Advancements in Hyaluronic Acid Effect in Alveolar Ridge Preservation: A Narrative Review
:1. Introduction
1.1. Ridge Alterations After Tooth Extraction
1.2. Factors Influencing Post-Extraction Dimensional Changes
1.3. Alveolar Ridge Preservation
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Information Sources and Literature Search
2.2. Selection of the Studies
2.3. Data Collection and Extraction
3. Results
3.1. Hyaluronic Acid Molecule and Functions
3.2. Common Applications of HYA in Dentistry
3.3. HYA Effects in Alveolar Ridge Preservation of Natural or Infected Sockets
3.3.1. Study Selection and Characteristics
3.3.2. Study Intervention and HYA Information
3.3.3. The Efficacy of HYA in Alveolar Ridge Preservation Procedures
Clinical Bone- and Soft Tissue-Related Outcomes from Clinical Studies
Imagistic Bone-Related Outcomes from Clinical Studies
Imagistic Bone-Related Outcomes from Preclinical Studies
Implant-Related Performance
Histomorphometric Data from Clinical Studies
Histomorphometric Data from Pre-Clinical Studies
3.3.4. Histological Data Associated with HYA Application in Post-Extraction Sockets
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Study and Design | Ridge Preservation Method Treatment Groups HYA Application form Commercial Product | Investigation Type Outcome Parameters Follow-Up Moments | Outcomes | ||||
Alcantara et al. 2018 [76] RCT, split-mouth, Humans |
| Radiographic assessment (CBCT scan) of alveolar dimensional changes, percentage of newly formed bone and fractal dimension Day 30, 90 | Test group | Control group | |||
Newly formed bone (%), 30 d | 57.27 | 45.98 | p = 0.004 | ||||
Newly formed bone (%), 90 d | 85.83 | 83.25 | p = 0.216 | ||||
Buccolingual alveolar ridge width at the cervical/middle/apical thirds (mm), 90 d | 0.71/0.25/0.19 | 0.75/0.54/0.21 | p > 0.005 | ||||
Fractal dimension, 30 d | 1.098 ± 0.042 | 1.074 ± 0.045 | p = 0.003 | ||||
Fractal dimension, 90 d | No significant | differences | p > 0.005 | ||||
Lorenz et al. 2018 [77] Clinical trial, Humans |
| Clinical assessment of implant survival/success Radiographic assessment of implant marginal bone loss Histology/morphometry 4 months for ARP 1 year for implant success | Implant survival rate, 1 y | 100% | |||
Marginal bone loss (mm), 1 y | 0.136 | ||||||
Amount of newly formed bone tissue (%), 4 m | 44.92 ± 5.16 | ||||||
Amount of connective tissue (%), 4 m | 52.49 ± 6.43 | ||||||
Amount of residual graft biomaterial (%), 4 m | 2.59 ± 2.05 | ||||||
Cocero et al. 2019 [78] RCT, split-mouth Humans |
Patients with liver failure | Clinical assessment of the reduction of alveolar dimensions Day 7, 14, 21 | Test group | Control group | |||
Oral-buccal diameters (mm), 7 d | 3.89 ± 1.73 | 4.64 ± 2.03 | p < 0.0001 | ||||
Oral-buccal diameters (mm), 14 d | 2.09 ± 1.31 | 3.07 ± 1.51 | p < 0.0001 | ||||
Oral-buccal diameters (mm), 21 d | 0.58 ± 1.11 | 1.21 ± 1.25 | p < 0.0001 | ||||
