Winston Churchill’s Divi Britannici (1675) and Archipelagic Royalism
:1. Introduction1
2. Biography
3. The Norman Conquest Unyoked
A notable feature of Churchill’s narrative is his refusal of the Norman Yoke as marking the absolute subjection of the English people. The anonymous political pamphlet Argumentum Anti-Normannicum (1682) identified Churchill as an authority in this regard. Thus “the Opinion of Sir Winston Churchill” is offered to demonstrate that “King William did not Cancel and Abolish all the English Laws”; rather, he “[guarded] his Prerogative within that Citadel of the Burrough Law (as they called it) from whence, as often as they began to mutiny, he battered them with their own Ordnance” (pp. 48–49).10 In Churchill’s view, the monarch worked within the parameters of the laws of his new nation, using maneuvers which “look’d like Absolute” (pp. 48–49) to bind the populace by the rules they themselves had instituted. Churchill’s business-as-usual view of the Norman not-quite-Conquest could of course be interpreted in two ways, republican, or royalist. Churchill’s account of a Norman accommodation to the English common law, however, manages to offer a synthesis of these approaches which is evidently palatable to a Restoration readership, subject to varying accounts of the post-war political inheritance. It also suggests that Churchill’s historiography is not only a contemporary authority for the archipelagic political situation in the 1670s, but one which nuances an implied opposition to a parliamentarian vision of intrinsic English sovereignty.11When the lower courts insisted on enforcing the “common law” in the face of royal statutes, they were enforcing the rights of Parliament, which was the true heir to the Saxon tradition, and resisting the abuses of power committed by the Norman monarchy and the “Normanism” that had developed after Hastings and the coming of William. The contemporary struggle, that of the seventeenth century, was also an ongoing struggle against Normanism.9
Although the Normans are described as taking their new territories by “force”, there is also a sense that their arrival in England is closer to an ethnic return than a colonial invasion. This is one key aspect in which Churchill’s take on English ethnography dovetails with that of John Milton in the History of Britain, published five years before Divi Britannici in 1670: “But if the Saxons [...] came most of them from Jutland and Anglen, a part of Denmarke, as Danish Writers affirm, and that Danes and Normans are the same; then in this invasion, Danes drove out Danes, thir own posterity. And Normans afterwards, none but antienter Normans”.12 What for Milton marks the persistence of tyranny, for Churchill denotes the staying power of monarchy, particularly the recently restored Stuarts. Churchill’s phrase “Northern Clime” is evocative of Scotland as much as “Norwey” and even Yorkshire, given the upbringing in Temple Newsam of James’s father Henry, Lord Darnley.13 Likewise, the “frozen Sea” could refer to the punishing climate north of the English border. Churchill depicts the Norman regime change in broadly welcoming terms, stating that “it cannot be thought that the English lost any honour, by mingling blood with men of that Quality and Condition” (p. 190). Indeed, the reference to the Normans as derived from the “antient Cimbri” is another type of ethnic return, as Churchill uses the “Common Name of Cimbri” (p. 103) to refer to the Angles, who are broadly analogous in this description to the English. The internecine process of English colonisation is ameliorated by “mingling blood”, which is almost a re-mingling when the different groups who arrive in the British Isles are traced back to their territorial source. Churchill’s conceptualisation of the Normans as the forebears of the Stuarts, therefore, is a subtle technique in positioning Charles II as more racially variegated than the disaffected parliamentarians whom he has replaced. It also implies that the Stuart monarchy is best positioned to provide a basis for political consensus in the volatile archipelagic context of post-Interregnum Ireland, Scotland and England. In relation to the Normanist flavour of much of the narrative of Divi Britannici, we can see that the current royal dynasty emerges from within a nascent territorial Britain and, as Britons and Germanic Cimbri, effect the control of the laws. This accounts for the synthesis of the crown with the trope of parliamentary indigeneity which evidently caught the attention of the anonymous scholar who wrote Argumentum Anti-Normannicum, published about seven years after Churchill’s historiography first appeared in print.The Normans (so call’d by the French, in respect of the Northern Clime from whence they came, heretofore call’d Scandia, since Norwey) were another Branch of the antient Cimbri, seated near the frozen Sea, whose Country being too barren to nourish so fruitful a People, they disonerated their Multitudes, wheresoever force could make way for them.(p. 189)
