s ramp-up and down). Sham parameters: 30 s. | 6 Hz θ-tACS increased frontal-midline theta and resulted in significant changes in RVIP scores. Faster RTs for correct responses with 6 Hz θ-tACS. EEG power analysis showed changes in theta PSD in frontal, central, and temporal regions in right hemisphere. |
Moliadze et al. (2019) [68] | 24 healthy adults (12 males, 12 females). Within-subject design. | Phonological task (words) | 1 electrode each located between F1, F5, FC3 (left) and F2, F6, FC4 (right). 1 mA, 20 min (15 s ramp-up and down). Sham stimulation: 15 s ramp-up, 30 s at 1 mA, 15 s ramp-down. | 10 Hz α-tACS significantly facilitates phonological word decision RTs. 10 Hz α-tACS significantly increases task-related theta power during phonological decisions. |
Hutchinson et al. (2020) [71] | 71 healthy adults (34 males, 37 females). Between-group design. | Inattentional Blindness (IB) task developed by Pitts et al. (2012) | Oz and Cz. Current intensity customized to subject’s level of comfort or subjects reported phosphenes. Sham stimulation: a mild current of 30 s. | α-tACS group: 87% inattentionally blind; θ-tACS group: 45.8% inattentionally blind; Sham group: 50% inattentionally blind; α-tACS less perceptive of target stimulus than those with θ-tACS or sham applied. |
van Schouwenburg et al. (2017) [72] | 37 healthy adults. Between-group design. | Spatial cue task | F4 and P4. 1 mA (peak-to-baseline), 5 min (15 s ramp up and down). Sham stimulation: immediate ramp down over 15 s. | Sham group showed significant attention bias (faster RTs to targets) in the right hemifield compared to the left hemifield. Sham group showed significant lateralization in frontoposterior alpha coherence that was not present in the α-tACS group. In α-tACS group, they found a relative increase in right hemispheric coherence (relative to the left) and an attentional shift towards the left hemifield. |
4.3. Fatigue-Related tACS Studies
Fatigue-Related Studies (Non-tACS) | ||||
Study | Subjects and Design | Experimental Task | Recording Montage | Outcome |
Huang et al. (2016) [75] | 12 healthy adults (7 males, 5 females). | Virtual Reality-based highway driving: event-related lane-departure/deviation task | 32-channel EEG recording electrodes (10–20 system). | Increased theta activity in frontal midline and occipital areas. Average RTs of epochs with auditory warning maintained at 1.15 times the mean RT. Significantly slower RTs in trials in which α power exceeded warning threshold but was not given an auditory warning. Occipital EEG power spectra in θ and α bands decreased rapidly with warnings. |
Foong et al. (2019) [78] | 29 healthy adults | Driving simulation task | EEG electrodes at FP1, FP2, TP9, TP10 (10–20 system). | Semi-supervised learning using labeled attentive data to predict and identify passive fatigue from unlabeled data. |
Zhang et al. (2021) [82] | 48 healthy adults (24 males, 24 females). | Detection response task (DRT) in driving simulator | 64-channel EEG recording electrodes (10–20 system) | DRT performance declines at 40 min (based on RTs and response accuracy). α power was significantly higher in the automated driving group as opposed to the manual driving group; indicative of passive fatigue. |
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Motor Imagery-Related Studies | ||||
Study | Subjects and Design | Experimental Task | Recording Montage | Outcome |
Xie et al. (2021) [30] | 15 male healthy adults. | Hand-grasping MI task. | 16-channel EEG recording electrodes (10–20 system). Anode at Cz. | Enhanced ERD of μ and β rhythms in left-hand MI task. Both average classification accuracy of tACS (88.19%) and tDCS (89.93%) groups improved significantly compared to pre-a nd sham groups. |
Brinkman et al. (2016) [40] | 38 healthy adults (16 males, 22 females). Within-subject design. | MI task of grasping a tilted cylinder with either left or right hand | Stimulating electrodes over C3 and C4, reference at Pz (10–20 system). | A and β band oscillations have dissociable effects on movement selection. A band stimulation resulted in faster responses. |
Naros and Gharabaghi (2016) [41] | 20 severely affected chronic stroke patients. Parallel group design. | Kinesthetic MI programmed into a Brain-robot interface (BRI) | 32-channel EEG recording with 1 stimulating electrode on contralesional brain region (10–20 system). | No sustained offline effects of β-tACS. No evidence of β-tACS facilitating motor skill acquisition or motor consolidation. β-tACS shown to stabilize intrinsic β-fluctuation to improve BRI performance. Stimulation paradigm did not influence MI-related β-ERD. |
Zhang et al. (2023) [42] | 36 healthy adults. Randomized control design. | Hand-grasping MI task; Letter-writing MI task | Stimulating electrodes at P4 and F4, reference at Cz (10–10 system). | μ rhythm ERD and classification accuracy improved after anti-phase tACS. Anti-phase tACS caused ERD between frontoparietal network regions in letter-writing MI task. No beneficial effects of anti-phase tACS in the hand-grasping MI task. |
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Lim, R.Y.; Ang, K.K.; Chew, E.; Guan, C. A Review on Motor Imagery with Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation: Bridging Motor and Cognitive Welfare for Patient Rehabilitation. Brain Sci. 2023, 13, 1584. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci13111584
Lim RY, Ang KK, Chew E, Guan C. A Review on Motor Imagery with Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation: Bridging Motor and Cognitive Welfare for Patient Rehabilitation. Brain Sciences. 2023; 13(11):1584. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci13111584
Chicago/Turabian StyleLim, Rosary Yuting, Kai Keng Ang, Effie Chew, and Cuntai Guan. 2023. "A Review on Motor Imagery with Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation: Bridging Motor and Cognitive Welfare for Patient Rehabilitation" Brain Sciences 13, no. 11: 1584. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci13111584