The effect of this Fe loss and the impact of Cu on P sorption are further discussed in this section.
3.1. Characterization of Slag
Detailed characterization of the slag before and after interaction with P-only stormwater was previously completed and presented [
32]. Those prior characterization tests resulted in the following major findings: (1) The EAF slag used in these experiments were principally composed of iron (Fe) and calcium (Ca), as previously noticed in other studies on EAF slag [
36], and were present as Wüstite (FeO), Larnite (β-Ca
4), Brownmillerite (Ca
5), Srebrodolskite (Ca
5) and Lime (CaO); (2) Fe content was the highest in the fresh slag, according to the following metal composition (%, g/g): Fe—23.93, Ca—20.71, Si—5.83, Mn—4.6, Al—4.52, Cr—1.66, and Ni—0.023; (3) Physisorption was a contributor to P removal by EAF slag; (4) Fe depletion from slag was evident.
In this study, characterization was extended to spent slag specimens from the treatment of other synthetic stormwater systems in
Table 2. BET (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller) surface area determination was carried out to ascertain if physisorption occurred in all cases, especially in the case of the Cu-dominant system, P + Cu, where significantly lower P removal had been observed. The BET surface area (m
2/g) of the fresh EAF slag sample was 1.12.
Table 3 shows the results for the BET surface area of the spent slag samples from treatment of the different stormwater matrices.
Table 3.
BET (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller) Surface Area of spent slag samples.
Table 3.
BET (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller) Surface Area of spent slag samples.
No. | Source of spent slag sample | BET Surface Area (m2/g) |
1 | P-only | 0.48 |
2 | P + Cd | 0.50 |
3 | P + Cu | 0.45 |
4 | P + Pb | 0.79 |
5 | P + Zn | 0.47 |
6 | P + Mix | 0.58 |
A decrease in the BET surface area was observed for all the used slag specimens when compared with the fresh slag. This indicates the likelihood of physisorption as a P removal mechanism in all the stormwater systems, irrespective of their composition. Also, the difference in the surface area decrease of the slag sample retrieved from P-only and those applied to the other metal-containing stormwater solutions may be negligible. When the surface area of spent slag from P-only was compared to that from P + Cu, there was essentially no difference. It can therefore be deduced that though physical adsorption contributes to P reduction, it may not be the key P removal mechanism. Some other mechanism appears to be responsible for the increased P adsorption density noticed in P-only versus the lower P uptake observed in P + Cu.
XRD results of spent slag samples from the treatment of the P-only, P + Cu and P + Mix stormwater matrices (
Table 2) are presented in
Figure 1,
Figure 2,
Figure 3. In
Figure 1(a), the XRD spectrum of spent slag from P-only [
32] has been reproduced. This has been compared with the XRD patterns of spent slag from both P + Cu (
Figure 1b), in which P-removal was statistically different as against P-reduction in P-only and P + Mix (
Figure 1c), in which P-removal was statistically insignificant as was also the case for P + Cd, P + Pb and P + Zn.
Figure 1.
X-ray diffraction pattern of spent slag from (a) P-only (P removal: 95%); (b) P + Cu (Premoval: 68%); (c) P + Mix (Premoval: 95%).
Figure 1.
X-ray diffraction pattern of spent slag from (a) P-only (P removal: 95%); (b) P + Cu (Premoval: 68%); (c) P + Mix (Premoval: 95%).
XRD results of the spent slag samples from P + Cu and P + Mix also showed that the major volume fraction was amorphous. Just as in the case of spent slag from P-only, Wüstite (FeO), Larnite (β-Ca
4), Brownmillerite (Ca
5), Srebrodolskite (Ca
5), Lime (CaO) were identified as common constituents in the representative spent slag samples from those stormwater types. Magnetite (Fe
4) was also noticed in some cases. For example, while lime (CaO) was identified in the spent slag from P-only, it was not noticeable in the slag samples used on P + Cu and P+ Mix. Instead, the latter slag samples contained magnetite (Fe
4), which on the contrary, was not identified in the slag used to treat P-only. This observed variation in slag composition indicates that the EAF slag is heterogeneous. However, the disparity in the slag make-up did not appear to be significant in fully explaining the resulting P removal observed in the different stormwater solutions. Overall, Fe and Ca were consistently proven to be key components of the EAF slag under study, as previously observed [
The semi-quantitative EDS results for the spent slag samples from P-only [
32], P + Cu and P + Mix are shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2.
Semi-quantitative EDS results of spent slag from (a) P-only (P removal: 95%); (b) P + Cu (P removal: 68%); (c) P + Mix (Premoval: 95%).
