MEM and MEM4PP: New Tools Supporting the Parallel Generation of Critical Metrics in the Evaluation of Statistical Models
:1. Introduction
2. Related Works
3. Materials and Methods
4. Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
1 *Processing script needed to argue the utility of the mem tool in Stata 2 use “F:\WVS_TimeSeries_stata_v1_6.dta” 3 label list C033 4 generate C033_bin = . 5 replace C033_bin = 1 if C033! = . & C033> = 6 6 replace C033_bin = 0 if C033! = . & C033<6 & C033>0 7 ***On the variables selected by Adaptive Boosting (R, the Rattle library) we apply LASSO as follows:*** 8 rlasso C033_bin A170 A173 C006 C031 C034 C042B1 D002 D036 E036 E045 E047 E170_WVS7LOC E180WVS F114A F141 F144 S003 S007 S017 X048WVS X049 Y010 Y020 9 cvlasso C033_bin A170 A173 C006 C031 C034 C042B1 D002 D036 E036 E045 E047 E170_WVS7LOC E180WVS F114A F141 F144 S003 S007 S017 X048WVS X049 Y010 Y020 10 cvlasso, lse 11 ***both rlasso & cvlasso with the lse option (1st LASSO stage above) remove 12 everything except: A170 A173 C006 C031 C034 C042B1 D002 12 rlasso C033_bin A170 A173 C006 C031 C034 C042B1 D002 13 cvlasso C033_bin A170 A173 C006 C031 C034 C042B1 D002 14 cvlasso, lse 15 ***cvlasso, lse (2nd LASSO stage above) removes A173 after running the previous three command lines*** 16 rlasso C033_bin A170 C006 C031 C034 C042B1 D002 17 cvlasso C033_bin A170 C006 C031 C034 C042B1 D002 18 cvlasso, lse 19 ***cv lasso, lse and rlasso (3rd LASSO stage above) do not eliminate anything (no loss)*** 20 label list A170 21 generate A170_bin = . 22 replace A170_bin = 1 if A170! = . & A170> = 6 23 replace A170_bin = 0 if A170! = . & A170<6 & A170>0 24 label list C006 25 generate C006_bin = . 26 replace C006_bin = 1 if C006! = . & C006> = 6 27 replace C006_bin = 0 if C006! = . & C006<6 & C006>0 28 label list C031 29 generate C031_bin = . 30 replace C031_bin = 1 if C031! = . & C031< = 2 & C031>0 31 replace C031_bin = 0 if C031! = . & C031>2 32 label list C034 33 generate C034_bin = . 34 replace C034_bin = 1 if C034! = . & C034> = 6 35 replace C034_bin = 0 if C034! = . & C034<6 & C034>0 36 *C042B1 is already in a binary form 37 label list C042B1 38 *Therefore, we did not perform any derivation in this case above. 39 label list D002 40 generate D002_bin = . 41 replace D002_bin = 1 if D002! = . & D002> = 6 42 replace D002_bin = 0 if D002! = . & D002<6 & D002>0 43 *Save the resulting dataset (after the processing above) 44 save “F:\WVS_TimeSeries_stata_v1_6processed.dta”, replace 45 *Open the resulting dataset above 46 clear all 47 cls 48 use “F:\WVS_TimeSeries_stata_v1_6processed.dta” |