The metaphor evoked by the word “deluge” points to an aggressive expansionist tendency which is not as generative as the comingling practiced by the other peoples who have populated England; peoples “who had but a little before mingled blood in the Field, did not long after do the same in their Families, mixing names almost as soon as they had mixt Nations” (p. 74). The sea metaphor is politicised through its propensity to suggest instability: “the Ocean (the Emblem of human frailty) has its Ebbs and Flows, its Falls and Swellings, so hath it its Turnings, Tumblings, and Revolutions” (p. 149). The sea as an image for upheaval is a common political metaphor in early modern literature. What is telling here is Churchill’s use of the word “Revolutions”, which recalls the events of the 1640s and 1650s. The Anglo-Saxons are marked by a commitment to the system of elective monarchy, which is unable to offer the same level of stability as hereditary monarchy; the “unnaturally natural” reign of such an elected ruler “introduced such a kind of co-equality betwixt the Kings, and those of the first rank of their Subjects, that they that were nearest to the Throne, often took the boldness to step in first” (p. 104). The vision of Anglo-Saxon or English sovereignty as susceptible to usurpation and tyranny generates a turbulent state in which a king can be replaced by his strongest rival, drawn from co-equal sovereign bodies such as parliament. The subsequent instability in the line of succession breaks familial ties, meaning that elective monarchs cannot bring the same consistency, and depth of history, to bear on governmental rule. Churchill’s decision to define the Anglo-Saxons by their adherence to elective monarchy attributes to English politics two features: latent monarchical impulses, and an inability to instantiate lasting rule due to heightened competition. A more successful form of government, Churchill implies, can be found in the Stuarts, who provide the benefits of hereditary succession with a means to consolidate the tensions which have been exacerbated by parliamentarian policy over the preceding decades.Successors to the Romans were the English, a People of so ancient an Extract, that he that will trace their Original, must follow it (as Berosus doth) into the Flood; for as they were ever famous by Sea, so they deduce their Pedigree from the Universal Deluge.(p. 103)
4. Scotland
The Scots are described as a “mix’d People” who “disburthen’d themselves into the upper part of Albania, now call’d the High-lands” (p. 324). Churchill informs us that the name “Gayothels”—phonetically similar to Gaul—is used to denote ethnic mingling, and “the Irish to this day call the Scotch Tongue Gaidelack, which signifies a Language gather’d out of all Tongues” (p. 324). Churchill repeats his strategy here of associating ethnic groups linked to Stuart heritage with consanguinity and migratory interbreeding. Like the Normans, the Scots are depicted as an aggregated people, emphasised by Churchill when he states that the word Scot as used by the Saxons “signifi’d a Body aggregated out of many Particulars into one” (p. 324). Traits associated with this ethnic identity could be applied to the archipelagic situation in England in the 1660s and 1670s, albeit from a royalist perspective. After the decade-long rule of parliament, archipelagic relations were extremely fractious. Cromwell’s brutal policy in Ireland had penalised royalists and confederates alike, a situation which was echoed in Scotland through the defeat of the Catholic Highlanders during the earl of Glencairn’s rising (pp. 1653–54). The lingering political tensions between disaffected royalists and their affiliated groups, such as the Scottish Covenanters and the Irish confederates, had pressed the urgency of reconciliation for the Stuarts, whose cause had been covertly championed.16 Churchill’s vision of a heterogenous Stuart bloodline ruling the new, post-Cromwellian nation was not simply a restoration of a royal house, but a model of future political co-operation, in which disparate groups could be reconciled by the monarch, in principle, along sectarian and ethnic lines.THE Scots would be thought a Branch of the antique Scythian Stock, as well as all other cold Countries, and they have this colour above many others, that as their Ancestors are entituled to as ancient Barbarity as those of any other Nation whatever, so like those rude Scythes, they have alwayes been given to prey upon their Neighbours, and live without themselves, the very sound of their Name giving some semblable Testimony to the certainty of their Genealogy; for the Scythians were heretofore commonly call’d Scolots, which by contraction (not to say corruption) might easily be turn’d into Scots.(p. 323)