Figure 2.
Semi-quantitative EDS results of spent slag from (a) P-only (P removal: 95%); (b) P + Cu (P removal: 68%); (c) P + Mix (Premoval: 95%).
The specimen spectra confirm the uptake of P by slag. The data also point to a significant decrease in Fe content of spent slag from P-only and P + Mix, as compared to the Fe content in that from P + Cu experiments. There appears to be correlation between the loss of Fe and the amount of P removed by the slag. Also, the formation of precipitates was visible in the P-only and P + Mix systems at the conclusion of the experiments. It is well-known that P can be removed from wastewater via chemical precipitation by the addition of divalent and trivalent metal salts [
40]. It is thus likely that ferric ions lost from the slag combine with P in solution to form ferric phosphate (FePO
4). The basic reaction is:
![Water 04 00321 i001]()
This may explain the increased removal of dissolved P from those systems. For P + Cu, the presence of Cu in the stormwater appeared to generally impede the loss of Fe from slag and thus its eventual consumption for chemical precipitation. This may justify the lower removal of dissolved P detected in P + Cu, as previously observed. Further, the effect of Cu may be explained by the ion-exchange surface model [
41]. The model has been used to describe processes occurring at the surface of hydrated oxides and some organic compounds. According to the model, the hydration of aluminum oxide, iron (II) oxide, manganese (IV) oxide, and silicon oxide leads to the formation of amorphous surfaces that contain exchangeable protons. These metals—Al, Fe, Mn and Si—were observed in the slag, which in solution becomes hydrated. Also XRD has confirmed the amorphous nature of the slag surface. Thus, the ion-exchange model may be applicable here. The ion-exchange process in which the adsorbed cation (Mn
+) exchanges for a proton (H
+) can be represented by the following simplified Equation [
![Water 04 00321 i002]()
From Equation 2, a theory is proposed that Cu
2+ in solution is exchanged for H
+ and adsorbed on the surface of the slag. It is likely that Cu
2+ forms a highly stable complex with slag, as has been observed in the stable complexes it forms with nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) and citrate ligands [
41]. This stability may be responsible for impeding the loss of Fe from the slag to the solution, and subsequently, the removal of P by precipitation. The lower P uptake from the stormwater in the presence of EAF slag and Cu can thus be explained.
3.2. Effect of Varying Phosphate Concentration
The impacts of varying P concentration are shown in
Figure 3. Irrespective of the type of metal constituent(s) present in the stormwater, adsorption density (mg P/g slag) increased with upsurge in P concentration. This result was expected given that there was more P available for sorption in the stormwater solution per unit mass of slag.
Figure 3.
Influence of P concentration.
Figure 3.
Influence of P concentration.
The inhibiting effect of Cu2+ on P removal was once again noted in these experiments. However, P concentration appeared to have an influence on the prominence of the “Cu-effect”. At the lower concentration of the spectrum (i.e., P : M = 2.5), the difference in P-removal (mg/g) was essentially negligible across the stormwater systems, and the presence of Cu2+ in P + Cu did not appear to matter much. One possible explanation may be that at lower P concentrations, physisorption is the principal removal process and greater P-removal advantage enjoyed by the other systems through precipitation via the loss of slag Fe, as proposed previously, may be effectively diminished due to the absence of sufficient P in solution.
At the higher P concentration (i.e., P:M = 10), there appears to be ample P in solution to result in near-saturation or saturation of the slag in all the systems. Therefore, the amount of P removed via varying degrees of physisorption or precipitation, or a combination of these mechanisms in the various systems, evens out and the difference in P uptake that would ordinarily be expected becomes less pronounced.
3.3. Effect of Varying Metal Concentration
The effects of varying heavy metal concentrations in stormwater without the use of slag in the batch adsorption tests are presented in
Figure 4. The results show that at higher concentrations, the metal ions, with the exception of Cd
2+ (
Figure 4a), remove P primarily and increasingly by precipitation.
However, there was a dissimilar precipitation pattern for the different metal constituents. For example, in the case of Cu
2+ (
Figure 4b), precipitation takes place gradually, reaching equilibrium within the first 24 h. No changes were noticed thereafter. For Zn
2+ (
Figure 4d), a much slower pattern of precipitation is observed. It is only after considerably long reaction times, and at higher concentrations, that Zn
2+ begins to show a tendency to remove P via precipitation. When it comes to Pb
2+ (
Figure 4c), precipitation is instantaneous, reaching equilibrium immediately. This pattern differs significantly from that of Cd
2+ (
Figure 4a), which shows that precipitation of P by Cd
2+ does not occur with time or over the increasing range of metal concentrations tested. These observed precipitation patterns seem to be related to the electronic structures of the metal ions. The zero to slow precipitation patterns observed in the case of Cd
2+ and Zn
2+ may be attributed to the stability they derive from having completely filled d-subshells.
