The Socio-Environmental and Human Health Problems Related to the Use of Pesticides and the Use of Advanced Oxidative Processes for Their Degradation: Brazil
:1. Introduction
2. Development
2.1. The Socio-Environmental and Human Health Issues Related to the Use of Agrochemicals in Brazil
2.2. Main Classes of Agrochemicals and Their Effects on the Environment
2.3. The Advanced Oxidative Processes (AOPs) in the Treatment of Pesticides
2.4. AOPs Using Hydrogen Peroxide
2.5. Ozone Process
2.6. Carbonate Anion Radical
3. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Active Ingredient | Use | Chemical Group | * µg/L |
Glyphosate | Herbicide | OP | 500 |
Atrazine | Herbicide | Triazine | 2 |
Parachat | Herbicide | Bipyridilium | 13 |
DDT | Insecticidal | OCP | 1 |
2,4-D | Herbicide | OCP | 30 |
Malation | Insecticidal | OP | 60 |
Fipronil | Insecticidal | OCP | 1.2 |
S-metolachlor | Herbicide | Chloroacetanilide | 10 |
Lindane | Insecticidal | OCP | 2 |
Thiamethoxam | Insecticidal | Neonicotinoid | 36 |
Aldicarb | Insecticidal | Carbamate | 10 |
AOPs | Pesticide | Efficiency | References |
Fenton/Photo Fenton | OPS | >90% | [53] |
2,4-D | TOC Remove 69% | [56] | |
Fenton | Malathion | 55% | [57] |
Photo Fenton | 70% | ||
Sono Feton | 98% | ||
Photo Fenton | Diazion | 100% | [58] |
Fenton | 85% | ||
Eletro Fenton | Lindane | 92% | [59] |
Ozone | Parathion, diazinon, cypermethrin | 75% | [60,61] |
Carbonate radical | Paration | 4–10% | [62] |
Chlorpyrifos | 15–45% |
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Pereira, A.K.S.; Silva, L.F.; Barbosa, G.A.F.; Miranda, T.G.; Sousa, R.R.; Sarmento, R.A.; Souza, N.L.G.D.; Pereira, D.H.; Cavallini, G.S. The Socio-Environmental and Human Health Problems Related to the Use of Pesticides and the Use of Advanced Oxidative Processes for Their Degradation: Brazil. Water 2023, 15, 1608.
Pereira AKS, Silva LF, Barbosa GAF, Miranda TG, Sousa RR, Sarmento RA, Souza NLGD, Pereira DH, Cavallini GS. The Socio-Environmental and Human Health Problems Related to the Use of Pesticides and the Use of Advanced Oxidative Processes for Their Degradation: Brazil. Water. 2023; 15(8):1608.
Chicago/Turabian StylePereira, Anna Karla Santos, Lívia Fernandes Silva, Gustavo Antonio Figueredo Barbosa, Thaynara Guimarães Miranda, Rayane Reis Sousa, Renato Almeida Sarmento, Nelson Luís Gonçalves Dias Souza, Douglas Henrique Pereira, and Grasiele Soares Cavallini. 2023. "The Socio-Environmental and Human Health Problems Related to the Use of Pesticides and the Use of Advanced Oxidative Processes for Their Degradation: Brazil" Water 15, no. 8: 1608.
APA StylePereira, A. K. S., Silva, L. F., Barbosa, G. A. F., Miranda, T. G., Sousa, R. R., Sarmento, R. A., Souza, N. L. G. D., Pereira, D. H., & Cavallini, G. S. (2023). The Socio-Environmental and Human Health Problems Related to the Use of Pesticides and the Use of Advanced Oxidative Processes for Their Degradation: Brazil. Water, 15(8), 1608.