1. Introduction
In this paper, the higher-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation (HNLS)
posed on an interval
is considered. Here,
are real constants;
f are complex-valued functions (as well as all other functions below, unless otherwise stated); and
is the modulus of the complex number
For an arbitrary
in a rectangle
, consider an initial-boundary value problem for Equation (
1) with an initial condition
and boundary conditions
where the function
h is unknown and must be chosen such that the corresponding solution to problem (
3) satisfies the condition of terminal overdetermination
for a given function
. The problem of such a type is usually called the boundary-controllability problem.
Equation (
1) is a generalized combination of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS)
and the Korteweg–de Vries equation (KdV)
It has various physical applications; in particular, it models the propagation of femtosecond optical pulses in a monomode optical fiber, accounting for additional effects such as third-order dispersion, self-steeping of the pulse and self-frequency shifts (see [
4] and the references therein).
The first result on the boundary controllability for the KdV equation on a boundary interval appeared in the pioneer paper by L. Rosier [
5]. In the case
, initial condition (
2) and boundary conditions (
3) for
, it was proved that under a small
, there existed a solution under the restriction on the length of the interval
In paper [
6], this result on the local exact controllability was extended to the truncated HNLS equation with cubic nonlinearity
again under homogeneous boundary conditions (
3), under restriction on the length of the interval
and under the conditions
(in fact, in the equation considered in [
6], there was a positive coefficient before the third derivative, but it can be easily eliminated by the scaling with respect to
t, which is possible since the time interval is arbitrary). The argument repeated the one from [
In the present paper, the same result is established for the general HNLS Equation (
1) under nonhomogeneous boundary conditions (
3) and without any conditions on the coefficients
a and
In [
5], it was shown that if
for certain natural numbers
k and
l, the corresponding problem for the linearized KdV equation
was not exactly controllable; that is, for any
, there existed a finite-dimensional subspace of
such that for any function
from this subspace, any
for the corresponding solution to the initial-boundary value problem satisfied
Surprisingly, for the KdV equation itself, the situation is not so. In [
7], it was shown that if
for a certain natural
k, the problem was locally exactly controllable in the same sense as in [
5] (similar results for other values of
R were obtained in [
8]). Moreover, in [
9], the result of the local exact controllability was established for any
R but only for large values of
T (
). However, in the recent paper [
10], it was shown that the property of the local exact controllability was wrong for all
R. For the HNLS model, the results of such a type are an open problem.
Results on controllability for the KdV equation on a bounded interval with other controls can be found in [
14]. For the HNLS model, the results of such a type are an open problem also.
Results on controllability for other models of the KdV type were obtained; for example, in [
15] (systems), [
16] (higher-order equations) and [
17] (a multidimensional case).
Note that in the recent paper [
18], the inverse initial-boundary value problem (
3) was considered with an integral overdetermination
for the given functions
. Either the boundary function
h or the function
F on the right-hand side
for the given function
g were chosen as controls. The results on well posedness under either small input data or small time intervals were established.
In [
19], a direct initial-boundary value problem on a bounded interval with homogeneous boundary conditions (
3) for Equation (
1) in the case
was studied. For
and the initial function
, the results on the global existence and uniqueness of mild solutions were obtained. For
the result on the global existence was extended either to
. Nonhomogeneous boundary conditions were considered in [
20] in the real case and nonlinearity
. Note also that in [
18], there is a brief survey of other results concerning the direct initial-boundary value problems for Equation (
Solutions to the considered problems are constructed in a special functional space
endowed with the norm
, denote by
the closed ball
Next, we introduce the notion of a weak solution to problem (
Definition 1. Let , , . A function is called a weak solution to problem (1)–(3) if , and for all test functions , such that , , , the functions , and the following integral identity is verified: Remark 1. Note that , ; therefore, the integrals in (6) exist. To describe the properties of the boundary data
, introduce the fractional-order Sobolev spaces. Let
be the direct and inverse Fourier transforms of a function
f, respectively. In particular, for
, define the fractional-order Sobolev space
and for certain
, let
be a space of restrictions on
of functions from
Now we can pass to the main result of the paper.
