Natural Regeneration, Genetic Diversity, and Provenance of Introduced Fagus sylvatica L. Stands in Latvia
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Analysed F. sylvatica Stands and Sample Collection
2.2. DNA Extraction and Genotyping
2.3. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Screening of SSR Loci
3.2. Parent–Offspring Analysis in the Skede 20 Stand
3.3. Parent–Offspring Analysis in the Kaleti Stand
3.4. Comparison of Genetic Diversity Between the Parent and Offspring Groups
3.5. Genetic Diversity and Structure of Mature Stands
3.6. Provenance of the Skede Stand
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Pop | Na (SE) | Ne (SE) | I (SE) | Ho (SE) | He (SE) | F (SE) |
Kaleti parents | 4.400 (0.273) | 2.912 (0.184) | 1.172 (0.059) | 0.697 (0.041) | 0.633 (0.028) | −0.100 (0.036) |
Kaleti offspring | 4.933 (0.396) | 2.524 (0.197) | 1.059 (0.065) | 0.588 (0.035) | 0.569 (0.033) | −0.040 (0.031) |
Skede 20 parents | 8.933 (1.007) | 3.881 (0.389) | 1.516 (0.114) | 0.672 (0.037) | 0.695 (0.036) | 0.030 (0.027) |
Skede 20 offspring | 7.867 (0.920) | 3.983 (0.378) | 1.523 (0.104) | 0.718 (0.040) | 0.712 (0.032) | −0.012 (0.038) |
Stand | Na (SE) | Ne (SE) | I (SE) | Ho (SE) | He (SE) | F (SE) |
Skede_20 | 8.500 (0.976) | 3.722 (0.382) | 1.474 (0.114) | 0.669 (0.040) | 0.685 (0.037) | 0.021 (0.027) |
Skede_21 | 7.286 (0.952) | 3.713 (0.386) | 1.456 (0.124) | 0.649 (0.043) | 0.676 (0.044) | 0.031 (0.029) |
Skede_23 | 7.000 (0.864) | 3.553 (0.413) | 1.396 (0.125) | 0.618 (0.047) | 0.658 (0.045) | 0.058 (0.03) |
Kaleti | 4.286 (0.266) | 2.956 (0.192) | 1.177 (0.063) | 0.707 (0.042) | 0.638 (0.030) | −0.107 (0.038) |
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Ruņģis, D.E.; Danusevičius, D.; Kembrytė-Ilčiukienė, R.; Jansone, L.; Kempf, M.; Jansons, Ā. Natural Regeneration, Genetic Diversity, and Provenance of Introduced Fagus sylvatica L. Stands in Latvia. Forests 2025, 16, 178.
Ruņģis DE, Danusevičius D, Kembrytė-Ilčiukienė R, Jansone L, Kempf M, Jansons Ā. Natural Regeneration, Genetic Diversity, and Provenance of Introduced Fagus sylvatica L. Stands in Latvia. Forests. 2025; 16(1):178.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRuņģis, Dainis Edgars, Darius Danusevičius, Rūta Kembrytė-Ilčiukienė, Līga Jansone, Marta Kempf, and Āris Jansons. 2025. "Natural Regeneration, Genetic Diversity, and Provenance of Introduced Fagus sylvatica L. Stands in Latvia" Forests 16, no. 1: 178.
APA StyleRuņģis, D. E., Danusevičius, D., Kembrytė-Ilčiukienė, R., Jansone, L., Kempf, M., & Jansons, Ā. (2025). Natural Regeneration, Genetic Diversity, and Provenance of Introduced Fagus sylvatica L. Stands in Latvia. Forests, 16(1), 178.