Mesio-distal diameters (mm), 7 d | 3.61 ± 1.84 | 4.69 ± 2.04 | p < 0.0001 | ||||
Mesio-distal diameters (mm), 14 d | 1.74 ± 1.54 | 2.82 ± 1.7 | p < 0.0001 | ||||
Mesio-distal diameters (mm), 21 d | 0.44 ± 1.02 | 1.16 ± 1.25 | p < 0.0001 | ||||
Marin et al. 2020 [79] RCT, split-mouth Humans |
Patients with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes | Clinical assessment of wound closure rate and wound healing scale Day 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 | Test group | Control group | |||
Wound closure rate (%), 5 d | 51.35 ± 18.35 | 29.11 ± 15.94 | p < 0.001 | ||||
Wound closure rate (%), 15 d | 74.86 ± 11.31 | 61.61 ± 15.78 | p < 0.001 | ||||
Wound closure rate (%), 25 d | 84.36 ± 7.76 | 74.53 ± 12.94 | p < 0.001 | ||||
Wound healing scale (%), 5 d (excellent) | 16.67 | 3.33 | p = 0.069 | ||||
Wound healing scale (%), 15 d (excellent) | 53.33 | 20 | p = 0.021 | ||||
Wound healing scale (%), 25 d (excellent) | 76.67 | 63.33 | p = 0.521 | ||||
Eeckhout et al. 2022 [80] RCT Humans |
| Clinical assessment of wound healing (examination and intra-oral scan) Radiographic assessment (CBCT scan) of bone dimensions 1 week 3 weeks 4 months | Test group | Control group | |||
Bucco-lingual wound reduction (mm), 1 w | 4.26 | 3.63 | p > 0.005 | ||||
Bucco-lingual wound reduction (mm), 3 w | 0.77 | 1.03 | p = 0.259 | ||||
Mesio-distal wound reduction (mm), 1 w | 2.00 | 2.2 | p > 0.005 | ||||
Mesio-distal wound reduction (mm), 3 w | 0.57 | 0.49 | p = 0.259 | ||||
Ridge width, 1 mm coronal, (mm), 4 m | 3.57 | 6.74 | p = 0.025 | ||||
Ridge width, 3 mm coronal, (mm), 4 m | 6.37 | 8.36 | p = 0.016 | ||||
Ridge width, 5 mm coronal, (mm), 4 m | 8.13 | 9.01 | p = 0.213 | ||||
Horizontal bone shrinkage, (mm), 4 m | 3.55 | 1.92 | p = 0.025 | ||||
Buccal bone height shrinkage (mm), 4 m | 1 | 0.45 | p = 0.237 | ||||
Oral bone height shrinkage (mm), 4 m | 1.46 | 0.96 | p = 0.351 | ||||
Buccal soft tissue height (mm), 4 m | 1.99 | 2.71 | p = 0.226 | ||||
Oral soft tissue height (mm), 4 m | 2.38 | 1.62 | p = 0.303 | ||||
Soft tissue profile changes (mm), 4 m | −1.13 | −1.06 | p = 0.660 | ||||
Buccal soft tissue height changes, 4 m | 0.15 | 0.56 | p = 0.226 | ||||
Oral soft tissue height changes (mm), 4 m | 0.28 | −0.14 | p = 0.303 | ||||
Socket wound healing score, 1 w | 1.87 | 1.96 | p = 0.737 | ||||
Socket wound healing score, 3 w | 1.3 | 1.09 | p = 0.424 | ||||
Cosola et al. 2022 [81] RCT, Humans |
| Clinical assessment of swelling and soft tissue healing rate through 3D intra-oral scanner Day 7, 14 1 month 2 months | Test group | Control group | |||
Volume change of the soft tissue (%). 7 d | 105.05 ± 5.74 | 109.15 ± 6.3 | p = 0.038 | ||||
Volume change of the soft tissue (%), 2 m | 95.85 ± 1.81 | 95.55 ± 1.88 | p = 0.838 | ||||
Husseini et al. 2023 [82] RCT, Humans |
