Impacts of Medicanes on Geomorphology and Infrastructure in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Case of Medicane Ianos and the Ionian Islands in Western Greece
:1. Introduction
2. Study Area
3. Medicane Ianos
4. Data and Methods
5. Results
6. Discussion
7. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Dataset | Description | Sources |
Regional authorities of the Ionian Islands | Detailed description of the phenomena, and their impacts, detailed imagery, as well as information on exact location and timing | [73,74,75] |
Scientific publications and reports | Description of the forcing phenomena and impacts, as well as information on location, with visual material depicting the effects | [66,76,77] |
Local and National Press | Visual material of phenomena and impacts, with information on location, and details of the timeline of events | [78,79] |
Field work | Detailed description of the phenomena, the types of effects, the exact location and timeline of events, as well as detailed visual material from multiple angles |
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Diakakis, M.; Mavroulis, S.; Filis, C.; Lozios, S.; Vassilakis, E.; Naoum, G.; Soukis, K.; Konsolaki, A.; Kotsi, E.; Theodorakatou, D.; et al. Impacts of Medicanes on Geomorphology and Infrastructure in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Case of Medicane Ianos and the Ionian Islands in Western Greece. Water 2023, 15, 1026.
Diakakis M, Mavroulis S, Filis C, Lozios S, Vassilakis E, Naoum G, Soukis K, Konsolaki A, Kotsi E, Theodorakatou D, et al. Impacts of Medicanes on Geomorphology and Infrastructure in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Case of Medicane Ianos and the Ionian Islands in Western Greece. Water. 2023; 15(6):1026.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDiakakis, Michalis, Spyridon Mavroulis, Christos Filis, Stylianos Lozios, Emmanuel Vassilakis, Giorgos Naoum, Konstantinos Soukis, Aliki Konsolaki, Evelina Kotsi, Dimitra Theodorakatou, and et al. 2023. "Impacts of Medicanes on Geomorphology and Infrastructure in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Case of Medicane Ianos and the Ionian Islands in Western Greece" Water 15, no. 6: 1026.
APA StyleDiakakis, M., Mavroulis, S., Filis, C., Lozios, S., Vassilakis, E., Naoum, G., Soukis, K., Konsolaki, A., Kotsi, E., Theodorakatou, D., Skourtsos, E., Kranis, H., Gogou, M., Spyrou, N. I., Katsetsiadou, K.-N., & Lekkas, E. (2023). Impacts of Medicanes on Geomorphology and Infrastructure in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Case of Medicane Ianos and the Ionian Islands in Western Greece. Water, 15(6), 1026.