Based on the negligible P precipitation observed even at high concentrations, Cd
2+ was found not to be a crucial component for further testing with respect to the influence of increasing metal concentrations (M : P). Furthermore, it has already been established that Cd had no detectable effect on the removal of P from simulated stormwater using EAF slag [
32]. It was thus eliminated. Only Cu
2+, Pb
2+ and Zn
2+ concentrations were varied to investigate impacts on P removal.
As well, except where mentioned, Cd was discarded for further consideration in this study as it was not a priority metal in urban runoff, unlike Cu, Pb and Zn. These three latter metals are most often detected in urban runoff, with at least 91% of the samples studied in the Nationwide Urban Runoff Program containing measurable concentrations of each [
Figure 5 shows the effect of increasing metal concentration on adsorption density (mg P/g slag).
Figure 4.
Precipitation patterns of metal ions of increasing concentration reacting with P in the stormwater systems (no slag) (a) P + Cd; (b) P + Cu; (c) P + Pb; (d) P + Zn.
Figure 4.
Precipitation patterns of metal ions of increasing concentration reacting with P in the stormwater systems (no slag) (a) P + Cd; (b) P + Cu; (c) P + Pb; (d) P + Zn.
Figure 5.
Effect of varying metal concentration.
Figure 5.
Effect of varying metal concentration.
For P + Cu, the introduction of Cu
2+ at the lower concentration, Cu:P = 0.2, led to reduced P uptake by the EAF slag substrate as previously explained by the ion-exchange surface model. Increase of Cu
2+ concentration at Cu:P = 0.6 resulted in a spike in P removal. From the precipitation profile of P + Cu in
Figure 4b, the removal of P by precipitation was intensified at higher concentrations of Cu
2+. Thus, the elevated P adsorption density noticed at Cu:P = 0.6 appeared to be as a result of increased P removal by precipitation due to excess Cu
2+, in addition to sorption by the slag.
Beyond Cu:P = 0.6, a lesser P adsorption density was noticed. The observed reduction in P removal by slag was considered to be related to the increased removal of P by precipitation at time, t = 0, i.e., prior to the addition of slag to the stormwater system. About 15% to 16 % of P was removed at t = 0, for Cu2+ concentrations at Cu:P = 1.0 and above. This indicated that there was a smaller amount of P available at t = 0 for uptake by the slag; hence the reduction in P adsorption density.
For P + Pb, a sharper decrease in P removal at higher Pb
2+ concentrations (Pb:P = 1.0 and above) was observed. At lower Pb
2+ concentration (Pb:P = 0–0.6) however, P adsorption density changes were statistically insignificant. This P removal trend was consistent with the pattern of P precipitation by Pb
2+ depicted in
Figure 4c, where instantaneous removal of P at
t = 0 increasingly occurred at higher Pb
2+ concentrations. At Pb
2+ concentrations of Pb:P = 1.0 and above, between 25% and 40% of P was removed via precipitation at
t = 0, leading to less availability of P for removal by EAF slag, after it was introduced into the stormwater solution. The outcome was thus a sharper fall in the measured P adsorption density at higher Pb
2+ concentrations than was noticed in the case of higher Cu
2+ concentrations, where only ~15% of P was removed at
t = 0.
For P + Zn, the effect of increasing Zn2+ concentration on P removal is much less pronounced than for Cu2+ and Pb2+. Even at higher Zn2+ concentrations (Zn:P = 1.0–1.4), there appears to only be a slight increase in P removal due to precipitation. The incremental P uptake at these elevated concentrations is not statistically significant when compared to removal at lower Zn2+ concentrations (Zn:P = 0–0.6). As well, increase in precipitation with higher Zn2+ concentrations occurs gradually and much slower than with Cu2+ and Pb2+, where it is more sudden and faster.
Overall, precipitation of P by the metal ions played a noticeable role in the P removal process, and the P removal patterns appeared to correlate with the precipitation trends presented in
Figure 4.
3.5. Effect of Particle Size
Figure 7 depicts the effect of varying slag particle diameter on the P sorption process. As seen, P removal essentially improves with reduced particle size for the same mass of slag. From the BET results presented earlier, surface area was correlated to P removal. Thus, smaller particle diameters result in larger surface areas, and consequently, better P removal efficiencies. However the data provided in
Figure 7 clearly show that below a certain particle size (in this case, 1.40–1.70 mm) incremental P removal appears to be negligible.