1 *! version 1.1 24August2022 2 *Authors: Daniel HOMOCIANU & Cristina TIRNAUCA 3 *Download “mem.ado” to C:\ado\personal (Run it after any regression by simply using mem) 4 program define mem//(Model Evaluation Metrics) 5 version 17.0 6 ***Section1:Extracting the predictors’s list plus other specs.(e.g., condition) upto 1st comma’s position(cpos) from a regression command 7 capture local cpos = strpos(ustrright(e(cmdline),strlen(e(cmdline))-(strpos(e(cmdline),e(depvar))+strlen(e(depvar)))),”,”) 8 if _rc = = 0 { 9 if ‘cpos’ = = 0 { 10 local prdlist_plus = ustrright(e(cmdline),strlen(e(cmdline))-(strpos(e(cmdline),e(depvar))+strlen(e(depvar)))) 11 } 12 if ‘cpos’>0 { 13 local prdlist_plus = ustrleft(ustrright(e(cmdline),strlen(e(cmdline))-(strpos(e(cmdline),e(depvar))+strlen(e(depvar)))),‘cpos’-1) 14 } 15 } 16 ***Section2:Computing and storing maxAbsVPMCC = max.Abs.Value from Predictors’Matrix with Correl.Coefficient 17 *** 18 capture correlate ‘prdlist_plus’ 19 if _rc = = 0 { 20 matrix crlv = vec(r(C)) 21 local lim = rowsof(crlv) 22 local maxAbsVPMCC = 0 23 foreach i of num 1/‘lim’ { 24 if abs(crlv[‘i’,1])! = 1 { 25 local maxAbsVPMCC = max(‘maxAbsVPMCC’,abs(crlv[‘i’,1])) 26 } 27 } 28 if ‘maxAbsVPMCC’ = = 0 { 29 local maxAbsVPMCC = . 30 } 31 estadd local maxAbsVPMCC “‘:di %6.4f ‘maxAbsVPMCC’’” 32 } 33 ***Section3:Computing and storing the Variance Inflation Factors (VIFs)—both OLS model’s max.accepted & max.computed VIFs 34 *** 35 ***and also AUC(ROC), chi^2 and p for Goodness of Fit (GOF) 36 if e(cmd) = = “regress” { 37 local OLSmaxAcceptVIF = 1/(1-e(r2)) 38 estadd local OLSmaxAcceptVIF “‘:di %6.4f ‘OLSmaxAcceptVIF’’” 39 capture estat vif 40 if _rc = = 0 { 41 local OLSmaxComputVIF = ‘r(vif_1)’ 42 estadd local OLSmaxComputVIF “‘:di %6.4f ‘OLSmaxComputVIF’’” 43 } 44 } 45 capture lroc, nograph 46 if _rc = = 0 { 47 local AUCROC = ‘r(area)’ 48 estadd local AUCROC “‘:di %6.4f ‘AUCROC’’” 49 } 50 capture estat gof 51 if _rc = = 0 { 52 capture local chi2GOF = ‘r(chi2)’ 53 if _rc = = 0 { 54 estadd local chi2GOF “‘:di %6.2f ‘chi2GOF’’” 55 } 56 capture local pGOF = ‘r(p)’ 57 if _rc = = 0 { 58 estadd local pGOF “‘:di %6.4f ‘pGOF’’” 59 } 60 } 61 ***Section4:Storing last 2 thresholds for maxProbNlog(max.probability on the X axis from Zlotnik&Abraira’s nomogram gen.-nomolog) 62 *** × 1501500212 63 if e(cmd) = = “logit” | e(cmd) = = “logistic” { 64 set graphics off 65 capture nomolog 66 capture local maxProbNlogPenultThrsh = P [1,colsof(P)-1] 67 if _rc = = 0 { 68 estadd local maxProbNlogPenultThrsh “‘:di %6.4f ‘maxProbNlogPenultThrsh’’” 69 } 70 capture local maxProbNlogLastThrsh = P [1,colsof(P)] 71 if _rc = = 0 { 72 estadd local maxProbNlogLastThrsh “‘:di %6.4f ‘maxProbNlogLastThrsh’’” 73 } 74 set graphics on 75 } 76 end |
