Seascape Ethnomapping on the Inner Continental Shelf of the Brazilian Semiarid Coast
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Data Collection and Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Seascape Based on the Experience of Tremembé Fishermen
3.2. Seascapes and Fishing
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Seascapes | Traditional Terms | Traditional Terms (Portuguese) * |
1-Rhodolith | Jackfruit stone(A) Other terms: Stone Bull’s eyes Lump’s stone | (A) Other terms: olho diː boi, pe.dra, pe.dra diː carosso |
Stone with tail (T) Other terms: Stone; Mochó | Pe.dra kɒm rabo (T) Pe.dra, Mochó | |
2-Gravel | Stone + Gravel | Pe.dra + Cas.calho |
2.1-Calcareous red Algae (Maerl) | Gravel (A) Other terms: Chicken foot | Cas.calho (A) Other terms: piːéɛs diː galinha |
Gravel (T) Other terms: Coral | Cas.calho (T) Other terms: ˈkɒrəl | |
2.2-Halimeda | Gravel (A) Other terms: Leaf | Cas.calho (A) Other terms: folha |
Stones’ sludge (T) | Lodo diː pedra (T) | |
3-Seagrass bed | Grass (A) Other terms: Muddy area, needle grass | Capim (A) Other terms: eərɪə diː ˈlɑːmə, Capim agulha |
Grass (T) | Capim (T) | |
4-Darkened Bioclastics and Biolithoclastics Sands (Dark Coast) | Dark sand (A) | areia preta (A) |
Dark sand (T) | areia preta (T) | |
5-Rock bed | Deer antler (A) Other terms: Bank, Stone | Chifre diː Viado (A) Other terms: banco; pe.dra |
“Cabeço”/Knoll (T) Other terms: Stone | Cabeçəʊ (T) Other terms: pe.dra | |
6-Lithobioclastic Sand | Sand (A) Other terms: Bubble sand | areia (A) areia diː bolha |
Sand (T) | areia (T) | |
7-Shipwreck | Ship (A) Other terms: Boat | navio (A) Other terms: barco |
Ship (T) | navio (T) | |
8-Dunes | Bank (A) | banco (A) |
Sand bank (T) | banco diː areia (T) | |
9-Depressions (Interdunes and areas between rock outcrops) | Hole (A) Other terms: Fish estuary, Cavity | buraco (A) Other terms: estuárɪəʊ diː peixe, |
Channel (T) | kəˈnæl (T) |
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Pinheiro, L.; Rodrigues Ximenes Neto, A.; Aquino Bezerra Filho, F.A.; Rosane Silveira Pinto, C.; de Souza Pinheiro, L.; Pessoa, P.; Lima Filho, R.; Balbino da Silva, R.; Morais, J.; Gorayeb, A.; et al. Seascape Ethnomapping on the Inner Continental Shelf of the Brazilian Semiarid Coast. Water 2023, 15, 798.
Pinheiro L, Rodrigues Ximenes Neto A, Aquino Bezerra Filho FA, Rosane Silveira Pinto C, de Souza Pinheiro L, Pessoa P, Lima Filho R, Balbino da Silva R, Morais J, Gorayeb A, et al. Seascape Ethnomapping on the Inner Continental Shelf of the Brazilian Semiarid Coast. Water. 2023; 15(4):798.
Chicago/Turabian StylePinheiro, Lidriana, Antônio Rodrigues Ximenes Neto, Francisco Assis Aquino Bezerra Filho, Cassia Rosane Silveira Pinto, Laldiane de Souza Pinheiro, Paulo Pessoa, Regimário Lima Filho, Regina Balbino da Silva, Jáder Morais, Adryane Gorayeb, and et al. 2023. "Seascape Ethnomapping on the Inner Continental Shelf of the Brazilian Semiarid Coast" Water 15, no. 4: 798.
APA StylePinheiro, L., Rodrigues Ximenes Neto, A., Aquino Bezerra Filho, F. A., Rosane Silveira Pinto, C., de Souza Pinheiro, L., Pessoa, P., Lima Filho, R., Balbino da Silva, R., Morais, J., Gorayeb, A., Bramanti, L., & Rossi, S. (2023). Seascape Ethnomapping on the Inner Continental Shelf of the Brazilian Semiarid Coast. Water, 15(4), 798.