Undertaking a Collaborative Rapid Realist Review to Investigate What Works in the Successful Implementation of a Frail Older Person’s Pathway
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
2.1. Establishment of an Expert Panel
2.2. Establishment of Reference Panels
2.3. Research Questions and Search Strategy
3. Data Extraction and Analysis
- Background information such as the setting and demographics to outline possible contextual factors;
- Key workings that contributed to the design and functioning of a pathway to identify mechanisms and resources;
- Information and evidence suggestive of the successes or failures of different aspects of an intervention.
4. Results
4.1. Nature of Dataset
- Five systematic/scoping reviews: This included a review of the effectiveness of ED and community transitions [6], review of interventions of comprehensive geriatric assessments in the ED [7] scoping of the structure and process for geriatric multidisciplinary teams [22], the feasibility of identifying frailty in the ED [3] and a systematic review on the feasibility and implementation of frailty identification tools within the emergency department [23].
- Six studies/interventions within one acute site: UK study on older patient’s flow through hospital to improve efficiency and reduce mortality [27]; an evaluation of an ED frailty unit in the UK [28], geriatric ED intervention in Australia [29], outcome study of frailty indicators in Sweden [30], US study on the impact of an eat walk engage program [31] and on embedding a comprehensive geriatric assessment unit [32].
4.2. Identify Frailty at the Front Door—Emergency Department
4.3. Remove Organisational Boundaries and Be Clear on Workloads
4.4. Set Realistic Time Frames, Support Staff and Make It Everyone’s Business
4.5. Engage with Older People and the Developed Pathway May Not Result in Financial Savings
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Ethics Approval and Consent to Participate
RRR | rapid realist review |
ED | Emergency Department |
SAFE | systematic approach to improving care for frail older adults |
Appendix A: Expert Panel Membership
- Dr. Marie Therese Cooney, Clinical Lecturer & Consultant Geriatric Medicine and Acute Medicine, St Vincent’s University Hospital;
- Dr. Diarmuid O’Shea, National Clinical Lead for Programme for Older Persons and Consultant Geriatric Medicine and head of department medicine for the elderly, St Vincent’s University Hospital;
- Ms. Mary McCarthy, Member of Patient and Public Involvement in Healthcare at the HSE and Co-Chair of the SAFE Public and Patient co-design panel;
- Ms. Fiona Keogan, Frailty Lead, Ireland East Hospital Group formally Head of Clinical Services & Business Planning, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin;
- Dr. Rosa McNamara, Consultant in Emergency Medicine at St James’s Hospital Dublin formally Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust);
- Professor. Eilish McAuliffe, Professor of Health Systems, School of Nursing Midwifery and Health Systems, University College Dublin;
- Dr. Éidín Ní Shé, Health Systems researcher, School of Nursing Midwifery and Health Systems, University College Dublin.
Appendix B: Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria and Database Search Terms
Primary Exclusion Criteria Studies not written in English; Studies that include participants who are not human; Studies where the primary focus was not on the care of frail older people; Studies which were letters, notes, conference abstracts or reviews only; |
Secondary Exclusion Criteria Studies where there was no description of any intervention or guidelines; Studies that did not report any outcome or results; Studies where there were no acute care elements; Unable to obtain further information to make assessment; |
Search Terms Used (Frail older person pathway, or ‘frail elderly pathway’ or “frailty units”) and (intervention or interventions or strategy or quality improvement) and (acute setting) |
- Articles discusses what works to support implementation of frail older person pathways in the acute setting;
- Articles discusses the implementation of acute frailty units in the acute setting;
- Article discusses frailty within the context of older persons within the acute setting;
- Articles discusses the health policies supporting the care of frail older persons within the acute setting and that offers recommendations for the future based on research evidence and stakeholder’s experiences including public and patient involvement;
- Articles discusses potential barriers to the care of frail older persons within the acute setting;
- Articles that discusses what resources enabled the development and implementation of a frail older person pathways to be successfully implemented within the acute setting;
- Articles discusses how hospitals and the community setting are working together in implementing a frail older persons pathway;
- Articles discussing frailty measurement.
Appendix C: Search Terms
Cochrane | Cinahl | Pub Med |
Search 1. “frail older person” AND “Pathway” | Search 1: “frail older person” AND “Pathway” AND “Intervention | Search 1: “Frail Elderly” AND “Pathway” AND “Intervention” |
Search 2. “Acute Frailty Units” | Search 2 “Frail elderly person” AND “Pathway” AND “Intervention” | Search 2: “Acute frail elderly” AND “emergency department” |
Search 3. “frail elderly” AND “Pathwa” | Search 3: “Frail elderly” AND “Intervention” AND “Emergency Department” | Search 3: “Frail elderly” AND “Quality Improvement” AND “Emergency Department” |
Search 4 “Frail elderly” AND “Quality Improvement” AND “Emergency Department” | ||
Total: 81 for screening | Total: 30 for screening | Total: 121 for screening |
Appendix D: Developing a Frail Older Person’s Pathway—SAFE #IrishMed Tweetchat 11/1/17
- T.1. Why is there a need to develop frail older person’s pathways within the acute setting?
- T.2. How should it look like in Ireland? What should be included in a pathway? What should we use to measure frailty?
- T.3. What role can the community play in frail older persons pathways? How can the community and the hospital better integrate?
- T.4. What evidence of best practice is available that you can recommend?
Appendix E: Synthesising Tool Template
Title | Year | ||
Author(s) | Funders | ||
Key Words | Setting | ||
Research Questions | Study Location | ||
Sample Size | Population | ||
Primary Outcome | Secondary Outcome | ||
Intervention | Context | Mechanisms | Outcomes |
Extras | Notes-Resources outlined |
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Share and Cite
Ní Shé, É.; Keogan, F.; McAuliffe, E.; O’Shea, D.; McCarthy, M.; McNamara, R.; Cooney, M.T. Undertaking a Collaborative Rapid Realist Review to Investigate What Works in the Successful Implementation of a Frail Older Person’s Pathway. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 199. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15020199
Ní Shé É, Keogan F, McAuliffe E, O’Shea D, McCarthy M, McNamara R, Cooney MT. Undertaking a Collaborative Rapid Realist Review to Investigate What Works in the Successful Implementation of a Frail Older Person’s Pathway. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2018; 15(2):199. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15020199
Chicago/Turabian StyleNí Shé, Éidín, Fiona Keogan, Eilish McAuliffe, Diarmuid O’Shea, Mary McCarthy, Rosa McNamara, and Marie Therese Cooney. 2018. "Undertaking a Collaborative Rapid Realist Review to Investigate What Works in the Successful Implementation of a Frail Older Person’s Pathway" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15, no. 2: 199. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15020199
APA StyleNí Shé, É., Keogan, F., McAuliffe, E., O’Shea, D., McCarthy, M., McNamara, R., & Cooney, M. T. (2018). Undertaking a Collaborative Rapid Realist Review to Investigate What Works in the Successful Implementation of a Frail Older Person’s Pathway. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(2), 199. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15020199