1 *! version 1.1 24August20222 2 *Authors: Daniel HOMOCIANU & Cristina TIRNAUCA 3 *Ex.1: mem4pp, dopath(“C:/”) *Ex.2: mem4pp, dopath(“C:/”) xcpu(6) disk(“C”) 4 program define mem4pp 5 version 17.0 6 syntax, dopath(string) [xcpu(real 2) disk(string)] 7 ***Getting the path of the current dataset and its number of variables*** 8 local dataset = “‘c(filename)’” 9 local dsetnvars = ‘c(k)’+150 10 if ‘dsetnvars’ < 2048 { 11 local dsetnvars = 2048 12 } 13 if ‘dsetnvars’ > 120000 { 14 di as error “ Error: The dataset is too large (>120000 vars.)!” 15 exit 16 } 17 if missing(“‘dataset’”) { 18 di as error “ Error: First you must open a dataset!” 19 exit 20 } 21 ***Checking the existing CPU configuration on the local hardware*** 22 local nproc : env NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS 23 local xc = 2 24 if !missing(“‘xcpu’”) { 25 if ‘xcpu’> = 2 & ‘xcpu’< = ‘nproc’ { 26 local xc = int(‘xcpu’) 27 } 28 else { 29 di as error “ Error: Provide at least 2 logical CPU cores (but no more than ‘nproc’) for MP tasks!” 30 exit 31 } 32 } 33 local dsk = “C” 34 if !missing(“‘disk’”) { 35 if “‘disk’”< = “z” | “‘disk’”< = “Z” { 36 local dsk = “‘disk’” 37 } 38 else { 39 di as error “Error: Provide a valid disk letter!” 40 exit 41 } 42 } 43 di “MEM4PP will save the results in the .csv files at ‘dsk’:\StataPPtasks!” 44 ***Generating the “” parallel processing template file*** 45 local smpt_path = “‘dsk’:\StataPPtasks\” 46 shell rd “‘smpt_path’”/s/q 47 qui mkdir “‘smpt_path’” 48 local full_do_path = “‘smpt_path’\” 49 local q_subdir = “queue” 50 qui mkdir ‘”‘smpt_path’/‘q_subdir’”‘ 51 local queue_path = “‘smpt_path’\‘q_subdir’” 52 local l_subdir = “logs” 53 qui mkdir ‘”‘smpt_path’/‘l_subdir’”‘ 54 local logs_path = “‘smpt_path’\‘l_subdir’” 55 qui file open mydofile using ‘”‘full_do_path’”‘, write replace 56 file write mydofile “clear all” _n 57 file write mydofile “log using “ 58 file write mydofile ‘”““‘ 59 file write mydofile “‘logs_path’\log” 60 file write mydofile “‘” 61 file write mydofile “1” 62 file write mydofile “‘“ 63 file write mydofile “.txt” 64 file write mydofile ‘”““‘ 65 file write mydofile “, text” _n 66 file write mydofile “set maxvar ‘dsetnvars’” _n 67 file write mydofile “use “ 68 file write mydofile ‘”““‘ 69 file write mydofile “‘dataset’” 70 file write mydofile ‘”““‘ _n 71 file write mydofile “‘” 72 file write mydofile “2” 73 file write mydofile “‘“ 74 file write mydofile “, “ 75 file write mydofile “‘” 76 file write mydofile “3” 77 file write mydofile “‘“ _n 78 file write mydofile “mem” _n 79 file write mydofile “esttab model* using “ 80 file write mydofile ‘”““‘ 81 file write mydofile “‘smpt_path’\model” 82 file write mydofile “‘” 83 file write mydofile “1” 84 file write mydofile “‘“ 85 file write mydofile “.csv” 86 file write mydofile ‘”““‘ 87 file write mydofile “, stats(N chi2 p r2 r2_p rmse maxAbsVPMCC OLSmaxAcceptVIF OLSmaxComputVIF AUCROC pGOF chi2GOF aic bic maxProbNlogPenultThrsh maxProbNlogLastThrsh) cells(b (star fmt(4)) se(par fmt(4))) starlevels(* 0.05 ** 0.01 *** 0.001)” _n 88 file write mydofile “log close” 89 qui file close mydofile 