Observational Studies of Ocean Fronts: A Systematic Review of Chinese-Language Literature
:1. Introduction
2. Data and Methods
2.1. Main Principles of the Search Strategy
2.2. Principal Bibliographic Sources
2.3. Systematic Review Criteria
2.4. Goals, Objectives, and Search Criteria
2.5. Duplicate Papers
2.6. Further Refinement of Bibliographic Search
3. Results
3.1. Overview
3.2. Chronology
3.3. Regional Coverage
3.4. Thematical/Subject Coverage
3.5. Content Analysis—A Summary and Overview of Main Results
4. Content Analysis: Key Studies of Physical Fronts in the China Seas
4.1. China Seas: Reviews
4.2. East China Seas
4.3. South China Sea
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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No. | First Author | Year | Region | Subject |
[8] | BAO Dao-Yang | 2017 | Yangtze ROFI | Salinity intrusion and river discharge |
[9] | CAO Pei-Kui | 1996 | Yangtze ROFI | Suspended particle front and transport |
[10] | CAO Zhi-Yong | 2016 | NSCS | East Hainan Upwelling Front |
[11] | CHEN Biao | 2002 | Global | Front detection from spaceborne SAR images |
[12] | CHEN Biao | 2016 | NSCS | SST fronts east of Hainan |
[13] | CHEN Biao | 2018 | Global | SST fronts |
[14] | CHEN Shen-Liang | 2001 | Yangtze ROFI | Barrier effect of plume front |
[15] | DANG Zhen-Zhong | 2016 | ECS | Kuroshio temperature front from in situ data |
[16] | GAO Guo-Ping | 2003 | SOC | Fronts along Australia-Antarctica sections |
[17] | GUO Bing-Huo | 1995 | ECS | Wavelike frontal features and their kinematics |
[18] | HAN Yan-Song | 2023 | YS, ECS | Shandong Peninsula front; Sedimentation |
[19] | HE Yan | 2011 | GIN Seas | Distributions and seasonal variations of fronts |
[20] | HONG Ying | 1999 | NSCS | Summertime shelf-slope front in Taiwan Strait |
[21] | HU Fang-Xi | 1995 | Yangtze ROFI | Salinity fronts in the Changjiang River estuary |
[22] | HU Jian-Yu | 2000 | Taiwan Strait | Surface waters in Taiwan Strait in August 1998 |
[23] | HUANG Wei-Gen | 2006 | ECS, NSCS | Thermal fronts in Taiwan Strait |
[24] | KUANG Cui-Ping | 2022 | Yangtze ROFI | Salinity front’s response to Yangtze’s discharge |
[25] | LI An-Zhou | 2017 | Global | Front detection |
[26] | LI Ting-Ting | 2018 | Global | Front detection from SAR images |
[27] | LI Li | 2000 | NSCS | Southern Taiwan Strait |
[28] | LI Wei | 2011a | Off Taiwan | Kuroshio front east of Taiwan |
[29] | LI Wei | 2011b | Off Taiwan | Kuroshio front east of Taiwan |
[30] | LI Yu-Yang | 2007 | Kuroshio | Detection of Kuroshio front |
[31] | LIN Chuan-Lan | 1986 | ECS | Kuroshio Front and fisheries |
[32] | LIU Bao-Yin | 1982 | ECS | Kuroshio SST fronts |
[33] | LIU Chuan-Yu | 2009 | Yellow Sea | SST fronts |
[34] | LIU Dong-Yan | 2022 | China Seas | Review of shelf fronts and their ecology |
[35] | LIU Feng-Yue | 1989 | Yellow Sea | Yellow River (Huanghe) plume front |
[36] | LIU Jian-Bin | 2015a | SOC | Seasonal variability of the Antarctic Polar Front |
[37] | LIU Jian-Bin | 2015b | Ind. Ocean | Spatial and temporal variations of SST fronts |
[38] | LIU Jian-Bin | 2016a | Alboran Sea | Alboran Sea front |
[39] | LIU Jian-Bin | 2016b | Benguela | Benguela Upwelling front |
[40] | LIU Jian-Bin | 2016c | GIN Seas | Denmark Strait Front |
[41] | LIU Lin | 2012 | SOC | Ocean–atmosphere interaction over fronts |
[42] | LIU Hao | 2007 | Bohai Sea | Stratification and tidal fronts (model) |
[43] | LIU Peng | 2017 | Arabian Sea | Upwelling fronts |
[44] | LIU Peng | 2018 | Equatorial Pacific | Space–time variability of fronts |
[45] | LIU Xing-Quan | 2015 | Yangtze ROFI | Circulation and temperature structure |
[46] | LU Xiao-Ting | 2013 | China Seas | Feature models |
[47] | LUO Lin | 2003 | NSCS | Thermal fronts in Beibu Gulf |
[48] | MAO Zhi-Chang | 1995 | Yangtze ROFI | Salinity fronts |
[49] | NING Xiu-Ren | 2004 | Yangtze ROFI | Hangzhou Bay bioproductivity front |
