1. Introduction
The Internet increasingly permeates everyday life of individuals around the world. On the other hand, information technology allows data analysis to a degree which was inconceivable a few years ago. Simultaneously to the increasing amount and availability of information about Internet users, new information retrieval, data mining and further technologies allow to automatically collect, filter and analyze personal information and to draw conclusions based on this process. Democratic societies should further advocate environments that respect user privacy for citizens and should support individuals who face repressive censorship to access public information without being identified or traced. In political regimes, where personal rights, the freedom of speech, and in particular free access to information is restricted, these possibilities of modern data collection can lead to persecution of individuals if their identity is unveiled. Another restraint is censorship, which may be used to restrict free access to information [
By using anonymization tools such as the Tor onion routing network [
3], Internet users can conceal their virtual tracks to a certain degree by obfuscating their IP addresses, allowing for a more anonymous Internet access. With Tor, application messages are not directly routed to the receiver, but are encrypted and forwarded through ephemeral paths of Tor relays through an overlay network, using more complicated routes that are difficult to analyze for third parties. The more users participate, the harder it is to correlate senders and receivers, and the less likely it is for any user to raise suspicions simply by using Tor: “Anonymity loves company" [
4]. The anonymity provided within the Tor network attracts many different groups of users, such as journalists and activists or business, governmental, military, and private users [
6]. A recent study showed significant growth of Tor users in China as the governmental censorship increased and also in Iran when the riots after the presidential election took place [
However, due to usability problems caused by Tor, many “average" Internet users refrain from using it. This causes a negative impact on the potential overall privacy provided by Tor, since it depends on the size of the user community and availability of shared resources such as Tor relays. Besides one-time installation and configuration efforts, the main usability loss when using an anonymization tool such as Tor is an increase in latency. Several authors already discussed technically why Tor is slowing down a client’s Internet speed and proposed how to improve the performance [
9]. However, detailed comparative measurements about the performance of Tor are crucial for assessing and solving this issue.
This paper presents distributed measurements on Tor latency and throughput for surfing to 500 popular websites from several PlanetLab nodes around the world during the period of 28 days (PlanetLab [
10] provides a globally distributed testbed for network research). Furthermore, we compare these measurements to critical latency thresholds gathered from web usability research, including our own user studies. The resulting expected user cancelation rate—
i.e., the percentage of users who abandon the wait during a certain time interval—is an indicator how easy it would be to keep existing users and to attract new, “average” Web users to Tor for increasing their own anonymity as well as the anonymity of the whole user community. Our results could also be relevant for integrating similar privacy-enhancing technologies into a “Future Internet".
The structure of the paper is the following. We present related work in
Section 2, followed by a description of our measurement setup in
Section 3. The experimental results are presented in
Section 4. An interpretation of those results from the perspective of web usability is given in
Section 5.
Section 6 discusses limitations and future work.
Section 7 concludes the paper.
2. Related Work
Even though Internet privacy is increasingly being covered in the media, many Internet users are still not aware of the attacks that threaten the privacy of their daily communication links. One important countermeasure against attacks on communication privacy is anonymization [
11], the obfuscation of the identity of communication partners, especially of clients contacting a public server. As an important example, the Tor onion routing network provides privacy for Internet users by fundamentally enhancing their anonymity when using the Internet [
However, a fundamental problem associated with many of today’s security and privacy solutions is not primarily that the level of security they provide is insufficient, but rather their lack of usability. If the usability for certain security features is too low, end users are not willing to apply them, increasing the users’ personal risk of exposure to adversary attacks. Recent studies indicate that too complex security features are not applied unless they are mandatory, see for example the usage of security in banking scenarios [
12]. The amount of time or money users are willing to spend for more security is restricted and differs individually.
There exist two ways to foster a broader application of security mechanisms: either (i) to increase the awareness of security risks in order to raise the willingness to pay money or time; or (ii) to increase the usability of the security features. In the case of Tor, we argue that due to its poor usability in terms of network latency, Tor is not as frequently and intensively used as would be desirable. A larger user base—with proportionate number of additional Tor relays—could enhance the privacy of its users indirectly by making Tor traffic (
i.e., connections to well-known relays) less rare and suspicious. This argument is supported by research on economic network effects and the role of usability in anonymity systems [
Moreover, generalizing from current Tor adoption to future privacy infrastructures, if anonymity mechanisms are to be deployed to protect user privacy in a Future Internet [
14], the performance expectations of average users need to be respected.
