A 3D Geological Model as a Base for the Development of a Conceptual Groundwater Scheme in the Area of the Colosseum (Rome, Italy)
:1. Introduction
2. Geological and Hydrogeological Overview of the Study Area
3. Hydrological Setting and Its Anthropogenic Modifications
4. Methods
Building the 3D Model
5. Results
5.1. Stratigraphic Updates
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- Anthropogenic deposits (h in Figure 4) were found in all the new boreholes, with thickness ranging between 1 and 6 m. They are composed of coarse to medium-sized fragments of bricks and stones (4–12 cm in diameter) within abundant sandy-silty matrix.
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- Alluvia of historical age (As in Figure 4A,B) were also found, blanketed between the anthropogenic deposits and the underlaying SFTba unit. They are composed of sandy silt (Figure 4B), with fragments of bricks and ceramics, charcoals and terrestrial gastropods. In the model this unit is grouped with the SFTba unit.
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- Fine scale texture and granulometric variations were detected inside the Upper Pleistocene-Holocene alluvium of the Labicano stream (SFTba unit). In particular, the logs provided geometric constraints (i.e., top and bottom surfaces, lateral extension) for the gravel bed at the base of the alluvium (SFTba 1 Complex), considering analogous examples of alluvial valley geometry (see References [84,85]). Given the thickness and the depth of the base of both the As and SFTba units found in logs S1_DH, S4 and S3 (Figure 4), the axis and the NW boundary of the Labicano Valley was moved southward, roughly along the S4-S1-DH line and the geological map subsequently changed. Therefore, it can be hypothesized that the WNW portion of the Colosseum foundation ring is anchored mainly in the Middle Pleistocene sands of the FTR 2 Complex, instead of being anchored to the Upper Pleistocene-Holocene alluvium of the Labicano stream, as considered in previous studies [10,11].
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- The S2 borehole log (Figure 4) show that at the NW boundary of the hypogea plain, the geological bedrock (i.e., MVA Fm) reaches a depth of −8 m a.s.l., therefore approximately 5 m deeper than previously considered.
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- At the uppermost portion of the MVA and CIL Fms, a 1–2 m thick alteration zone was detected, which can be ascribed to pedogenetic processes, that is, weathering because of the presence of diffuse beige-grey mottling (Figure 4B) and calcium carbonate glaebules. The weathering acted on the top of these formations prior to their subsequent burial below younger ones (i.e., FTR and SFTba units).
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- The S3 borehole log (Figure 4) allowed for an interpretation of the sedimentary Middle Pleistocene sequence at the northern boundary of the hypogea ellipse as being constituted entirely of a silty-gravelly lithotype (CIL 1), instead of also comprising a silty-clayey (CIL 3) lithotype as previously interpreted. As a consequence, in the eastern sector, the bottom of the Labicano Valley is carved into a potentially transmissive aquifer, with CIL1 K ranging between 0.02–2 m2/d (Table 2) and having a thickness of 4 m (Figure 4).
5.2. Hydrostratigraphic Updates and New Insights about Groundwater Circulation
6. Discussion
7. Conclusions
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- ensuring drainage under normal flow conditions necessary to the correct preservation of the Colosseum.
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- planning flood risk mitigation measures, both structural (such as the activation or reactivation of artificial drains) and non-structural (such as the precautionary closing of the area to tourists).
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Non Marine Synthems (1) and 3rd Order Marine Sequence (2) | Formation (1) | Lithotypes | Hydrostratigraphic Complex |
Tiber River Synthem (MIS 5-1) | Anthropogenic layer (Holocene) | hm: dominant masonry | h |
hb: dominant infill | |||
Alluvial deposit (Tiber River depositional system, Upper Pleistocene-Holocene) | SFTba 1: gravels | SFTba 1 | |
SFTba 2: sands | SFTba 2 | ||
SFTba 3: silts and clay | SFTba 3 | ||
Quartaccio Synthem (MIS 10-9) | Aurelia Fm. | AEL: sandy-silty | VTA-Q |
Villa Senni Fm.-Pozzolanelle | VSN2: poorly cemented, welded coarse scoriaceous ashes | ||
Villa Senni Fm.-Tufo Lionato (355 ± 2 ka (3)) | VSN1 a: lithoid tuff | ||
VSN1 b: poorly cemented, welded coarse scoriaceous ashes | |||
Fosso del Torrino Synthem (MIS 12-11) | Pozzolane nere Fm. (407 ± 4 ka (3)) + LTT | PNR: Black massive and chaotic pyroclastic unit | VTA-S |
La Storta Fm. (416 ± 6 ka (3)) | LTT: Ashy and scoriaceaous pyroclastic deposit | ||
Pozzolane Rosse Fm. (457 ± 4 ka (3)) | RED: massive semicoherent deposit with up to 24 cm diameter scoria | ||
