Selenium Removal by Sediments and Plants at the Constructed Pariette Wetlands, Utah (USA)
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Description of Study Area
2.2. Field Methods
2.3. Laboratory and Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Temporal Variation of Plant Se Concentration
3.2. Spatial Distribution of Se in Water, Sediments and Plants
3.3. Plant Species and Part Se Concentration
4. Discussion
4.1. Mass Balance of Selenium
4.2. Selenium Uptake in Plant Tissue
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Summary Statistics | n | Mean ± Std Err μg L−1 or μg kg−1 | Min μg L−1 or μg kg−1 | Max μg L−1 or μg kg−1 |
Water | ||||
Flood Control | 4 | 5.4 ± 1.9 | 1.8 | 9.3 |
Desilt | 3 | 0.7 ± 0.03 | 0.7 | 0.8 |
Felters | 3 | 1.3 ± 0.03 | 1.3 | 1.4 |
Big Island | 3 | 1.2 ± 0.06 | 1.1 | 1.3 |
Pintail | 3 | 1.4 ± 0.2 | 1.1 | 1.7 |
Gadwall | 3 | 0.9 ± 0.2 | 0.6 | 1.3 |
Redhead | 3 | 1.0 ± 0.2 | 0.6 | 1.4 |
Sediment | ||||
Flood Control | 3 | 16.1 ± 7.8 | 3.5 | 30.2 |
Desilt | 9 | 1186 ± 786 | 482 | 7031 |
Felters | 9 | 1881 ± 399 | 868 | 4090 |
Big Island | 9 | 2206 ± 786 | 132 | 7031 |
Pintail | 9 | 2070 ± 609 | 257 | 5344 |
Gadwall | 9 | 3154 ± 283 | 2092 | 4458 |
Redhead | 9 | 2252 ± 436 | 602 | 4559 |
Plant * | ||||
Flood Control | 24 | 259 ± 21 | 110 | 430 |
Desilt | 67 | 319 ± 26 | 50 | 980 |
Felters | 45 | 439 ± 57 | 41 | 1709 |
Big Island | 57 | 906 ± 180 | 43 | 6476 |
Pintail | 45 | 680 ± 101 | 55 | 3262 |
Gadwall | 65 | 449 ± 47 | 0.6 | 1479 |
Redhead | 100 | 502 ± 49 | 26 | 2800 |
Species | Root (μg kg−1) | Stem (μg kg−1) | Flower (μg kg−1) | Whole Plant (μg kg−1) |
Emergent Vegetation | ||||
S. maritimus | 1188 ± 128 | 278 ± 25 | 235 ± 20 | 534 ± 147 * |
S. acutus | 743 ± 72 | 227 ± 35 | 152 ± 15 | 368 ± 37 * |
Typha | 897 ± 97 | 196.0 ± 30.0 | 207 ± 22 | 420 ± 43 * |
P. australis | 2755 ± 768 | 240 ± 28 | 376 ± 42 | 832 ± 226 * |
Submerged Vegetation | ||||
Chara spp. | 929 ± 194 | 656 ± 173 | 675 ± 162 | 637 ± 26 |
P. filiformis | NA | NA | NA | 775 ± 68 |
M. spicatum | NA | NA | NA | 874 ± 122 |
Variable | Chevron Refinery Marsh, California [43] | Cienega de Santa Clara Wetland, Mexico [45] | Clark County Wetlands Park, Nevada [46] | Pariette Wetlands, Utah [31] |
Mean annual temp, deg C | 14.4 | 14.4 | 20.8 | 8.2 |
Mean annual Precip, mm | 274 | 63 | 106 | 178 |
Area, ha | 36 | 4200 | 53 | 1023 |
Principal plant taxa | Scirpus spp. Scirpus fornicus Distichlis spicata Grindelia stricta | Typha spp. Phragmites spp. Distichlis palmeri | Scirpus spp. Typha spp. Najas spp. Chara spp. | Scirpus spp. Typha spp. Phragmites spp. Chara spp. |
Plant Se Concentration mg kg−1 | 5 to 20 | 0.03 to 0.17 | 0.3 to 2.81 | 0.03 to 6.5 |
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Jones, C.; Amacher, M.; Grossl, P.; Jacobson, A. Selenium Removal by Sediments and Plants at the Constructed Pariette Wetlands, Utah (USA). Water 2023, 15, 1728.
Jones C, Amacher M, Grossl P, Jacobson A. Selenium Removal by Sediments and Plants at the Constructed Pariette Wetlands, Utah (USA). Water. 2023; 15(9):1728.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJones, Colleen, Michael Amacher, Paul Grossl, and Astrid Jacobson. 2023. "Selenium Removal by Sediments and Plants at the Constructed Pariette Wetlands, Utah (USA)" Water 15, no. 9: 1728.
APA StyleJones, C., Amacher, M., Grossl, P., & Jacobson, A. (2023). Selenium Removal by Sediments and Plants at the Constructed Pariette Wetlands, Utah (USA). Water, 15(9), 1728.