An important aspect of usability is the latency overhead caused by anonymization systems. Classical anonymity systems are mix networks, which were invented by David Chaum for anonymous email [
15] and were later generalized to arbitrary anonymous communication [
16]. In comparison to mix networks, Tor already provides much lower latency because traffic of different senders is not stored for a time and sent out in batches in order to counter timing attacks [
2]. Recent studies provide a simulation analysis of the interrelation of network topology, additional synchronization and
dummy traffic against timing attacks, anonymity, and overhead [
17]. Even though Tor does not (yet) apply these additional protection measures, end user latency is still high.
Several authors have already qualitatively discussed why Tor is by design slow, or have proposed ideas how to improve the performance, e.g., [
9] or [
8]. An analysis of the number and the reported bandwidth of Tor relay servers from 2006 until 2008 gives an aggregated view on global Tor capacity and actual load [
9]. Another study investigates the impact of different Tor path selection algorithms on anonymity and performance [
18]. Further studies investigate the performance of Tor hidden services [
19] and [
20], which is different from our focus on accessing standard websites through Tor. Related research also includes demographic studies on Tor, e.g., number and countries of exit nodes or estimation of user numbers and origin [
In the Tor Metrics project [
21], statistics such as number of users, relays, and bridges are collected. Furthermore, the duration and percentage of timeouts and failures of downloading files over Tor from a few data repositories are measured. These statistics also indicate that the performance of Tor is in general volatile over time, but the measurement of latency overhead compared to a direct connection is not provided. Furthermore, the number of servers used for these measurements is very small. In an earlier pre-study, we conducted three-day experiments from Germany to 50 websites [
22]. There is also a report on Tor usage, including performance measurements [
23] and the software TorFlow, a toolset for onion router performance analysis and measurements [
24]. Another study [
25] experimentally reveals a principal reason of Tor’s weak performance, namely frequent delays (as high as a few seconds) contributed by single, overloaded onion routers with low bandwidths. An interesting twist of our problem at hand is discussed in [
26], where the impact of different latency values on de-anonymizing communication partners is investigated.
In contrast to these studies, our current paper focuses on an extensive quantitative assessment of the latency overhead of Tor, comparing the latency of Internet access from several countries with and without the application of Tor, using a list of 500 popular websites. Furthermore, we provide an analysis and mapping of these measurements to latency acceptance studies. For this, we define measures in order to estimate when users cancel their Web page request, or in other words, how much waiting time users tolerate for a request. These measures are based on related work and previous user studies conducted by the authors [
In the area of e-commerce research, there is a common understanding that waiting time impedes online commerce [
31], although the authors do not agree on a single, exact classification and threshold for latency acceptance.
Table 1 summarizes the existing literature about critical latency thresholds for Internet users, showing the different classifications.
Table 1.
Classification of Critical Latency Thresholds.
Table 1.
Classification of Critical Latency Thresholds.
Author | Critical Latency Thresholds (s) | Description | Year | Source Classification |
Tolia [32] | 1 | Thin client response time—annoying | 2006 | Journal |
Nah [33] | 2 | For simple information retrieval tasks | 2004 | Journal |
Tolia [32] | 2 | Thin client response time—unacceptable | 2006 | Journal |
Tolia [32] | 5 | Thin client response time—unusable | 2006 | Journal |
AccountingWEB [34] | 8 | Optimal web page waiting time | 2000 | Practical advise |
Bhatti [35] | 8.57 | Average tolerable delay (but high standard deviation of 5.85) | 2000 | Conference |
Selvidge [36] | 10 | Tolerable delay by users | 1999 | Practical advise |
Nielson [28] | 10 | Optimal web page waiting time | 1999 | Practical advise |
Galetta [37] | 12 | Start of significant decrease in user satisfaction | 2004 | Journal |
Nah [33] | 15 | Free user from physical and mental captivity | 2004 | Journal |
Ramsay [38] | 41 | Suggestion as cut-off for long delays | 1998 | Journal |
5. Interpretation of Results with Respect to Usability
In this section, we focus on the combination of our technical measurements with studies of user behaviour while browsing the web. The aim is to reason about the influence of the latency that we measured on user acceptance. We already introduced critical latency values gained from experimental research (cf.
