Walking the Food Security Tightrope—Exploring the Experiences of Low-to-Middle Income Melbourne Households
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Design
2.2. Participants
2.3. Quantitative Phase: Data Collection and Analysis
2.4. Qualitative Phase: Data Collection and Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Quantitative Phase: Demographic Characteristics and Food Security Status
3.2. Qualitative Results
3.2.1. Theme 1: Food Decisions are Complex, Dynamic, and Multi-Factorial
‘I try to avoid it. Most I’ll have is a coffee from uni …if they (Uni friends) buy lunch …. you miss out, but—there are times when I was really hungry and I didn’t have my lunch, so I had to buy it. That would mean…, ‘what am I going to do about that money when I shop on the weekend?’ Ann (FIS)
‘meet my expenses first, and then what money I have left over is what I would do the shopping with. I think I’ve just stayed that way.’ Maureen (FIS)
’one of the biggest things that I think a lot of people have trouble with; is time … So it might be saving a little bit of money, but then it’s costing time, and time is probably more expensive now than that’ Ava (FS) and ‘it’s not easy to be able to spend money on whatever you want kind of thing, so I had to invest time to look around and shop around.’ Ann (FIS).
3.2.2. Theme 2: Multiple Protective Assets
‘depends on robbing Peter to pay Paul with the food budget… it goes down to the last $10 by the end of the week... what level of food we get for the week’ Clara (FIS)
3.2.3. Theme 3: Food Insecurity Triggers Act Alone or Are Cumulative and May Be beyond Household Control
‘No longer did we have additional income, bills kept coming plus the mortgage things were very tight.’ Ann (FIS) and ‘When my wife stopped working, we nearly went broke. We were down to our last dollar.’ Eric (FS)
3.2.4. Theme 4: Assets Amplified: Juggling and Applying Management Strategies as Required
‘There are times when we have had to redraw on our home loan to have more money to live off... to buy food but sometimes the usual savings account may be down so we use Visa—that’s how we manage our money—then pay the card off at the end of the month so we never have to pay interest.’ Rowena (FS)
‘We have [Loyalty scheme name], quite often, it will be, ‘Do I need to convert my [Loyalty] points to [Loyalty] dollars, and can we go to [named Supermarket] and spend $10 getting what we need?’ I always leave that as my backup of the backup plan.’ Clara (FIS)
3.2.5. Theme 5: The Consequences and Emotional Rollercoaster of Food Access and Provision
‘The juggle and stress to make ends meet was too much I deferred for a year, worked fulltime, earnt money, then went back the following year and completed my degree. I don’t want to go back to that stress.’ Lucy (FS)
‘I’m a… stronger person because of my childhood: a person with a different upbringing may look at things differently.’ Clara (FIS) and
‘It was really hard growing up and moving around all the time. Family is everything to me; it means stability, and I’m the rock for the family now… having them over for a meal helps this…’ Amelia (FS)
4. Discussion
4.1. Low-to-Middle Income Households’ Experiences: Assets, Resourcefulness, Resilience, and Emotions
4.2. Categorisation of Food Security and Examining Etiology
4.2.1. Marginal Food Security Severity Categorisation
4.2.2. Classification of Food Security Status beyond Financial Resource Constraints
4.3. Strengths, Limitations, and Further Research
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Demographic Characteristics | Quantitative Survey Respondents n = 42 | Respondents Selected for Qualitative Interview n = 16 | ||
Food Insecure n = 16(%) | Food Secure n = 26(%) | Food Insecure n = 8(%) | Food Secure n = 8(%) | |
Gender | ||||
Male | 1(6.2) | 4(15.4) | 0 | 1(12.5) |
Female | 15(93.8) | 21(80.8) | 8(100.0) | 7(87.5) |
Prefer not to say | 0 | 1(3.9) | - | - |
Age | ||||
18–25 | 2(12.5) | 2(7.7) | 1(12.5) | 1(12.5) |
26–35 | 6(37.5) | 4(15.4) | 2(25.0) | 2(25.0) |
36–45 | 5(31.3) | 7(26.9) | 3(37.5) | 1(12.5) |
46–55 | 1(6.2) | 6(23.0) | 0 | 3(37.5) |
56–65 | 2(12.5) | 3(11.5) | 2(25.0) | 0 |
Over 65 | 0 | 4(15.4) | 0 | 1(12.5) |
Country of Birth | ||||
Australia | 11(69.0) | 16(61.5) | 5(62.5) | 4(50.0) |
Other | 5(31.0) | 10(38.5) | 3(37.5) | 4(50.0) |
Housing Tenure | ||||
Homeowner, mortgage | 8(50.0) | 10(38.5) | 4(50.0) | 3(37.5) |
Homeowner, no mortgage | 0 | 9(34.6) | 1(12.5) | 3(37.5) |
Renting, privately | 8(50.0) | 4(15.4) | 3(37.5) | 1(12.5) |
Other | 0 | 3(11.5) | 0 | 1(12.5) |
Household Structure/Composition | ||||
Living alone | 1(6.2) | 1(3.9) | 2(25.0) | 0 |
With parents/family | 0 | 3(11.5) | 1(12.5) | 1(12.5) |
With spouse/partner | 1(6.2) | 11(42.3) | 1(12.5) | 3(37.5) |
With spouse/partner and children <18 years | 10(62.5) | 10(38.5) | 4(50) | 3(37.5) |
With spouse/partner and children >18 years | 1(6.2) | 0 | 0 | 1(12.5) |
With my children <18 years | 2(12.5) | 1(3.9) | 0 | 0 |