90 ***Finding the Stata directory*** 91 local _sys = “‘c(sysdir_stata)’” 92 local exec : dir “‘_sys’” files “Stata*.exe” , respect 93 foreach exe in ‘exec’ { 94 if inlist(“‘exe’”,”Stata.exe”,”Stata-64.exe”,”StataMP.exe”,”StataMP-64.exe”,”StataSE.exe”,”StataSE-64.exe”) { 95 local curr_st_exe ‘exe’ 96 continue, break 97 } 98 } 99 local st_path = “‘_sys’”+”‘curr_st_exe’” 100 capture confirm file ‘”‘_sys’‘curr_st_exe’”‘ 101 if _rc ! = 0 { 102 di as error “Stata’s sys dir and executable NOT found!” 103 exit 104 } 105 else { 106 di “!!!Stata’s sys dir and executable found: ‘st_path’ !!!” 107 } 108 ***Dynamically generating and configuring .do files(tasks) using “”*** 109 local k = 0 110 file open myfile using “‘dopath’”, read 111 file read myfile line 112 while r(eof) = = 0 { 113 if “‘ = word(“‘line’”,1)’” = = “#delimit” { 114 continue, break 115 } 116 if “‘ = word(“‘line’”,1)’”! = “mem” & substr(“‘ = word(“‘line’”,1)’”,1,1)! = “*” { 117 local k = ‘k’ + 1 118 capture local cpos = strpos(“‘line’”,”,”) 119 if ‘cpos’ = = 0 { 120 local l_line = “‘line’” 121 local r_line = ““ 122 } 123 if ‘cpos’>0 { 124 local l_line = ustrleft(“‘line’”, ‘cpos’-1) 125 local r_line = ustrright(“‘line’”, length(“‘line’”)-‘cpos’-1) 126 } 127 if ‘k’<10 { 128 qui file open mydofile using ‘queue_path’\job0‘k’.do, write replace 129 qui file write mydofile ‘”do “‘dsk’:\StataPPtasks\” “0‘k’” “‘l_line’” “‘r_line’”“‘ 130 } 131 if ‘k’> = 10 { 132 qui file open mydofile using ‘queue_path’\job‘k’.do, write replace 133 qui file write mydofile ‘”do “‘dsk’:\StataPPtasks\” “‘k’” “‘l_line’” “‘r_line’”“‘ 134 } 135 file close mydofile 136 } 137 file read myfile line 138 } 139 file close myfile 140 ***Allocating .do tasks to logical CPU cores using qsub v.13.1 (06/10/2015), made by Adrian Sayers.*** 141 *ssc install qsub, replace 142 if ‘xc’>‘k’ { 143 local xc = ‘k’ 144 } 145 qsub , jobdir(‘queue_path’) maxproc(‘xc’) statadir(‘st_path’) deletelogs 146 ***Printing logs for all .do tasks in the main session’s console*** 147 local mylogs : dir “‘logs_path’” files “*.txt” 148 local k = 0 149 foreach entry in ‘mylogs’ { 150 local k = ‘k’ + 1 151 if ‘k’<10 { 152 type “‘logs_path’\log0‘k’.txt” 153 } 154 if ‘k’> = 10 { 155 type “‘logs_path’\log‘k’.txt” 156 } 157 } 158 end |
Variable | Question | Coding |
C033 | Job satisfaction—DEPENDENT VARIABLE | 1-Dissatisfied … 10-Satisfied |
C033_bin | Job satisfaction (binary format)—DEPENDENT VARIABLE | 1 if C033! = . & C033> = 6 |
0 if C033! = . & C033<6 & C033>0 | ||
A170 | Satisfaction with your life | 1-Dissatisfied … 10-Satisfied |
A170_bin | Satisfaction with your life (binary format) | 1 if A170! = . & A170> = 6 |
0 if A170! = . & A170<6 & A170>0 | ||
C006 | Satisfaction with the financial situation of household | 1-Dissatisfied … 10-Satisfied |