Section 2). According to this related work, in particular in
Table 1, we assume that user tolerance of waiting for web-page requests decreases after 2 s; it falls sharply within the interval between 7 s and 15 s, and ends with 50 s when the user stops waiting. In our opinion, the related research conducted by Nah
et al. [
33] is best suited for our experiment due to its empirical grounding and most recent data in comparison to the other studies. However, we extend these experimentally measured lab results [
33] with results stated by users from our own survey [
Figure 9 shows four different scenarios with cancelation rates over time. The curve labeled “Nah without FB” is referencing the “first-attempt waiting” scenario of Nah in which the user is confronted with a broken link while not getting any feedback from the web browser [
33]. Here, an important metric is introduced: the percentage of users who abandoned the wait during the time interval specified.
Figure 9.
Cancelation Rate of Different Scenarios.
Figure 9.
Cancelation Rate of Different Scenarios.
We adopt this
cancelation rate as a good indicator for the user’s waiting tolerance in our setting. The curve labeled “Nah with Feedback” is referencing the first attempt waiting scenario in which the user is confronted with a broken link while getting feedback in form of a progress bar from the web browser [
33]. The other two scenarios are derived from our own survey and show stated tolerated waiting times for normal and anonymous web browsing. Those two cancelation rate curves indicate that people surfing anonymously have a higher tolerance in terms of latency. Nevertheless, the gap between the curves is small: The correlation is 0.989, the medians are 18.556 and 21.096 s, respectively. There are 948 data points. The maximum difference D between the cumulative distributions according to the Kolmogorov–Smirnov comparison is: 0.0854, with a corresponding p-value of: 0.002 (statistically significant at 0.5% level). Furthermore, we note that our survey results also confirmed the results of Nah’s lab experiments.
In order to reason about expected cancelation rates for browsing the web via Tor, we map our technical latency results to corresponding user cancelation rates. On the technical side, we apply our core and page latency measurements for both direct connections and connections over Tor. Page latency, estimated by the applying the measured factor 2.4 to core latency, increases the median of core latency for HTTP requests via Tor from 13.36 s to 32.06 s. The median of HTTP requests without Tor increases from 1.72 s to 4.13 s.
From a usability perspective, we are provided with stated as well as experimentally measured user cancelation rates. As stated cancelation rates, we have statements for direct connection and anonymized connection. Experimental cancelation rates can be divided in those with and without feedback. Out of the
![Futureinternet 04 00488 i003]()
possible combinations,
Table 4 shows the meaningful mappings. The results from the lab experiment with feedback can be mapped to page latency because the user is given feedback during loading of the page (the page builds up stepwise). The lab experiment without feedback should be mapped to core latency because the user gets no detailed visual progress feedback until first data is retrieved.
Table 4.
Comparing Cancelation Rates from User Studies to our Latency Measurements.
Table 4.
Comparing Cancelation Rates from User Studies to our Latency Measurements.
Type of Cancelation Rate | Direct, Core Latency | Tor, Core Latency | Direct, Page Latency | Tor, Page Latency |
Lab with Feedback | – | – | X | X |
Lab without Feedback | X | X | – | – |
Stated Direct | X | – | X | – |
Stated Anonymous | – | X | – | X |
Figure 10,
Figure 11,
Figure 12,
Figure 13, we present our mappings of technical latency results (LT) and corresponding user cancelation rates (CR) of
Figure 9. Each of the four figures describes a different type of cancelation rate and the meaningful mappings for technical latency (from
Table 4). The extrapolated page latency (full page download) is referenced by
PAGE, the core latency (HTTP request duration) by
CORE, while requests directed via the Tor network are referenced by
Tor, and direct requests by
The mapping in
Figure 10 shows technical measurements of page latency (
i.e., page loading time) and the resulting cancelation rates of users who are provided with feedback while loading the page. This figure indicates a high increase in user cancelation when sending requests via Tor. The median of page latency via Tor corresponds to a median of 67% cancelation rate, while user frustration for the median of direct page latency maps to only 2% cancelation. This gap between cancelation rates indicates a critical jump in expected user cancelation when using the Tor network, which we aim to investigate further by our own set of user studies in future work.
