Aftermath of Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreak in British Columbia: Stand Dynamics, Management Response and Ecosystem Resilience
:1. Introduction
2. Stand Structure and Composition
3. Growth Response of Residual Live Trees
4. Mid-Term Timber Supply
5. Forest Fire
6. Carbon Dynamics
7. Species Range Expansion
8. Biodiversity
9. Ecosystem Resilience
10. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Dhar, A.; Parrott, L.; Hawkins, C.D.B. Aftermath of Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreak in British Columbia: Stand Dynamics, Management Response and Ecosystem Resilience. Forests 2016, 7, 171.
Dhar A, Parrott L, Hawkins CDB. Aftermath of Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreak in British Columbia: Stand Dynamics, Management Response and Ecosystem Resilience. Forests. 2016; 7(8):171.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDhar, Amalesh, Lael Parrott, and Christopher D.B. Hawkins. 2016. "Aftermath of Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreak in British Columbia: Stand Dynamics, Management Response and Ecosystem Resilience" Forests 7, no. 8: 171.
APA StyleDhar, A., Parrott, L., & Hawkins, C. D. B. (2016). Aftermath of Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreak in British Columbia: Stand Dynamics, Management Response and Ecosystem Resilience. Forests, 7(8), 171.