Impact of Climate Change on Waterborne Diseases: Directions towards Sustainability
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Perspectives on the Impact of Climate Change on WBDs
3.2. Directions towards Sustainability: SDGs and Climate Change-Related WBDs
3.3. Challenges and Blueprint
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Country | Extreme Climate Events | Common WBDs | GCRI | Source of Drinking Water | References |
Brunei Darussalam | Floods, sea-level rise, and heat waves | Diarrhea | 175 | Surface water (rivers) and tap water | [40,41,42,43] |
Burma (Myanmar) | Floods, cyclones, and droughts | Acute diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, and typhoid | 2 | Surface water (rivers and lakes), and groundwater (tube and dug wells) | [40,44,45] |
Cambodia | Floods, droughts, and typhoons | Diarrhea and typhoid | 12 | Surface water (rivers), and groundwater (hand-dug wells) | [40,46,47] |
Timor-Leste | Floods and droughts | Diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid | nd | Surface water, spring water, and groundwater | [48,49] |
Indonesia | Tropical cyclones, floods, droughts, and tsunamis | Diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, and leptospirosis | 77 | Surface water (rivers) and groundwater | [40,50,51] |
Laos | Floods and droughts | Diarrhea and cholera | 76 | Surface water (rivers; the Mekong) and groundwater | [40,52] |
Malaysia | Floods, rainfall-induced landslides, and droughts | Cholera and typhoid | 114 | Surface water (rivers), tap water, spring water, and groundwater | [40,53,54] |
The Philippines | Typhoons, ambient temperatures, heat waves, and floods | Cholera, acute bloody diarrhea, and typhoid | 4 | Surface water (rivers, lakes, and river basins) and groundwater reservoir | [40,44,55,56] |
Singapore | Sea-level rise, heat waves, and floods | Cholera and typhoid (only in rare cases) | 180 | Imported water, local catchment area, reclaimed water, and desalinated (purified) water | [40,57,58] |
Thailand | Sea-level rise, floods, and droughts | Cholera, typhoid, and paratyphoid | 8 | Groundwater and surface water (river basins) | [40,44,59,60] |
Vietnam | Sea-level rise, floods, and droughts | Cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and diarrhea | 6 | Surface water (rivers; the Red and Mekong rivers) and groundwater | [40,44,61,62] |
SDGs | The Interrelationship between the Impacts of Climate Change on WBDs and SDGs | Specific Targets of the SDGs |
Attempt to eradicate WBDs by the end of 2030 and enhance global cooperation to recognize, control, and mitigate local and foreign health risks | 3.3 and 3.d | |
Aim to ensure widespread access to affordable and sanitary drinking water, increase funding for water- and sanitation-related initiatives, such as desalination technology and wastewater treatment methods, and boost engagement of local people by the end of 2030 | 6.1, 6.a, and 6.b | |
Try to reduce the proportion of fatalities and financial losses caused by water-related diseases, with an emphasis on developing countries, and promote financial and technical help to construct sustainable and sound structures using local materials by the end of 2030 | 11.5 and 11.c | |
Aim to increase global preparedness for climate-related risks and natural catastrophes and the effectiveness of climate change strategy planning, mitigation, and adaptation (including early warning signs) | 13.1, 13.2, and 13.3 | |
Aim to strengthen the global partnership for the SDGs and share information, technology, and financial resources with developing countries and respect each country’s policies and strategies for implementing efforts to eradicate poverty and achieve the SDGs | 17.15 and 17.16 |
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Jung, Y.-J.; Khant, N.A.; Kim, H.; Namkoong, S. Impact of Climate Change on Waterborne Diseases: Directions towards Sustainability. Water 2023, 15, 1298.
Jung Y-J, Khant NA, Kim H, Namkoong S. Impact of Climate Change on Waterborne Diseases: Directions towards Sustainability. Water. 2023; 15(7):1298.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJung, Yong-Ju, Naing Aung Khant, Heejung Kim, and Sim Namkoong. 2023. "Impact of Climate Change on Waterborne Diseases: Directions towards Sustainability" Water 15, no. 7: 1298.
APA StyleJung, Y.-J., Khant, N. A., Kim, H., & Namkoong, S. (2023). Impact of Climate Change on Waterborne Diseases: Directions towards Sustainability. Water, 15(7), 1298.