Living in a share house | 1(6.2) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Number of children in household | ||||
0 | 4(25.0) | 14(53.9) | 3(37.5) | 4(50.0) |
1 | 3(18.8) | 3(11.5) | 1(12.5) | 1(12.5) |
2 | 8(50) | 4(15.4) | 3(37.5) | 3(37.5) |
3 | 1(6.2) | 5(19.2) | 1(12.5) | 0 |
Education Level Attained | ||||
Completed some school | 4(25.0) | 7(26.9) | 2(25.0) | 2(25.0) |
Completed school | 1(6.2) | 2(7.7) | 2(25.0) | 1(12.5) |
TAFE 1, diploma, or trade | 6(37.5) | 5(19.2) | 0 | 1(12.5) |
Any completed tertiary study | 5(31.3) | 12(46.2) | 4(50.0) | 4(50.0) |
Employment | ||||
Full-time paid work | 4(25.0) | 3(11.5) | 2(25.0) | 2(25.0) |
Part-time paid work | 3(18.8) | 4(15.4) | 0 | 1(12.5) |
Casual paid work | 3(18.8) | 2(7.7) | 1(12.5) | 0 |
Work without pay (family business) | 1(6.2) | 1(3.9) | 1(12.5) | 3(37.5) |
Home duties | 3(18.8) | 7(26.9) | 1(12.5) | 0 |
Unemployed | 0 | 2(7.7) | 0 | 0 |
Studying | 2(12.5) | 1(3.9) | 0 | 0 |
Studying + casual/part time work | * | * | 3(37.5) | 1(12.5) |
Studying + house duties | * | * | 1(12.5) | 0 |
Carer | 0 | 1(3.9) | 0 | 0 |
Retired | 0 | 5(19.2) | 0 | 1(12.5) |
Income source | ||||
Salary | * | * | 5(62.5) | 4(50) |
Salary and Government benefit | * | * | 3(37.5) | 2(25.0) |
Savings and Superannuation | * | * | 0 | 1(12.5) |
Savings and Government benefit | * | * | 0 | 1(12.5) |
Main Transport | ||||
Car/Motor Bike | 14(87.5) | 24(92.3) | 6(75.0) | 8(100.0) |
Walking/Bike | 2(12.5) | 0 | 1(12.5) | 0 |
Public Transport | 0 | 2(7.7) | 1(12.5) | 0 |
Themes and Sub Themes | Both Food-Secure & Food-Insecure Participants | Food-Secure Participants | Food-Insecure Participants |
Theme 1: Food decisions are complex, dynamic, and multi-factorial | |||
Roles and values that shape food decisions | Food provision is a priority especially if children are present but money available for food challenges this. | Greater freedom for social eating but less likely to eat out with children due to cost. | Food is the priority but this is a challenge when the budget is pressured |
Food provides a connection to a community. | Stress related to social eating: budget manipulation required. Dilemmas created and potential ramifications. | ||
Other forces that shape household food decisions | Nutrition/health priority: Quality and variety | Cognisant of food ethics: supermarket duopoly. Some households’ greater financial capacity: able to respond | Budget tightrope: constant compromises to food choices |
Time available to cook and shop | |||
Theme 2: Multiple protective assets: financial, social, physical, human, natural | |||
Strength in food literacy capabilities and resources | Food literacy skills/resourcefulness | * | Amplification of resourcefulness and food literacy skills. Budget assets are highly refined, creative, time-consuming, and may be unique to the household but are in a constant state of play at greater intensity. Food cost literacy: developed capabilities to monitor food costs; with product knowledge |
Budgeting skills and strategies are defined but have a differing intensity level across all households | |||
Highly refined planning, food preparation, shopping assets | |||
Knowledge of food alternatives: supporting modifications to food for the household. | |||
Resourcefulness present and developed based on life experiences. | |||
Strength in social capital capabilities and resources | Connection to community/agencies that is required to know what broader financial resources are possible. | * | Connections to the broader community and social support from family and friends; these relationship assets support other assets or may facilitate them to action. Greater sense of resilience drawn from within based on personal experiences and at times less reliance on social relationships |
Communities look out for each other | |||
Relationships to support food literacy skills within and external to households: role models | |||
Growing food facilitates relationships with neighbours/community | |||
Theme 3: Food insecurity triggers act alone or are cumulative and may be beyond household control | |||
Internal triggers | Time available to shop and cook can manifest in households in different ways | Episodic nature of triggers. Households may have experienced triggers in past life stages that increase the risk of food insecurity; these were recalled along with stress or anxiety. These triggers mirrored those described by food insecure (FIS) participants Financial resources may be available, but physical access is challenged e.g., moving to an area with limited public transport infrastructure/no car | Triggers/trigger risks are constantly in the background. |
Budget/financial/income triggers: shocks | |||
Cost of Living expenses and bill shocks: utilities and seasonal fluctuations. E.g., an increase in child care fees and unresponsive government support | |||
Changes to household composition: these may be short or long-term but consequential impacts are felt. E.g., addition of a child or family member (adult child/sibling) | |||