[50] | PING Bo | 2013 | Kuroshio | Front detection (new method) |
[51] | PING Bo | 2014 | Bohai Sea | Front detection using BJ-1 satellite data |
[52] | PU Shu-Zhen | 1994 | SOC | Drake Passage |
[53] | QIU Chun-Hua | 2017 | NSCS | Guangdong coastal thermal front |
[54] | QU Jie | 2016 | SOC | Seasonal variability of the Sub-Antarctic Front |
[55] | QU Xiang-Yu | 2020 | Global | Front tracking algorithm for AUVs |
[56] | REN Shi-He | 2015 | China Seas | Review of fronts and frontal forecasting |
[57] | SHI Ying-Ni | 2018 | ECS | Kuroshio front detection from ocean color |
[58] | SHI Zhong | 2002 | Yangtze ROFI | Secondary plume front |
[59] | SUN Gen-Yun | 2012 | BS, YS, ECS | SST front detection in the East China Seas |
[60] | SUN Xiang-Ping | 1992 | Kuroshio | Thermal fronts on the Kuroshio’s left side |
[61] | TANG Yu-Xiang | 1992 | ECS | Kuroshio front |
[62] | TANG Yu-Xiang | 1996 | ECS | Seasonal variability of SST fronts |
[63] | WANG Yong-Zhi | 2013 | YS, ECS | Shandong Peninsula front and sedimentation |
[64] | WEI Hao | 1993 | Yellow Sea | Tidal-mixing fronts in the southern Yellow Sea |
[65] | WEI Qin-Sheng | 2010 | Yellow Sea | Fronts and their ecological effects |
[66] | WEI Qin-Sheng | 2011 | Yellow Sea | Fronts and their ecological effects |
[67] | WU Jie | 2016 | Yangtze ROFI | Suspended sediment fronts from GOCI data |
[68] | WU Qu-Ran | 2015 | Global | Front detection: Improvement and validation |
[69] | WU Yun-Long | 2022 | Yangtze ROFI | Salinity fronts in dry season |
[70] | XU Jia-Jing | 2021 | Yangtze ROFI | Chlorophyll-a and plume front, summer 2019 |
[71] | XU Mi-Mi | 2012 | ECS | Ocean-to-atmosphere forcing over SST front |
[72] | XU Su-Qin | 2015 | China Seas | Space–time variability of SST fronts |
[73] | XUE Cun-Jin | 2007 | Global | Front detection using wavelet analysis |
[74] | YANG Chun-Hua | 2017 | NSCS | East Hainan Upwelling Front in summer |
[75] | YANG Fan | 2023 | ECS | Kuroshio front |
[76] | YANG Hai-Jun | 1998 | SCS | Seasonal variability of thermal fronts |
[77] | YANG Ting-Long | 2021 | Japan Sea | Space–time variability of SST fronts |
[78] | YANG Wei | 2020 | SOC | Front locations in the Southwest Pacific |
[79] | YANG Yang | 2012 | YS, ECS | Suspended sediment sub-front |
[80] | YING Zhi-Fu | 1994 | NSCS | Zhujiang Estuary front and sedimentation |
[81] | YU Jie | 2020 | NSCS | SST fronts |
[82] | YUAN Ping | 2019 | BS, YS, ECS | Fronts and sediment transport/deposition |
[83] | ZANG Zheng-Chen | 2015 | Yellow Sea | Fronts and sediment transport/deposition |
[84] | ZENG Yi-Gang | 2022 | NSCS | East Guangdong Shelf Front in summer |
[85] | ZHANG Ran | 2016 | ECS | Seasonal variability of SST fronts |
[86] | ZHANG Wei | 2014 | Global | Front detection (new method) |
[87] | ZHAO Bao-Hong | 2012 | SCS | Inter-annual variability of salinity front |
[88] | ZHAO Bao-Ren | 1985 | Yellow Sea | Tidal mixing fronts; Huanghai cold water mass |
[89] | ZHAO Bao-Ren | 1987a | Yellow Sea | Fronts and the Huanghai cold water mass |
[90] | ZHAO Bao-Ren | 1987b | Yellow Sea | Tidal mixing fronts in the Huanghai Sea |
[91] | ZHAO Bao-Ren | 1992 | Yellow Sea | Tidal mixing front along the 34° N section |
[92] | ZHAO Bao-Ren | 1993 | Yellow Sea | Shallow water front off the Subei Shoal |
[93] | ZHAO Bao-Ren | 2001 | Bohai Sea | Tidal mixing fronts |
[94] | ZHAO Ning | 2016 | NW Pacific | Frontogenesis and frontolysis |
[95] | ZHENG Shu | 2017 | NSCS | Pearl River Estuary front |
[96] | ZHENG Yan-Ming | 2009 | Yangtze ROFI | Salinity plume front in summer-autumn 2004 |
[97] | ZHENG Yi-Fang | 1985 | YS, ECS | Spatial distribution of fronts |
[98] | ZHOU Feng | 2008 | Yellow Sea | Tidal mixing fronts in the Huanghai Sea |
[99] | ZHOU Run-Jie | 2022 | SOC | Statistical characteristics of major fronts |
[100] | ZHU Feng-Qin | 2014 | SCS | Space–time variability of SST fronts |
