The Polychrome in Expression of Baroque Façade Architecture
:1. Introduction
2. Status of Research: Materials and Methods
3. Historical and Problematic Background
Architectural Orders in Modern Times and Forms Expresion
4. Results: Solutions of Color Schemes of Façades in the Baroque Period
4.1. Antique Heritage and Monochrome
4.2. Color Breakdown of the Horizontal Entablature: Distinguishing the Colour of the Frieze
4.3. Color Breakdown of the Frieze in Vertical Arrangement: Colors of Pseudo-Imposts
5. Discussion: The Role of Color Arrangement of the Components of Architectural Order in Shaping Compositional Expression
6. Conclusions: Significance of Conservators’ Decisions in the Field of Coloring and Shaping the Compositional Effect of Baroque Architecture
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
- A1: J.M. Bernardoni had already designed the stone façades of the churches of San Michele in Cagliari (1578) and Santa Caterina in Sassari (1579–1609), and in such a way, composed similar arrangements for Jesuits in Jarosław, Nieśwież (1586–1593), and Kalisz (before 1586) (Betlej 2018).
- A2: Carlo Antonio Carlone (1635–1708), a native of Val’Intelvi, in his reconstructions of the façades of large monasteries and monastic, pilgrim, and parish church façades in Upper Austria in Schlierbach (1680–1683); continued by Jacob Prandtauer in Sankt Florian (1686–1705), Christkindl, Kremsmünster, and Garsten, who introduced an expressive vertical composition.
- A3: The stone (Eggenburger Kalksandstein) elements of the architectural order on the façade of the imperial residence were plastered and painted in shades of white and set off against an orange-red brick background (realized by 1711; the façades were repainted the characteristic yellow in the 19th century).
- A4: Briano duplicated the pattern of embattled entablature from the Northern Italian solution, also used in the church in Palermo, in the construction of which he participated. However, perhaps due to material shortages, he ordered only reinforcements in the frieze part over the supports of stone.
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Ludwig, B. The Polychrome in Expression of Baroque Façade Architecture. Arts 2022, 11, 113.
Ludwig B. The Polychrome in Expression of Baroque Façade Architecture. Arts. 2022; 11(6):113.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLudwig, Bogna. 2022. "The Polychrome in Expression of Baroque Façade Architecture" Arts 11, no. 6: 113.
APA StyleLudwig, B. (2022). The Polychrome in Expression of Baroque Façade Architecture. Arts, 11(6), 113.