Figure 6.
Effect of varying slag mass across different P concentrations on (a) P conversion (%); (b) Adsorption density (mg P/g).
Figure 6.
Effect of varying slag mass across different P concentrations on (a) P conversion (%); (b) Adsorption density (mg P/g).
Figure 7.
Effect of slag particle diameter on P removal.
Figure 7.
Effect of slag particle diameter on P removal.
3.6. Effect of Initial pH
The effects of initial pH on P removal by EAF slag are depicted in
Figure 8. For stormwater types P and P + Cu, P adsorption density is enhanced at acidic pH. As initial pH increases (
i.e., with a more basic solution), the P removal efficiency drops. Here again, in comparing P with P + Cu, the effect of Cu
2+ in impeding the removal of P from stormwater is observed at both low and high pH values. For P + Pb and P + Zn, the P removal pattern as a function of varying initial pH is unclear. Both stormwater types showed a dip in P removal efficiency at pH 5 and then a rebound at pH 7 before a final decline at pH 9. Overall, what is clear is that better performance was obtained at the acidic extreme (pH 3), while at the basic extreme (pH 9), performance was poorest for all stormwater systems.
The findings from this work highlight important complexities noticed in prior similar studies on the effect of initial pH. Numerous investigations have shown that optimal pH levels for P removal vary widely for different adsorbents. For instance, optimal P removal using blast furnace slag has been noticed at a high pH of 10 [
42]; the efficiency of P removal using slag has been shown to improve at acidic pH [
17]; while in previous a study on EAF slag, it was found that initial pH could not be strongly correlated to the observed P adsorption density [
Figure 8.
Effect of initial pH on P removal.
Figure 8.
Effect of initial pH on P removal.
3.7. Effect of Temperature
The sorption behavior of P as a function of solution temperature is presented in
Figure 9. It can be seen that P removal increased with temperature (
Figure 9a). However, it is the Cu-dominant stormwater (P + Cu) that experienced the greatest improvement with temperature. It is possible that increased temperatures allowed for the weakening of stable bonds formed between Cu
2+ with the slag, thereby improving the loss of Fe from the slag into the solution, and consequently, resulting in greater P uptake through precipitation. In addition, at higher temperatures, P removal occurred faster, as shown in
Figure 9b. Readings were taken at 0 h and 24 h, with a straight line drawn between those two points. A larger slope signified a quicker decline in solution P concentration with time.
Figure 9.
The effect of temperature on % P removal. (a) P conversion (%); (b) P removal rate from stormwater type P over 24 h (% P removal/h).
Figure 9.
The effect of temperature on % P removal. (a) P conversion (%); (b) P removal rate from stormwater type P over 24 h (% P removal/h).
The distribution coefficient (
KD) values at the various temperatures were also calculated. The distribution coefficient of a solute between two phases is calculated as the ratio of the concentration of the solute in one phase to its concentration in the other phase under equilibrium conditions [
where, WM = amount of metal in adsorbent, mg P/g; VM = amount of metal in solution, mg P/cm3.
The values of
KD at the different temperatures are presented in
Table 4.
KD increases with temperature, which means that sorption process is endothermic. ∆S and ∆H were obtained from a linear plot of ln KD
versus 1/T according to the following thermodynamic correlation [
where, KD = Distribution coefficient, cm3/g; ∆S = change in entropy, kJ mol−1 K−1; ∆H = change in enthalpy, kJ mol−1; R = gas constant, kJ mol−1 K, T = absolute temperature, K.
The values of ∆H, ∆S and ∆G, the change in Gibbs free energy (kJ mol
-1), are also given in
Table 4. ∆G was calculated from the ensuing equation:
Table 4.
Thermodynamic parameters for P adsorption on EAF slag.
Table 4.
Thermodynamic parameters for P adsorption on EAF slag.
C0 (mol L−1) | KD (cm3 g−1) | ∆H ( kJ mol−1) | ∆S ( kJ mol−1 K−1) | ∆G ( kJ mol−1) |
298 K | 313 K | 333K | 298 K | 313 K | 333K |
5.26 × 10−5 | 5.03× 103 | 1.34× 106 | 1.28× 107 | 182.1 | 0.69 | −22.9 | −33.2 | −47.0 |
As seen in
Table 4, ∆H is positive, which supports the previous conclusion that the sorption process is endothermic. Also, the ∆G values at all three temperatures are negative, decreasing with an increase in temperature. This means that the sorption process is more spontaneous with increasing temperature, and thus occurs more easily at higher temperatures.
