Clinical Protocols and Treatment Guidelines for the Management of Maternal and Congenital Syphilis in Brazil and Portugal: Analysis and Comparisons: A Narrative Review
:1. Introduction
1.1. Sociodemographic Aspects of Brazil and Portugal
1.2. Clinical Protocols and Treatment Guidelines (CPTG)
2. Materials and Methods
Study Design and Search Strategy
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Current Epidemiology
3.2. “Syphilis No!” Project (SNP)
3.3. Guidelines
3.3.1. Portuguese Guidelines
3.3.2. Brazilian Guidelines
3.4. Protocol Gaps
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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de Brito Pinto, T.K.; da Cunha-Oliveira, A.C.G.D.P.; Sales-Moioli, A.I.L.; Dantas, J.F.; da Costa, R.M.M.; Silva Moura, J.P.; Gómez-Cantarino, S.; Valentim, R.A.d.M. Clinical Protocols and Treatment Guidelines for the Management of Maternal and Congenital Syphilis in Brazil and Portugal: Analysis and Comparisons: A Narrative Review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 10513.
de Brito Pinto TK, da Cunha-Oliveira ACGDP, Sales-Moioli AIL, Dantas JF, da Costa RMM, Silva Moura JP, Gómez-Cantarino S, Valentim RAdM. Clinical Protocols and Treatment Guidelines for the Management of Maternal and Congenital Syphilis in Brazil and Portugal: Analysis and Comparisons: A Narrative Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(17):10513.
Chicago/Turabian Stylede Brito Pinto, Talita Katiane, Aliete Cristina Gomes Dias Pedrosa da Cunha-Oliveira, Ana Isabela Lopes Sales-Moioli, Jane Francinete Dantas, Rosângela Maria Morais da Costa, José Paulo Silva Moura, Sagrario Gómez-Cantarino, and Ricardo Alexsandro de Medeiros Valentim. 2022. "Clinical Protocols and Treatment Guidelines for the Management of Maternal and Congenital Syphilis in Brazil and Portugal: Analysis and Comparisons: A Narrative Review" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 17: 10513.