Moreover, the user cancelation rate follows a saturation curve. Therefore, early user loss (in terms of cancelation rates) caused by latency is massive. Lowering the page latency via Tor by 7 s would decrease the user cancelation rate by 12%. A reduction of Tor-based page latency by 12 s would reduce the cancelation rate by 33%. Hence, an only minimal optimization of the Tor network latency will not gain a substantial effect. Only if the optimization is massive, a real improvement would be made.
Figure 11, a mapping is provided between technical measurements of core latency and the resulting cancelation rates of users who are not provided with feedback while loading the page. This indicates an even higher, disproportionate increase in user cancelation when sending requests via Tor. The median of the core latency via Tor maps to a median of 78% cancelation rate, while user frustration for the median of direct page latency maps to 14% cancelation (lowest measured cancelation rate, we assume an even lower cancelation rate here if cancelation rate data would be more precise).
Lowering core latency via Tor by 3 s would decrease user cancelation rate by 17%. A reduction of Tor-based core latency by 8 s would reduce the cancelation rate to the same level as when using a direct connection—of course with the caveat of non-exact measurement data of the laboratory studies for direct access. These results indicate an expected massive gain in user acceptance if Tor network latency is reduced significantly. Both mappings provide a combined line of argument. Their results indicate the same amount of performance improvements necessary for Tor.
The results shown in
Figure 10 and
Figure 11 do not distinguish between user acceptance of anonymous
vs. non-anonymous browsing because this was not tested in the lab studies we refer to.
Figure 10.
Page Latency and Cancelation Rate (Lab Experiment with Feedback).
Figure 10.
Page Latency and Cancelation Rate (Lab Experiment with Feedback).
Figure 11.
Core Latency and Cancelation Rate (Lab Experiment without Feedback).
Figure 11.
Core Latency and Cancelation Rate (Lab Experiment without Feedback).
Figure 12.
Latency and Cancelation Rate for Normal Web Browsing (Survey Statements).
Figure 12.
Latency and Cancelation Rate for Normal Web Browsing (Survey Statements).
Figure 12 displays technical measurements of core and page latency using a direct connection, which are mapped to the resulting cancelation rates of users asked for their acceptance of latency during normal browsing (referenced by
Norm). This mapping indicates that core and page latency of an average direct connection are accepted by more than 96% of the users.
Figure 13 shows the mapping of technical measurements of core and page latency using a connection over Tor to the cancelation rates of users who have been asked for their acceptance of latency while browsing anonymously (referenced by
Anon). The resulting cancelation rates indicate that core and page latency of an average connection over Tor are accepted only by less than 30% of the users. The reason for the low acceptance are that only a few people are willing to wait longer in order to surf anonymously, while anonymous web browsing using the Tor network has a massively adverse effect on latency.
Figure 13.
Latency and Cancelation Rate for Anonymous Web Browsing (Survey Statements).
Figure 13.
Latency and Cancelation Rate for Anonymous Web Browsing (Survey Statements).
6. Limitations and Future Work
In order to assess usability implications on a global scale, we treated Tor explicitly as a “black box” in this paper. We measured what end users around the world are confronted with in terms of performance. Our experiments do not aim for a detailed white-box analysis of Tor or technical improvements for latency, but serve as basis for assessing Tor usability based on tolerated waiting time. Important related literature on the technical details of improving Tor is presented in the
Section 2.
Moreover, the global experiments we conducted have some limitations in terms of node reliability, comparability, and estimation of page latency. When using the PlanetLab environment, traffic generated by other experiments on the same node could influence the experiment results. During the execution of the test scripts, the resources of the nodes have been shared with other experiments. Accordingly, the overall traffic speed might not be accurate and the performance of the direct and Tor connections should only be compared against each other and are (quantitatively) not exactly comparable across machines. However, the results from experiments conducted on the same node (i.e., direct vs. Tor) are still comparable since both traffic types used the same connection and the ratio between them was considered for analysis. On the one hand, our experiments might be overestimating the speed of normal web browsing, e.g., at home, because the PlanetLab environment provides in most cases server-grade computers with a good Internet connection. On the other hand, they may be underestimating the speed of normal web browsing because of the heavy load these PlanetLab nodes suffer. Though we suppose that these differences between PlanetLab nodes and common personal computers are insignificant, further research should include tests to strengthen this hypothesis. All in all, the relative ratio of both traffic types will be comparable.
