Preparing Manuscripts in LaTeX

If you use LaTeX to typeset your manuscript, please use one of the options below. For support, contact our latex support team. MDPI does not support plain TeX formats.

MDPI Class and Style Files

The following zip folder contains all files for preparing a manuscript in LaTeX. Inside this template folder is “template.tex” (the template file where the paper is typeset) and a subfolder “Definitions”, which contains files required for typesetting (class file, logos, bibliography style files, and further definitions).

Software and Apps for Writing LaTeX

Online with Overleaf

There are now great and free tools for authors to write their scholarly papers in LaTeX in an online environment. Some of these tools support collaborative writing and versioning.

We recommend Overleaf which includes the MDPI article template file to easily prepare your paper in the format suitable for MDPI journals. Once you are ready to submit your manuscript, you can chose “Submit” and select “Submit to an MDPI journal”. This lets you to download your files and submit them to the MDPI journal of your choice.

Microsoft Windows

For Windows users, we recommend the free LaTeX distribution TeXLiveexternal link. We recommend to use the editor TeXWorksexternal link.

Unix / Linux

LaTeX should be available on every Unix/Linux system. For some related information and documentations how to install LaTeX on some of the Unix/Linux distribtions, see:

Apple Mac OS

See the Mac OS X LaTeXexternal link website for more information on running LaTeX under Mac OS X.


If you want to download LyX software, see LyXexternal link. As for the MDPI LyX layout and template, please use - [last updated 2025/2/10]

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