Three New Nitzschia (Bacillariophyceae) Species from Highly Acidic Artificial Lakes in Çanakkale, Türkiye
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Sampling
2.3. Sample Preparation
3. Results
Valve Length (µm) | Valve Width (µm) | Striae (in 10 µm) | Fibulae (in 10 µm) | Valve Shape | Apex Shape | Keel Shape | Copulae | Reference | |
N. arslaniana | 12.0–14.0 | 2.0–2.5 | 27–29 | 13–15 | linear | broadly rounded, cuneate | elevated with conopeum, recessed at center | open bands, 4+, 2 rows of large pores | this study |
N. szaboiana | 13.0–17.0 | 3.0–4.0 | 47–50 | 14–16 | linear-elliptic | broadly rounded, cuneate | round, elevated, terminates at end on valve face | -- | this study |
N. efeiana | 20.0–43.0 | 3.5–4.0 | 23–27 | 6–10 | linear, linear-lanceolate | capitate | flat, marginal, terminates at apex | Open bands, 4+, one row of small round pores | this study |
N. acidoclinata | 8.0–45.0 | 2.5–3.0 | 27–34 | 10–16 | linear-lanceolate to narrowly linear | shortly subrostrate | -- | -- | [25] |
N. anatoliana | 7.8–16.1 | 2.7–3.7 | 48–52 | 20–23 | linear-elliptic | broadly rounded | marginal | -- | [26] |
N. bremensis | 60.0–90.0 | 6.0–9.0 | 26–32 | 5–9 | linear | rounded to flat truncated | Submarginal, broad, on valve face, elevated, with conopeum? | - | [27] |
N. capitellata | 20.0–70.0 | 3.5–6.5 | 23–40 | 10–18 | linear, linear-lanceolate | rounded, wedge shaped | marginal, small | -- | [27] |
N. homburgiensis | 32.0–52.0 | 5.0–6.0 | 34–40 | 9–15 | linear, strongly concave in the middle | rounded, wedge shaped | submarginal | -- | [27] |
N. hybrida | 34–125 | 5–9 | 22–26 | 9–12 | linear, strongly concave in the middle | wedge shaped | marginal, round, elevated, recessed | -- | [26] |
N. inconspicua | 6.0–11.5 | 2.6–3.1 | 24–29 | 11–17 | linear to lanceolate, elliptic-lanceolate | slightly protracted, narrow | marginal, round, not elevated, interrupted at center | copulae 4+, open bands, one row of pores | [24] |
N. frustulum | 10.8–34 | 3.0–3.9 | 27–30 | 13–15 | linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, elliptic-lanceolate | slightly protracted, narrow | marginal, round, not elevated, terminating along margin at apex | open copulae, one row of pores | [24] |
N. palustris | 35.0–60.0 | 4.0–7.0 | 22–28 | 6–10 | linear | rounded to flat truncated | marginal, interrupted at center | -- | [28] |
N. pellucida | -- | -- | 30–40 | 12–18 | linear-lanceolate | boat-shaped | submarginal, round, elevated, terminating on valve face at end | -- | [27,29] |
N. perminuta | 8.0–45.0 | 2.5–3.0 | 26–36 | 10–16 | linear-lanceolate to narrowly linear | subrostrate to subcapitate | marginal | -- | [25] |
N. perspicua | 8.0–55.0 | 1.5–4.0 | 44–45 | 14–19 | rhombic-lanceolate to narrow linear-lanceolate | gradually narrowing rounded | marginal | -- | [27] |
N. pusilla | 8.0–33.0 | 2.5–5.0 | 43–55 | 14–20 | linear-lanceolate to linear | broadly rounded, slightly protruding in larger forms | marginal | -- | [27] |
4. Discussion
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Sevindik, T.O.; Hamilton, P.B.; Solak, C.N.; Yilmaz, E.; Güzel, U. Three New Nitzschia (Bacillariophyceae) Species from Highly Acidic Artificial Lakes in Çanakkale, Türkiye. Water 2023, 15, 3784.
Sevindik TO, Hamilton PB, Solak CN, Yilmaz E, Güzel U. Three New Nitzschia (Bacillariophyceae) Species from Highly Acidic Artificial Lakes in Çanakkale, Türkiye. Water. 2023; 15(21):3784.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSevindik, Tuğba Ongun, Paul Brian Hamilton, Cüneyt Nadir Solak, Elif Yilmaz, and Uğur Güzel. 2023. "Three New Nitzschia (Bacillariophyceae) Species from Highly Acidic Artificial Lakes in Çanakkale, Türkiye" Water 15, no. 21: 3784.
APA StyleSevindik, T. O., Hamilton, P. B., Solak, C. N., Yilmaz, E., & Güzel, U. (2023). Three New Nitzschia (Bacillariophyceae) Species from Highly Acidic Artificial Lakes in Çanakkale, Türkiye. Water, 15(21), 3784.