Flood Damage on Dairy Farms: A What-If Analysis to Assess Economic Losses
:1. Introduction
2. Risk Management Tools in Agriculture: A Background
2.1. The EU Context
2.2. The Extra-European Scenario
3. Methodological Approach
3.1. Conceptual Framework
3.2. Assessing Damage: The Estimation Model
3.3. The Contribution of the Present Study
3.3.1. The First Phase: Interviews with Experts
3.3.2. The Second Phase: Building Scenarios
4. Results
4.1. Nutrition
4.1.1. Damage to Feed Supplies
4.1.2. Damage to the Water Supplies
- The W1 scenario, under which a farm obtains its water from a private well;
- The W2 scenario, under which a farm is connected to the main water source.
4.2. Health
- Under M1, the SCC level is high before a flood, meaning that mastitis infection is strongly present in the herd (SCC before flooding >400.000);
- Under M2, the SCC level is moderate before a flood (SCC before flooding of between 400.000–200.000);
- Under M3, the SCC level is low, denoting optimal udder health in the herd, where the SCC level is lower than 200.000.
4.2.1. Lameness
- L1 involves a high registered frequency of lameness in the herd, which corresponds to a poor management level (greater than 30% prevalence);
- L2 involves a moderate registered frequency of lameness, which corresponds to a moderate management level (less than 30% prevalence);
- L3 involves a low registered frequency of lameness, which corresponds to a high management level (less than 20% prevalence).
4.2.2. Other Diseases
4.3. Reproduction
- R1 involves high reproductive efficiency with an optimal pregnancy rate of >30%;
- R2 involves moderate reproductive efficiency with a pregnancy rate of 30–25%;
- R3 involves low reproductive efficiency with a pregnancy rate of lower than 25%.
5. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Focus Group | “What if a flood affects the farm?” Specific Themes Discussed during the Focus Group Session | ||
Number of Participants | Qualification | Professional Skills | |
3 | Dairy farmer | Farmers specialized in high-production dairy cattle (Holstein) management, one of whom faced flooding on his farm in 2009 | General farm and herd management; specific farm and herd management after the flood |
1 | Dairy herd manager | Professional specialist in dairy herd management | General farm and herd management |
1 | University researcher | Dairy science researcher | Health-related issue management: focus on mastitis and other diseases |
1 | Bovine veterinarian | Farm veterinarian specialized in dairy cattle | General farm and herd management; Health issue management: focus on mastitis, lameness and other diseases |
1 | Podiatrist | Farm consultant and technician specialized in bovine lameness and hoof diseases | General farm and herd management; Health issue management: focus on lameness and hoof diseases |
1 | Farm consultant | Technical farm consultant specialized in animal health and welfare | Reproduction management; Health- and welfare-related issue management |
1 | Full Professor in Animal Nutrition | Full professor in animal nutrition, specialist in cattle nutrition | Nutrition management: focus on feed management |
Scenario Features | Hypothetical Preflood Scenario (HS1) | Hypothetical Postflood Scenario (HS2) | Post-Flood Cost Constituents | Timespan | |
Impact of the Damage | |||||
Nutrition | Damage to feed supplies | ||||
Before harvesting (F1) | Feed supplies to replace internal feed production; | s/m | |||
After harvesting (F2) | s/m | ||||
Damage to water supplies | |||||
Private water well (W1) | Extra water tanks, well refurbishment, water analyses; | s | |||
Connection to water supply (W2) | Water analyses; | s | |||
Health | Mastitis | ||||
High SCC (M1) | Veterinary consultation, pharmacological treatments, analyses for the identification of specific microorganisms; | s/m | |||
Moderate SCC (M2) | s/m | ||||
Low SCC (M3) | s/m | ||||
Lameness | |||||
High prevalence (L1) | Podiatry services, pharmacological treatments; | s/m | |||
Moderate prevalence (L2) | s/m | ||||
Low prevalence (L3) | s/m | ||||
Other diseases | NA | Veterinary consultation, specific analysis for the identification of pathogens, pharmacological treatments; | NA | ||
Reproduction | Reproduction | ||||
High efficiency | Pharmacological treatments, genetic quality of the herd; | s/m | |||
Moderate efficiency | m | ||||
Low efficiency | s/m |
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Share and Cite
Gaviglio, A.; Marescotti, M.E.; Demartini, E.; Corradini, A. Flood Damage on Dairy Farms: A What-If Analysis to Assess Economic Losses. Water 2022, 14, 3984. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14243984
Gaviglio A, Marescotti ME, Demartini E, Corradini A. Flood Damage on Dairy Farms: A What-If Analysis to Assess Economic Losses. Water. 2022; 14(24):3984. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14243984
Chicago/Turabian StyleGaviglio, Anna, Maria Elena Marescotti, Eugenio Demartini, and Annafrancesca Corradini. 2022. "Flood Damage on Dairy Farms: A What-If Analysis to Assess Economic Losses" Water 14, no. 24: 3984. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14243984
APA StyleGaviglio, A., Marescotti, M. E., Demartini, E., & Corradini, A. (2022). Flood Damage on Dairy Farms: A What-If Analysis to Assess Economic Losses. Water, 14(24), 3984. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14243984