Churchill’s use of the word “Province” suggests that a kingless Scotland—or a Scotland which measures its fealty by exchange value—is a de facto colony of England. The insular ideology of the Parliamentarian state means that a co-operation between nations cannot be facilitated, and indeed is not on the national agenda; rather, Scotland is subsumed. Churchill’s political strategy here is quite complex. First, it suggests that Scotland cannot function outside of a monarchical structure. It is either a subordinate “Province” with no autonomy, or it is “crush’d under the ruins of so ill-grounded a Democracy” (p. 357) when attempting to initiate a similar form of government to that of England. Secondly, the pitfalls of an eroded state can be avoided when a Stuart monarch is placed on the throne. Not only will Charles ensure that Scottish sovereignty is respected, but his shared ethnic heritage with the Scots can also facilitate a co-operative model of diplomacy; one opposed to the quasi-colonial policies of the aggressive Cromwellian regime. Churchill’s vision of what might be termed “archipelagic royalism” is therefore indicative of a model of nationhood which uses the shared tie of an ethnically diverse monarchy to foster closer bonds.17 Panegyrics to Charles II in the Restoration period tend to focus on the familial bloodline of the Stuarts and his unimpeachable hereditary claim. The pseudonymous S.P. Philopolites in Jus gentium, or, Englands birth-right (1660), for instance, proclaims that “our most gratious Soveraign Charles the second (being descended of the chiefest blood royal of that ancient race) is by the grace of God restored” (p. 8).18 Churchill’s strategy when promoting the Stuarts in Divi Britannici is to shift attention away from dynastic blood-right and more toward the family’s racial heritage. The shared affiliation with a swathe of peoples throughout the archipelago is a method of signaling a nascent form of national solidarity, in opposition to the divisive archipelagic interventions of the previous regime.The Genius of the whole Nation of Scotland feeling a just reverberation of Divine Vengeance, in being rendred afterward no Kingdom, I might say no People […] but a miserable subjected Province to the Republicans of England.(p. 326)
5. Ireland
The idea of history as untamed territory which, in light of a lack of local knowledge, needs to be navigated with care is evocative of the experiences of English settlers during the Irish settlement, as is the pejorative reference to the “Natives” who keep “themselves out of sight”. The antiquary William Camden, one of Churchill’s sources, notably described “Ireland” as “the native country indeed of the wild Irish, and those that be right Scots”, painting a picture of a “savage” wasteland in which people “drinke bloud out of the wounds of men slaine”.21 To the historically literate reader, Churchill’s phrase “mix’d people” when discussing the Irish would recall the ethnic elision with the Scots as Scythians, as described by writers such as Bacon, Spenser, Holinshed, and their sources Gildas and Tacitus.22 The representational elision between the two nations through the metaphor of mixing is a further strategy which positions the Stuarts, as representatives of “The Sixth Dynasty of Scots” in the wider structure of Divi Britannici, in opposition to Cromwell and his aggressive policies. There are other contemporary allusions to Ireland. An earlier section of Divi Britannici, which describes the Romans heterogeneously as “a People mixt Party per Pale, half Latins, and half Sabins” (p. 69), is a fairly clear reference to the Pale, the region of Ireland around Dublin which was traditionally under the control of the crown and was inhabited by a mixture of English Protestant colonists (both parliamentarian and royalist), intermixed “Old English”, Scots lowlanders, and the indigenous Irish. Britain is further described by Churchill as “the darling Plantation” (p. 74), establishing a subtle parallel between the socio-ethnic fluidity of Ireland as a cultural space, and a model of English nationhood with the Stuarts at its head: “To say truth this was the darling plantation, and that which therefore they would have call’d Romania i.e., [...] the Roman Island, as the Spaniards since have had their nova Hispania, the French their nova Francia, and We Our new England” (p. 74). The association of Ireland with colonial expansion is even present in the description of the mythical island of Ui Breasail as “O Brazil, beyond the Isles of Arran (so often discovered and lost again)” (p. 44). As Michael J. Lennon notes, Churchill’s interest in the country earned him the nickname “MacChurchill”, coined during the debate on the Act of Explanation in the Irish House of Commons.23 Evidently his contemporaries noted an identification with Ireland and its colonial status in a manner which was markedly different to Protestant ideologues such as Milton.Neither can it reasonably be supposed, that I should further go into the Wild of this History, then I find vetustatis & veritatis vestigia; the tract of some that have gone before me: since we have no Land-Marks to guide us, but what have been set up by Strangers, whilst all the Natives have kept themselves out of sight.(p. 41)