Theorem 1. Let , , , , . Assume also that condition (5) is satisfied if . DenoteThen, there exists such that under the assumption , there exists a function and the corresponding unique solution to problem (1)–(3) verifying condition (4). Remark 2. The smoothness assumption on the boundary data is natural, since if one considers the initial value problemthen, by [21], its solution (which can be constructed via the Fourier transform) satisfies the following relations for any :(here, the symbol denotes the Riesz potential). Further, we use the following simple interpolating inequality: there exists a constant
such that for any
where the second term on the right-hand side is absent if
This paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2, results on the corresponding linear problem are presented, and
Section 3 contains the proof of the nonlinear results.
2. Auxiliary Linear Problem
Besides the nonlinear problem, consider its linear analog and start with the following one with homogeneous boundary conditions:
Define an operator
with the domain
Lemma 1. The operator A generates a continuous semigroup of contractions in .
Proof. This assertion is proved in ([
6], Lemma 4.1) but under the restriction
. However, the slight correction of that proof provides the desired result. In fact, the operator
A is obviously closed. Next, for
and so the operator
A is dissipative. Next, the operator
with the domain
and similarly for
Therefore, the operator
is also dissipative. The application of the Lumer–Phillips theorem (see [
22]) finishes the proof. □
Remark 3. Note that the weak solution to problem (9) and (10) can be considered in the space in the sense of an integral identityvalid for any test function from Definition 1. Then, the general theory of semigroups (see [22]) provides that for , , there exists a weak solution to problem (9) and (10),which is unique in . Moreover, for , , this solution is regular; that is, . Lemma 2. Let , , where , . Then, there exists a unique weak solution to problem (9) and (10) and a function , such that for a certain constant , nondecreasing with respect to T,and for a.e. ,where one can choose both and . Moreover, if and , then . Proof. First, consider regular solutions in the case
. Then, multiplying equality (
9) by
, extracting the imaginary part and integrating one, we obtain an equality
; then,
and equality (
14) provides estimate (
12) in the regular case. This estimate gives an opportunity to establish the existence of a weak solution with property (
12) in the general case via closure. Moreover, equality (
14) is also verified. In particular, this equality implies that the function
is absolutely continuous on
, and then (
13) follows. □
Corollary 1. There exists a linear bounded operator such that for any ,for the corresponding weak solution to problem (9) and (10) in the case ,and if . Proof. In the case
, this assertion was proved in ([
6], Lemma 4.2). Choosing (
, we obtain estimate (
15) for
. Next, again for
, multiplying equality (
13) by
and integrating with respect to
t, we derive an equality
which implies inequality (
16). □
Three following lemmas are proved in [
6] in the case
. The proof in the general case is similar; however, we present it here in a more transparent way. The first auxiliary lemma is concerned with the properties of the operator
Lemma 3. Let the function , , be the eigenfunction of the operator A and . Then, and for certain natural numbers k and l.
Proof. Let , , for certain .
Extend the function
y by zero outside the segment
; note that
. Then, in
denotes the Dirac measure at the point
. Applying the Fourier transform, we derive an equality
whence for
Since the function
y has compact support, the function
can be extended to the entire function on
. Note that
; otherwise,
. The roots of the function
are simple and have the form
for a certain complex number
and integer number
n. Then, the roots of the function
must also be simple and coincide with the roots of the numerator. As a result, for a certain complex number
and natural
l, the roots of the denominator can be written in such a form:
Exploiting the Vieta formulas
we express
from the first one, substitute it into the second one and derive an equality:
Remark 4. It can be shown that the restriction on the size of the interval is also sufficient for the existence of such eigenfunctions, but this is not used further.