[101] | ZHU Jian-Rong | 2003 | Yangtze ROFI | Yangtze Shoal and plume front, August 2000 |
[102] | ZHUANG Wei | 2003 | NSCS | Surface T and S in July–August 2000 |
Years | 1982–1990 | 1991–1995 | 1996–2000 | 2001–2005 | 2006–2010 | 2011–2015 | 2016–2020 | 2021–2023 |
Papers | 7 | 10 | 6 | 9 | 8 | 22 | 24 | 9 |
Region | No. of Papers |
Global | 8 |
China Seas | 4 |
Bohai Sea | 5 |
Yellow Sea | 17 |
East China Sea | 16 |
Yangtze River Estuary and Plume | 14 |
South China Sea | 3 |
Northern South China Sea | 13 |
Kuroshio | 6 |
Japan Sea | 1 |
Taiwan Strait | 1 |
Northwest Pacific | 1 |
Equatorial Pacific | 1 |
Southern Ocean | 7 |
North Atlantic: GIN Seas | 2 |
North Atlantic: Alboran Sea | 1 |
South Atlantic: Benguela | 1 |
Indian Ocean | 1 |
Indian Ocean: Arabian Sea | 1 |
Subject | No. of Papers |
Remote sensing: Spatial and temporal variability of fronts | 48 |
Remote sensing: Front-detection algorithms | 12 |
Long-term climatology of fronts from in situ and satellite data | 28 |
Descriptive oceanography of fronts from in situ data (ship surveys and sections) | 26 |
River plume fronts | 16 |
Ocean–atmosphere interaction over marine fronts | 2 |
Physical fronts and bioproductivity | 5 |
Physical fronts and their impact on sediment transport and deposition | 8 |
Source and Ref. No. | Subject |
Cao ZY et al. (2016) [10] | Ship survey of the East Hainan Upwelling Front in July 2012 |
Chen B et al. (2016) [12] | Fronts of the Eastern Hainan and Western Guangdong Shelf (18–22° N, 109–113° E) from gridded SST data (2006–2013) with 0.05° resolution |
Chen B et al. (2018) [13] | Global review of SST fronts; Climatology of China Seas’ SST fronts |
Gao GP et al. (2003) [16] | CTD/XBT sections between Zhongshan Station (Antarctica) and Fremantle (Australia) in 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002; Locations and main characteristics of all major fronts (subtropical, subantarctic, polar, and slope) |
Han YS et al. (2023) [18] | Long-term (2011–2020) monthly climatology of the Shandong Peninsula Front from SST data with 0.01° resolution |
He Y, Zhao JP (2011) [19] | Long-term (1953–2002) monthly climatology of fronts in GIN Seas from HydroBase 2 gridded data with 0.25° resolution |
Hong Y, Li L (1999) [20] | Ship survey of fronts in northern SCS, August-September 1994 |
Hu JY et al. (2000) [22] | Ship survey of fronts in the Taiwan Strait, August 1998 |
Huang WG et al. (2006) [23] | Fronts in the Taiwan Strait from AVHRR SST, 1989–2001 |
Li L et al. (2000) [27] | Review of fronts in southern Taiwan Strait from in situ and remote sensing data |
Liu CY, Wang F (2009) [33] | Long-term (1985–2002) seasonal climatology of the Yellow Sea SST fronts from AVHRR Pathfinder monthly and 8-day data |
Liu DY et al. (2022) [34] | Review of shelf fronts in the China Seas |
Liu JB, Zhang YG (2015a) [36] | Long-term (1955–2012) seasonal climatology of the Antarctic Polar Front from WOD13 gridded data with 0.25° resolution |
Liu JB, Zhang YG (2015b) [37] | Long-term (1955–2012) seasonal climatology of tropical fronts (along 5° S and 15° S) in the South Indian Ocean from WOD13 gridded data with 0.25° resolution |
Liu JB, Zhang YG (2016c) [40] | Long-term (1955–2012) seasonal climatology of temperature and salinity fronts in the Denmark Strait from WOD13 gridded data with 0.25° resolution |
Liu P et al. (2017) [43] | Long-term (1955–2012) seasonal climatology of the Arabian Sea Upwelling Front from WOD13 gridded data with 0.25° resolution |
Liu P et al. (2018) [44] | Long-term seasonal climatology of temperature fronts in the Equatorial Pacific from WOD13 gridded data |
Pu SZ et al. (1994) [52] | Review of circumpolar fronts in the Drake Passage |
Qiu CH et al. (2017) [53] | Seasonal variability of the Guangdong coastal thermal front from daily gridded SST data with 0.05° resolution |