| Radiographic assessment (CBCT scan) of volumetric and linear bone resorption Histologic assessment of the newly formed bone and residual graft biomaterial 4 months | Test group | Control group | |||
Volumetric bone resorption value (%), 4 m | 26.96 ± 1.83 | 36.56 ± 1.69 | p = 0.018 | ||||
Linear bone resorption value (mm) (%), 4 m | 0.73 ± 0.052 | 1.42 ± 0.16 | p = 0.018 | ||||
Abaza et al. 2023 [83] RCT, Humans |
| Radiographic assessment (CBCT scan) of bone width and crestal bone height Clinical assessment of horizontal bone width and soft tissue thickness Histologic and morphometric assessment of the newly formed bone and residual graft biomaterial 4 months, 1 year | Test group 1 | Test group 2 | Control group | ||
Radiographic bone width (mm), 4 m | 8.60 ± 1.27 | 9.78 ± 0.87 | 7.99 ± 0.89 | p = 0.007 | |||
Radiographic crestal bone loss (mm), 4 m | −0.53 ± 0.11 | −0.33 ± 0.15 | −0.98 ± 0.18 | p < 0.001 | |||
Clinical bone width (mm), 4 m | 6.38 ± 1.16 | 6.94 ± 1.18 | 6.00 ± 1.81 | p = 0.42 | |||
Clinical bone width (mm), 1 y | 6.27 ± 0.36 | 6.88 ± 1 | 6.00 ± 0.9 | p = 0.700 | |||
Difference of clinical bone width (mm), 1 y | −1.29 ± 0.58 | −0.56 ± 0.46 | −0.44 ± 1.35 | p < 0.001 | |||
Clinical soft tissue thickness (mm), 4 m | 1.62 ± 0.44 | 1.50 ± 0.46 | 1.75 ± 0.38 | p = 0.516 | |||
Clinical soft tissue thickness (mm), 1 y | 1.59 ± 0.33 | 1.47 ± 0.50 | 1.66 ± 0.31 | p = 0.621 | |||
Difference soft tissue thickness (mm), 1 y | 0.21 ± 0.12 | −0.15 ± 0.08 | −0.9 ± 0.00 | p < 0.001 | |||
Mean area fraction newly formed bone (%), 4 m | 28.74 ± 5.15 | 56.6 ± 7.35 | 24.05 ± 3.64 | p < 0.001 | |||
Mean area fraction of mature bone (%), 4 m | 7.51 ± 3.63 | 18.26 ± 4.44 | 2.41 ± 1.36 | p < 0.001 | |||
Mean area fraction of residual graft (%), 4 m | 6.76 ± 2.59 | 2.63 ± 1.27 | 2.71 ± 1.24 | p < 0.001 | |||
Kloss et al. 2024 [66] Clinical trial Humans |
| Radiographic assessment (CBCT scan) of vertical and horizontal bone loss, graft stability, graft shrinkage rate and bone density Clinical and radiographic assessment of implant survival/success 4 months for alveolar ridge preservation 1 year for implant survival and success | Test group | Control group | |||
Bone height loss (mm), 4 m | −0.19 ± 0.51 | −0.82 ± 0.95 | p = 0.011 | ||||
Graft shrinkage rate (%), 4 m | 10.3 ± 7.7 | 16.9 ± 11.5 | p = 0.038 | ||||
Bone density (HU), 4 m | 211.03 ± 67.35 | 132.66 ± 48.85 | p = 0.004 | ||||
Implant quality scale (success), 1 y | 21 implants out of 21 | 18 implants out of 19 | p = 0.475 | ||||
Radiographic periimplant bone loss < 2 mm, 1 y | 13 implants out of 21 | 10 implants out of 19 | p = 0.523 |
Study and Design | Ridge Preservation Method Treatment Groups HYA Application form and Commercial Product Information | Investigation Type Outcome Parameters Follow-Up Moments | Outcomes | |||||
Kim JJ et al. 2016 [49] Preclinical study Dogs |
| Clinical assessment of wound healing. Histological/morphometric assessment 3 months | Test group | Control group | ||||