Churchill’s central criticism here is of the falsification of the king’s assent. This evidently compromises the prerogative of the monarch when handling Irish policy, in ways that subtly allude to a covert Catholic influence; the imagery of counterfeiting, for example, evokes a form of icon-making which is indicative of idolatry.26 If Churchill resents the Irish rebels’ appropriation of the king’s name, then he discerns political opportunism in the English anti-monarchists’ reaction to the rebellion, making Ireland a pawn in any future political settlement by establishing a bridgehead in that country. The description of the rebels effecting a “Self-condemnation within themselves” is not too dissimilar to the failure of Scotland to establish a “Democracy” (p. 357) after turning Charles over to the parliamentarians. Both nations are placed by Churchill between a rock and a hard place. Either they slide into anarchy, or they are reduced to being a “Province” (p. 326) of Republican England. It is only by recognising their fealty to the Stuarts, Churchill suggests, over other factions of varying political stripes—the Catholic aristocracy, the Scots Presbyterians, the parliamentarian profiteers—that Scotland and Ireland can flourish. Churchill’s criticism is largely aimed at the dealings of parliament, who accused the king of having “under-hand promoted the Irish Rebellion”. That the Irish Catholics had been party to this accusation made Churchill furious (p. 349). In his Observations Upon the Articles of Peace (p. 1649), Milton detected an underlying complicity between the old English and the Belfast Presbytery against the English parliament, stating of the latter that their “unexampl’d virulence hath wrapt them into the same guilt, made them accomplices and assistants to the abhorred Irish Rebels”.27 In contrast, Churchill sees the collusion of apparent enemies across ideological lines working together to drag down the king. A form of national co-operation would be best achieved, it is implied, by recognising the potential for ethnic concord offered by the restored Stuart monarchy.This Declaration of theirs was written with a Pen of Iron in Letters of Blood, as believing that no Rebels in the World had more to say for themselves then they; at least, that they had much more matter of Justification then either the Scots or English could pretend to, who justified themselves by feigning only to suspect, what t’other really suffer’d under. Neither perhaps had the World so condemned them (all Circumstances considered) had there not appear’d a Self-condemnation within themselves, by counterfeiting a Commission from the King to justifie this their Arming, falsly bragging that the Queen was with them, and that the King would very shortly come to them.(pp. 346–47)
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | We would like to extend our thanks to the two anonymous peer reviewers for their invaluable suggestions for improvement, and to the guest editor for his steadfast support throughout the writing of this piece. |
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3 | On nationhood and seventeenth-century historiography, see von Maltzahn (1996), Milton’s History of Britain; MacGillivray (1974), Restoration Historians and the English Civil War; Parry (1995), The Trophies of Time; Brownley (1989), “Sir Richard Baker’s Chronicle (1660) and Later Seventeenth-Century English Historiography”. Isaac Newton’s posthumously published The chronology of ancient kingdoms amended (1728) “remains an opaque oddity”, yet it too can be viewed as part of a series of eccentric antiquarian exercises delving into the deep past as a means of understanding recent events. According to Kenneth Knoespel: “Newton’s Chronology […] belongs to an established scholarly genre of Renaissance historiography and mythography that demonstrated that the prehistory of the ancient world could be sorted through and arranged systematically through the skeptical hermeneutics provided by euhemerism”. Knoespel (1989b), “Newton in the School of Time”, 19. See also Knoespel (1989a), “Milton and the Hermeneutics of Time”. |
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5 | “Winston Churchill (bap. 1620, d. 1688)”, Seaward (2008), Dictionary of National Biography (2004). For further biographical information, see also Eccles (1982), “Winston Churchill”; A.L. Rowse (1956), The Early Churchills; Hay (1934), Winston Churchill and James II; and F.W. H. (1910), “Winston Churchill the First”. |
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10 | See Atwood (1682), Argumentum Anti-Normannicum xxxvii, xlvii-xlix, li-lii. Reprinted when it was in season again in 1689, attributed to another author. See Cooke (1689), A Seasonable Treatise. On the uses of Anglo-Saxon history in the seventeenth-century see McCrady (1999), “Breaking the Norman Yoke”; Niles (2015), “Puritan Anglo-Saxonism”; Schoeck (1958), “Early Anglo-Saxon Studies and Legal Scholarship in the Renaissance”; and Walshe (2018), “John Streater and the Saxon Republic.” |
