Nature’s Role in Outdoor Therapies: An Umbrella Review
:1. Introduction
The Present Study
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Search Strategy
2.2. Selection Criteria
2.3. Data Extraction
3. Results
3.1. Study Descriptions
3.2. Quality Assessment
3.3. Theory
3.4. Mechanisms of Change
3.5. Brief Summary of Evidence
3.6. Recommendations for Practice
3.7. Recommendations for Research
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Search Number | Field | Search Terms | Database Results |
S1 | SU (Subjects) | therapy or counselling or counseling or psychotherapy | PsychInfo 374,657 Medline 3,321,539 Academic S.P. 340,105 |
S2 | SU (Subjects) | AND wilderness OR adventure OR nature* OR outdoor OR forest OR garden OR animal-assisted OR equine OR horticultural OR green* OR blue* | PsychInfo 1865 Medline 9883 Academic S.P. 1611 |
S3 | Open | AND “systematic review” OR “meta-analysis” | PsychInfo 54 Medline 107 Academic S.P. 42 |
Criteria | As Defined in the Present Review | |
P | Population(s) | Health professionals and clients/participants, no age discrimination |
I | Phenomena of interest/ intervention | Intentionally planned outdoor and nature-based interventions/ therapy for change, growth, development, and healing |
C | Context | Therapy in/with natural environments |
O | Outcome/Endpoint | An expression of nature’s role in outdoor therapy (as possible theory or mechanism of change/processes) |
S | Study design | Systematic reviews and meta-analyses only |
Author/Year | Population | Intervention | Treatment Goals | Study Design |
[27] Annerstedt & Währborg, 2011 | Youth and adults | Nature-based therapy | Addressing states of ill health, mental disorders, substance abuse or addiction, dementia, and varied physical disorders | Systematic review |
[28] Bettmann et al., 2016 | Youth | Wilderness therapy | Addressing substance abuse or addiction, mental health and behavioral issues | Meta-analysis |
[18] Bowen & Neill, 2013 | Youth and adults | Adventure therapy | Addressing substance abuse or addiction, mental health issues, behavioral and interpersonal problems | Meta-analysis |
[29] Britton et al., 2020 | Youth and adults | Nature-based therapy (blue space) | Improving psychological, social and/or physical wellbeing | Systematic review |
[30] Corazon et al., 2019 | Adults | Nature-based therapy | Seeking stress recovery | Systematic review |
[31] Djernis et al., 2019 | Youth and adults | Nature-based therapy (mindfulness) | Improving psychological, physiological and/or interpersonal outcomes | Systematic review & meta-analysis |
[32] Gillis et al., 2016 | Youth | Wilderness therapy | Addressing substance abuse or addiction, mental health and behavioral issues | Meta-analysis |
[33] Kamioka et al., 2014 | Youth and adults | Horticultural therapy | Addressing mental and physical disorders | Systematic review |
[34] Kotera et al., 2020 | Youth and adults | Forest (and nature-based) therapy | Addressing depression, anxiety, stress and anger | Systematic review & meta-analysis |
[35] Lee et al., 2017 | Adults | Forest therapy | Addressing depression | Systematic review |
[36] Mygind et al., 2019 | Children and youth | Nature-based therapy | Addressing mental, physical and social health | Systematic review |
[37] Nicholas et al., 2019 | Older adults (60+) | Horticultural therapy | Addressing physical and cognitive decline | Systematic review |
[38] Wen et al., 2019 | Open | Forest therapy | Addressing health effects | Systematic review |
[39] Zhao et al., 2020 | Adults | Horticultural therapy | Addressing dementia | Systematic review |
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Harper, N.J.; Fernee, C.R.; Gabrielsen, L.E. Nature’s Role in Outdoor Therapies: An Umbrella Review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 5117.
Harper NJ, Fernee CR, Gabrielsen LE. Nature’s Role in Outdoor Therapies: An Umbrella Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(10):5117.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHarper, Nevin J., Carina R. Fernee, and Leiv E. Gabrielsen. 2021. "Nature’s Role in Outdoor Therapies: An Umbrella Review" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 10: 5117.