Our approach for calculating the extrapolation factor for downloading complete web pages, though most suited for our experimental setting, has some limitations: (i) The results vary between different websites, while extrapolating does not cover this issue. We do not consider this as crucial due to the fact that we focus on page latency; (ii) When downloading the complete web page, additional variations in terms of time and coverage for different browsers and individual browser settings may be experienced. An alternative method, which could better reflect a real user’s browsing behavior, would be to provide a Tor exit node and use the requested websites for live measurement experiments. However, even though such alternative experiments could in theory be conducted without affecting the privacy of Tor users, this could nonetheless raise strong privacy concerns and potentially also cause legal issues in our university environment.
We focused on clear-cut technical metrics that can be measured via automated requests. In the real world, the perceived latency of the user depends on various other aspects. Additional studies about influence factors for perceived latency such as cultural issues, the task at hand, or individual user settings of the browser or operating system could provide valuable information about how latency is experienced by users and what countermeasures could be applied, such as introducing a loading progress bar for Tor users. In future work, we plan a set of user studies on capturing those further, more individual or subjective aspects of latency acceptance and usability. In addition, we will investigate user acceptances correlation to educational and ethnical background and if IT knowledge has an influence on users acceptance. Furthermore, we will ask if risk awareness and risk aversion have an influence on the willingness to use Tor. First results in this direction were recently published by us [
Future research will also focus on performance improvements, which according to our studies will help to gain a wider user acceptance. We would like to investigate if changing parameters such as the number of hops in an anonymization network could have a positive influence on anonymity and usability, e.g., decreasing the number of hops could result in lower latency. This could result in broader user acceptance, leading to more users and increasing anonymity in general, but possibly leaving routes much more open to compromise. Another approach could be a performance-oriented one in which the behavior of the anonymization network is not focused on guaranteeing a certain degree of anonymity, but on a guarantee of performance. For example, one could include statistics such as number of participants and latency of nodes when calculating the route within the anonymization network. Such an approach is adopted by the I2P anonymity system, which takes the performance of the peers into account when calculating routes through the network. This is of course a compromise between performance and privacy [
7. Conclusions
In this paper, we extended previous research on measuring Tor latency and usability: for the technical measurement in terms of diversification and duration and for the user acceptance in terms of user cancelation rates. We included further statistics from web usability studies and we included our own results based on an interactive survey. Both extensions helped us to improve the significance and clarity of the usability analysis of the Tor anonymization tool. In particular, we analyzed the performance of the Tor network by comparing direct Internet access against a Tor-anonymized Internet access. Those tests were performed on different nodes around the world to gather data based on various locations. Enormous amounts of data were accumulated during a period of 38 days totaling nearly 4.5 million requests for each connection type.
The experiment results quantitatively confirmed the common intuition that one has to accept performance losses while using the Tor network. User waiting times exhibit a large spread, ranging from taking twice as long as to nearly a hundred times longer while using the Tor network. The median ratio while using the Tor network is around 7.8 times slower. Concerning the loss of usability in exchange for improved anonymity while browsing the web via Tor, we can say that for core latency, the median of all Tor requests was 7.8 times higher than the median of the direct connection. Furthermore, the experiments revealed that Tor latency seems to fluctuate more, i.e., the actual duration of an HTTP request via Tor is harder to anticipate for the user. The overall latency that a user finally experiences is approximated by page latency, estimating the download of a complete web page. Our results indicate that at least 75% of all direct requests are faster than 75% of all Tor requests.
Based on the results of our experiments, we provided a mapping that measures the expected increase in web user cancelation rate while using Tor. Comparing page latency between Tor-based and direct requests, there is a difference of 64% or 65% according to the lab experiment, respectively the user survey, in expected cancelation rate. This is a strong indicator for potentially high user frustration when using the Tor anonymization network.
We suggest that a usability improvement in terms of a massive latency reduction would significantly increase the adoption of Tor by new users, and thereby increase the anonymity of current users as well. On the other hand, if anonymization technology should become part of a Future Internet [
14], our research offers first steps towards an empirically grounded analysis of corresponding performance requirements.