Gender Bias in Indonesian Courts: Is Perma No. 3 of 2017 the Solution for Gender-Based Violence Cases?
:1. Introduction
During the trial examination, the judge should prevent and/or reprimand the parties, legal advisers, public prosecutors and/or attorneys who behave or make statements that denigrate, blame, intimidate and/or use the experience or sexual background of women in conflict with the law.
2. Material and Methods
3. Theoretical Framework
3.1. What Is a Perma?
- show an attitude or make a derogatory statement, blame and/or intimidate women in conflict with the law;
- justify discrimination against women using culture, customary rules,
- other traditional practices and gender-biased expert interpretation;
- question and/or consider the experiences or the sexual background of the victim as a basis for releasing the perpetrator or reducing the punishment of the perpetrator; and
- issue a statement or view that contains gender stereotypes.
3.2. Equal Treatment and Special Treatment
[W]e need two kinds of rights: equal rights and special rights. Special rights are rights based on human differences, taking them into account so that the ultimate outcome between different individuals can be the same…
Within our society, every individual is deemed to have an ‘equal’ right of access to public building. That this right is an ‘equal right’ means that with respect to that right, any or a person is interchangeable with any other. The right adheres to every individual. But, the effect of no ramp is a denial of the equal right. In such a circumstance, equality is effectuated only if the disabled person is granted a ‘special’ right to a ramp.
3.3. The Causes of Infanticide in Indonesia
3.4. The Case: Court Verdict No. 37/Pid.B/2020/PN.Pwd
341—the mother who… with deliberate intent takes the life of her child at or soon after its birth, shall, being guilty of infant-manslaughter, be punished by a maximum imprisonment of seven years.
342—the mother who… with deliberate intent [and premeditation] takes the life of her child at or soon after its birth, shall, being guilty of infanticide, be punished by a maximum imprisonment of nine years.
3.5. Judges’ Decision
Any person who buries, hides, take away or removes a corpse with the intention of concealing his death or birth, shall be punished by a maximum imprisonment of nine months or a maximum fine of four thousand five hundred rupiah.
4. Discussion—Equality before the Law v. Special Treatment
After all, everything is finished, yes, everything has happened. Nothing can be fixed except regret, and improve yourself in the future, right? It will be your worst experience so that is not easy; and what kind of strangers want to take you, and you must have the courage to refuse because you don’t have the courage and assertiveness and don’t be afraid of something that may not happen…
For legal advisors, the focus is on cases because the case is infanticide, not violence against women. Do not focus on violence against women but on cases of dumping babies [into the pond] or (baby) killing, please focus on this case, not go everywhere…
Actually this is not your destiny, because you do not have the will and dare to act so that it ends up like this. So that your child must become a victim. I’m not saying you are a killer or anything, because it wasn’t handled properly during childbirth.
According to us, as normal people, the action of the defendant is considered irresponsible (not normal), but for her (or people who are ‘loose’) it was a responsible (or normal) action because according to her (or them), it was considered as the right solution and normal. So, the decisions taken are influenced by the situation, condition and education of the defendant.
5. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Saraswati, R. Gender Bias in Indonesian Courts: Is Perma No. 3 of 2017 the Solution for Gender-Based Violence Cases? Laws 2021, 10, 2.
Saraswati R. Gender Bias in Indonesian Courts: Is Perma No. 3 of 2017 the Solution for Gender-Based Violence Cases? Laws. 2021; 10(1):2.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSaraswati, Rika. 2021. "Gender Bias in Indonesian Courts: Is Perma No. 3 of 2017 the Solution for Gender-Based Violence Cases?" Laws 10, no. 1: 2.
APA StyleSaraswati, R. (2021). Gender Bias in Indonesian Courts: Is Perma No. 3 of 2017 the Solution for Gender-Based Violence Cases? Laws, 10(1), 2.