C006_bin | Satisfaction with the financial situation of household (binary format) | 1 if C006! = . & C006> = 6 |
0 if C006! = . & C006<6 & C006>0 | ||
C031 | Degree of pride in your work | 1-A great deal … 4-None |
C031_bin | Degree of pride in your work (binary format) | 1 if C031! = . & C031< = 2 & C031>0 |
0 if C031! = . & C031>2 | ||
C034 | Freedom of decision-taking in the job | 1-Not at all … 10-A great deal |
C034_bin | Freedom of decision-taking in the job (binary format) | 1 if C034! = . & C034> = 6 |
0 if C034! = . & C034<6 & C034>0 | ||
C042B1 | Why people work: work is like a business transaction | 0-Not mentioned, 1-Mentioned |
D002 | Satisfaction with home life | 1-Dissatisfied … 10-Satisfied |
D002_bin | Satisfaction with home life (binary format) | 1 if D002! = . & D002> = 6 |
0 if D002! = . & D002<6 & D002>0 |
Variable | N | Mean | Std.Dev. | Min | 0.25 | Median | 0.75 | Max |
C033 | 15,968 | 7.27 | 2.31 | 1 | 6 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
C033_bin | 15,968 | 0.77 | 0.42 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
A170 | 420,669 | 6.7 | 2.42 | 1 | 5 | 7 | 8 | 10 |
A170_bin | 420,669 | 0.69 | 0.46 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
C006 | 411,461 | 5.75 | 2.58 | 1 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 |
C006_bin | 411,461 | 0.54 | 0.5 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
C031 | 14,988 | 1.73 | 0.87 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 4 |
C031_bin | 14,988 | 0.51 | 0.5 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
C034 | 17,900 | 6.54 | 2.79 | 1 | 5 | 7 | 9 | 10 |
C034_bin | 17,900 | 0.65 | 0.48 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
C042B1 | 22,493 | 0.14 | 0.35 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
D002 | 25,653 | 7.72 | 2.24 | 1 | 7 | 8 | 10 | 10 |
D002_bin | 25,653 | 0.83 | 0.38 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Model | (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) |
Predictors/Response Var. | C033_bin | A170_bin | C033_bin | C006_bin | C033_bin | C031_bin | C033_bin | C034_bin | C033_bin | C042B1 | C033_bin | D002_bin |
A170 | 0.3973 *** | |||||||||||
−0.0097 | ||||||||||||
C006 | 0.3300 *** | |||||||||||
−0.0084 | ||||||||||||
C031 | −1.2461 *** | |||||||||||
−0.0263 | ||||||||||||
C034 | 0.3233 *** | |||||||||||
−0.0077 | ||||||||||||
C042B1 | −0.7301 *** | |||||||||||
−0.0508 | ||||||||||||
D002 | 0.3264 *** | |||||||||||
−0.0092 | ||||||||||||
C033 | 0.3480 *** | 0.3049 *** | 0.5306 *** | 0.3800 *** | −0.1425 *** | 0.3360 *** | ||||||
−0.0089 | −0.0081 | −0.0118 | −0.0088 | −0.0099 | −0.0096 | |||||||
_cons | −1.3840 *** | −1.2868 *** | −0.5840 *** | −1.8448 *** | 3.5825 *** | −1.8024 *** | −0.7322 *** | −1.9542 *** | 1.3594 *** | −0.6646 *** | −1.1913 *** | −0.6141 *** |