Change in relationship status: divorce | |||
Budget stress of trying to shop in bulk or shop for specials: trying to plan ahead. | |||
External triggers | Perceived fluctuations in cost of food | * | Households may not have the financial resources to weather food cost changes, especially when this is added to other internal triggers. |
Physical access to food shops, availability beyond the Coles/Woolworths-type supermarkets, the preference for local shopping | |||
Theme 4: Assets amplified: juggling and applying management strategies as required | |||
Households transform | Assets are enacted in both households but at different levels (amplification effect) | Budget/shopping management assets are present, but are not or are rarely amplified to the extent of food insecure households. | Asset pooling and juggling across the households. Often, it is just the assets from the household gatekeeper wearing the stress and strain. Amplification of transformation of assets |
assets into action | Assets used in all situations at home: day-to-day, entertaining at home, and eating out/purchase of takeaway food | ||
Transform and adapt assets with external support | Both may receive financial support from Government benefits: Family Tax Benefit, Child Care Rebate, study assistance. Households attend community-based activities: gardens, farmers markets, or similar (food source, social) but often for a different purpose. | May have the social support assets but serve a different purpose than in FIS households. Not used as a food access means. | Households may require the assets that are transformed through social/financial support: community, family, or friends, and not through welfare/food relief agencies. Issues of inability to access, and pride; there are those who are in greater need. Households rely on grandparents to pay for activities, bring food, or ‘shout’ lunch in food court |
Theme 5: The consequences and emotional rollercoaster of food access and provision | |||
Stress and strain matched with give and take | Attempts to protect children if food is scarce Frustrations in both households: cost of food, availability of food, marketing of food | Some food-secure households that have experienced food insecurity or have been at risk of food security in their lifetime reflected on the level of impact of the experience and the strain, and how this has shaped their desire to not experience this again: stress, embarrassment. | Often significant compromise on food quality, quantity, and nutrition: these are constantly amplified across households compared to food secure (FS) households. Compromises may be limited to one person in the household: the food gatekeeper. |
Guilt associated with compromises, especially if other household members (children) are affected. | |||
The relentless, constant stresses of making ends meet: the load of this, the potential for allostatic load, and impacts on physical, social, and emotional wellbeing. This is amplified in these households. | |||
Social consequences: the compromise that is made to these opportunities and potential repercussions to self and household budgets. | |||
4R’s: Resilience, Respect, Resourceful, and Responsible | Pride/respect in strategies and skills that a household may possess, especially relating to food procurement, cooking, and sharing. Resilience/Respect/Resourcefulness Responsibility present in all households, but greater in FIS households | Present and in action, but the intensity may vary across and within households | Present in FIS households, but is greatest for the food/household gatekeeper: amplification effect |
© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
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Kleve, S.; Booth, S.; Davidson, Z.E.; Palermo, C. Walking the Food Security Tightrope—Exploring the Experiences of Low-to-Middle Income Melbourne Households. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 2206. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15102206
Kleve S, Booth S, Davidson ZE, Palermo C. Walking the Food Security Tightrope—Exploring the Experiences of Low-to-Middle Income Melbourne Households. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2018; 15(10):2206. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15102206
Chicago/Turabian StyleKleve, Sue, Sue Booth, Zoe E. Davidson, and Claire Palermo. 2018. "Walking the Food Security Tightrope—Exploring the Experiences of Low-to-Middle Income Melbourne Households" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15, no. 10: 2206. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15102206
APA StyleKleve, S., Booth, S., Davidson, Z. E., & Palermo, C. (2018). Walking the Food Security Tightrope—Exploring the Experiences of Low-to-Middle Income Melbourne Households. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(10), 2206. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15102206