Knowledge Mapping of High-Rate Algal Ponds Research
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
2.1. Data Collection
2.2. Data Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Trend Analysis of Article Issuance
3.2. Country Distribution and Cooperation Analysis
3.3. Institutional and Author Cooperation Analysis
3.4. Analysis of Academic Journals and Reference Co-Citation
3.5. Keyword Clustering Network Analysis
3.6. Research Hot Trend Analysis
4. Conclusions and Prospects
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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From | To | Frequency |
Spain | Brazil | 6 |
Spain | Mexico | 5 |
Spain | New Zealand | 5 |
Belgium | Morocco | 4 |
Spain | Australia | 4 |
Spain | France | 4 |
Spain | Honduras | 4 |
Australia | United Kingdom | 3 |
Belgium | Tunisia | 3 |
Italy | Tunisia | 3 |
Organization | Region | Number of Publications |
Natl Inst Water Atmospher Res Ltd NIWA | New Zealand | 36 |
Univ Valladolid | Spain | 21 |
Massey Univ | New Zealand | 18 |
Univ Politecn Cataluna | Spain | 17 |
Flinders Univ S Australia | Australia | 16 |
Univ Leon | Spain | 12 |
Univ Politecn Catalunya Barcelonatech | Spain | 12 |
Univ Canterbury | New Zealand | 10 |
Univ Fed Vicosa | Brazil | 9 |
Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico | Mexico | 9 |
Authors | Documents | Citations | Total Link Strength | Cluster |
Craggs, R.J. | 39 | 2194 | 1461 | 5 |
Munoz, R. | 24 | 1081 | 620 | 1 |
Ferrer, Ivet | 22 | 1076 | 518 | 4 |
Park, J.B.K. | 17 | 1331 | 813 | 5 |
Garcia, Joan | 16 | 777 | 390 | 4 |
Fallowfield, Hj | 15 | 193 | 121 | 2 |
Passos, Fabiana | 12 | 621 | 266 | 4 |
Sutherland, Donna L. | 11 | 336 | 466 | 5 |
Casellas, C. | 11 | 264 | 82 | 2 |
Turnbull, Matthew H. | 9 | 309 | 399 | 5 |
Source | Quartile of JCR | Number of Publications | Citations | Av. Citations | Total Link Strength |
Water Science and Technology | Q3 | 62 | 1157 | 19.28 | 3666 |
Algal Research Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts | Q1 | 31 | 486 | 16.76 | 4791 |
Bioresource Technology | Q1 | 29 | 1740 | 64.44 | 3076 |
Water Research | Q1 | 23 | 760 | 36.19 | 4334 |
Journal of Applied Phycology | Q1 | 13 | 725 | 55.77 | 2624 |
Science of the Total Environment | Q1 | 12 | 219 | 19.91 | 1793 |
Ecological Engineering | Q2 | 7 | 216 | 30.86 | 1468 |
Journal of Environmental Management | Q1 | 7 | 20 | 3.33 | 1028 |
Chemosphere | Q1 | 6 | 44 | 8.8 | 704 |
Environmental Technology | Q3 | 6 | 54 | 9 | 955 |
Reference | Author | Source | Local Citations | Links | Total Link Strength | Cluster |
Wastewater treatment high-rate algal ponds for biofuel production | J.B.K. Park, R.J. Craggs, A.N. Shilton | Bioresource Technology | 57 | 38 | 165 | 1 |
Wastewater treatment and algal production in high-rate algal ponds with carbon dioxide addition | J.B.K. Park, R.J. Craggs | Water Science and Technology | 53 | 38 | 159 | 1 |
Hectare-scale demonstration of high-rate algal ponds for enhanced wastewater treatment and biofuel production | Rupert Craggs, Donna Sutherland, Helena Campbell | Journal of Applied Phycology | 51 | 37 | 129 | 1 |
Long-term diurnal variations in contaminant removal in high-rate ponds treating urban wastewater | J. García, B.F. Green, T. Lundquist, R. Mujeriego, M. Hernández-Mariné, W.J.Oswald | Bioresource Technology | 42 | 36 | 109 | 2 |
High-rate algal pond operating strategies for urban wastewater nitrogen removal | Garcia, J, Mujeriego, R, Hernandez-Marine, M | Journal of Applied Phycology | 41 | 36 | 128 | 2 |
Algal biofuels from wastewater treatment high-rate algal ponds | R.J. Craggs, S. Heubeck, T.J. Lundquist, J.R. Benemann | Water Science and Technology | 31 | 34 | 95 | 1 |
Recycling algae to improve species control and harvest efficiency from a high-rate algal pond | J.B.K. Park, R.J. Craggs, A.N. Shilton | Water Research | 31 | 35 | 89 | 1 |
Nutrient removal in wastewater treatment high-rate algal ponds with carbon dioxide addition | J.B.K. Park, R.J. Craggs | Water Science and Technology | 31 | 34 | 104 | 1 |
Long-term operation of high-rate algal ponds for the bioremediation of piggery wastewaters at high loading rates | Ignacio de Godos, Saúl Blanco, Pedro A. García-Encina, Eloy Becares, Raúl Muñoz | Bioresource Technology | 30 | 37 | 86 | 3 |
Algal–bacterial processes for the treatment of hazardous contaminants: A review | Raul Munoz, Benoit Guieysse | Water Research | 30 | 34 | 62 | 3 |
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Li, M.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, J.; Liu, B.; Xue, H.; Wu, L.; Li, Z. Knowledge Mapping of High-Rate Algal Ponds Research. Water 2023, 15, 1916.
Li M, Wang Y, Zhang J, Liu B, Xue H, Wu L, Li Z. Knowledge Mapping of High-Rate Algal Ponds Research. Water. 2023; 15(10):1916.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLi, Ming, Yang Wang, Jukui Zhang, Binshuo Liu, Honghai Xue, Lei Wu, and Zhonghe Li. 2023. "Knowledge Mapping of High-Rate Algal Ponds Research" Water 15, no. 10: 1916.
APA StyleLi, M., Wang, Y., Zhang, J., Liu, B., Xue, H., Wu, L., & Li, Z. (2023). Knowledge Mapping of High-Rate Algal Ponds Research. Water, 15(10), 1916.