Optimization of Aeration Rate—Low Cost but High Efficiency Operation of Aniline-Degrading Bioaugmentation Reactor
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Reactors’ Operation and Experimental Design
2.2. Synthetic Wastewater Composition
2.3. Chemical Analytical Methods
2.4. Microbial Community Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Effects of Aeration Rates on Aniline Degradation
3.2. Removal Performances of Nitrogen under Different Aeration Rates
3.3. Microbial Community Characterization
3.3.1. Alpha Diversity of the Microbial Community
3.3.2. Microbial Community Structure at Phylum and Class Levels
3.3.3. Microbial Community Structure at Genus Levels
3.4. Variation of Key Functional Groups
4. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Bioaugmentation System (R1) | Control System (R0) | |||||||||||
Aeration rate (mL air·min−1) | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 |
DO (mg·L−1) | 0.91 | 2.21 | 3.65 | 4.22 | 5.65 | 6.78 | 0.92 | 2.14 | 3.52 | 4.62 | 5.73 | 6.81 |
pH | 7.66 | 7.72 | 7.74 | 7.78 | 7.85 | 7.92 | 7.26 | 7.67 | 7.75 | 7.81 | 7.82 | 7.91 |
Samples | Sobs | Shannon | Simpson | Ace | Chao | Coverage |
C3 | 694 | 3.320 | 0.217 | 791.068 | 775.752 | 0.996 |
C4 | 604 | 4.173 | 0.040 | 705.887 | 681.410 | 0.996 |
C7 | 271 | 1.825 | 0.475 | 354.875 | 368.533 | 0.998 |
C8 | 241 | 1.244 | 0.624 | 308.927 | 306.029 | 0.998 |
S3 | 532 | 3.635 | 0.077 | 684.786 | 665.235 | 0.995 |
S4 | 729 | 4.671 | 0.028 | 818.871 | 806.159 | 0.995 |
S7 | 331 | 2.485 | 0.317 | 396.831 | 396.878 | 0.997 |
S8 | 228 | 1.720 | 0.497 | 290.520 | 293.808 | 0.998 |
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Song, J.; Wang, C.; Peng, H.; Zhang, Q.; Li, Y.; Wei, H.; Wang, H. Optimization of Aeration Rate—Low Cost but High Efficiency Operation of Aniline-Degrading Bioaugmentation Reactor. Water 2022, 14, 4096. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14244096
Song J, Wang C, Peng H, Zhang Q, Li Y, Wei H, Wang H. Optimization of Aeration Rate—Low Cost but High Efficiency Operation of Aniline-Degrading Bioaugmentation Reactor. Water. 2022; 14(24):4096. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14244096
Chicago/Turabian StyleSong, Jianyang, Chunyan Wang, Haojin Peng, Qian Zhang, Yao Li, Hua Wei, and Hongyu Wang. 2022. "Optimization of Aeration Rate—Low Cost but High Efficiency Operation of Aniline-Degrading Bioaugmentation Reactor" Water 14, no. 24: 4096. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14244096
APA StyleSong, J., Wang, C., Peng, H., Zhang, Q., Li, Y., Wei, H., & Wang, H. (2022). Optimization of Aeration Rate—Low Cost but High Efficiency Operation of Aniline-Degrading Bioaugmentation Reactor. Water, 14(24), 4096. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14244096