3.8. Statistical analysis
Each plotted point on the graphs represented the average value of three readings. The error bars reflected the standard deviation of measurements from their mean. Calculated values for relative standard deviation for all P measurements taken in the course of the study ranged from less than 1% to as much as 20% in one case.
One-way ANOVA showed that there were significant differences in the P removal results obtained across the various slag particle diameters investigated (
dfB = 5,
dfW = 12,
F = 1548.09,
p = 2.01E−16). An independent samples t-test revealed that there were significant differences in P removal (
df = 4,
t = 65.9,
p = 4.94E−17) when slag particles in the range 0.50–0.85 mm (Mean = 1.24, SD = 9.59E−03) were used as compared with slag particles of 4.75–5.56 mm (Mean = 0.3, SD = 3.28E−02). Further
post-hoc comparisons between P removal results obtained from pairs of different slag particle size ranges were carried out using Scheffé’s test. The results are summarized in
Table 5. Statistical significance occurred when
F > F’, where
F’ is the product of
dfB and the critical value of
F for
dfB and
dfW at
α = 0.05. If
F < F’, then there was no statistical difference between the P removal results obtained from using the different slag particle diameters.
For the P concentration experiments, two-way ANOVA results confirmed that the main effect of stormwater composition was significant (F (5,60) = 579.496, p = 2.4E−49), as was the main effect of P concentration (F (4,60) = 79,199.920, p = 6.5E−111). The interaction effect of these two factors was also significant (F (20,60) = 176.791, p = 8.6E−46).
In the case of metal concentration experiments, the main effect of stormwater composition was significant (F (2,30) = 378.464, p = 5.2E−22), as was the main effect of metal concentration (F (4,30) = 265.673, p = 5.9E−23) and the interaction effect between the stormwater composition and the metal concentration (F (8,30) = 196.032, p = 9.8E−24).
Table 5.
Scheffé’s post-hoc comparisons of P removed using different slag particle sizes (A vs. B).
Table 5.
Scheffé’s post-hoc comparisons of P removed using different slag particle sizes (A vs. B).
No. | A | B | Results |
1 | 0.50–0.85 mm | 2.36–3.35 mm | Significant |
2 | 0.50–0.85 mm | 1.40–1.70 mm | Significant |
3 | 0.50–0.85 mm | 1.00–1.40 mm | Significant |
4 | 0.50–0.85 mm | 0.85–1.00 mm | Significant |
5 | 0.85–1.00 mm | 1.00–1.40 mm | Not significant |
6 | 0.85–1.00 mm | 1.40–1.70 mm | Not significant |
7 | 0.85–1.00 mm | 2.36–3.35 mm | Significant |
8 | 0.85–1.00 mm | 4.75–5.56 mm | Significant |
9 | 1.00–1.40 mm | 1.40–1.70 mm | Not significant |
10 | 1.00–1.40 mm | 2.36–3.35 mm | Significant |
11 | 1.00–1.40 mm | 4.75–5.56 mm | Significant |
For pH experiments, the main effect of stormwater composition was significant (F (3,32) = 229.009, p = 1.1E−21), as was the main effect of pH (F (3,32) = 613.512, p = 2.4E−28). The interaction effect of both factors was also significant (F (9,32) = 54.634, p = 6.8E−17).
With respect to the influence of temperature on P removal, the main effect of stormwater composition was significant (F (5,36) = 799.072, p = 8.2E−36). The main effect of temperature (F (2,36) = 2598.005, p = 1.2E−39) was also significant, as was its interaction effect with stormwater composition (F (10,36) = 360.251, p = 5.8E−33).
Experiments on the variation of slag mass at different P concentrations showed that the main effect of P concentration was significant (F (1,16) = 724.369, p = 9.4E−15), as was the main effect of slag mass (F (3,16) = 133.982, p = 1.5E−11) and the interaction effect between P concentration and slag mass (F (3,16) = 287.524, p = 4.0E−14).
From the results of the statistical analysis, it is apparent that the stormwater composition, P concentration, metal concentration, pH, temperature, slag mass and slag particle size have an influence on the extent of P removal. In addition, a combination of the stormwater composition and other environmental factors such as P concentration, metal concentration, pH or temperature affects P removal differently. Also, when considering EAF slag as a treatment system for stormwater remediation, it is also important to note that the slag surface area plays an important role in determining the efficiency of P removal. Larger slag surface areas (i.e., smaller particle sizes) will produce better treatment results. As well, P removal is influenced differently by a combination of P concentration and slag mass.