11 | John Kerrigan’s pioneering study of seventeenth-century archipelagic literature draws attention to “the intricacy of a multiple monarchy that included not just ancient kingdoms which had themselves been composite (the British tribes reported by the Romans, the Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy, Scots and Picts to the north), but the anomalous kingdom/colony of Ireland, the principality or dominion of Wales, the palatinates of the north and in Ireland, and the scattering of insular lordships and debatable lands that ran from Orkney and Shetland, through the Solway Firth and Man to the Scillies and Channel Islands”. Kerrigan (2008), Archipelagic English, p. 31. This is the context in which Churchill’s vision of the Stuart composite monarchy is mapped out, marked throughout by an awareness of the changing topography of the multiple kingdoms now held together by a single dynasty. |
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15 | Anon, An Historical Discourse of Parliaments, p. 34. |
16 | For Cromwell’s Irish and Scottish policies, see Cunningham (2010, 2014), “Oliver Cromwell and the ‘Cromwellian’ Settlement of Ireland”; and “Divided Conquerors”; Dow (1979), Cromwellian Scotland, 1651–1660. For a succinct view of Scotland’s political position during the Restoration, see Buckroyd (1987), “Bridging the Gap”; and Kennedy (2013), “Reducing That Barbarous Country”. |
17 | Churchill’s vision of an imperial monarchy, albeit more Anglocentric than he envisaged, came to pass. As John Morrill observes, “by 1700 a single ruler was recognised by almost all the inhabitants of the archipelago. Even that minority who refused to recognise William III as their king recognised the exiled James II as ruler of the whole archipelago—i.e., all Jacobites believed in a pan-archipelagic monarchy”. Morrill (1996), “The British Problem, c. 1534–1707”, p. 3. |
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26 | See Cunningham (2021), “Who Framed Charles I?”. On the rising and its archipelagic implications see Ó Siochrú and Ohlmeyer (2013) (eds.), Ireland 1641; Redmond (2021), “Religion, Civility and the British of Ireland in the 1641 Irish Rebellion”; Shagan (1997), “Constructing Discord”. |
27 | Milton, Observations Upon the Articles of Peace, p. 47. See also Corns (1990), “Milton’s Observations upon the Articles of Peace”; Sauer, Milton, Toleration, and Nationhood, pp. 48–73; Barnaby (1993), “‘Another Rome in the West?’: Milton and the Imperial Republic, 1654–1670”; and Raymond (2004), “Complications of Interest: Milton, Scotland, Ireland, and National Identity in 1649”. Part of the problem in reading seventeenth-century histories is the extent to which they are fighting old battles as well as staging fresh struggles. If the republican Milton discerned a complication of interests between Ulster Presbyterians and Irish Catholics then royalist contemporaries likewise detected an underlying complicity between Catholic and Calvinist critics of monarchy. See Jacqueline Rose (2007), “Robert Brady’s Intellectual History and Royalist Antipopery in Restoration England.” |
28 | See Stevens (1995), “Archipelagic Criticism and Its Limits”. One of the paradoxes that emerges from our reading of Churchill is that the Whig historiographical tradition that privileges republican writers like Milton over his royalist counterparts effectively promotes an Anglocentric rather an archipelagic view. It is to royalists like Churchill that we ought to look for evidence of a distinct and devolved multiple kingdom perspective that is at once outward-looking, European and international. For two recent studies that build on this broader royalist outlook see Cronin (2021), Women, Royalisms and Exiles 1640–1669; and Lockey (2016), Early Modern Catholics, Royalists, and Cosmopolitans. For an intriguing discussion of the entanglement of seventeenth-century archipelagic history and Whiggish values in the subterranean history of Thomas Chatterton see Groom (2018), “Catachthonic Romanticism”: “For Chatterton, catachthonic history entails the mix and mangle of his Dacyannes, Scythyannes, Saxonnes, Brutons, Welsh, and Normannes” (p. 129). |
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34 | A continuation of the latter, taking the narrative down to 1400, was published by Awnsham and John Churchill, two bookseller brothers, radical Whigs who bore the name of Sir Winston, and were in fact distant relations of John, Duke of Marlborough. The Churchill brothers’ first joint publication had been John Locke’s Second Letter Concerning Toleration (1690). |
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Maley, W.; Stacey, R. Winston Churchill’s Divi Britannici (1675) and Archipelagic Royalism. Humanities 2022, 11, 109.
Maley W, Stacey R. Winston Churchill’s Divi Britannici (1675) and Archipelagic Royalism. Humanities. 2022; 11(5):109.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMaley, Willy, and Richard Stacey. 2022. "Winston Churchill’s Divi Britannici (1675) and Archipelagic Royalism" Humanities 11, no. 5: 109.
APA StyleMaley, W., & Stacey, R. (2022). Winston Churchill’s Divi Britannici (1675) and Archipelagic Royalism. Humanities, 11(5), 109.