Qu J et al. (2016) [54] | Long-term (1955–2012) seasonal variability of the Subantarctic Front from WOD13 gridded data with 0.25° resolution |
Ren SH et al. (2015) [56] | Review of fronts in the China Seas |
Tang YX (1996) [62] | Seasonal variability of temperature fronts in the ECS from historical in situ data (1934–1988) |
Wang YZ et al. (2013) [63] | Shandong Peninsula Front: Seasonal variability and its impact on sediment transport and deposition |
Wei QS et al. (2011) [66] | Biochemical and physical fronts of western Yellow Sea from CTD ship survey in summer 2006 |
Wu J et al. (2016) [67] | Suspended sediment fronts in the Yellow and East China Seas from GOCI satellite data in 2012–2013 |
Xu JJ et al. (2021) [70] | Physical and biochemical fronts of the Yangtze River Estuary and freshwater discharge region in summer 2019 |
Xu MM et al. (2012) [71] | Atmospheric response to an SST front in the ECS |
Xu SQ et al. (2015) [72] | Thermal fronts of the China Seas: Review and monthly statistics of SST fronts from OSTIA data (2006–2012) |
Yang CH et al. (2017) [74] | CTD survey of the East Hainan Upwelling Front in July 2012 |
Yang TL et al. (2021) [77] | Fronts of the Japan Sea from SODA reanalysis, 1980–2015 |
Yang W et al. (2020) [78] | Southern Ocean fronts in the Southwest Pacific from XCTD sections in 2013–2018 and MODIS SST data |
Yang Y, Pang CG (2012) [79] | Suspended sediment fronts in the East China Seas and Taiwan Strait from SeaWiFS data, 1998–2002 |
Yu J et al. (2020) [81] | Long-term monthly climatology of SST fronts in the northern SCS in 2003–2017 |
Yuan P et al. (2019) [82] | HYCOM-derived temperature and salinity fronts in the East China Seas and their impact on sediment transport and deposition |
Zeng YG et al. (2022) [84] | East Guangdong Shelf Front in summer from CTD surveys and ROMS simulation |
Zhao BH et al. (2012) [87] | Interannual variability of salinity fronts in the SCS from the SODA reanalysis, 1958–2007 |
Zhao BR (1985) [88] | Vertical structure of tidal mixing fronts in the Yellow Sea |
Source and Ref. No. | Subject |
Li AZ et al. (2017) [25] | Comparison of algorithms for front detection in satellite imagery with examples from the ECS and northern SCS |
Li TT et al. (2018) [26] | Front detection in SAR imagery and comparison with SST fronts east of Hainan Island using ENVISAT’s ASAR and SST data |
Ping B et al. (2013) [50] | Front-detection algorithm and its application to the Kuroshio |
Ping B et al. (2014) [51] | Front-detection algorithms: Comparison in the Bohai Sea |
Qu XY, Li YP (2020) [55] | Front-tracking algorithm for AUVs |
Shi YN et al. (2018) [57] | Front detection from ocean color vs. SST (Kuroshio region) |
Sun GY et al. (2012) [59] | Front detection with Jensen–Shannon divergence off East China |
Wu QR et al. (2015) [68] | Front-detection algorithm; Guangdong coastal front |
Xue CJ et al. (2007) [73] | Front detection using wavelet analysis |
Zhang W et al. (2014) [86] | Front detection based on Canny and mathematical morphology |
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Shen, X.-T.; Belkin, I.M. Observational Studies of Ocean Fronts: A Systematic Review of Chinese-Language Literature. Water 2023, 15, 3649. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15203649
Shen X-T, Belkin IM. Observational Studies of Ocean Fronts: A Systematic Review of Chinese-Language Literature. Water. 2023; 15(20):3649. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15203649
Chicago/Turabian StyleShen, Xin-Tang, and Igor M. Belkin. 2023. "Observational Studies of Ocean Fronts: A Systematic Review of Chinese-Language Literature" Water 15, no. 20: 3649. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15203649
APA StyleShen, X.-T., & Belkin, I. M. (2023). Observational Studies of Ocean Fronts: A Systematic Review of Chinese-Language Literature. Water, 15(20), 3649. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15203649