Mineralized bone (%), 3 m | 63.29 ± 9.78 | 47.80 ± 6.60 | p < 0.05 | |||||
Bone marrow (%), 3 m | 34.73 ± 8.97 | 50.4 ± 6.38 | p < 0.057 | |||||
Kim JJ et al. 2019 [84] Preclinical study Dogs |
| Radiographic (Micro-CT)/morphometric assessment Histomorphometry Immunohistochemical assessment of bone formation 3 months | Test group 1 | Test group 2 | Test group 3 | Control group | ||
Net Area (%), 3 m | −6.55 ± 9.82 | 11.73 ± 4.73 | 15.94 ± 3.12 | −10.74 ± 1.78 | p < 0.05 | |||
Bone volume density (%), 3 m | 17.89 ± 6.02 | 20.06 ± 6.27 | 20.11 ± 6.64 | 18.00 ± 6.62 | p > 0.05 | |||
Immune positive cells for osteocalcin (n), 3 m | 83.00 ± 27.56 | 319.00 ± 138.63 | 281.67 ± 125.74 | 88.67 ± 43.00 | p < 0.05 | |||
Lee JB et al. 2021 [85] Preclinical study Rats |
| Histologic assesement of mineralized bone formation Morphometric assessment of mineralized bone, newly formed bone, connective tissue, residual graft particles. Radiographic (Micro-CT)/morphometric assessment 1 months 2 months | Test group 1 | Test group 2 | Test group 3 | Test group 4 | ||
Mineralized bone (%), 1 m | 34.61 ± 13.0 | 62.97 ± 4.39 | 43.58 ± 6.65 | 46.10 ± 9.73 | p = 0.024 | |||
Mineralized bone (%), 3 m | 45.19 ± 3.06 | 64.69 ± 3.98 | 41.89 ± 5.03 | 59.94 ± 5.44 | p = 0.002 | |||
Newly bone form (%), 1 m | 7.14 ± 1.84 | 17.73 ± 10.36 | 5.93 ± 2.46 | 16.82 ± 6.84 | p = 0.033 | |||
Newly bone form (%), 3 m | 7.53 ± 2.19 | 15.53 ± 2.41 | 5.57 ± 1.44 | 11.30 ± 3.06 | p = 0.008 | |||
Connective tissue (%), 1 m | 61.15 ± 24.36 | 33.18 ± 27.00 | 44.34 ± 9.22 | 33.08 ± 13.98 | p = 0.145 | |||
Connective tissue (%), 3 m | 17.07 ± 6.79 | 10.82 ± 4.96 | 35.05 ± 10.49 | 12.26 ± 5.55 | p = 0.002 | |||
Residual graft particles (%), 1 m | - | - | 2.75 ± 1.35 | 1.78 ± 0.78 | p = 0.225 | |||
Residual graft particles (%), 3 m | - | - | 3.71 ± 1.39 | 2.96 ± 2.03 | p = 0.456 |
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Share and Cite
Nistor, P.A.; Cândea, A.; Micu, I.C.; Soancă, A.; Caloian, C.S.; Bârdea, A.; Roman, A. Advancements in Hyaluronic Acid Effect in Alveolar Ridge Preservation: A Narrative Review. Diagnostics 2025, 15, 137.
Nistor PA, Cândea A, Micu IC, Soancă A, Caloian CS, Bârdea A, Roman A. Advancements in Hyaluronic Acid Effect in Alveolar Ridge Preservation: A Narrative Review. Diagnostics. 2025; 15(2):137.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNistor, Paul Andrei, Andreea Cândea, Iulia Cristina Micu, Andrada Soancă, Carmen Silvia Caloian, Alina Bârdea, and Alexandra Roman. 2025. "Advancements in Hyaluronic Acid Effect in Alveolar Ridge Preservation: A Narrative Review" Diagnostics 15, no. 2: 137.
APA StyleNistor, P. A., Cândea, A., Micu, I. C., Soancă, A., Caloian, C. S., Bârdea, A., & Roman, A. (2025). Advancements in Hyaluronic Acid Effect in Alveolar Ridge Preservation: A Narrative Review. Diagnostics, 15(2), 137.