Lemma 4. For , let denote the space of initial functions such that in . Then, for all if or inequality (5) is satisfied if . Proof. It is obvious that if .
For any
, the set
is a finite-dimensional vector space. In fact, if
is a sequence in a unit ball
, it follows from (
12) that the corresponding sequence of weak solutions
is bounded in
and, therefore, the set
is bounded in
. With the use of the continuous embeddings
, where the first one is compact, by the standard argument (see [
23]) we obtain that the set
is relatively compact in
. Extracting the subsequence, we derive that it is convergent in
, whence it follows from (
16) that the corresponding subsequence of
is convergent in
. It means that the considered unit ball is compact, and the Riesz theorem (see [
24]) implies that the space
has a finite dimension.
is given. To prove that
, it is sufficient to find
such that
. Since the map
is nonincreasing and step-like, there exists
such that
. Let
. Since
, then
. Since
, there exists
On the other hand, by (
is closed in
. Therefore,
. In particular,
(the last property holds since
). Hence,
Since , if , the map has at least one nontrivial eigenfunction, which contradicts Lemma 3. □
Lemma 5. Let either or and inequality (5) be satisfied. Then, for any , there exists a constant such that for any , Proof. We argue by contradiction. If (
19) is not verified, there exists a sequence
such that
. As in the proof of the previous lemma, the corresponding sequence of weak solutions
is bounded in
, and according to (
17), the sequence
is bounded in
. Again as in the proof of the previous lemma, extract a subsequence of
, for simplicity also denoted as
, such that it is convergent in
. Then, by (
converges in
to the certain function
. Inequality (
15) implies that
. Then,
, which contradicts Lemma 4. □
Now consider the nonhomogeneous linear equation
The notion of a weak solution to the corresponding initial-boundary-value problem with initial and boundary conditions (
2) and (
3) is similar to Definition 1. In particular, the corresponding integral identity (for the same test functions as in Definition 1) is written as follows:
The following result is established in [
Lemma 6. Let , , , , . Then, there exists a unique weak solution to problem (20), (2), (3) andfor a certain constant , nondecreasing with respect to T. Remark 5. Then, it follows from (22) that Note also that .
Corollary 2. Let the hypothesis of Lemma 6 be satisfied; then, for and any function , , the following identity holds: Proof. Let
be a cut-off function; namely,
is an infinitely smooth nondecreasing function on
such that
. Denote
; then,
satisfies the assumptions on the test functions from Definition 1. Write the corresponding equality (
. Therefore, passing to the limit when
and integrating by parts, we derive equality (
24). □
Now we are able to establish a result on boundary controllability in the linear case.
Theorem 2. Let , , , . Assume also that the condition (5) is satisfied. Then, there exists a function and the corresponding unique solution to problem (20), (2), (3) , verifying condition (4). Proof. Assume first that
. For
, consider the solution
of the corresponding problem (
20), (
2), (
3); let
. Then, estimate (
23) implies that
is the linear bounded operator from
Consider the backward problem in
Then, this problem is equivalent to the problem for the function
Then, it follows from Corollary 1 that
and from inequalities (
15) and (
19) that
In the case
, the corresponding solution to problem (
25) and (
26) satisfies the assumptions on the functions
from Corollary 2. Write equality (
24) for
, then
By continuity, this equality can be extended to the case
. Let
; then, according to (
27) and the aforementioned properties of the operator
, the operator
B is bounded in
. Moreover, (
27) and (
28) provide that
The application of the Lax–Milgram theorem (see, [
24]) implies that the operator
B is invertible and
is bounded in
. Let
This operator is bounded from
. Then,
ensures the desired result in the considered case since
In the general case, the desired solution is constructed by formulas
Remark 6. Note that the function h can not be defined in a unique way. Indeed, choose in . Move the time origin to the point , and for and , construct the solution to the corresponding boundary-controllability problem, which is, of course, nontrivial. However, and solve the same problem.