−0.0646 | −0.0618 | −0.0473 | −0.0604 | −0.0576 | −0.0729 | −0.0475 | −0.0638 | −0.0233 | −0.0705 | −0.069 | −0.0644 | |
N | 15,848 | 15,848 | 15,811 | 15,811 | 14,900 | 14,900 | 15,811 | 15,811 | 13,528 | 13,528 | 15,752 | 15,752 |
chi^2 | 1681.697 | 1511.46 | 1558.748 | 1406.843 | 2237.2495 | 2034.758 | 1771.526 | 1851.932 | 206.4193 | 208.5788 | 1253.118 | 1212.24 |
p | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
pseudo R^2 | 0.1258 | 0.106 | 0.1046 | 0.08 | 0.1833 | 0.2168 | 0.1244 | 0.1204 | 0.0135 | 0.0178 | 0.088 | 0.0993 |
AUC-ROC | 0.7443 | 0.7129 | 0.7272 | 0.6797 | 0.7667 | 0.8095 | 0.7377 | 0.728 | 0.5548 | 0.5927 | 0.6912 | 0.7193 |
AIC | 14,832.35 | 15,908.21 | 15,176.62 | 19,733.43 | 13,249.447 | 10,656.06 | 14,786.66 | 17,607.53 | 14,307.509 | 11,673.32 | 15,391.21 | 12,641.82 |
BIC | 14,847.69 | 15,923.55 | 15,191.96 | 19,748.77 | 13,264.665 | 10,671.28 | 14,802 | 17,622.87 | 14,322.534 | 11,688.34 | 15,406.54 | 12,657.15 |
maxProbNlogPenultThrsh | 0.8 | 0.7 | 0.8 | 0.6 | 0.9 | 0.9 | 0.8 | 0.7 | ··· . | 0.2 | 0.7 | 0.8 |
maxProbNlogLastThrsh | 0.9 | 0.8 | 0.9 | 0.7 | 0.95 | 0.95 | 0.9 | 0.8 | 0.7 | 0.3 | 0.8 | 0.9 |
Model | (1) | (2) | (3) |
Predictors/Response Var. | C033_bin | ||
A170 | 0.0512 *** | 0.0536 *** | |
−0.0017 | −0.0015 | ||
C006 | 0.0338 *** | 0.0409 *** | |
−0.0014 | −0.0013 | ||
C034 | 0.0433 *** | 0.0451 *** | |
−0.0013 | −0.0013 | ||
_cons | 0.2089 *** | 0.1061 *** | 0.2267 *** |
−0.0123 | −0.0125 | −0.0111 | |
N | 15704 | 15705 | 15671 |
p | 0 | 0 | 0 |
R^2 | 0.1697 | 0.2111 | 0.1906 |
RMSE | 0.3814 | 0.371 | 0.3759 |
maxAbsVPMCC | 0.5643 | 0.2765 | 0.2759 |
OLSmaxAcceptVIF | 1.2043 | 1.2676 | 1.2355 |
OLSmaxComputVIF | 1.2797 | 1.0873 | 1.0882 |
AIC | 14,298.3711 | 13,423.0338 | 13,806.915 |
BIC | 14,321.3561 | 13,446.019 | 13,829.8937 |
Model | (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) |
Regression Type | logit | OLS | logit | OLS | logit | logit | OLS | OLS | logit | logit | OLS | OLS |
Filter Condition | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | if C006! = . | if A170! = . | if C006! = . | if A170! = . | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Predictors/Response Var. | C033_bin | |||||||||||
A170 | 0.1802 *** | 0.0244 *** | 0.2667 *** | 0.0416 *** | 0.3433 *** | 0.0535 *** | 0.3441 *** | 0.0536 *** | ||||
−0.0141 | −0.0019 | −0.0111 | −0.0017 | −0.0103 | −0.0016 | −0.0102 | −0.0015 | |||||
C006 | 0.1413 *** | 0.0166 *** | 0.1851 *** | 0.0254 *** | 0.2780 *** | 0.0409 *** | 0.2776 *** | 0.0409 *** | ||||
−0.0122 | −0.0015 | −0.0102 | −0.0014 | −0.0092 | −0.0013 | −0.0091 | −0.0013 | |||||
C031 | −0.8791 *** | −0.1425 *** | ||||||||||
−0.0305 | −0.0047 | |||||||||||
C034 | 0.1957 *** | 0.0261 *** | 0.2579 *** | 0.0394 *** | 0.2784 *** | 0.2765 *** | 0.0432 *** | 0.0449 *** | 0.2791 *** | 0.2768 *** | 0.0433 *** | 0.0451 *** |
