Prototyping a Geospatial Atlas for Wildfire Planning and Management
:1. Introduction
2. Wildfire Planning and Management with PODs
2.1. Background on PODs
2.2. Atlas Prototype: Arapaho–Roosevelt National Forest, Colorado, USA
2.3. Atlas Development
3. Next-Generation Prototype of POD Atlas: Carson and Santa Fe National Forests, New Mexico, USA
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Basic Statistics | Ecology | Fire Behavior | Values at Risk | Strategic Objectives | Operations |
Area | Vegetation type | Fire history (ignitions and area burned) | Population density | Ownership | Road density |
Perimeter | Lifeform | Burn probability | Water supply | Land designation | Trail density |
Burnable area | Topography | Flame length probability | Net value change * | Strategic response zone * | Suppression difficulty |
Treatment history | |||||
Potential control locations * |
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Thompson, M.P.; Gannon, B.M.; Caggiano, M.D.; O’Connor, C.D.; Brough, A.; Gilbertson-Day, J.W.; Scott, J.H. Prototyping a Geospatial Atlas for Wildfire Planning and Management. Forests 2020, 11, 909.
Thompson MP, Gannon BM, Caggiano MD, O’Connor CD, Brough A, Gilbertson-Day JW, Scott JH. Prototyping a Geospatial Atlas for Wildfire Planning and Management. Forests. 2020; 11(9):909.
Chicago/Turabian StyleThompson, Matthew P., Benjamin M. Gannon, Michael D. Caggiano, Christopher D. O’Connor, April Brough, Julie W. Gilbertson-Day, and Joe H. Scott. 2020. "Prototyping a Geospatial Atlas for Wildfire Planning and Management" Forests 11, no. 9: 909.
APA StyleThompson, M. P., Gannon, B. M., Caggiano, M. D., O’Connor, C. D., Brough, A., Gilbertson-Day, J. W., & Scott, J. H. (2020). Prototyping a Geospatial Atlas for Wildfire Planning and Management. Forests, 11(9), 909.