Fosso del Torrino Fm. | FTR 1: sandy gravels | FTR 1 | |
FTR 2: silty sands and sandy silts | FTR 2 | ||
FTR 3: clayey silts and silty clays | FTR 3 | ||
Villa Glori Synthem (MIS 14-13) | Tufi stratificati varicolori di Sacrofano Fm. (488 ± 2 ka (3)) | SKF: pyroclastic deposit with interbedded volcano-sedimentary layers. | PTI-VGU |
Prima Porta Unit (518 ± 5 ka (3)) | PTI: lithoid tuff | ||
Palatino Unit (520 ± 8 ka (3)) | PPT: lithoid tuff | ||
Valle Giulia Fm. | VGU 1: gravels | ||
VGU 2: silty sands, sandy silts and clays | |||
Flaminia Synthem (MIS 16-15) | Santa Cecilia Fm. | CIL 1: gravels | CIL 1 |
CIL 2: interbedded silty sands and sandy silts | CIL 2 | ||
CIL 3: Clayey silt | CIL 3 | ||
Magliana Synthem | Ponte Galeria Fm. | PGLa: sands and silty sands | PGL * |
Monte Mario Sequence | Monte Mario Fm. | MTM: sands and silts | MTM * |
Vatican Sequence | Monte Vaticano Fm. (Lower–Upper Pliocene) | MVA | MVA |
Hydrogeological Unit (Capelli et al., 2012) | Hydrogeological Complex | Hydrostratigraphic Frame (Current Work) | k (m/d) (1) | Hydrogeological Condition in the Study Area | |||||||
Capelli et al., 2008 | Di Salvo et al., 2012 | La Vigna et al., 2016 | |||||||||
- | Anthropic backfill C. | Anthropic backfill—Complex 5 | Anthropogenic deposit C. | h | - | Uppermost aquifer; variable transmissivity depending upon local thickness, granulometry and texture | |||||
Alluvial | Alluvium deposits C. | Recent alluvium—Complex 4 | Alluvial deposit C. | SFTba 3 | 0.00003–0.5 | aquiclude | |||||
SFTba 2 | 0.032–43.2 | mostly unconfined perched aquifers | |||||||||
SFTba 1 | 0.003–6.5 | confined aquifer, buried at the bottom of alluvial valleys | |||||||||
Volcanic | Complexes owing to the Alban Hills Hydrogeological Unit | Volcanic units | Heterogeneous clastic deposit C., “Tufo Lionato” C., High permeability Alban Volcanic deposit. | VTA | 0.025–5.7 (2) | Multilayer aquifer | |||||
Pisolitic tuff and Sabatini Volcanic Complexes | Valle Giulia Formation Complex | Volcanic units | Coeval alluvial deposits | Low permeability volcanic deposits of Alban Hills; Sabatini volcanic C. | Valle Giulia Formation Complex | PTI_VGU | 0.02–2.6 | 0.002–0.02 | mostly aquifer; k values depending on texture, alteration state, fracture density | ||
Complex 3 | |||||||||||
Middle Tiber Valley detritical-alluvial | Fluvial-marshy complex of Santa Cecilia Fm C. | Ponte Galeria Unit-Complex 2 | Santa Cecilia Fm. C. (sandy silty portion) | FTR3 | 0.000397 | aquiclude | |||||
FTR2 | 0.14 | confined/unconfined aquifer | |||||||||
Santa Cecilia Fm. C. (gravelly portion) | FTR1 | 0.292 | confined aquifer | ||||||||
Santa Cecilia Fm. C. (sandy silty portion) | CIL3 | 0.0001–0.01 | aquiclude | ||||||||
CIL2 | |||||||||||
Santa Cecilia Fm. C. (gravelly portion) | CIL1 | 0.02–2 | confined/unconfined aquifer | ||||||||
Gravels and sands of Ponte Galeria Fm C. | Ponte Galeria Unit-Complex 2 | Gravelly-Sandy “Ponte Galeria” Complex | PGLa | 0.01–0.3 | (3) | ||||||
- | Coarse sands of Monte Mario and Ponte Galeria formations C. | Monte Mario Unit-Complex 1 | Coarse sands of Monte Mario and Ponte Galeria C. | MTM | 0.01 | (3) | |||||
- | Monte Vaticano clay C. | Mone Vaticano Unit—Complex 1 | Sandy-clayey basal C. | MVA | 0.0001–0.01 | regional basal aquiclude | |||||
(1) Adapted from Mancini et alii, 2014 | |||||||||||
(2) due to the scarce extention of AEL Fm. in the study area, k values are those of Volcanic Units | |||||||||||
(3) Complex not in the study area; appears in Figure 2 |
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Di Salvo, C.; Mancini, M.; Cavinato, G.P.; Moscatelli, M.; Simionato, M.; Stigliano, F.; Rea, R.; Rodi, A. A 3D Geological Model as a Base for the Development of a Conceptual Groundwater Scheme in the Area of the Colosseum (Rome, Italy). Geosciences 2020, 10, 266. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences10070266
Di Salvo C, Mancini M, Cavinato GP, Moscatelli M, Simionato M, Stigliano F, Rea R, Rodi A. A 3D Geological Model as a Base for the Development of a Conceptual Groundwater Scheme in the Area of the Colosseum (Rome, Italy). Geosciences. 2020; 10(7):266. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences10070266
Chicago/Turabian StyleDi Salvo, Cristina, Marco Mancini, Gian Paolo Cavinato, Massimiliano Moscatelli, Maurizio Simionato, Francesco Stigliano, Rossella Rea, and Antonio Rodi. 2020. "A 3D Geological Model as a Base for the Development of a Conceptual Groundwater Scheme in the Area of the Colosseum (Rome, Italy)" Geosciences 10, no. 7: 266. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences10070266
APA StyleDi Salvo, C., Mancini, M., Cavinato, G. P., Moscatelli, M., Simionato, M., Stigliano, F., Rea, R., & Rodi, A. (2020). A 3D Geological Model as a Base for the Development of a Conceptual Groundwater Scheme in the Area of the Colosseum (Rome, Italy). Geosciences, 10(7), 266. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences10070266