−0.0099 | −0.0014 | −0.0084 | −0.0013 | −0.0083 | −0.0081 | −0.0013 | −0.0013 | −0.0083 | −0.0081 | −0.0013 | −0.0013 | |
C042B1 | −0.3345 *** | −0.0523 *** | ||||||||||
−0.0653 | −0.0092 | |||||||||||
D002 | 0.0803 *** | 0.0123 *** | ||||||||||
−0.0136 | −0.002 | |||||||||||
_cons | −0.7354 *** | 0.4882 *** | −3.1023 *** | 0.0649 *** | −2.7134 *** | −1.9714 *** | 0.1076 *** | 0.2276 *** | −2.7222 *** | −1.9723 *** | 0.1061 *** | 0.2267 *** |
−0.1383 | −0.0219 | −0.0866 | −0.0127 | −0.0813 | −0.0672 | −0.0126 | −0.0112 | −0.081 | −0.0669 | −0.0125 | −0.0111 | |
N | 12,899 | 12,899 | 15,576 | 15,576 | 15,576 | 15,576 | 15,576 | 15,576 | 15,705 | 15,671 | 15,705 | 15,671 |
chi2 | 2477.4685 | 2541.0448 | 2376.3159 | 2285.7133 | 2400.0313 | 2306.7919 | ||||||
p | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
R^2 | 0.2997 | 0.2279 | 0.2101 | 0.19 | 0.2111 | 0.1906 | ||||||
pseudo R^2 | 0.2927 | 0.2231 | 0.2021 | 0.1842 | 0.203 | 0.1846 | ||||||
RMSE | 0.3487 | 0.3668 | 0.371 | 0.3757 | 0.371 | 0.3759 | ||||||
maxAbsVPMCC | 0.5264 | 0.5264 | 0.4696 | 0.4696 | 0.2763 | 0.2754 | 0.2763 | 0.2754 | 0.2765 | 0.2759 | 0.2765 | 0.2759 |
OLSmaxAcceptVIF | 1.4279 | 1.2951 | 1.2659 | 1.2346 | 1.2676 | 1.2355 | ||||||
OLSmaxComputVIF | 1.5845 | 1.3203 | 1.0872 | 1.0878 | 1.0873 | 1.0882 | ||||||
AUC−ROC | 0.852 | 0.8166 | 0.8022 | 0.7919 | 0.8028 | 0.7922 | ||||||
p GOF | 0.0017 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||||
chi^2 GOF | 7159.82 | 1155.72 | 283.98 | 256.74 | 280.01 | 260.9 | ||||||
AIC | 9709.2467 | 9434.8801 | 12,902.2457 | 12,963.9656 | 13,249.4442 | 13,546.3796 | 13,317.1563 | 13,707.6119 | 13,353.616 | 13,640.0974 | 13,423.0338 | 13,806.915 |
BIC | 9761.501 | 9487.1345 | 12,932.8596 | 12,994.5796 | 13,272.4047 | 13,569.3401 | 13,340.1168 | 13,730.5724 | 13,376.6012 | 13,663.0761 | 13,446.019 | 13,829.8937 |
maxProbNlogPenultThrsh | 0.95 | 0.9 | 0.9 | 0.9 | 0.9 | 0.9 | ||||||
maxProbNlogLastThrsh | 0.99 | 0.95 | 0.95 | 0.95 | 0.95 | 0.95 |
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Homocianu, D.; Tîrnăucă, C. MEM and MEM4PP: New Tools Supporting the Parallel Generation of Critical Metrics in the Evaluation of Statistical Models. Axioms 2022, 11, 549.
Homocianu D, Tîrnăucă C. MEM and MEM4PP: New Tools Supporting the Parallel Generation of Critical Metrics in the Evaluation of Statistical Models. Axioms. 2022; 11(10):549.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHomocianu, Daniel, and Cristina Tîrnăucă. 2022. "MEM and MEM4PP: New Tools Supporting the Parallel Generation of Critical Metrics in the Evaluation of Statistical Models" Axioms 11, no. 10: 549.
APA StyleHomocianu, D., & Tîrnăucă, C. (2022). MEM and MEM4PP: New Tools Supporting the Parallel Generation of Critical Metrics in the Evaluation of Statistical Models. Axioms, 11(10), 549.